Failure is not an option



  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited May 2016
    I've always wanted to try kettlebell exercises - that challenge looks fun! I can definitely relate to getting bored with a workout routine. Good luck on your mini goal, I know you'll kick butt! :)
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Well i'm not sure how much butt i'll be kicking. I was just doing some Kettlebell lunges in my office between calls and next thing i hear is "POP" and massive pain in my right calf. Yup you guessed it. Another torn calf. I would go so far as to say this one is a tad worse than the first one. Other leg though. I'm sitting here in pain trying to get through as much of my shift as I can. I can barely walk. It's higher up this time closer to the back of my knee. I'm supposed to do a fitness test and get a new program today. Well that wont be happening. I'm so disappointed. I'm hoping i can get into the physio ASAP and get some treatment on it. For now i'm icing and will elevate as much as possible. Going to curl up with my blankie and cry.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Aww, that really sucks! Take it easy and get better! *HUGS*
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Ah *kitten*. Sorry to hear that Kell. I can only imagine how frustrated you must be right now. Please don't lose focus, now is the time to bear down on your diet 100% and rest up that leg. You already went through this once you can do it again, no problem. Don't let it derail you, please stay focused.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    And just so you know kitten is the autocorrect for a swear
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I have been saying many *kitten* this morning. It's looking more and more like crutches for a stint as I can't really straighten my leg let alone walk on it. Just waiting for the rest of the country to wake up so I can organise some treatment. I did console myself with some chocolate but I will be keeping a close eye on my eating given I probably won't be fully exercising for a bit.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Do you have any idea why this has happened twice now? Is it lack of stretching? Or perhaps not properly warming up first?
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Aww Kell! Feel better soon. Hopefully the dr. can give you something to help you heal quickly and correctly. *hugs*
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    @50extra I think it may be a combination of not warming up properly and also my weird body mechanics. Because of the strange way I walk my calves are wound pretty tight normally and just doing any sort of stretching adds pressure. I'm going to speak to the trainer at the gym about some good warm up stretches.

    I feel a good deal better after the Physio yesterday. I go back on Saturday for another round. I reckon if I contain myself between now and Sunday I should be able to get back to the gym on Monday and do some sort of modified workout like I did last time. Sadly I'll most likely have to say goodbye to the fitness challenge but hey small price to pay and i still should be able to get my PT session and definitely get my new program so all is not as bad as first feared
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Well that's great news. Why does it seem that our bodies resist this change? It was so easy to put the weight on, it should be so easy to take it off too!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I went down to the gym today cause I was having withdrawals from not going and spoke to the trainer. She gave me my new program and we had a chat about the fitness challenge. All does not look lost. Providing my leg continues to improve, by Monday I should be able to do the fitness test. Albeit not as flat out as I'd like but the trainers says this will play in my favour because at the end of 6 weeks when my leg should be pretty much back to normal I will be able to cane the fitness test and show a good improvement. So hopefully with a good physio session on Saturday, things will be fairly functional. I have been walking a bit today and while it checks me if i stride out too much it is 1000% better than what it was yesterday so i'm really happy.
    So as promised the new program is:

    Day One- Cardio and Strength

    Bike 500m Fast (RPM above 80 Level 6-8)
    45 Sec slow pedal
    Repeat for 15 mins

    Shoulder Press (Dumbell) 3 Sets 15 Reps
    Side Raise (Dumbell) 3 Sets 15 Reps
    Chest Press Cable 3 Sets 15 Reps
    Super set with
    Plate Push 3 Sets 20 Reps
    Bicep Curl EZ Bar 3 Sets 15 Reps
    (4 sec count on way down)
    Super set with
    Hammer Curl Dumbell 3 Sets 15 Reps
    Tricep Pulldown 3 Sets 15 Reps
    Tricep Pulldown Run the rack 1 Set 10 Reps

    Day Two - Functional Training

    Part 1)
    400m Bike sprint or 200m treadmill
    10 ball slams
    As Many Reps as Possible (AMRAP) in 12 mins

    Part 2)
    12 Kettlebell swings
    9 pushups
    AMRAP 10mins

    Day Three Cardio+ Legs + Back

    Rower as fast as possible
    500m sprint-2min rest
    400m sprint-1.30 min rest
    300m sprint-1 min rest
    200m sprint-45 sec rest
    100m sprint- Done

    Squats with barbell 3 Sets 15 reps
    Deadlift 3 sets 15 reps
    Wide Squat 3 Sets 15 sets
    Leg Extension (2sec hold) 3 sets 15 reps
    Leg Extention Eun the Rack 1 Set 10 Reps
    Bent over Row dumbell 3 Sets 15 Reps

    Day Four- Functional Training

    Squat Press
    Pull Ups
    Kettlebell Swings
    200m Row

    AMRAP 25mins


    15 x double extension
    20 x crunch pulses
    Plank 45 Secs
    20 x Ankle Taps

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Jesus that sounds intense! I am very surprised that they have you doing the cardio portion before the weight lifting portion. I'm by no way a seasoned vet when it comes to lifting weights but I have always understood that cardio comes after weights, never before.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    It depends what you want to get out of it. I personally prefer cardio then weights. It gets my heart rate up and keeps me in fat burn for longer thus good for weight loss. I read an article recently about which to do first and what it benefits. I'll see if I can find it and post a link here
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I'm glad things are improving and that you're feeling better!

    How do you feel about the new program?
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Sheesh! That program does look intense - but AWESOME! I'm really glad to hear your trainers are taking your leg into account. The last thing you want to do it injure it more, and it sounds like you can work your way up to really pushing it. Keep up the great work!!! :)
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    I'm so glad your leg is doing better. I went to the ortho with my knees. They gave me cortisone shots in both knees. The weather has been cold, and I'm adjusting to working saga in so I'm hoping exercise will be possible next week.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    So many ups and downs in a day.
    I went to the physio today and she's diagnosed a grade 2 tear of my calf and just because I like to do things properly I also have a grade 1 tear of my hamstring on the medial side. Probably explains why its been a bit tender. Not very happy about all that at all. She spent a good deal of time really giving it a good massage which hurt like hell and then taped it. I'm supposed to be trying to walk without a limp but its harder than it sounds

    Went to the gym to try and do a workout. Could only do a gentle ride of 60RPM and lvl10 for 10 mins and 500m on the rowing machine before calling it quits and just doing some core work. It was a most unsatisfying and frustrating workout. I'm doing my fitness test on Monday for the challenge. i hope things settle in the next day or so. I was hoping to be able to take some antiinflammatories over the weekend but that doesn't look like its going to happen (more on that in a minute). If im not substantially better by Monday I am going to pull the pin on the fitness challenge.

    So I went back to work tonight. I'm sitting during calls instead of standing as it hurts. About half way through my shift I started getting really bad upper abdominal pain and nausea. I mean really bad. It's rather difficult to triage someone elses pain when you're half keeled over yourself. I have a referral for an ultrasound for potential gallstones but i tend to think I have another stomach ulcer. I chewed on some Rennies and am making my way through 2.5L (about 1/2 gallon) of coke life to help me burp and ease some of the pain. I have also taken some nexium. All of that combined has eased it and i'm hoping it stays awasy for the next hour and a half until i finish my shift. Ironically I triaged a gentleman tonight who had torn his calf muscle. I was able to give him some great advice. Between injuries and illness it appears my body is not taking to this fit and healthy caper very well at all. I'm hoping it is just a short phase while it is getting used to what im doing. I don't have time to be sick OR injured.

    So after all my moaning and groaning i did have a NSV of sorts today. If you remember I said a few posts ago that I could finally fit into clothes from the sporting section of the local department store. Well fitting into them is one thing but having the guts to wear them out in public is another. I'm very conscious (and always have been since I was a teen) of my tummy sticking out. Normally I wear very baggy clothes. So this week I got up the nerve to wear my new tops to the gym. My trainer noticed and said I looked good. Well today after the gym my partner and I had to go grocery shopping and I didn't have time to change so I just wore my gym gear down to the supermarket. I was a bit self conscious but then I realised that everyone was too busy doing their own thing to be worried about my protruding tummy. So I have posted a pic of what I was wearing today. Ably photobombed by one of my dogs.


    A bit of an up and down day. Tomorrow I am going to rest. I have DOMS big time from my arms workout yesterday and moving my bedroom around. 1 more hour of listening to peoples ills and then a whole day off. I don't know if I can stand the excitement. Looking forward to snuggling under my minions doona with my puppies and reading Harry Potter for a bit before heading off to sleep. I hope all of you gorgeous people are having a fab day. Thanks for listening to my little whinge fest. I knew this road wouldn't be an easy one but some days I wish it was just a little less tough
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I hope things get better! That sounds really painful and I'm sorry you're having such a hard time! *HUGS*

    You look great! Love the outfit! :)

    I hope you enjoy your day off and get tons of rest!

  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    That color looks great on you. I'm so sorry that you're having so much pain especially since you're trying so hard. Sending hugs!!!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Day of rest today. Hideous food choices which im sure will reflect on the scales tomorrow but hey what's done is done. For me tomorrow is the start of my fitness challenge and after having a severe talking to myself about this little pity party I have been having, I am ready to give it a red hot go. For now I will work within my means and as the injury improves I will stretch myself. Tomorrow is the fitness test and then showing me a few things in my program im not sure of and then i'm starting say one over again with cardio and arms. I'm thinking i could go close to 2 hrs at the gym tomorrow. Remembering that sweat is fat crying. I'm back on point with my meals. I have a weeks worth (and probably a bit more) prepared and will be eating lean and clean.

    I finally got around to buying my 2nd kettlebell and two hand weights today. the kettlebells are 8kg and the hand weights are 4kg. I can do stuff in my office now of a night but this time I will remember to warm up first, stretch and stick to low impact exercises. Its all about learning and making wise choices.

    Hope you all had a fantastic weekend doing what you love with those you love.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    "Sweat is fat crying" Is literally my new motto in life!

    Good luck today at the test, make sure to post about it.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    The test went well. It wasn't very involved at all
    300m Treadmill
    20 squats
    20 pull ups on TRX
    200m Row
    Time for week 1 was 7mins

    Slower time mostly because I couldn't stride it out on the treadmill. Everything else was not a problem. I will smash that by week 6

    After that I did my day 1 program of cardio and arms. It hurt so good. My arms were jelly afterwards and I must remember not to wear a white singlet to the gym unless I want to star in my very own wet t shirt competition. I got quite sweaty and white becomes see through :blush: So 90 mins all up in the gym yesterday, I was really pleased. Today is a shorter functional day but I have also just finished 30 mins doing a bit of a workout and getting sweaty between calls at work.

    I lost 1.2kg (2.7) pounds this week which i'm really stoked about, especially given my wayward eating the last few days.
    And just for you @50extra I have included an image

  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I had my first PT session today. I was so scared about going and nearly backed out a few times. Cardio is not my thing and I get scared of getting out of my depth. However true to her word my trainer tailored the session to my needs. We started out with 400m fast row then 40 battle ropes with both arms, then 300m fast row and 30 battle ropes and lastly 200m fast row and 20 battle ropes. We moved onto some boxing which was awesome and did this for about 10 mins. THen some boxing combined with run (in my case walk) to other end of area and 5 leg extrensions and repeated this for 5 mins. We were going to finish off with some ball slams and battle rope but my "good" leg decided to get all tight and sore on me and I couldn't finish for fear of tearing it again. We were both really bummed. But I was really happy with what I did and the effort I put in. I came home and iced by "good" leg and let it rest for a bit. I will be speaking to the physio tomorrow about it. The last thing i need is for both legs to go out on me.
    Tomorrow is a rest day. As much as I want to really get into it all I have to be smart about it and give my body time to heal.

    I've put a photo up (please excuse the hairy legs. its winter here and no need to This is the back of my knee 1 week post tearing my calf and hamstring. There is some lovely colouring in it I think. I did a good job this time.

  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Had a bit of a further scare this week which did my head in a little bit. I mentioned my "good" leg being sore after my PT. He had a feel around and then said he was reluctant to touch it because he felt I may have a DVT (Blood Clot). It wasn't behaving typically like a DVT but had some characteristics. This did my head in a bit as my mother had a 40+ year history of blood clots and Pulmonary Emboli (Blood clots in the lung) and was quite sick with it. A DVT is quite serious and whilke i'm too much of a nurse to be too worried by it, all I could think of was that would be the end of my training and I would be fat forever. I got a little depressed and comforted myself with coke and chocolate. I cave in to my head hunger so easily. This is something i really need to work on. Sometimes I can be mentally tough but when it comes to food i'm a big marshmellow. Anyway I went to the doctor the next day and after a thorough examination i do not have a DVT. It's more likely i have given it a bit of a strain. It definitely settled down with a couple of days rest and I went back to the gym today

    I had a good session with a functional day consisting of

    Part 1)
    400m fast row
    10 ball slams
    As Many Reps as Possible (AMRAP) in 12 mins

    Part 2)
    12 Kettlebell swings
    9 pushups
    AMRAP 10mins

    I thought this was going to absolutely kill me but it seems I have a little bit more fitness than i give myself credit for. While I did find it challenging I certainly wasn't falling all over the place with fatigue. Kept my heart rate up at a healthy 145-150 and got very very sweaty. If it wasn't for the fact that I was a bit pushed for time I would have probably done some more.

    Anyway how is everyone going? It's been pretty quiet around town lately. I hope everyone is well
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Leaving this here for future reference. Some really good info here. @50extra having read what you have said and now doing a bit more reading I am thinking of changing up my training. I have emailed my trainer to see what she says
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hey Kell I'm vey happy to read that you don't have an underlying medical condition that's hurting your legs. That's great news. I had a read over that article and it pretty much explains what I thought to be truth. I always thought that if a person was going for muscle and strength growth the cardio is to be done afterwards and on heavy lifting days it's supposed to be light cardio just to get a couple calories burnt. My personal goal is to lift three days a week and cardio on two or three of the off days.

    FYI I think the white shirt would have been fairly entertaining to see!
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Wow, great posts while I was away and great progress! Glad to hear that your legs are holding up and your trainer is taking good care of you. Fantastic progress pick! Keep it up!!! :D
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I'm glad everything turned out okay and you got a good session in!