Failure is not an option



  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I have had a huge couple of days at the gym. On Monday I wasn't going to go cause I went to the gym on Sunday but I got woken from a nap by a salesman on the phone and was in a bad mood so decided to go and work it off. Well it was leg day on my program and I decided after a lot of reading and talking to my trainer that I would do weights first and then cardio. So I smashed out a massive leg workout crushing a number of PBs along the way. To the point I was so spent that I couldn't do my cardio. I got off the last machine and my legs were so done I actually had to hold onto something to hold me up for a minute or so. I have never worked that hard before. I've posted a funny pic of me on the leg extension machine pushing out 9kg reps.

    Today was my 2nd PT session as part of the fitness challenge and OMG my trainer punished me. I did 30 mins of full on HIIT. I got my Heart rate up to 92% (162) of its maximum (177). At the end I was cactus. I don't think i've ever sucked the oxygen in so hard as I did today. THey say sweat is fat crying. well the fat in my body had a complete meltdown. I was soaked (no wet tshirt comps either @50extra ). I was so pleased with my effort today. I've had a high from it that has seen me right through dinner and into work. Normally I have a sleep before work after dinner but tonight i'm too buzzed.

    So at this moment my body really hates me. My legs are sore, my back is sore, my arms are weary, but it is the best sore I have ever felt. I'm chugging down the water to flush out the lactic acid and my eating schedule is getting pretty on track again. Oh and just as a side interest. I weighed myself Monday and I was 110.2kg (243lb) then i did the leg day. I weight myself today, same clothes, same time, same place and was 108.9kg (240lb). I find when i have really good weights day, the after burn i get is massive and that's when i notice my biggest weight changes.

    Having a body comp scan and 3D scan next week. I'm really hoping that I am back on track to putting on more muscle.


    This pic below is my new piece of equipment in the war against tearing my calf muscles. Sports compression socks. They may not be the sexiest things in the world but if they stop my muscles from tearing, I'll wear them anywhere


  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Do you ever have those days where you just don't want to? I had one of them today. I woke from my post night duty sleep early to let in my cleaner and she never came. This put me in a grumpy mood to start with. I waited for her for over an hour and no show and while I was waiting i went through the stages of exercise bargaining. First it was I don't think i'll train today, then it was maybe i'll just go for a walk. I was looking at Facebook as I was doing this and came across a post from my trainer about how well all of us in the fitness challenge were doing and so i thought "well damn now I have to go to the gym I can't let her down!" Got my butt in gear and went down. Warmed up ok then started my functional training. Was so not into it and kept thinking i'm just going to do a short session today. Then something happened. I got into my routine and before I knew it i was smashing out PB's all over the place and had done my 25mins. I felt so good afterwards and was really happy with myself that i overcame the head talk to do a really good session.

    I am also fighting the head hunger demons. Normally I can squash them down pretty good but the last couple of weeks I am craving junk food really bad. It is taking a lot of work to resist and a couple of times I have caved because it got so strong. This week has been a good week I have managed to resist for most of the week. I am having Chinese tomorrow night (with a lot of water to counteract the salt) and hoping that with satisfy my cravings. I really want to show a good loss at the scan on Wednesday.

    Tomorrow is arms day. I'm planning to go as hard on the arms as I did on the legs. It's going to hurt but it will be good hurt.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I was just scrolling through Facebook (i love FB) and found this pic and thought it very appropriate given what i just wrote

  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Are the socks helping? Have your calves fully healed?

    All I can say about your posts is WOW. Wow at your progress. Wow at how much you've pushed yourself. Wow at fighting off hunger daemons and pushing through to go to the gym. You really are an inspiration. :heart:
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    ahhhh the ongoing saga of my knees and legs is truly getting a bit weary. I went to the physio on Saturday to get some work done on my torn calves. They aren't fully healed yet but are progressing ok. There are still some tears so I just have to baby them. I'm still having my knees fill with fluid every 10 days and this week it has been by issue. The physio stirred my leg up and that combined with my knees getting inflammed and full of fluid, i had some extreme pain down my left leg this weekend. No amount of pain killers would ease it and the only way i was able to go to sleep last night was with an ice pack on my knee. I couldn't train today which annoyed me no end. It has eased today so all being well tomorrow I will go to the gym and train my arms tomorrow. I have put my PT session off until Friday to give my legs time to recover.
    I really am finding it hard to believe that all of this problem with my legs is because i'm overweight like the doctors say. Yes I am overweight and that's not good for them but it can't be the entire reason my knees get inflammed. To be honest i think its a cop out because it's in the too hard basket and they don't know why my legs get inflammed every 10 days.
    As for the hunger demons. well I have caved big time and given in to them. Purely because i don't have the head space to deal with my knees and try to hold them at bay too. I'm hoping im back on track now. I have put on 2kg in the last week (not entirely sure how as I haven't eaten THAT much). So all in all still keeping on keeping on. Still in pain and still frustrated but still at it none the less.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I'm sorry you're still having problems. Would it be possible to get another opinion on your knees? I would definitely be fighting to get them to take a sample of the fluid to test it. I hope things get better! *HUGS*
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    I have been in that spot where you can't eat right because of knee pain - I'm sorry it's plaguing you now. I've also been in the "meds don't help" stage and all you can do is ice them and cry. *hug* All I can suggest to get through it is to be nice to yourself. It's really easy when you're in pain to lash out at others AND yourself, but try to be kind to yourself.

    Do they drain your knees when they get full or let them naturally deflate? Other suggestion from me would be an at-home TENS unit. I love mine - works great for pain interruption. Doesn't require drugs and you can control where and how much electricity you use.

    Hope they can do something for you soon.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    After a pretty hideous weekend last weekend, I have had a pretty awesome week. Granted i didn't get to train until Thursday but I also had some other pretty interesting things going on.

    On Wednesday I had my third body comp scan. I won't bore you with all the details but I have lost 3% body fat and gained 1.5kg (3.3lb) of muscle since 11th April. I was totally stoked with these results and so was my trainer and nutritionist. It really puts things into perspective given on the scales I have only lost 1kg (2lb). I'll take it as a massive NSV.

    After last weeks epsiode with my knees, it really started (as you may have noticed) bugging me that the Drs feel this issue is cause by me being fat. It's amazing what entering the phrase "my knees swell every 10 days" into google can do. I had an epiphany. The first thing that happened is I found a forum of other people who had the same issue as me. OMG its not in my head and there are others!!!!!! Most of them were having trouble finding out what was happening too. Someone posted on the forum about the possibility of it being something called Intermittent Hydrarthrosis. So i researched this. Again OMG it was like reading a chronical of what is happening with my body every 10 days. The only thing I found was the articles i was reading were all written in the 50's - 70's. However another term kept cropping up so i researched that. Palindromic Rheumatism. After looking up more articles that were very recent i realised it is the same thing. I can't explain how awesome it was to find validation of what I have been going through every 10 days for the last 2 years.

    Basically Palindromic Rheumatism is an Auto immune condition where the body flares in different places (in my case knees). For some people it can happen every few days, others every few months or years. It is characterised by swelling, heat , (sometimes) redness and pain in the affected joint(s). It starts slowly and builds up then fades away exactly the same as it starts. In between flares the joints are quite normal. There is no destruction of the joints. It is sometimes a precursor to Rheumatoid arthritis with about 50% of PR sufferers going on to develop RA.

    To me this all makes sense. It's exactly what happens to me every 10 days. I already have an Auto immune history as well as a family history of Rheumatoid Arthritis on both my maternal and Paternal sides. I have made an appointment with a Rheumatologist and am keeping a diary of all my symptoms so the Dr can see what happens. I mean it may not be this but it seems very much like it and for now I will be treating it as though it is.

    The plan is to train as much as I can in between flares and when I have a flare I will completely rest so as to minimise pain and potential damage. In the meantime the ice pack is my friend and we will be having quite a close relationship :wink:

    My Fitness challenge is going pretty well considering injuries and flares. I did a half way mark fitness test yesterday and was able to shave 47 seconds off my time. I'm really stoked. I'm hoping to shave a further 15secs off by the end fitness test.

    So a pretty productive week all in all.

  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Hey Kell sorry I've been so quiet on here lately.

    Glad to hear that you are achieving new pbs on the weights lately. Also hopefully now that you have somewhat of an idea as to what the knee problem might be, you can get a handle on the flare ups. I imagine having baseballs on your knee every week and a half isn't very enjoyable.

    Great work shaving time off of your fitness challenge. I'm sure when your calfs and knees are better you will get it down even more than the 15 seconds you are hoping for now. Also when it's the final time I bet your body will let you push just a little bit harder than normal.

    I'm very happy to hear that the body scans are starting to give you some positive read back. After that second one you got done I would have stopped because I still think it was bull$hit. Are you planning on doing another one down the road? Also are you still liking the watch? I looked into one and I don't really know how it would help me.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I was very despondent after the second one but after I worked out the reason or my nutritionist did I kept going. If this one had of been the same yeah the towel possibly would have been tossed. But I've pretty much been sticking to my nutrition plan and working my kitten off and it's paying dividends.
    As for the watch and HRM I love them. When I'm training I'm constantly looking at my watch to see what my heart rate is. Depending on the numbers I know if I'm going hard enough and try and keep at that level or if I need to push more. For me it's a great motivator. As I have a fairl sedentary job it tells me when I've been sitting to long and need to move. It also tells me how long I've spent in the day either sleeping sitting standing moving or raining and again it's a great kick in the kitten to do more. It's all very individual and you need to find what works for you
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I'm not making any goals for June. It seems everytime I make a goal something happens and everything goes to hell in a hand basket. So I will just say i am going to try my best this month.

    ONe thing I have committed to is Junk Free June. IN an effort to cut out the garbage I have been eating I am going junk free this month to see if i can get my weight moving in a downward trend again. Also my nutritionist has challenged me to stick 100% to my eating plan for 2 weeks. I must say it is paying off. in 2 days I have dropped 2.4kg (5.2lb) of bloating. I feel quite good too.

    Im coming into the last week of my fitness challenge. I'm going to miss it I have really enjoyed the PT sessions.
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    What kinds of goals did your nutritionist set for you? Glad to hear it's working so well!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Kell2912 wrote: »
    I'm not making any goals for June. It seems everytime I make a goal something happens and everything goes to hell in a hand basket. So I will just say i am going to try my best this month.

    The bolded part is so true. I noticed that even on a day to day basis, if I make specific goals it never works out and then I feel bad because I didn't get everything I wanted done. I think just doing your best each day will help! You've done awesome so far and I have no doubt you'll keep it up! =)
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    So June is definitely starting off well. My nutritionist set me a task of being perfect with my nutrition for 2 weeks. Well sadly I haven't been perfect but close to. Only 1 really day where i fell off. And the challenge seems to be working. Since 30th May i have lost 5.4kg (12lb). Most of it is junk bloat but hey a loss is a loss.

    I have my Last fitness test today to see how i have improved in the fitness challenge. I really hope I do well. I plan to give it absolutely everything I have. I will post tonight to let you know How I go.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I agree: a loss is a loss! Way to go! and good luck on your fitness challenge! =)
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    You are an inspiration. You just keep on going. Your weight loss is awesome, great job. I know you've had challenges with you health so this is a fantastic weight loss.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Well the fitness challenge is officially over and I made it out alive. And with a nice drop in my times for an overall drop in 1 minute and 3 seconds. See pic below. I'm really happy with that give i started the challenge with a calf and hamstring tear. I just have to wait for the others to do their last fitness test now to see who has made the biggest improvement. It's been really fun and I have noticed a massive improvement in my fitness since having 6 PT sessions. I was pushed right to the edge and the results are showing. I'm keen now to take this on into the next few months and see how much further I can push and improve.
    I hope you guys are all well. You inspire me every day. I hope you know that
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    A minute?! That is a ton of time! Great job!!!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    edited June 2016
    Here's the pic I forgot

  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Way to go on your fitness challenge! That's awesome! =)
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Yes great job
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Fantastic news! I'm looking forward to the results coming in. I'm rooting for you for the win!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Thanks guys. You are all awesome.

    I saw my nutritionist yesterday. He was stoked that in the last 2 weeks I have lost 6kg (13lb). He has set me new goals for the coming fortnight. So I'm aiming for:
    450 cal burn at each training session
    training 4 x per week plus at least one active recovery walk per week
    Weight at 102kg (225lb) by 23rd June

    I think these are very doable. I'm particularly excited about the weight. If I keep going on this path I should be at the metric equivalent of Onederland (under 100kg) by the end of July. I will definitely be in imperial Onederland by Christmas if not sooner. I'm cautiously excited but don't want to jinx myself. I'm still having trouble fighting the demon chocolate but the results im seeing are making me really think about whether indulging too much is worth it. I keep saying to myself there will be plenty of time for chocolate when im in maintenance.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    GUESS WHAT??????????????

    I made a 1 minute 3 sec improvement on my time and the person nearest to me made a 56 sec improvement on their time. I was the slowest person to complete the fitness test but i made the biggest improvement. I'm so pleased with myself tonight. I have put in a lot of work over the last few weeks and it has really paid off. I now get 1 month free gym membership and 3 further PT sessions.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Sweet! Congrats and great job! I'm sure the PT sessions will help out even more than the last few you did, and the fact they are free is even better!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    That's awesome!!! Congratulations!! Way to go!!!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    The fact that they are free means i will burn more calories :wink:
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    WOO! Congratulations! You are doing SO well!
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    YAY Congratulations!
  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    edited June 2016
    Wow, good work. So happy for you!!!!!