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WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
It's been pretty quiet here lately, how is everyone doing?


  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Just got back from vacation! Prior to leaving for vacation (maybe 2 weeks) we had a little incident with a condom so I took Plan B to be safe. While we were away my boobs were sore and that's typically not a PMS symptom I have; the only time I've experienced that was when I was pregnant earlier this year. According to CDC our vacation spot has some Zika I was freaking out!

    Taking a pregnancy test was the first thing I did when I got back home....and whew not pregnant. I'm relieved for now...the idea of being pregnant while potentially being exposed to Zika would have driven me crazy! My cycle has been a little unpredictable since the miscarriage and on top of that Plan B messes up my cycle, so even though based on my normal cycle length I am late it's a little hard to know for sure given the I'll be completely relieved once my cycle starts.

    It's at least 2 months before my doctor said it would be safe to try if we wanted, but I really want to reach my goal weight before we start trying so we'll have to see how it goes. Will hop on the scale tomorrow to see the damage, but ready to get back to losing weight.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @motivatedsister Hope you were able to enjoy your vacation! I hope your cycle starts soon! (that isn't something I get to say often. haha) I understand about wanting to be your goal weight, I have about a year before that is even a possibility. Hope the damage isn't to bad! :)
  • NatashaLP2014
    NatashaLP2014 Posts: 82 Member
    Oh man, it's been full of crazy emotions in our household this last week.

    We've been pursuing a medical malpractice case in regards to our daughter and we finally got the verdict back from the judge that we won our case! We had our trial at the end of last year, so it's been a long six month wait, plus we started the entire thing shortly after she was born. So four years ago!

    We still have to wait through the appeals period and it is driving me nearly up the wall swinging between elation and frustration. Having this court case finished is a big step in the direction of having another child. It's a huge burden of stress that I don't want while pregnant. But if they decide to appeal the decision then it'll be another year until we go to trial again, then another 6-12 months waiting for that judge to make a ruling.

    I turned 31 last Tuesday and we got the news on Wednesday, so best belated birthday gift ever!

    And even though my period started today(and I've had a lot of cake) I've managed to stay under 200lbs!

    @motivatedsister I totally get where you're coming from with the freak out though. I'm on some medication for my skin which can cause serious birth defects and every time I'm even a day later then I should be, I start having mini panics. Despite being on the pill and using condoms.

    Glad you're ready to get back to it though! I'm always lazy about it after time away, takes me a bit to get back in the groove.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @NatashaLP2014 How long is the appeal period? That was a very long wait. Hopefully it isn't appealed - that would be another long wait. I hope things work out for you! Also, Happy Belated Birthday!! =) Way to go on staying under 200!

    I should be starting my period later this week and I have days where I'm an endless pit which I never really noticed before until I started counting calories. haha
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    @natashalp2014 That is great news-congratulations!

    I have been MIA for the last month, and the scale has shown it. Weighed in at 194.8 this morning, after a low of 183 earlier this year. I'm really irritated with myself about it, but ready to take control back. Back to basics: count calories, drink more water, move more.

    We have been doing more take out and celebratory foods lately, and I have not worked out in months. I got a promotion at work that has upped my hours and stress level for now, and I'm letting it take over my eating and exercising.
    Lots of dinners out to celebrate...Yay, promotion coming. Yay, promotion official. Yay, new business cards. Yay, bump in paycheck showed up. It. Must. End. My clothes are too tight and I feel so terrible!

    The promotion also changed my thinking quite a bit regarding starting a family. Before my hours were not flexible at all, and it was just a job to tide me over. I was planning on quitting after baby, no doubt about it. I was going to be a stay at home mom...that's why we haven't started a family before now. I see my job as a career, with flexible hours (after I'm more established) potential to work from home once a week, better pay, better benefits package. I'm not sure that I want to quit after baby, and I'm not ready to work a new job (with lots of responsibilities) with a baby at home (or while pregnant.) I have a long commute and am way from the house for about 55 hours a week with commuting times. More if there are special occasions, or issues that come up. 55 hours is just my 8 hours a day, plus lunch and commute times.

    I am really surprised at my newfound attitude-my husband is stunned. I have wanted to be a stay at home mom for years... and now maybe I don't? And I might be the one to delay starting a family? I know the job is still new and I might just change my mind again soon, but I am very surprised at this 180 I have done.

    I'm probably the only one here with this mentality right now...tell me all your baby planning stories and bring me back to your side, lol!

    @verykatie TTC yet?
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kirstie155 I had to go back to basics quite a few times and I have to say when I keep things basic/simple, I do better so I've just kept to the basics since the last time and though I still have bad days they haven't been near as bad as before.
    Congratulations on your promotion! That is super exciting!
    There are a lot of people who manage to work crazy hours and still have/raise families. I don't think it's an either or type of deal (though it can be for some people). I have quite a lot of family members who have done it and their kids are happy and healthy. I know that for me being a stay at home mom isn't an option. I think once you get used to your new job and schedule and things settle down, you'll be back on the I want a baby bandwagon. haha
    Also just to let you know, Katie is on vacation - I don't believe she'll be checking in while she's away.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited May 2016
    @Wifiresgettingfit Thanks! I'm pretty excited about the promotion as well. It's a small company, and I'm now the first female manager here. Feels good to be on the top floor, where I can really make a difference.

    About the baby, I still want one (of course!) but never considered being a working mom. I was going to stay at home, baby wear, breastfeed, home school, ect. We have worked to pay down debt and save money and WAITED to start a family specifically because this is what we wanted (me to stay home, single income family.)

    Hubby has always said if I went back to work after baby, we can start trying whenever. We waited specifically to be financially ready for me to quit my job. So the kicker is...if I decided to keep working....we could TTC now. And I think I might want to delay it another 6 months or a year past our original TTC date (October 2016.)

    This is what I am mostly surprised about. I know people change their minds about staying home with baby all the time after they have the baby...but before they even TTC?

    My goals are still the same, get healthy for pregnancy-it just might be a little farther off than I thought!
  • NatashaLP2014
    NatashaLP2014 Posts: 82 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit The appeals period is thankfully only 30 calendar days. We've got 24 more days to go. (The countdown gets mentioned several times a day in our household!) There is still a little bit of flexibility left in the money, so it is very likely they will use the threat of appeal as a leveraging tool to bring the amount down. I've learned a lot when it comes to this process, more than I ever wanted to know!

    @Kirstie155 My husband is ready to go anytime, I'm the one having us wait until next year around May! We already have names picked out. In July we are shifting the spare bed that my MiL uses when she visits to the bedroom downstairs which frees up the third bedroom as a nursery. (We have a renter in the suite at the moment who is moving out.) My daughter should be out of the toddler bed by the end of the year and we can convert it back to a crib. I need to go speak with my doctor soon about what weight I should be aiming for to reduce my risk of pre-eclamsia as much as possible, though it will still be a high risk pregnancy. I'm even thinking about what colour to paint the room! We do plan on building a new home but not for several years yet.

    I'm not sure I'm doing such a great job containing the crazy sometimes!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Kirstie155 haha oh, I think I read it wrong or just misunderstood. If I were in your situation, I would probably do the same thing. I can't take a lot of change at one time so I would wait to get used to the job and schedule and would probably start trying when I felt more settled.
    I think your life took an unexpected turn and you're getting used to it. Who knows what you will want in a year or even a month from now? I think giving yourself time to get used to the new job is a good idea and seems to be what you want to do. Things can change with a drop of a hat, give yourself time. :)

    @NatashaLP2014 I hope the 24 days fly by with no appeal! I hope they don't bring the amount down and if they do, I hope it isn't by much.

  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    It sounds like it has been a crazy time for everyone!

    I am finally getting help for my depression and anxiety that has been creeping up on me the last year and half and been out of control all this year. I finally feel almost like myself again!!

    The dog had another medical problem affecting his eye that neither my husband nor I had ever heard of before. Thankfully he is finally feeling better and his eye is starting to look better.

    My friend and her family visited two weekends ago which was awesome! It was so much fun spending a whole weekend with them, and our dog did really well with their little boys. It was fun to read several of my favorite children's books to the 4-year old and snuggle with the 2-year old.

    I understand what everyone is saying about wanting to be at goal weight before getting pregnant. I have getting off track the last couple months, stalling my weight loss. So we will have to see where I am at and how I feel when September comes around. In the meantime, my husband has been making a lot more comments about when I am pregnant... and when we have kids.... So I think he is reaching a point of being ready.

    My period should start late this week and I hope to hold off the cravings, but it has been getting heavier and more unpleasant leading to more emotional eating.

    @motivatedsister I would be freaking out in that same situation. I hope your period returns to a more normal state soon.

    @NatashaP2014 I am so glad the decision went in your favor and I hope the next 24 days pass with no appeal!

    @Kirstie155 It's nice to have you back. It's funny how changes in our careers can change our desires about working or staying home as moms. I would say to take some time to adjust to your new position, and see how you feel when the time comes.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @puffbrat I'm glad you're starting to feel like yourself again! and that your dog is all right! and that you had a good time with your friend and her family! I was actually wondering about that but kept forgetting to ask.
    I know exactly what you mean because I also stalled my weight loss for the last couple of months and I am also going to be starting my period later this week (which I think I mentioned above) and I was a bottomless pit yesterday and sometimes it seems so hard to control but I think and that is a big I think I'm getting better at it. haha I'm glad your husband seems to be coming around to the idea more and more, that's great! :)
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Thanks @WifiresGettingFit! It's so nice to have things getting back to a healthy normal, and I was sooo relieved that our friends' visit went well. She and I were just texting and laughing a little while ago because her boys went home (to another state) with a couple of our drink coasters and left a couple of their things at our house.

    I had to control the bottomless pit feeling yesterday and still did some snacking that was unplanned including two desserts when I had only planned for one. Hopefully we can both reign it in :)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    You're welcome @puffbrat! haha that's funny. Guess you guys will have to exchange things on their next visit! :P
    I did lots of snacking yesterday - none of it planned! haha Yes, I hope we can both reign it in! :)
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    Thanks @WifiresGettingFit!

    @NatashaP2014 sounds like an awesome birthday present to have some sort of resolution. Hopefully everything will continue to go in your favor!

    @Kirstie155 congrats on the promotion! I definitely get how your career can cause you to put things you want on the back burner. I feel like I absolutely did this...I wanted to finish grad school, I wanted to complete my certification process, etc. I had such a one track mind in terms of my career, I even pretty much put my relationship on the back burner...and looking back on that I regret that. If I would have had more balance, no doubt in my mind we would have been married and had kids already. But you make the decisions that you think are the best at the time. Lucky for you though since you guys have been planning on you being a stay-at-home mom, financially you guys are good if you decide you still want to get pregnant when you originally planned to. Either way you'll guys will be set for whenever you both are ready.

    @puffbrat glad to hear you're getting to feel like yourself again.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    You're welcome @motivatedsister!
    I don't know if you saw but our June challenge starts tomorrow if you would like to join! =)
  • wantoldme
    wantoldme Posts: 140 Member
    I'm 123-124 pounds today. My goal is 105 by September 21; hopefully after then we will TTC.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @wantoldme Hi! Thanks for checking in! In case you haven't noticed we are currently running a June Challenge if you're interested you're more than welcome to join! You'll just need to sign up in the spreadsheet (Mays is in there as well so make sure you're on the right tab) and weigh in! =)
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,949 Member
    @Kirstie155 congratulations on your promotion! It sounds amazing! And it's definitely ok for thing to change. That's what life is. :)

    @puffbrat - I'm really glad you're feeling better! I can't imagine how hard it is.. but it must feel good to feel good :)

    @NatashaLP2014 I'm super happy to hear that ordeal is almost done with!!! How stressful! But congratulations!!!

    We actually started TTC in Nice, France on a whim on our vacation hahaha. The test was negative (pretty sure we missed the fertile window so we weren't really expecting a positive). So we will try again next month, which is what we originally planned! Going to try to drop 2 to 5 lbs while we're trying but not too aggressively. Just get the vacation (and pre-vacation) weight off.

    Thanks everyone for sticking with it while I was away. I feel so happy to have such a strong group :)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie Glad to have you back, we missed you while you were gone!
  • CharliWhitman
    CharliWhitman Posts: 19 Member
    @verykatie Hey, I think I joined in your absence. Nice to meet you! :)