2. Daily Activity Accountability



  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Swam around for half an hour today
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    Walked over 10 miles today.
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Didn't feel well so skipped the gym next few days are going to be hectic so we'll see what happens
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    5.5 miles today then it rained
  • Pepperh3ad
    Pepperh3ad Posts: 117 Member
    I've been relentless in the gym. Today was cardio, and I put in an hour on the bike, 40 minutes of which was HIIT work at 30 second intervals. Also got a butt-load of walking in. :smiley:
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    20 min kickboxing video. Need to get that longer in the future
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    5 miles walking
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    just 2.5 miles today. Yesterday I was so tired I fell asleep at 5:30pm and did not get up until 9:30am in morning. 16 hours sleeping. I think all the walking over last few weeks finally caught up with me.
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    You all amaze me at how much exercising you are all doing. I haven't done anything since 14th April. Even when I was I was only going to Aquafit twice a week. How do you do it all?
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    You all amaze me at how much exercising you are all doing. I haven't done anything since 14th April. Even when I was I was only going to Aquafit twice a week. How do you do it all?

    I ask myself the same question when I look at how active some folk here are, I'm jealous! I wish I had the time to dedicate to more activity, although after my exam next week (for the current part of my degree), I'll have the summer to get off my butt and get moving.
  • yosoysierra
    yosoysierra Posts: 6 Member
    edited May 2016
    I workout as soon as I wake up otherwise I won't have time,so up at 5am for hr workout,when I would read how people got up early to workout I thought not me,no way but now I'm one of those people. 4 miles today is a great way to start my day
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    About 40 min on the treadmill and some weight lifting yeaterday
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Only about 15 min on the treadmill after a quick light basketball game. Then some weight lifting
  • SarahsFitMess
    SarahsFitMess Posts: 261 Member
    Rest day
  • jesscoll317
    jesscoll317 Posts: 85 Member
    Yesterday was the first day of summer break for my kids, and it was so difficult to get in steps with them around. I can still push the younger in a stroller, but my 7 year old would have to walk with me, and he starts complaining a half-mile in.

    Any ideas on how to get him to walk farther with me? I'd rather not put my walk off until the evenings when hubby is home. A neighbor was robbed at gunpoint last week at 8:30pm, which used to be my walking time. I now don't feel as safe going out so late.
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Spent 1 1/2 hours maybe a little more walking around a flea market in the hot sun. Don't know how many steps but it was back and forth to the car a couple times with items I bought . Got a few good deals . I think some sun burn and exersize. Good Saturday .
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Walked around the mall today .. about an hour..
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Went walking with my husband and daughter tonight . Beautiful evening to walk
  • Groto1980
    Groto1980 Posts: 23 Member
    I will be doing Aqua Zumba for 60 minutes tonight.
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    Little walk today . Brother had surgery today to reverse his colostomy . Went well .. tired now and hubs is fixing blts
  • Groto1980
    Groto1980 Posts: 23 Member
    Best wished to a speedy recovery for your brother katdanash. Love blt's. Went for a walk yesterday. three of my boys are sick, trying to get the energy to go to Aqua Zumba tonight. I did walk with my older daughter around the mall today for about 15 minutes.
  • jesscoll317
    jesscoll317 Posts: 85 Member
    Groto, I went to an Aqua Zumba class for the first time on Thursday too! How did you like it? I'm not a great dancer, so I was happy that my lack of rhythm was obscured by 4.5 feet of water. :smiley:
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    Well done everyone
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    I am actually quitting the gym as I haven't been in months, but continue to pay out every month. It is very unlikely I will start going back out in the cold and dark now to go to aquafit at 7.30pm. But I am going to get back into wearing my fitbit every day and doing weekly challenges with the people on here and find other ways to improve my exercise.
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    Fitbit is finally back on my wrist. I am at work so am getting my 250 steps and hour to get my dot by walking to the far toilets. I really want to start achieving my 7000 steps a day so that I can then increase it to the national target of 10000 steps a day.