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  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @VeryKatie Thank you for the well wishes! I am feeling a bit better today. Well the headache is gone but I started my period this morning so commence being miserable again. haha
    I think just focusing on exercise might do wonders as it helps with both goals. Not to mention if you put most of your focus into that maybe food won't be as much of an issue? Things will eventually fall into place - it'll just take time. We're here for you!

  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Thanks Katie. Other than the cramps, I actually feel much better since my period started Wednesday evening (while walking the dog of course :| ).

    We're the same height, although I weigh more, and 1650 worked for me to lose half a pound/week. I just lowered my calories last week not because 1650 wasn't working anymore but because I wasn't staying within that goal anymore. Lowering my goal to 1500 is actually helping me do a much better job of staying in the 1350-1650 range with a lot of daily variation but still about 0.5lb/week loss average. I do eat back all of exercise calories for walking/running and most of them for hiking while still losing. I try to back them off though if a number seems inflated, or not eat them all back if I'm not hungry. To be fair though, I tend to eat my walking calories before exercising, which is great motivation to get my butt off the couch!
  • adunbar93
    adunbar93 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Annalee. I am new to this group, but thought I would drop in here to introduce myself. I have just rejoined myfitnesspal to try to lose weight before my husband and I try to conceive our first child. I am a grad school student and work full-time. After going to my Ob Gyn last week and realizing just how much weight I had gained in the past year, I decided to rejoin MFP. I had great success with it about five years ago and lost around 30 lbs which was my goal at the time. Right now, I have a goal of around 50 lbs in one year, as we plan on beginning trying to conceive around this time next year. My doc largely thinks my weight gain has been from stress and hormonal changes, so she has changed up my bc pills and am hoping some exercise will help my stress level, and improving my eating habits to help weight loss. I came across this group and just dropped into join as it seemed like a very inspiring, motivational group. I look forward to keeping up with you all!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @adunbar93 Welcome to the group! We're glad to have you here! =)
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    Hi @adunbar93. Welcome to the group!

    Grad school and working are both difficult, and doing them together is certainly stressful. I blamed a lot of my weight gain the last couple years on moving in with my husband, but I increasingly think it was actually going to grad school and working at the same time that was the bigger culprit. We are here for support and encouragement any time you need it!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited August 2016
    @adunbar93 we're happy to have you! Also, I love your name "Annalee". Very pretty :)

    Today, the August SUPER Challenge begins!

    The goal is to exercise until September comes and to match or beat the amount you did last month!

    Next monthly challenge starts September 1.
  • adunbar93
    adunbar93 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you @puffbrat and @VeryKatie ! On a side note, I had a big life change this week- On Tuesday I was offered a full-time teaching job teaching Health Services to high school students and health and wellness enrichment to middle schoolers. I started Wednesday! I left my full-time job as an x-ray tech and my part time adjunct instructor position at a community college for this position. I am definitely nervous about the big changes but excited! I think this will be good for my career, my health, my marriage, and this is a profession I'm very excited about. As we are planning on trying to conceive next year, I believe the more regular schedule and more time off will be great benefits as well. So, I will soon be teaching a nutrition section to my middle schoolers which will include food pyramids and food journal, so I hope to set an example to them and participate too!
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    @adunbar93 Wow that is super fantastic!! I'm very happy for you and your new position :) I agree it sounds like a good change for you if having regular hours helps. Plus once you're trying to conceive it's nice to no be around xrays haha. The dentist wouldn't even take my tooth xrays the other day since we're TTC right now.

    MFP could be a great supplement for you for health too :)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited September 2016
    @adunbar93 Congratulations on the new job! It sounds exciting! =)
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    How is everyone's week going so far?

    I just got back from a mini vacation in which I ate way too much. I also have poison ivy thanks to a nature walk we took yesterday at the aquarium so I'm pretty miserable and can't sleep because we just spent 11 hours on the road and I didn't feel like going out to get Ivarest to make the itching stop so I'm just sitting here telling myself not to itch and well at least it's keeping my focus off of food. haha
  • computerfox82
    computerfox82 Posts: 54 Member
    I am ready for Friday already haha. Anyone else?
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit I hope the vacation was fun in spite of the last day poison ivy!

    @computerfox82 I ready for Friday also!!

    It has been a crummy several days at my house. The dog had eye surgery last Wednesday. That eye started seeping blood Friday afternoon, on and off all day Saturday and a little Sunday. The poor guy then got horrible diarrhea starting at 2:30AM Sunday which continued through yesterday afternoon. Yesterday morning, the vet gave him anti-nausea medication and antibiotics, so he finally feels better. In the meantime, my husband has gotten sick and I may be coming down with the same thing.

    On the plus side, we got our home gym set up this weekend and with the bench arriving yesterday, so Leo and I did Day 1 of Stronglifts 5x5 together last night. Yay!

    We also got the front bedroom painted this weekend. It's nice to have that done. Now we can hang some of our pictures/paintings/posters up. Plus the room looks so much nicer now.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited September 2016
    @puffbrat The vacation was fun otherwise! haha
    Your poor dog, that sounds awful! I'm glad he's feeling better now! Hope your husband feels better soon and that you don't end up with it! That's awesome about your home gym and getting the painting done! =)

    @computerfox82 Normally I would be ready for Friday too but I don't want to rush my week. We spent 11 hours on the road yesterday and might have to do some traveling this weekend so not really looking forward to it. haha
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    It's been awhile since I've checked in, I've been a total slacker with MFP and diet in general lately so I'm trying to get back into the swing of things! I just caught up on this thread and seems like a lot of us are, or have been, struggling a bit with staying on track...hopefully we'll all get motivated to get back on track.

    I've been good with working out, but diet has just been terrible. I've been in and out town over last few months so that hasn't helped, so I've gained 6 lbs! I started logging food again on Tuesday, so we'll see how this week goes.

    Excited for you guys that are TTC! I ended up traveling to the Caribbean again, so no choice to hold off on anything for a few months over Zika concerns. But with all the maternity leave talk I think for my job it would make no sense to even get pregnant this year because I think how it works here at my job is you're eligible for STD the year of the qualifying so obviously I wouldn't pop a baby out by year's end, so from that standpoint better to wait. I guess I need to figure out for certain if the pregnancy or the birth is considered the qualifying event...pretty sure it's the former b/c I can remember other girls who were actively trying say you basically had to time it right if you wanted some form of salary while out as we don't have a formal maternity use STD. So on the bright side that gives me like 4 months to get my butt in gear and lose some more weight.

    Still also waiting on that darn proposal & marriage, but I honestly think that regardless of if he proposes or not by year's end...I think I want to start trying in January. I've had baby fever ever since our unexpected unsuccessful pregnancy earlier this year. I'm the hold up with wanting to wait for I'm sure he'd have no objections to start trying lol he would be excited.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited September 2016
    So... I had a really awkward morning at work.
    Let's start with - got my period this morning so definitely not pregnant.

    My boss comes into the office I'm borrowing at camp and say he has work for me to do.
    Me: Ok, what is it?

    Him: You have to come back to camp on the 15th

    Me: (thinking: you said I only have to travel for work once every 3 months) So I'm supposed to fly back home on the 13th, if I'm supposed to be back on the 15th should I just stay here? (and thinking noooo but I am ovulating that week!!)

    Him: Right.. so come back on the 20th instead

    Me: (Panicking.. I wear my heart on my sleeve so I'm sure I look upset) I will need to check with Chris (thinking: boss man usually lets me check with home)

    Him: You'll have to come on the 20th since I wanted you to start on the 15th but that doesn't make sense.

    Me: (doing the math, I ovulate on the 21st so if I came on the 20th it would be a month wasted, thus putting my life on hold for a month for a job I've really struggled to be even a little happy at the whole time I've been here). (out loud now) "Maybe I could fly up on the 22nd? I have an important thing at home on the 20th.

    Him: You should be jumping at this opportunity. You'll come up on the 20th - and then walked out of the room.

    Me... a little stunned and.. then.. oh gosh... the tears came! And then I got embarrassed for crying which made me cry more. An hour later and my boss noticed I was crying (because I can't control myself... and finding out I'm for sure not pregnant and won't be able to get pregnant this cycle on the same day also really upset me) and that was super awkward. But at least he agreed to let me fly up on the 21st so now the chances are higher again. I think I ended up crying/trying not to cry for about 2 hours today. Ugh. Emotions. My boss probably feels really bad though. He doesn't usually act like that.

    @computerfox82 I'm looking forward to... Friday the 16th which will be the day before the next weekend I get. Yay for working 11 hours a day straight from the 6th-13th then my 8 hours a day form the 14-16. :neutral:

    And then working from the 19-30 straight again.

    I will post again later tonight after dinner to answer all the other posts! Needed to vent but also really need to work hard now.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited September 2016
    @VeryKatie I read that whole thing twice and I still can't think of anything else to say besides your boss is a jerk and HUGS. Sounds like it's going to be a stressful month for you. I hope it goes fast!
  • computerfox82
    computerfox82 Posts: 54 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit Wow! That's a lot in one week.

    @puffbrat I hope everyone feels better.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    edited September 2016
    @computerfox82 It was definitely a lot for one week and too much for one day. We also did traveling during the vacation because everything was so spread out where we were at. We did break up the beginning of the trip and did 5 1/2 hours the one day and the rest on the second day so that helped a bit. I don't know how people travel all the time. I was done after the second day and ready to go home. haha
  • puffbrat
    puffbrat Posts: 2,806 Member
    @VeryKatie I'm sorry to hear about your awful day! That sounds like multiple stressors hit you all at once. I also tend to wear my heart on my sleeve, and I've cried one time each at my last two jobs. It's a horrible feeling and awkward to recover from, but your boss was being a jerk and going back on his promise to you about the required level of travel.

    The dog is doing much better but now my husband is probably the sickest I've ever seen him (still not horrible but he never gets sick so it's really taken him down). It's unfortunate timing since today is supposedly the day I ovulate according to app I'm using without doing much tracking. I didn't really expect to get pregnant this month since I just stopped taking BC a couple weeks ago, but still....
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @motivatedsister Sorry I missed your post somehow earlier. Glad to see you back!
    I'm with you on the getting back on track. I just can't seem to get my *kitten* together these days. Sigh. Like you, regular exercise isn't my problem. It's calories and being in a deficit. I think I just hate being restricted even though I don't restrict any certain foods. I'm also waiting on the proposal and marriage. haha It was actually hinted at coming soon but it hasn't happened yet. I'm not really in a rush though since I have 70+ pounds to lose before I want to start TTC anyway so I have time to kill. haha I just need to get my act together so I don't get everything else and still need to lose some weight.

    Here's to a better week and month ahead! =)