The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    logged food! wondering if we got rained out for soccer - haven't heard yet

    keep on ladies!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    logged food!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Yesterday had a great sail with perfect weather and conditions. Leaving tomorrow for an overnight
    sail in the states and be back on Friday.

    I am still sticking to 1200 calories. Using a plan I got on Pinterst but sometimes the calories differ on this program. Still sticking with it lost some weight this week so I see its working.

    Fasted 12 hours last night for blood work today, talk about hungry. See you guys later. Have a good weekend.

    9/13 - Walking 35 mins.
    9/14- Yoga class 75 mins.
    Still logging

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Busy week at work with a lot of appointments every day. I feel like I drive all over, see kids consecutively and then go home and crash. Last night I had knitting group so it was a late evening. I had two cancellations today so that gave me some time to get to the office and on computer. Just finished lunch and will have one more appointment today.

    Beautiful weather with temps in 60's, sunny and beautiful. Love this weather.

    Nice keeping track Shirley. I'm not doing as well this week with logging, exercise or eating. I will begin again.

    Good luck in your race Ang!

    Well need to do some paperwork until next appointment so hello to all and more later.
  • lcrockett
    lcrockett Posts: 147 Member
    I've been lurking! So good to read about you all!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Hi L!!! Miss you -

    logged food!

    did sit ups with C.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    WTG on logging Marla! WTG C on doing sit-ups with you. Kudos to you both, yay!

    Hi L! Keep lurking and tell us what you are up to once in awhile. How does Colin like school?

    I've been wearing my Vivofit 2 24-7. On the days I don't get time to exercise or don't make the time, I walk 2-2.5 miles/day just working and living. My sleep is good. I need to get my butt moving now that the humidity has dropped again. My knees feel much better so no excuses! I will log exercise this weekend.

    We have another funeral to go to on Saturday. Our friend's Dad died so we will stop in for the funeral. We were at one last week for another friend's mother.

    Work is crazy and stressful but I'm managing to stay out of the chaos. I'm just moving forward to retirement and this year is already going fast for me. The next few years will fly by.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    logged food!

    really good activity 'just' working - keep it up Jenny -

    hi all - keep moving forward!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hello ladies,

    We were away for 2 days sailing across the border to Wilson, NY. Probably our last sail of this season,
    maybe some day sails in the future depending on the weather.

    I brought two our our lunches to try and stay on track so we did pretty good. Dave is doing the same 1200 calories as me. I prepare and he eats LOL.

    This morning we woke up to a flood in the kitchen, one of the plastic lines to our water filter under the sink broke off and there was water every where. It leaked to the laundry room and bathroom downstairs too. What a mess!! We are all cleaned up now and several towels and rags later. Dave has fixed the problem under the sink. I wanted to sleep in but that didn't happen.

    Marla- Great job on the exercise and getting "C" to join was good for you both.

    Jenny - Those walking bracelets really make you move. I am in a weekend warrior challenge this weekend and so far in second place.

    Ang - Congratulations on the half marathon!! Woo Hoo!!

    L - Nice to see you dropped in, I am keeping up with you on facebook. :)

    Dinner tonight with friends at their house. Have a good evening.

    9/15 - Sailing +Walking 60 mins to pizza restaurant.
    9/16 - Walked up to town for breakfast but didn't record time - 10,000 steps.
    9/17 - Walking 40 mins.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    What a week and what a day. I had back to back appointments with kids all week and sat at my desk and got nothing done twice. I've caught a Fall cold and my head is stuffed up. I initially thought it was allergies but I think it's a cold now.

    We went to my friend's Dad's funeral today. They had a wonderful tribute video that showed him speaking and telling about his life in his last days on earth. He was very sharp but had heart issues.

    In the past months, Tommy my cat, has been urinating again in the house. He would go outside his litter box even when clean and has been peeing on the upstairs shower. Somehow he was able to aim his urine in to the opening at bottom of shower door so all the pee went in the shower and only small splashes outside. It was difficult to detect just looking at shower but when I opened the door it was apparent he had gone. At first I wondered if Russ did it in the night all those times while dreaming. I've done daily urine checks in spots I know he has gone in the past to see if there was new activity. I'm tired of the mess and smell. Anyway, you know Tommy has been difficult, aggressive to the dogs (mega $$'s in vet bills), ruining things in our house. I couldn't get foster agencies to take him and no one I knew wanted him due to his behavioral issues. We tried meds in past years but couldn't get them in him. He's been on expensive prescription food for several years due to crystal in his urine which can cause peeing outside the box. I broke down at the vet last year regarding his peeing and aggression and that I couldn't find him a new home. Well I broke down again today at the vet. I took him in for his rabies to protect the dogs and us if he scratches or bites us. They looked at his history in the chart and the vet stated "you are in an emotionally abusive relationship with your cat". Meaning the cat is causing our household difficulty. They counseled me on options for Tommy and made some phone calls to Last Hope for Cats and another agency, both which said they couldn't take him. They offered some expensive medicine options, some behavior approaches that possibly would not work due to his old age, and the offer of euthanasia. The vet said they don't euthanize just to get rid of someone's animal but in this case I had done all I could, kept him 10 years through all his issues, and tried some expensive procedures to help him. I chose the euthanasia for Tommy and now he's gone. I didn't know I would make this decision today but when they gave it as an option, I took it since I've felt so hopeless about him. I feel like a horrible person, totally heartless, selfish and flawed. You are the only people I'm telling about my decision because I can't handle being judged by family or friends I see day to day. I just had to get it off my chest.

    WTG on your logging Shirley and Marla. I'm off track right now. I'll get my motivation back soon.


  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I AM A HALF MARATHONER!!!!! I did it!!!

    I did it in a time of 2:40:18. That's slower then what I said my goal time was but faster then what I thought in the back of my head I could do. That is also after I did 5k last night in a time of 31:26, which is faster then I've done this year in my other 5k races.

    It made me so hungry! I ate a late lunch around 3:30 (had to take the bus home and I got cleaned up before getting lunch) By 5:30 I was hungry enough again for supper! I treated myself and ordered supper in. With burning over 1,100 calories on my run, I was still under goal for the day though!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Congratulations Ang! What an accomplishment. You must be very proud of yourself. You can do anything you put your mind to.

    Ordered tile for the bathrooms and now I'm doing paperwork for my job. Beautiful day today here. I'm still feeling sad about Tommy and the decision I made, but I do know not having him here is best for us. I wish other options would have been available.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny- Those decisions about animals are always difficult. From what I read you kept that cat way beyond of what I would have done. You spent tons of money on him and no results. He is ruining your home with urine, I know you feel bad right now but from what you say, you made the right decision.
    One less stress in your house and now you can move forward. <3o:) My daughter had the same thing to do with Izzy after he attacked her. A hard decision to make, but now she is happy she gave him up.

    Marla - Hi! I hope you are having a great day!

    Ang- Congrats again on your marathon!!

    Dinner last night was low calorie except for the dessert which was decadent. Oh well, because of that I didn't log and couldn't because I didn't know what was in it or how she made it. It was nice catching up with them, they are sailors too but we hadn't seen much of them this summer.

    Tonight dinner with my MIL, we asked her over for steak. Back to sticking to the 1200 cal plan.

    9/18 - No exercise today, rest day - back to logging today.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Jenny - HUGS HUGS HUGS!!! No judgement because I know the suffering you are feeling - I have/had been dealing with so many older animals and just suffering with their issues and then the guilt and anxiety - and guilt when the oldest and worst two were finally gone - and the suffering I allowed because I couldn't put them to sleep like I thought would be best - I FEEL YOU - I HEART you Jenny - allow yourself to feel what you and hopefully soon you will be o.k. that you are o.k. with doing what was best - I hope you will feel peace soon and drop any guilt. HUGS!!!

    I got into with Caleb just the other day because he was having a bad day with other stuff and then decided he was missing Dudley and he wanted another cat. I said NO. I am done with animals Caleb. I am sorry you are missing him - we still have a dog and a cat and I am not getting more. I just can't do it anymore. But C knows how to push my buttons - I just can't!!

    Hugs all -

    I thought I had done well with logging but the scale no bueno this morning - way up. Frustrated!!

    Must persevere - re-evaluate what I am logging vs what I am consuming. Swim on!!

    logged food
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Thanks for your words Shirley and Marla. I still feel awful that I made the decision but I already realize how much our household revolved around Tommy. I hear him meow sometimes. I remember that with my old cat Sam after he died and with my black lab Leo after he died. I would hear meows and barks at the door or during the night. I suppose my brain memory expects it or they do come to live near us in the next dimension? Yikes! This morning I could keep my closet door open as I was dressing and getting what I needed. Tommy always wanted in to lick things and pee if I wasn't looking. I didn't have to worry about him sitting on my work clothes before I put them on. He didn't howl in the night or wak us up at 4am because he wanted food or just to have company. I did miss him sleeping next to me last night. It will take time but seeing his stuff all gone is a reminder and there is an emptiness I need to get use to. I need to tell Rory he's gone but haven't made that call yet. I want to be sure I don't cry.

    I hear ya Marla about the pets. We are down to two dogs and that will be it. I love these guys but not the energy and care it takes to meet their needs. Kids don't get it but they also don't help like they say they will.

    My eating and logging is bad right now. My work days are so busy that I'm eating on the run (bad food) and I haven't had time in the morning to pack a lunch. I need to prepare it the night before and have it ready to go. It has to be finger foods because I'm in my car with no real lunch time and need to eat while driving. I get to eat lunch in tomorrow so that will be nice for a change.

    We ordered our tile but still have to pick up back splash, grout and sealant. Scott will start weekend of October 1 and finish the downstairs bathroom that weekend.

    Well persevere on the eating, logging and exercise. I will get back on track. We all can do this!


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    great job on the running Ang!

    logged food

    soccer was weird - Caleb was goalie and missed every shot on goal - but their goalie wasn't great either and somehow we ended tied and won in a shootout.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited September 2016
    Marla - I saw your soccer pictures on facebook and the picture of the two boys. Handsome guys and they sure are growing.

    Jenny - Check on Pinterst there are some ideas you can get for lunches to take in a tupperware, which you can eat in your car. I hope you are feeling better about Tommy. <3 Hugs!

    Today was gardening the backyard and cleaning up the mess after so much rain we had. Everything was growing wild so now its neat again. We are getting company Tuesday to Thursday so I wanted it looking neat if we sit out on the patio. Going to see Isaac tomorrow and staying overnight. B)
    I have choir practice tonight, paying dues and getting music sheets for our binders.

    I had my doctor apt this morning, he wants my cholesterol lower, I can't take statins I get leg cramps.
    He has a prescription I can take, but doesn't know if I am a candidate for it that isn't confirmed yet. He also recommended a diet clinic that might help me, it is paid by our insurance so I said I would give it a try. I am doing 1200 calories now and at least cutting calories, so far so good.

    9/19 - Yoga 75 mins.
    9/20 - Gardening 55 mins.
    Still logging

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,274 Member
    Just a quick check in. I'm at work and off to a day full of appointments until 2:30. I'm feeling better but still hear Tommy meow at the times he use to do so. Weird, brain memory.

    Shirley- lucky you that insurance will pay. I wish my doctor could recommend something my insurance would pay for. It's always a big chunk out of pocket.

    Talked to David on phone last night from AK. He sounds so busy. He's thinking about proposing to Chantrelle sometime soon. He thinks it has to be a unique and special proposal so he's thinking of ideas. Better get moving!!! They are both quite unique and live season to season with fishing, etc. Not settled yet and don't know when they will be. They are going to Utah for the winter. Why? Not sure, but I guess they want to ski and mountain bike. No real responsibilities I guess. He has collected agates and wants to make her an engagement ring using an agate. I think he should take it to a jeweler and have them make the ring part. He's thinking of doing it himself. Hmmmm? Either way they have their own style.

    Well off to my visits. Beautiful day but we are expecting days of rain until Saturday. Sunny right now.

    Enjoy your day!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    around but busy - took Caleb to the ortho yesterday and got to enjoy some time with him -

    work is rough right now - but hoping it will smooth out again

    Four soccer games this weekend and I sing Sunday morning and the boys have practice Sunday night

    I logged food (best I could from eating out) and am trying to plan food for this weekend so we only eat out once -

    Go Vikings! (think good thoughts for Caleb finding his goalie animal!)
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Wednesday and Thursday was visiting Isaac and we had so much with him. He is walking all over now
    and is very busy. We did walk to the neighborhood pub for dinner and that was my exercise.

    Today was Yoga class always good to be back. Dave and I did shopping at KMart looking for extra
    blankies for Isaac but no luck. We can order them on line so we did that instead. We also bought
    a baby gate at Walmart since Isaac is coming on Wednesday for an overnight. We have two sets of stairs he can climb. He is walking and climbing all over the place now. He has been walking for 2 months now.

    I made my apt. for the diet clinic which will be the end of October. I tried printing out the sheets they require me to fill out but our printer has gone wonky and no luck. So Dave decided to email the sheets
    to our local stationery store and they can print them out for me. Such a smart hubby I have. ;)

    9/21 - Visited Isaac
    9/22- Same
    9/23- Yoga class 75 mins.
