The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Zach's concert was very nice last night - LOOOONNNNGGGG two hours - plus he had played golf all day - he is a crabby patty
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Crabby patty, never heard that one before. LOL

    We just got back from Isaac's and we had a great time with him. He crawled over to me and sat on my
    lap and put his head down on my chest. Brought tears to my eyes, being grandma is wonderful!!
    He is doing such funny things now and making us laugh.

    Our friend Tom, who's wife died a year ago from cancer, we got a text that he sold his house and is
    moving in with one of his daughter's and will be moved by June 4th. It was quick, but a house flipper bought it and will be renovating it to sell.

    Our friend Bob is over asking for help on how to change spark plugs in his boat motor. Waiting to eat dinner and wanted to take a walk but I don't think that will happen its getting too late.

    I actually have ironing to do tonight, haven't done much of that since Dave retired.

    Jenny - Feel better girl! <3

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Hi Ladies! Rory should be home within the next 2 hours. It will be so nice to see him. Rainy today so feeling chilled and it's gloomy outside.

    Work is so busy but I got more organized and know what I need to accomplish. Lots to do but I will keep tackling the list.

    Shirley- my friends here who are grandparents say it is wonderful! They just glow when they talk about their grandchildren. I hope I experience it some day.

    Not so sure my boys will settle down and have children. They like adventures. Jeff and Iva are having some problems so I don't foresee a wedding in the near future.
    I wouldn't be surprised if they broke up by this summer. I love her but they have some big differences and family issues to over come that would make or break a marriage.

    Marla- I'm always amazed how early your boys get done with school but I know they start early in August. Have you experienced any tornadoes? Scary weather in the
    south this spring.

    Well I must pay bills and get some things done tonight. Working full time is not conducive to having time to relax without worries.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Our weather here is wonderful, warm and sunny. Took out the capris pants and short sleeved top.

    I walked this morning around the neighborhood and washing some towels today. We are leaving
    tomorrow for London, ON. to visit our friends and will be back on Sunday.

    Dave is down working at the boat and he hopes it will be in the water by next week. Then i get to clean
    the inside. My friend from London made new curtains for the boat and she said she added two pillows also. I can't wait to see them. I got her and her hubby a pass for the movies and I will buy her some flowers as a thank you.

    See you guys when I get back.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    enjoy your time Jenny - hope you are feeling better

    Hi Shirley!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    TGIF lovely ladies!!!

    soooo busy trying to get ready to be gone - will try to keep my days up - but if I disappear for awhile between vacay and then the blizzard of crud I will have to deal with upon return - just keep a good thought and a wave and hug for me!

    Eight days!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Have fun Marla. I hope your family vacay is a good one for all of you.

    Shirley- Exciting to be getting the boat ready! If spring/summer ever truly arrives it will be a great season.

    Long week but now Rory is home. We went brewery hopping with Jeff and Rory Thursday evening. The beer was really rich but good. I sampled
    two at the first brewery and one at the second. That was enough for an evening.

    I'm up at 6am this Sunday due to crazy cat and I have mega paperwork to do. I guess he wanted me to get started. I can't wait until the break at the end
    of the month. Another whole week off Memorial Day week. Greatly appreciated.

    Well I must start typing up education plans for my students. Deadlines are looming!

    Have a nice Sunday!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hi Ladies! I feel bad that I keep forgetting to check in here.

    This past week I officially started my half marathon training! The first week was easy. There is a little more running this week, and Saturday is my next race. I'm aiming for a new personal best and hope I can do it!

    Right now I am tired and just want to go to bed, but I still need to eat supper. I didn't go to bed last night to 1:30am and was up at 7 - to late to go to the gym before church. :neutral: I did get lots of walking in though. Up early tomorrow. I need to do a 4k tempo run. I"m still trying to figure out exactly how to do a tempo run!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    good luck with training Ang.

    get caught up Jenny - you can do it!!

    Hi Shirley!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Marla- Enjoy the vacay can't wait to hear all about it.
    Jenny - Some time off, I bet you are counting the days.
    Ang- Glad you checked in and good luck on training for another run. You go!

    We are back from our away weekend and had a good time with our friends. We left on Friday and
    visited outside until Alines's hubby came home from work. We had dinner in and she baked and did up a new chicken recipe and it was all good. Hard trying to resist the baked goods.

    Saturday we went to the Farmers Market and bought a few things. We had some Jamacian patties as a snack and they have samples you can eat. Upstairs are the crafters, jewelery and anything you want.
    I bought some coconut cream, shampoo, and coconut spray you can ingest for the digestive system.
    I also bought some handmade Darth Veder slippers for Isaac. They also glow in the dark. We went
    out for dinner and Dave and I shared a personal pizza and we met another couple there and their son.
    We went in their hot tub after dinner and then watched a movie. "Deadpool" with Ryan Reynolds.

    Sunday was hanging around having breakfast and chatting. Then we picked up some pizza dough for
    home at a bakery and said our goodbyes. We did have some snow coming down on Sunday but it disappeared, thanks goodness.

    Today was Yoga, Dave is working at the boat, laundry to start and I then a walk.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I told myself I would regret and I did. I normally lay out my clothes and pack lunch the night before. Last night I was to tired to bother. I didn't manage to get myself up until 6:30 and I need to leave at 7. Grr. No breakfast and no lunch. I went to Tim Hortons for lunch as it's right where I get off the bus for work. On my lunch break I had to go to the mall, as there is a police office there and I had to get my criminal record check updated for working with the kids in my church. I took advantage of being there and went to the food court. I got myself a yummy sub from Subway. Burned all those calories off on my workout tonight. Now I need to get to bed so I don't oversleep again tomorrow and get my training run in!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    three and a half days.... boys down to today, tomorrow and half day Thursday for school!

    just breatheeeeeeeee
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Just saying "hi!" At work and on the run. Checking off my To Do list. Retirement party tonight. Rory leaves in three days!

    You all sound great!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    I received my Fitbit bands today, large size so I can attach to my ankle when I go on my bike!
    All different colors and designs, now I can change them according to my clothes too.

    Finishing up laundry (never ending), change sheets on bed and ran a few errands. Broke my mirror
    today so a trip to the Dollar store. Just finished chili in the crockpot, with ground turkey, and had a walk today.

    Have a good evening.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    commented to the husband last night that I felt like I was the only one working on making this vacation happen - he retorted that, 'it's only Tuesday there's nothing to be doing yet' - I walked away. ilovemyfamilyilovemyfamilyilovemyfamily
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Marla- I know how you feel. I do all the reservations, research, etc. and Russ only does what I tell him to do. It's exhausting! It is this way in many marriages. I have a coworker friend whose husband loves to plan trips and go on a couple per year. He does all the research and planning. She knows she's lucky! When do you leave?

    Shirley- I'm probably the only person at work that doesn't have a FitBit type apparatus. I'm glad it motivates you.

    Tomorrow is staff development day which means no students. We sit in trainings all day. Yuk! In the morning we have to present to the rest of the staff the results of our professional learning group studies this year. Mine studied behavior management. It's another way we waste our valuable time. Required by the gov't so we aren't lazy, dud educators. You know what they say about teachers, "those who can't, teach". What a crock!

    Getting warm here. My body thermostat is off. So many hot flashes and discomfort. Tired of hot flashes.

    One more night with Rory. He is out saying good-bye to friends. We are going to an Italian restaurant tomorrow eve. He needs to pack and be ready to get up early Friday morning. Russ and I took the day off so we will keep busy while we worry about his airplane travel and connections.

    Have a nice night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    oh Jenny - I'm so sorry - many of family were teachers and that is even what I studied to be - I truly believe most teachers are the soldiers of the U.S. - in the trenches fighting not just to teach those crazy kids, but fighting parents, administration and gov't - it's really the other way around - that can teach! I couldn't do it.

    Enjoy your final day with Rory!

    Two more sleeps (maybe one and a quarter since we leave so early Saturday morning...)!!!

    can't find the t-shirts I swore we all had - suddenly no one has enough socks or underwear or shorts. Gah
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - I don't have a Fitbit. All the other girls do and are part of a challenge (as is one of the lawyers). I could have gotten a Garmin that counted steps, but I"m more interested in my pace, time and distance then anything else.

    Race day is tomorrow! It's giving a high of 23! WOW! I'm planning on wearing my one running tank I worn. I'll just be rolling up the sleeves of the shirt I get to make it sleeveless, so may as well just go sleeveless. I'm hoping I can do the run relatively pain free. I need new sneakers. I'm starting to tell by the way my feet hit the pavement when running and by the aches (especially in my back) when done. I just can't afford them to next month (and am half waiting for the sale next month!) I love my Brooks sneakers and they are at the Expo with the race this weekend. I plan on getting fitted by them for the best pair.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Good luck with your race Ang

    prayers for Rory for safe travels and an wonderful experience

    stressful couple of day - last day of school yesterday - Zach's English grade took a hit because suddenly she zero'd an assignment late last night - he had it in his google classrooms (laptops turned in yesterday) - but he was able to access it from his phone and email this morning and she accepted it for partial - nightmare - there is no way to tell from all this online stuff if the teacher has received an assignment - they just have to wait - and if they don't grade until late - yuck - stressful -

    We lost our Kennedy tour twice in the last couple of days - I guess because I was trying to book the 'tour with an astronaut' and no astronauts were available - they kept cancelling the tours - so I booked just a Kennedy tour - so far it hasn't cancelled - the boys are really excited about this one - I hope it works out

    the Egyptian airline thing is frightening - and I suppose will make travel more stressful - super

    will be thinking of you all - and hope to have lots of FUN stories to share - praying we've had our whammies

    come on - NO MORE WHAMMIES!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Have a wonderful time with your family Marla! I hope you experience joy, relaxations and lots of fun together. I loved the Kennedy Space Tour. We did the shortened version with the boys years ago. Russ and I still want to go back alone for the long tour. Can't wait to hear about all your fun!

    Ang- good luck in your race! WTG on your training and I'm glad you will have nice weather.

    We dropped Rory at the airport at 3am this morning. I had wet eyes but no crying. He was so ready to go and so excited. He should be sitting in the Miami airport right now waiting for his connecting flight to Quito, Ecuador. He'll arrive at 9:30 tonight if all goes well. I hope he contacts us tomorrow and lets us know he had smooth travels.

    Russ and I came home and went back to sleep. We went to Perkins for breakfast and then to check out discounted granite/quartz remnants for our bathroom updates. I also looked at flooring and laminate counter samples today. We are going out for an early Asian dinner and then home to sleep a complete night.

    I plan to check out another stone counter top outlet tomorrow that has more selection of in stock remnants. We brought home one sample today but I need to price compare and see other colors.

    Have a wonderful evening!