The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Wow Ang! You sure have a routine and schedule. I doubt procrastination is in your vocabulary. Too busy to procrastinate! Good luck with your move.

    Marla- do you feel you have to enter items in the fair every year? Is it expected by others? You are busy so choose items that are most important and you enjoy.

    Hi Shirley!

    Caught a glimpse of Rory's back in Ecuador. I posted the picture on FB. We didn't hear from him so he must be having a good time and too busy. I think AK will be a good distraction for Russ. Take his mind off of Rory a little bit. David did leave a father's day message for Russ when we were out for dinner.

    I have rocked my to do list at work and home. Right on schedule with all that I needed to get done. Feeling happy and relaxed. Now fingers crossed flights all stay on schedule and luggage makes it to AK.

    Have a nice Tuesday.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    cool pics of Rory - quite the adventure he is on

    Happy Wednesday!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    All packed and ready to go. Dogs are at the sitters and cat is set to be home alone with neighbor checking in. Errands done, suitcase packed (over packed), and now shower and bed. We will leave for airport about 4am. Security lines here are awful so we need to check our bags and be in the line between 5 and 5:30. Plane leaves at 7am.

    The nieces and David have been posting pictures of the summer solstice for the past few days. Beautiful moon with dusky daylight. Looking forward to the scenery and seeing family. I will have access to a computer I think and I'll have my tablet. I'll try to check in and possibly post some pictures on FB.

    Have a nice week!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    have an awesome time dear J!!

    safe travels
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Have fun Jenny, saw your pictures on FB of Alaska, a nice group. I also saw Rory in Ecuador, yes it is very rustic but he looked like he was having fun with the ladies. LOL

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Daylight almost 24 hours! Sleep all messed up. Beautiful here. Tomorrow we leave for Hope, AK overnight for wedding. Not sure we will be able to go on float trip. Water is high due to snow melt so current flowing faster. Great to David.

    More later...hi!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    cool pics Jenny - hope you are having a blast!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Well we finally got on the water this weekend. Saturday just motoring down the river, little wind.
    Sunday lots of wind and sailing and so much so we headed for our dock and did a 180 and had to
    a try at it again due to the wind. She is safe and sound now. Our cruise is this weekend, July 1st long
    weekend of us and we are possibly leaving Thursday or Friday weather permitting.

    Doing the usual laundry and managed Yoga class today. Still babying my knee but not letting it get me down. I walked 45 mins yesterday and cleaned the stern of the boat so it was a little sore today.

    Jenny - Having a blast and keep us posted on pictures.

    Marla- What's new?

    Ang - Hello

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Hi! Checkin in. Family, my sister especially, driving me crazy. Otherwise great trip. Off to a mountain pass today for scenery. Family dinner tonight. David brought us crab.

    Beautiful here. On my tablet so not going to be wordy. I hope you are all doing great.

    More later,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    WAVES!!! Hope everyone is well -

    ants invaded my kitchen this weekend - I am very unhappy and fussy - no projects getting done now

    and as per usual my weight is creeping up -

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - My weight is creeping up too and not a happy camper. I started back on South Beach just to get some normal meals done this week.

    Jenny - I have been viewing your pictures on facebook and they are fabuous.

    Ang - How is the moving going?

    Leaving tomorrow for a sailing cruise and packing now. I will have may tablet with me to keep up.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    hope everyone is well - I am tired and crabby and being scary mommy - those d@mn ants are screwing my schedule up and Caleb started in on being bored yesterday while getting haircuts and I lost my mind - the last few things I set up for him to do he refused to do - don't 'I'm bored' me kid - grrrrrrr....

    it's the 4th and the folks will expect a get together and I need time to do fair stuff....grrrr....

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    We are home and exhausted. It was a great trip and I would recommend AK if you ever have the desire or chance. We hope to go back at some point, especially if David truly settles there. We have a lot more to see and do there.

    It was somewhat stressful staying in close quarters with family. I saw parts of my sister's personality that I had not experienced to that degree. I think she has anxiety and being away from home and out of her routine was very stressful for her. It was great seeing my nieces and David. Overall a great trip.

    I'm so excited to see darkness tonight. I haven't seen it since before our trip. So weird to go to bed when it is daylight outside and wake up to it again. We would be sitting in the livingroom chatting and realize it was 11:30pm and we needed to get to bed since we had plans the next day. My body clock is screwed up and I think it will take a few days to adjust to our time. I can't wait to sleep!

    Have fun on your sailing weekend Shirley!
    Marla-hang in there. I also hate ants in the kitchen. Freaks me out. I have some major cleaning to do now that I'm back. I have two weeks off work so no excuses.

    Well I need to find some food somewhere in the fridge. Hungry again since getting off the plane.

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    VACATION!!!! 10 whole days off from work!! Yesterday was day 1 so 9 more to go.

    It's moving day!!! I'm all packed and ready to go. Computer and modem is the last to be packed. I just needed to check some things first. I will have limited data via my phone for the next couple of days until it's hooked up at my new place. It's giving rain for today. I'm praying it holds off until after the move is done!!

    Yesterday was race day! I did the Epic Canadian 10k in a time of 1:06:41 - a race day personal best! Very happy with that time. It was nice and warm and sunny and beautiful. The scenery was beautiful. We ran around a couple of lakes and through a park. It was my first time running trails - and the first time I ate a bug running. ewwwwww. I'll share some pictures later.

    Well I guess I should get the last things packed up. Dad will be here in 20 minutes or so - and they tend to be early (to early at times). Next time I will be on here I will be all moved in! Settled in will be debatable!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We have been out since Thursday at our first port at ABYC yacht club. Friday was some rain but the fireworks went off that night with cold winds coming through for Canada Day. Saturday another beautiful day and our pot luck dinner at night. Sunday we have moved to another port QCYC yacht club,
    we couldn't get into the club of our choice, they had a pool, because they were full. Its sunny and warm
    here and the plan tomorrow is biking to the island.


    Ang - Good luck with the move.

    Jenny- Welcome home!

    Marla - Hi!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    Congrats on your run time, Ang! Good luck with the move and enjoy your vacay.
    Sounds like a fun weekend Shirley. Weather here is beautiful. Sat on deck all afternoon.

    We went to farmers market this morning. Lots of nice veggies. I love fresh veggie season.

    I put my bathing suit and sunscreen on and sat on deck reading all afternoon. So nice! Feeling more normal and caught up with sleep.

    We are staying home tomorrow even though we were invited to a party. We just want to relax and have quiet time. Sharing a house in AK was enough conversation for awhile.

    Happy July 4th and Canada Day!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm all moved in and mostly unpacked. I just need to tackle the 23 boxes of books. I need to get it done tonight as garbage/recycle day is tomorrow. The faster I can get all these broken down boxes out of here the better!!! The place is mostly set up and arranged. It will take a little longer as I need a desk for my office/craft room. I found one at Walmart tonight that looked good and was on clearance, but it isn't exactly something I can carry on the bus!!!

    It certainly is quieter living here. I can hear them walking around upstairs but that's it. I do hear the traffic more, but I"m sure I will get use to that in no time flat.

    Today was my only day of my vacation where I didn't need to set an alarm clock and could sleep in as late as I wanted to! Tomorrow I need to get up a little earlier as I'm taking my Sunday School class on an outing. Wednesday I head off to family camp. I know I get little to no phone service there, but I hope at least my data will turn on! I don't want to loose my log on streak! (Even though most of the days were just logging on to keep my day streak and I didn't record anything I ate.)

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Hi cooler people! Very crazy getting ready for fair - hopefully things will calm in a few days - I am feeling overwhelmed and panicky - I am wondering if something changed with how my body is processing my meds because I have felt like a basket case the last week -

    Jenny - glad your vacation was good - it's always good to be home though isn't it -
    Ang - hope your new home is awesome
    Shirley - sail, sail, sail!!

    My niece just got back from Orlando also - she was at a National Microsoft competition - she didn't place but it sounds like an amazing experience. So proud of that girl. She is amazing.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Fair entry is done and I have my normal 5 lbs of biscuit weight (in addition to all the other lbs) to deal with. We have had severe!!! storms the last two nights - am at work where the power just came up and all systems but internet are down - bad moon rising

    hope all is well - I feel better that fair entry is over - but bad because I am feeling chubby (ier)

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,279 Member
    I've spent the last 3 hours vacuuming and steam mopping 3 levels of this house (4 level home). I'm sore and burned a ton calories and sweated buckets. I'm glad it's done but have decided this house is too big for us now. It's the dog and cat hair that causes the problem in the family room and hallways. We don't use the family room often and the dogs and cat go everywhere I don't have a door closed. I keep the extra bedrooms closed up so they don't go in there and create more hairy rooms. As much as I love having pets and love these guys, I'm done when they are gone. It's too much work!

    WTG on the fair entry Marla! I couldn't tell from the picture on Facebook what the exhibit included. Can you describe it to me? Did you enter baked goods too?

    Shirley- how's the sailing this season? Good weather I hope.
    Ang- Are you settled in ? Do you like your new place? I hope the footsteps above don't drive you crazy.

    It's hot but sunny here. I'll take it. We didn't see a lot of sunshine in AK.

    I had a physical yesterday. I'm managing to keep my glucose levels under control without medication. Yay! My cortisone shots have taken the edge off for now but I still feel discomfort. I will persevere and try to be more active so I can shed some pounds. I know the weight loss will help my knee pain. I plan to start doing my physical therapy exercises again for my knees. If I can keep my glutes and hamstrings in shape that will help me alot. After spending a week with my sister and seeing the shape she is in I'm motivated again to take care of this situation. My doctor is also looking in to some procedure where they inject something from your own platelets into your knees and it helps regenerate the joint and minimize arthritis. It may still be in research phase but I'm willing to participate if I'm a candidate. She's checking on it. Hopefully she follows through.

    Hang in there Marla with your weight gain from the fair. You can do it!
