The New Water Cooler



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla - You tried, some guys are clueless. :s I hope Caleb doesn't bring any thing home either to the family.

    Jenny - Have fun with the knitting group, although knitting would be the farthest thing from my mind in this heat.

    Ang - Hi

    Dave and I went bike riding this morning before it got too hot, 91F. No rain in sight, we had rain at the
    cottage but here nothing. My flowers and plants look so stressed. Last night we went to the boat
    for a rib dinner put on by the club but we did have to pay for it. It was a good dinner, ribs, potatoes,
    beans and a roll.

    Today is a dentist apt. and then getting my bangs trimmed and trying to stay cool.

    Stay cool ladies its another hot one! Has anyone been watching the Republican convention? Who would have thought the Donald would get this far.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Hot here! Sweat, sweat, sweat! Checking in. More later when I am home.
    Marla- could rash be poison ivy?
    Driving practice is the worst.
    Off to appt so more tonight.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    so hot. Brutal. Heat index 113 and over.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla your weather is much hotter than ours so I will not be complaining.

    I had yoga today and Barb was our instructor, she always makes things interesting. I made an intention for rain today but it didn't happen. Our lawn looks like hay and my flowers are stressed but we keep on
    watering. I just finished making soup, I must be hoping Fall is coming because of all this heat.

    Kristina and John are coming for the weekend and hopefully some sailing on Sunday.

    We skyped with Isaac and Kathy yesterday and he was a hoot, he is walking more and was putting on a
    show for us. I have to get some new pictures which is hard because he always moving now.

    Enjoy your weekend and stay cool.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    We went out for dinner and had margeritas. I didn't have a lot to eat today due to my 5 home visits so the liquor has gone to my head. I assume I will be sleeping by 8pm. Oh well, I could use the extra zzzzz's.

    Miserably hot here too. I don't know the heat index but my car says 100 degrees outside. With our humidity being high too, it feels awful! Knock you over miserable.

    Rory has been posting some nice scenery pictures on Facebook. His posts today showed a hike he took up to a peak. The views were gorgeous. Lucky him! This smiling dog keeps following him around, LOL!

    I love my caseload of students but Russ and I are trying to figure out if staying where we are and working ourselves to death is really worth it. Downsizing to a simple, minimalist life sounds attractive and just living our days to the fullest, stress free is calling our name. I don't know if we have the guts to do it but it sure is fun to talk about.

    Well I need to zone due to my margeritas so signing off!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I love margaritas, enjoy them Jenny!!

    Hot and sunny, no rain and I had to buy new flowers for the front entrance. My flower pot fell over this morning and said, "I can't take the heat anymore'. :D

    Have a good weekend

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member

    praying for cooler week - Caleb is at his last camp this week - and then two week until school starts. Crazy.

    I am still gaining weight - and feeling miserable - my pants (the next bigger size) are tight - so mad at myself
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I hear ya Marla, read my newsfeed today. I am so deflated after gettting on the scale today. All clothes are crying at the seams from my summer weight gain. Only 2 pounds away from my beginning journey here on MFP. :s Will we ever learn . :'(
    I can't believe school will be starting for your boys already, where here they don't start until after
    Labor Day weekend.

    We had a good weekend with my daughter and her boyfriend John from Argentina. They have been together for 1 year now and he has been in Canada for 6 months now. He will be starting school
    in September for massage therapy for a 2 year program. His status now is a tourist visa and he will
    get his student visa before he starts school which opens up for him to work legally in Canada.
    We will meet his parents from Argentina next Sunday for lunch while we are on our club cruise for the week.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Hi I'm here. Heat is zapping me and I zone out at night. We are working on downstairs bathroom. Tomorrow eve, sanding and filling dings and holes. Wednesday, hopefully paint walls. I may talk Russ into tiling floor after all.

    Watching DNC tonight. Different tone from RNC last week. Crazy but interesting election/campaign.

    I am also struggling with pounds. Russ is losing while I'm stagnate. I need to reduce sugar and carb intake to healthy levels. Exercise is not happening.

    We can do this ladies!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I don't know why I can't shake myself into action - I am disgusted with myself. I did order some shakes and maybe they will help me get back on track - I have never had luck with shake programs - but I need a kickstart

    Thank God not as hot this week. Praying Caleb has another awesome camp experience- his last two were amazing - but when we checked in Sunday he was grumpy because he didn't get the cabin he wanted - being in a bad mood to begin with makes me nervous for the whole week for him - all I can do is pray - and then I got into with Zach last night - I was trying to talk with him about the very soon school year and his VERY heavy schedule and what he is going to do - and he is already put out with me - "I"m done talking about this!" ggrrrrr - I am hoping to get him in for his driving test next week - so if he fails we still have another week before school to try again - I really want that done before school starts
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Teen boys. Such a joy (sarcasm). Hang in there, Zach will appreciate you when he is 18 or 19.
    Hot today. Tired of high temps. Sweating at work!
    Holes in bathroom are filled and some are sanded. Finish sanding those that are drying tomorrow and prep room for painting. I should be able to get first coat done. We are replacing medicine cabinet and light so last wall will be painted with a utility light providing the light.
    Stay cool!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    well, another day and I still s*ck at getting myself on track - meh
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Prepped and painted 3 of 4 wal ok s in bathroom. Tomorrow we take off medicine cabinet and put up new light. Then I can paint that wall. Color is a warmer tan than previous tan. Very sore so relaxing.

    Watching convention,
    Sleep well.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I'm on the verge of dropping down from my first half. How can I do it when I haven't run in 2.5 weeks? I hate saying that. I'm simply not getting up early enough any more to go in the morning and I just don't at night when I get home. I need to. I want to. I don't.

    I also can't stop eating junk. Once again the scales have gone back up. They are supposed to go down!

    I hope this coming long weekend to get lots of running in. I thought with going to be early last night would get me up on time to go this morning. Nope. Fell back asleep and barely got up on time to get out the door for work. Sigh. I'm in a rut I can't get out of.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Ang, Maybe your body is telling you that you need the sleep. Plus you just moved into a new apt. and getting settled. Give yourself a break and you will get out of your rut once the cooler weather comes back. I am looking to that too.

    Jenny, Sounds like the bathroom is shaping up and your weather is like ours hot and sticky.
    Getting sick of it real soon.

    Marla, My weight was actually down this morning. I have been watching the snacking, not eating at night after dinner and smaller portions. I still have to lose 30 lbs so I have my work cut out for me. I hope Caleb enjoys the rest of his time at camp. I had one daughter, Kristina, who loves camp and one, Kathy, who didn't want to leave home. ;)

    I did an 11 mile bike this morning before it got too hot and I am pooped. I still have to take my shower and pack as we are leaving tomorrow for another sailing club cruise and will stay out until Wedneday.
    We will leave Monday and go to another port which has a pool, Yay! We are meeting John's parents from Argentina on Sunday. That should be intesting, let you know how that went.

    Here is the lastest picture of Isaac at the other grandparents house.



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I feel you Ang -

    Caleb is home tomorrow! Hoping he had another awesome week.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    **whispers** I miss when the boys went away for camp the same week - it was mommy week
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Cute pic of Isaac!
    We are all struggling. Should we do some kind of accountability check in? Pledge minutes of exercise per week and check in and report?
    Hit a snag with bathroom. We have to move light box so need a wall patch kit and need to cut, then repair wall, paint, hang light and mirror. Then we are going to tile floor. Saw a nice tile on sale at Menards. If it measures out right, we will by it. Small bathroom, low cost. Love that!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I believe we should all make a pledge to something (whatever we need to do to get moving) -

    my scale continues to move up and I am nearing a full blown panic attack - it's like my 'give a darn' button is just broken - but I do care - because I hate the way I feel and look -

    Caleb comes back today and I am going to challenge him and me to exercise everyday until school starts - and then once soccer practice starts to a set number of days on top of soccer. One of the first things they do for PE is the mile run and he is doing better food wise with being at camp because being away at camp is automatically limiting and they are getting a lot of outdoor time - so I am going to challenge to work out with me everyday to help me get out of my bad place and to help him get prepared for his big physical challenge.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Shirley - He is getting so big!

    Marla - That's what I loved about camp! Portion sized foods and you didn't have to cook it!

    Jenny - I like the idea of an accountability check it!

    Oops. Woke up today at 6:42. I need to leave between 6:50-6:55 to get my bus. Needles to say I didn't make it. On a brighter note, all 19 books I got when I was on vacation for the church library are all ready to go into the library this Sunday! I'm excited. I'm also excited for the long weekend. I plan to get lots of running in this weekend. No more excuses. My half marathon is in 48.5 days!

    I'm determined to keep running through the fall and as it gets colder through those months I don't want to think of right now. A lot of people are complaining about the heat (the same people I remember complaining about the cold!) I"m loving the heat! I'll take hot weather over freezing cold weather any day! Yesterday was bad though - feel like temperature of 31C (87.8F) and the bus driver had the heat on!! The heat!!! Even with all the windows in the bus open it was horrible. I was getting nauseous before I got home.