The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    great activity ladies! I moved quite a bit - did a lot of bathroom scrubbing Saturday and yesterday Caleb and I were out for almost two hours looking for Pokemon (that new crazy craze) - I gave myself an hour of walking since there is stopping and trying to 'catch' the pokemon - but I was pleased with how long we were out this time -

    watched some Olympics, think I am taking Zach for his drivers test tomorrow!

    thought I had lost a smidge last week - this morning - just way back where I was before - meh - keep on Marla - hoping it is just monthly extra water and will ease off in a couple of days
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I am over a week with logging my food - and my activity is up - baby steps - now to maintain and be 'better' - got my lab result with a weird highlight on the bilirubin "Total Bilirubin 1.2 mg/dL H 0.0-1.0 mg/dL " so I guess it is high - unfortunately I have until Friday for appointment I can't tell from googling what this may indicate - I don't appear to have jaundice - I am not yellow - I kind of wish they hadn't sent this out - because I will stress about all week - on top of taking Zach to dmv today - bleh -
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Oh and terrible day at work yesterday - went home and cried - roll on
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Zach didn't pass the drive this morning - but the lady was nice and told him to come back tomorrow - it was one of things we did practice over and over (turning onto the one way) but he went into the right lane instead of the left - automatic fail - I told him I was still very proud and what matters is to bounce back and try again - even when he does pass we still have a lot of learning to do I reminded him -
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2016
    Aug. 8 - Biking 8.4 miles
    Aug. 9- Walking 45 mins.
    Still logging everyday South Beach Phase 1 for 14 days. I may extend this.

    Marla and Jenny you are doing great keeping up on this motivation of losing weight.
    It should get better as the weather cools. Marla, sorry to hear about Zach and his drivers test. Next time will be the charm.

    I think I am canning the Mayo Clinic plan, more money to dish out for meal plans and such. I went back to South Beach Phase 1 and am adding more vegetables and fruit. I am also going to keep track of the fats, carbohydrates, veges, fruit, protein/dairy maybe I can see where I am lacking and where I have to cut back. My goal is 1200 calories this week.

    This morning was a chiro appt. on my lower back, my usual monthly adjustment. I started some laundry and Dave is helping me water the neighbor's flowers while they are away. Their daughter comes home
    on Friday so I will let her take over. We are supposed to get some rain tonight and tomorrow.

    Going to the show to see Star Trek tonight. I will let you know how it went.

    I am doing a Workweek Hustle with Fitbit this week also.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Marla- sorry about Zach's test. Many youngsters don't pass the first time around. He only had one infraction, easy to fix. I wish you had a different job that brought you joy. Stress isn't good for any of us. WTG on the logging!

    Shirley- Nice activity minutes! Good to know about the Mayo diet. I've looked at info online about it but never considered it.

    I'm just trying to stay around 1300 calories per day. I didn't bike yesterday due to the heat and today is worse. I'm getting my hair cut tonight. I've done the stairs at work several times today and walked to and from my car. So some movement. I've logged every day since last Friday. It does make me think twice about what I eat.

    One more day of work and then 2 1/2 weeks off! Love it! Not sure what I will accomplish yet.

    Have a nice evening!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I have logged food everyday since a week ago Saturday - no activity since Sunday though -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I didn't log today for food. Not on track today and we went out for margeritas tonight. I celebrated my last day of work for 2 weeks. We ate Mexican so no logging because it would be sky high.

    I did walk a lot at work today and up and down stairs several times so I'm counting 30 minutes of walking. I made sure to walk a steady pace as I went up and down halls copying, printing, teaming, etc. I did not take the elevator once today. My knees hurt now so I may get in bed to relax and fall asleep early. We attend the Global Leadership Conference tomorrow at our church. It goes for two days and we will attend both days. They get some famous and amazing speakers that are quite inspirational. It's via satellite and broadcoast in over 200 countries. Our church gives a reduced registration fee. We did not go last year so decided to this year.

    Bad storms right now. Maggie is wearing her Thunder Shirt. Seems to help...
    WTG on logging food Marla. So hot to exercise outside...

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    another day without activity - so tired and hot - but I did log and I think I stayed pretty god

    Zach passed today - he is school legal. (He can drive to and from school and school activities). Wow. I have been anxious to get him to this point - now I can be anxious about sending him off alone. Good times.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2016
    Marla, so glad Zach passed his test, what a relief, but I know what you mean about them taking the car without you next to them. It takes a while to settle down about that. You will worry.
    Good on the logging and its hot here too so exercise is a challenge. Too bad we can't go in a pool and do lengths like the Olympics. Just kidding. :D

    Jenny - Try logging the Mexican food anyway it will make you more accountable.
    I am going to log when I go on vacations now, I always let that slip and then weigh when I get home
    and sigh at the results. I am also going to count my Proteins/dairy, fats, carbs, veges, and fruit to see where I am with that. According to the Mayo Clinic its: Proteins/dairy 4, fats 3, carbs 4, veges 4, and fruits 3 all in one day for a calorie count of 1200. You can increase it for a larger calorie count.

    My sister emailed me and she has been evacuated from her home due to a large fire in her town.
    She is staying with her boyfriend and her two dogs.

    I am finishing up cleaning today and then will do some errands. I have a meditation meeting tonight
    at 7:30pm.

    Aug. 10 - Wednesday - Yoga 75 mins.
    Aug. 11- Thursday - Walking 45 mins.
    Still doing the Fitbit challenge until Friday.
    Still logging everyday.


  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    good job Shirley!

    Enjoy your break Jenny.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    The first day of the leadership summit was so inspirational. All were great speakers. I would expect the same tomorrow. We are packing our lunch for tomorrow. We bought at a food truck today and the lines were so long. We waited in the hot sun for 30 or more minutes to order and receive our food. Tomorrow we are taking cold chicken, potato salad, raw veggies and fruit.

    The heat is stifling. The weekend is suppose to be cooler and not humid. Fingers crossed...

    Wednesday 8/10, 30 minutes walking

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Didn't realize it's been so long since I've been on. I've been to busy watching the Olympics. Like I am right now!

    I haven't got much running in after my 16k run. I did something to my heel and it hurt just to walk on it. It's feeling better now, so hope I can motivate myself to go tomorrow.

    Longer post later when I'm on my computer and not my phone!!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    off to the doc - trying to think good thoughts but the weird lab results they emailed definitely has me stressed and I know my b.p. is up. Not off to good start.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Good luck Marla with the doctor apt. and hope all is well.

    Jenny - At least the conference is interesting and you are not bored. Smart idea taking your food and having healthier options.

    Ang- we have missed you post when you can. I have been watching Olympics too here and there.

    Aug. 12 - Yoga class 75 mins.

    Fitbit challenge ends today and so far I am in the lead. :p I shall see if this holds up. :D


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Leadership summit was great but too much sitting over two days. We sat on the upper level so I did climb up and down two flights of stairs both days, 6 times each (at least 144 steps per day). We also walked outside during our breaks but it was not an aerobic pace. Just movement...

    I have been watching Olympics also. Today at 3pm central time, USA volleyball plays China and my friend's daughter is the main setter for USA. It will be the first match I was able to see due to work and summit schedule.

    Russ and I went to a new but old place for breakfast this morning and then on to the farmer's market. I had a veggie omelet, hashbrowns and coffee. I bought some large tomatoes and onions to make that tomato onion salad with the onion and vinegarette. I'm going to use up any old veggies in fridge and make individual egg omelettes I can freeze and microwave in the mornings. I should get to the store before vball starts.

    I haven't logged for a couple of days.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    had a yucky weekend - I'm sure my body was making me pay for stressing it out with everything recently (driving, doc, life) - I had an awful migraine Sunday and/or a touch of the flu -
    still a big zero on activity - and I didn't log - but I'm pretty sure I hit a deficit.

    I'm up and at my early day - but a bit shaky - Kids start school this week - still need to take C for eye appt today - and try to get to the ortho because he has another wire come - this is like the 6th time - it never happened to Zach - annoying - for him especially -

    oh - the doc said the lab was probably just an anomaly since all the other panels were good - so that's good I guess - not sure I feel completely reassured and of course my bp was pretty high since I had worked myself up good - meh
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I did win the Fitbit challenge for Work Week Hustle. I have a new cyber friend from here actually and
    I will be in the Weekend challenge and Goal Day challenge. We shall see how I do in these.

    Today was dermotologist apt. and I have two spots froze, first time for me to have this done. I had to pay for one of them because it was considered cosmetic.

    Dave and I did go for a bike ride today but it was very humid. We are finally getting some rain but still
    sporadic and isolated in our area. Some areas are getting tons of rain and we are not.

    Aug. 13 - No exercise, no logging - sailing party but I did try to be good on the food.
    Aug. 14- Garden clean up in back yard 65 mins. - logged food
    Aug. 15- Biking - 49 mins. - 8.2 miles- logged food

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I had a dentist appointment today, yuk! My teeth are in good shape but they still give the lectures on flossing and what kind of toothpaste is bad for you. Also pushing the Sonic toothbrush to get bacteria out from between teeth. It would be nice to hear more often how healthy my teeth are rather than all the don'ts.

    Rory and I took the dogs to the dog park but it was pretty hot in the sun so we only walked once around the enclosed area (20 minutes leisurely walking). We usually walk around the park twice but the sun was too hot. Came home and made my mini egg muffins with veggies, cheese and a little ham. I will freeze them and microwave as a protein breakfast. One is about 70-80 calories with skim milk ( I used high protein milk). Next I would like to make one of those oatmeal bakes that you can reheat and eat off for breakfast too. I need to look up a recipe. Tonight or tomorrow I will make my tomato, onion, and cuke salad with the vinegar, oil, sugar, salt and pepper.

    Rory's college classes start next Monday already. Wow! He is going back up to school on Saturday. This is the longest he's been home since he left for college freshman year. It's been so nice having him home.

    WTG on your exercise Shirley! Hang in there Marla. Glad the doctor said all was well.

    We need more rain but it just doesn't happen. Our last good storm came down so fast that I don't know how much absorbed into the ground. Grass and plants are still green and alive so better than most years.

    Have a nice evening.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    edited August 2016
    I think I feel worse today than yesterday - last night after getting home from an eye appt and then a three hour trip to drive to the ortho's out of town office so Caleb could be seen immediately I was slammed with some heavy duty vertigo. I still needed to make Zach drive last night and that was awful - I went and crashed after that and slept from 7:30 till 5 a.m. pretty much straight. I still feel really dizzy though - I hope this goes away soon - I have so much I need/want to do and just can't when I am almost falling over! School starts tomorrow and this year is going to start off with a whimper - and Caleb's 12th birthday is Thursday! There is never a good time to be sick - but this really stinks - and if the boys get this weird viral thing from me - that will really be a bad deal. Meh