The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    It sounds like the 3 of us are on board for an accountability check-in. Shirley is not back yet so we'll see if she wants to also. Do you want to set # of days exercised per week, miles run/walked, or minutes of activity per week (could include yard work, cleaning, exercising...)?

    This past week flew by. Rory comes home Monday eve, late. We are frantically working on this bathroom. Russ has the lighting wires and box in but has been working on patching the opening in sheetrock. As usual it is a pain and I hope it doesn't show too much above the mirror. We had to buy special hangers for the mirror since it is so heavy. I took my paint swatch and backsplash to Menards to see if the sale flooring would work. I thinks it's a nice match and wouldn't show too much dust and hair on the floor in between cleanings. We will go back and pick up 4 boxes of tile. The floor will cost under $100!

    Today is our 23rd anniversary and we did not plan ahead for a celebration. We are going to a movie Captain Fantastic with Viggo Mortenson and then somewhere to eat. We have pledged to plan ahead for a trip for our 25th anniversary. Start saving now!

    I hope you get your running in Ang.
    Marla- great idea to ask Caleb to help you. Maybe he will be motivated and even feel better since being at camp.

    Have a nice evening!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Jenny - Happy Anniversary!!

    I think minutes would be best for unaccountably. Mine would very much vary depending on the length (and pace) of my run.

    I ran 14K!!!! My longest run to date! My legs are very much telling me that as well. With having tomorrow off for the holiday (the one they created so we could have a long weekend in August!) I want to attempt another long run tomorrow. I'm thinking 14k again or maybe 16k.

    Buskers is here right now. Street performers from all over the world have come. It's really good. I was down to the waterfront (where they are) yesterday and saw some and plan to go back tomorrow. I do need to get some things done at home tomorrow though as well, so I will see if I have time to make it down. The ones I am looking at going to see aren't until the afternoon so I that gives me lots of time in the morning - depending on what time I wake up!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Happy after anniversary!

    I bet you can't wait for R to be home. What an adventure.

    It doesn't what we check in on - I am starting today on logging my food - all food - will work on getting a deficit soon I hope - first the accurate logging all bites - and getting some activity - I want everyday - but realistically I am going for goal of 3 days a week
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I"m setting a lofty goal. Run EVERY DAY this month. Even if it's just a 2k or 3k run on the days of my cross-training (Sunday and Thursday). Started it off with my 5k training run tonight. I waited until later to go today so there was cloud cover and it might not be so hot. The breeze felt good when I was running. Though the benefit of going at night also helps know what you need to burn off for the rest of your calories for the day!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Accountability, I am all in !!! Whatever you choose and how you want to do it I will be there!!

    I am still on the water, we had a successful weekend with our sailing club and we met John's parents, sister, and brother from Argentina and his mom gave me a lovely shawl from there as a gift.
    We had dinner at one of the restaurants at the club we were staying at and they came back to the boat
    for dessert. His dad belongs to a sailing club in Argentina.

    Today we are at another port and tomorrow a bike ride is planned and then home on Wednesday.

    Have a good evening,

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Thanks for the anniversary wishes.
    Let's each set our own activity goal for minutes per week. We each can determine how many days to get those minutes.

    Bathroom usable but not done. Decided not to get that floor because it didn't have the tile edging for baseboards. I lIke those for mopping and wiping down when cleaning. One towel rack up and Russ fizzled. The light and mirror took awhile. We went to order a new showe door for upstairs bathroom. Complicated so more decisions to make 1st. Why do I start these projects?

    Hot here! Fall can come now.

    Nice run, Ang! Glad you are having a nice sailing trip, Shirley. Great goal for logging, Marla.

    What day should we report our weekly minutes?


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Just a thought, but how about we put in our exercise everyday as minutes. Also let's add our logging accountability and also if you don't log your food put it in too. That will makes us think twice.

    Another hot day today, we did go for a bike ride and stopped for a cappucino and a scone. We walked
    the streets of the downtown and then biked the path back. We changed quickly as we were so hot and
    right to the pool. We just got back after showering and now relaxing until dinner time.

    We are sailing back tomorrow.

    Aug. 2 - 1 hour bike ride
    No logging of food as I am away.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    I am four days good at logging all food and exercising. I am happy about that.

    I am embarrassed at how far I have fallen. I really made myself look at my body in the mirror last night before I showered. It made me feel terrible. I know I have to carry on and push on - I just wish I had been more concerned before I let it get so far out of control. I know it's bad because my bra's are too tight. The clothes I had put away two years ago because they were falling off are too tight. I just want to bawl.

    Welcome back Rory!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Aug. 4 - Logging food today
    Restorative Yoga tonight at 5pm. 75 mins.

    We got home yesterday from boating and it took us 5 hours to get home and we are really tired today and slept in this morning. We were so tired after docking I forgot some of the food that had to be taken home. Dave has left to do some grocery shopping and throw out the leftover food on the boat. I am doing laundry and catching up. I will be watering my neighbor's flowers and garden this week while they are away.

    We will be home for 3 weeks this time before taking my MIL up to the cottage for one last time. We have one more sailing cruise on Labor Day and then I am home for the long distance. That is okay by me. I like to travel but not this much, I also like being around my house. Also keeping up with watering has been a challenge since we
    are in a drought zone lately.

    My daughter and Isaac are coming tomorrow to go to Safari Niagara (zoo) and then back to the house. Fraser my SIL will be joing us later. I am getting my digital camara ready for pictures.

    I think I will go to a retorative yoga class tonight, it will feel good to back at it. Next week nothing but appts. mostly doctor check ups.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    Five days food logging and exercising - 45 min to 60 min each day - sore today - maybe a walk tonight - very hot though - maybe just driving practice for Zach
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Logged my food today!!! Did a 35 minute run. There was some walking as well with getting to and from my bus stop, but I didn't count that - even though it adds up to about 30 minutes spread throughout the day.

    I went for a run when I got home from work! Even though it was after 7 before I finally got home. Accidents everywhere made for one long trip home! Normally it's about 45 minutes, tonight it took over 1 hour and 30 minutes. So happy I went out. I'm starting to realize that if I run at night, I don't need to go to bed so early and can sleep in a little bit later! I like that! I needed to switch my runs to night, as some of my week day runs are starting to get so long, that there would be days I would need to be out the door for my run by 4:00am to be home by 5:30 to get ready to leave for work! Not happening! Besides with the sun not fully up to 6am now, at least running when I get home it's still day light!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I haven't started yet! Busy week so I will start tomorrow, I have been going up and down stairs at work and walking the halls at a quick pace. Baby steps! You both are rockin it!

    I'll log and increase activity.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,729 Member
    hanging in there - feeling blue today - frustrated with my Caleb - myself - had my fasting labs drawn this morning for next weeks doc appointment - it's not the labs I worry about - but still stressing about the appointment - because my weight is so far up and I feel out of control - smeh

    I found a different personality type than those most commonly discussed recently and feel it fits me like it was defined around me - HSP highly sensitive personality - Rather than just being a personality type, like being shy or outgoing, being a HSP is defined as having a hypersensitive nervous system. As well as being easily overwhelmed by emotional things (they tend to have incredible empathy and get upset very easily), HSPs also have a Princess and The Pea-like sensitivity to physical things like lights, sounds, temperatures and even scratchy labels or certain fabrics. D is for depth of processing, which is the key to the whole condition. They process everything around them very deeply. O is for overstimulation, which is brought about because of D. E is for emotional reactivity and empathy. Research shows HSPs respond more to the emotions of others and to situations in general. And S is for sensitive stimuli – they’re incredibly sensitive to smells, sounds and light.

    I kind of feel better knowing that it's not 'just me' - and that like having blue eyes - I can't just 'get over it' -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Did you take a different personality test or are you just reading a book about it, Marla? What other types did you learn about?

    I've managed to log my food today and I'm being honest. So far so good. I will start my activity tomorrow and log it. Tired from the week.

    I need to weigh in and re enter my check-in info. However I've found in the past it doesn't recalculate and start over. Have they fixed it or how do I get it to be refreshed?

    Cooling off here so loving it.

    Have a nice night. Jeff's coming for grilled salmon dinner and we are going to look at Rory's Ecuador pictures. The 4 of us are going to a winery tomorrow afternoon to wine taste before Jeff leaves for Cabo San Lucas and Rory goes up north to school.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    My exercise goal in minutes, just to ease in to it again, is 30 minutes, 3 times per week. However, this morning I went on a bike ride and was gone 50 minutes, 7.44 miles. I can feel it! Sore but and sore thigh muscles! I logged food yesterday and was slightly over my calorie limit but I'll take it because I was in control more or less.

    Beautiful day here. We are wine tasting this afternoon with Jeff and Rory. Nice to have family around.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2016
    I bought the Mayo Clinic diet book and hope to get at it as soon as I still have to read it through and through. My scale just keeps on going up and I am getting very frustrated at myself. My weigh in day will be Monday so I gave myself some time to get a few pounds off again from the boat trip.

    Our day yesterday with Isaac was fun, we took the tram through the zoo areas as it was very hot.
    He didn't have his morning nap but he was so good anyway. We bought him a little T-shirt from the
    place and then homeward bound to get him in the pool and then a nap. The animals were huddled in the shade or in their houses but we did see quite a few.

    We are babysitting this morning and now he is napping. Kathy picked up Fraser at the Go train and they went for breakfast then they will pick up Isaac and they are heading across the border for another shower to meet a friend's new baby.

    Kristina and John are coming tomorrow, John has to activate his Student Visa by crossing the border then coming back so more company tomorrow.

    I love seeing the girls since we don't see them often. I watered my neighbor's plants and flowers
    today as we did not get the rain they promised last night.

    Aug. 4 - Friday - No exercise- having fun with Isaac
    Started logging but didn't finish
    We had pizza for dinner and popcorn afterwards
    Aug. 5- Saturday - Nothing yet but maybe a walk

    Did anyone watch the opening ceremonies of the Rio Olympics?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    I totally forgot about the opening ceremonies because Jeff was over and we all had dinner together. I did see some video clips on FB of my friend's daughter, Alisha Glass (USA Volleyball Team) walking in with all USA athletes. Michael Phelps was taking the video as they walked along. She's David's age and has played volleyball since middle school. Laurie, her mom, was on the high school team with me and was Alisha's high school volleyball coach.

    We are leaving in a minute for wine tasting. Just wanted to say this being accountable should help me. I told you I would begin activity this morning so I did. I'm logging because I said I would. I am going to weigh in for myself but not check-in on this site. It never works for me and is discouraging. I'm going to wait a week or so to weigh in so I get some routines going and don't focus on the scale. I won't weight more than once per week. The numbers never say it all for me so I don't want that to screw me up.

    Let me know how that Mayo Diet looks and have fun with Isaac, Shirley!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Wine tasting was fun. They had a live band so the surroundings were festive. The winery is in an old building with the interior wall, the original brick, beamed ceilings, large open door to make you feel like you were between inside and outside... We each received 5 free tastings with the deal that I won at the silent auction. We chose different wines and tasted each others and then spent money at the end on our favorites. We had dinner at a tavern across the street and drove around the town to see what was there. The town has changed a lot since Russ and I were there in the early 90's biking on the bike trail that connects this town to Redwing, MN. The Cannon River flows from the town towards the Mississippi River and there is a kayak/canoe rental in town. I hope we make time to go back this summer and rent kayaks to float the river on a nice day.

    Still in my robe but need to weed the gardens today. That will be my activity since it really works my muscles with bending, squatting, stooping, and walking. I may take a shorter bike ride later today if I get this awful chore done.

    Another beautiful day here! 3 more days of work and I'm off for two weeks and two days! Love it!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2016
    August 6 - I did manage to get that walk in yesterday 45 mins.
    August 7- Yoga class this morning 75 mins.
    Logged food yesterday and today.

    I will start the diet tomorrow, I am still reading the book, the first 2 weeks is 1200 calories no alcohol.
    Kind of like MFP and counting vegetables 4 a day, carbohydrates 4, fruit 3 a day, Protein/dairy 3 a day,
    Fats 3 a day, no sweets for 2 weeks.

    Here is a picture of Isaac and grandma after our outing at the zoo and back at the house.



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    Beautiful picture of both of you, Shirley! He is too cute! His eyes!

    I've logged 3 days now for food and 2 days for activity.
    -120 minutes of weeding/hauling wagon of weeds to dump pile
    -no bike ride today-wrists and knees hurt from ride yesterday. I will ride tomorrow. I don't want to over do it and then stop going for rides.

    Watching the Olympics...
