The New Water Cooler



  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    We are at the cottage this week again. I did a Yoga class this morning for 60 mins and this teacher I had did lots of downward dogs and planks. I was sweaty and beat after that workout. She said sorry,
    I should have warned you. REALLY?

    Anyway, I signed up for Workweek Hustle for Fitbit but had to quite due to poor WiFi up here and not syncing with the steps. After Yoga I picked up a few things at the Mall and then headed back. I am trying to catch up on here now.

    Aug 22 - Yoga class 75 mins.
    Aug 23- Yoga class 60 mins.
    I will be logging food this week even though we are on vacation mode.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    August 24 - walk 50 minutes, 2.5 miles.
    Logging food

    Hot and humid again. I took the dogs out for a long walk and was dripping so much sweat my ear buds kept slipping out of my ear canals. Showered and feel much better.

    WTG on the yoga Shirley!
    We are having a cereal night for dinner, LOL! I don't feel like cooking or firing up the stove and Russ doesn't care so cereal it is.

    Rory found a job at a liquor store chain in Grand Forks, Happy Harry's. It's huge and he starts his training this weekend and work shifts next Monday. Hope he likes it and doesn't take to drinking too much.

    This weekend Jeff, Russ and I are going to try a new local brewery and then go to dinner. We haven't seen Jeff since the wine tasting and his trip to Cabo.

    I still feel hot, even after my shower. I can't wait for fall temps to stay.

    Have a nice day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,793 Member
    did a little 'state' fair baking last night - finally done with another season - logged food - still no bueno on scale

    good luck to Rory - hope it goes well - it sounds like he is having a great college experience!

    WTG Jenny!
    WTG Shirley!

    keep it up ladies!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    I didn't buy my new scale yet but may do so on Friday, payday. Helping Rory with rent and a little of his tuition this next month so things feel tight. We also need to get the bathrooms moving along but our guy is not available until mid September.

    What did you bake Marla?

    I'm not going to cardio drumming. Giving my knees a break tonight. They are sore and I don't want to over do it after walking 2.5 miles this morning. I won't sleep well if I do that.

    I just watched the pilot to that show The Americans. I'm hooked so now I will download the first season to watch. They are in their 3rd or 4th season now. I have to catch up.

    Have a nice night.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,793 Member
    great job walking Jenny!

    logged food - another disappointing trip to the scale

    baked scones (three batches to try to get them right and 'Hawaiian' dinner rolls - also qualified for the wheat bread but not enough time -

    boys had haircuts - C is mad she made it too short for what he wanted and he has soccer pics today - hoping Z will go to the first football game tomorrow night - it would be good for him - fingers crossed

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    I scouted fabric at JoAnn's today for Jeff's wicker chair seat cushions. His aunt gave him two huge wicker chairs for his enclosed porch on his house. The chairs need some spray paint and the cushions need slip covers. I'm going to make slip covers for the cushions and we will paint the chairs together. I asked the lady when the outdoor fabric will be on sale and she said 9/2 (week of). I was also looking for fabric for my vanity stool in my bedroom. I saw a couple I liked so I will wait until the sail on 9/2 to get the best prices. Hopefully they will give me the teacher's/educator's discount too.

    I'm not walking today. My knees are sore and I have bruises on my right knee right where I have the most pain. Not sure what caused the bruises. Russ called from work and said he was getting off at 10 tomorrow morning and we could go to the fair for the afternoon. We weren't planning on going this year but I guess we are now. I need to save my walking for tomorrow. We also have a retirement party to go to tomorrow eve for a fellow teacher that finally retired.

    I'm baking the ribs I bought. They smell wonderful. I bought a sweet potato and a regular potato for Russ to bake and then we will have roasted brussel sprouts and carrots from farmer's market. Yum!

    I also scouted scales today. Not sure what I want. I will look at Walmart this weekend and see what choices they have. BB & Beyond only had two types. I didn't have my coupons with me so didn't buy one. I want to see more choices.

    Well have a nice night. I hope Zach goes to game too Marla. It's nice when they get involved at school.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    Just ordered my new scale from Amazon. I have Prime so it will be here by Saturday. Suppose to be very accurate. We'll see.

    The ribs are almost done and the veggies are roasting. I'm hungry!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    wow. According to this I have 34 new posts to read! Has it really been that long since I was on here?? I know I was consumed with the Olympics the past two weeks (and I think catching up on sleep the past few days!)

    My half marathon is now only 22 days away! Yikes! I did an 18k run last weekend. It went really good. I'm starting to realize a 2:30 will be a better goal for my time. Last night I did my first night run ever. I ran a 6:35 pace. I haven't gone below a 7:20 pace time since I moved! That made me happy! I'm getting my runs in, but I am NOT eating a runners healthy meal plan. Not at all. I need to try to do better for the next three weeks. Don't think that will happen as I am to big of a rut I can't climb out of.

    The last couple of days I got my chow made up! I've got 11 wonderful bottles of chow! Yummy!!! I need to try to do up some more preserves. I've got my jam made already and I"m thinking of trying to can some veggies in my pressure cooker. I don't want to use it the first time though without someone there with me. I'm just to nervous (and uncertain) about using it on my own for the first time.

    Hope you are all doing well. I'll need to go back and re-read posts!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    Hi Ang. Glad you're back.
    Going to the MN State Fair today for the afternoon. Beautiful temps outside so it won't be miserably hot as usual.
    I think I'll do ok with eating. I don't have any cravings for fair foods I need to have and don't feel overly hungry either.
    My new scale arrives tomorrow! My weight has not moved in the past week. Patience.......

    I'll check in later.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,793 Member
    good luck Ang!!! you can do it

    logged food yesterday

    go go great weekend!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    Never made it to the fair. We must have run over a nail on the way. Our low tire pressure light went on in the car as we were stuck in slow fair traffic. We thought it was just a signal to get it filled. Luckily, we decided to pull a u-turn and get out of the long line for the parking lot and look to park somewhere else. Traffic was bad everywhere and parking was packed so we turned around again to head to the closest mall where they had busses to bring people in to the fair. Russ noticed the steering was pulling so we pulled in to a gas station to get air first. The tire was almost flat! We went across the street to a Midas Auto shop. They were able to patch the tire for $38 instead of us having to buy 4 new tires (car less than year old). Thank god we weren't stuck in a traffic jam with a flat tire or worse, came back to our car after walking the fair and had a flat. At that point it was almost noon. We have a retirement party tonight at 5:30 so we skipped the fair, went out for lunch and then home. Last year we both agreed we weren't going this year but Russ changed his mind. The rest of next week will be very hot so I'm not going back to the fair. He can wait for his pronto pup and foot long hot dog until next year!

    Relaxing and then will shower for party and go wish our friend well.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    I didn't walk on Thursday because I was saving my knees for the fair. Then we didn't go to the fair because of the tire situation and we needed to be at a party by 5:30. Today it is raining outside so I can't take the dogs to the dog park or walking in the neighborhood. I messed up!
    Oh well, I will persevere and keep trying to stay active.

    The party was very nice. They had a friend playing a guitar and singing in the background, a buffet of food, wine, beer, pop, and water. There were maybe 50-75 people there, much smaller than I thought it would be. We sat at a table with friends and had a nice time.

    I don't know what today brings. Still in my robe drinking coffee. Feeling lazy. Back to work Monday...


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited August 2016
    We are still at the cottage and so far no fish for me. New pole and reel and all I am catching is weeds.
    Jenny- Love the t-shirt on facebook tried to look at it from the web site but didn't happen. Wi Fi here is very poor I can just do the basics. Even MFP has problems I will check it out when I get home.

    Kristina and John came yesterday and we gave up our bedroom for them and we slept on the pull out couch in the livingroom. Not very comfortable but we will make due. Its Saturday already and we go home on Monday. We had company last night that stayed very late, we held off dinner because they were coming and they left at 10:30pm so we were pretty hungry. Ate and went to bed, not a good thing to do. They brought their little guy of 7 months so I got a baby fix. They invited all of us to dinner on
    Sunday night so Dave went to the Farmers market and picked up two pies for dessert made by the Amish.

    We found a great walk route up here through the woods which is surrounded by cottages. Its about 45 mins so we have been walking everyday. I missed my yoga class on Thursday due to it was cancelled, the instructor's babysitter cancelled on her last minute.

    The weather here has been very warm and was humid the beginning of the week now the humidity has
    dissapated a bit so more comfortable the last two days.

    I will comment when I get home again.

    Aug 24 - 45 min walk
    Aug 25- 45 min walk
    Aug 26- 45 min walk
    Aug 27- 45 min walk
    Not logging due to Wi Fi not connecting, I tried. :o

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    I will get more serious tomorrow again. I go back to work so I will be moving about all day and have to plan my lunch. We went to the brewery and ate Mexican with Jeff today and I'm stuffed. Better this week...

    Nice walking Shirley!

    More during the week...
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,793 Member
    so I logged my food including eating out with Caleb and while I know I didn't hit a deficit I am so ggrrraaaaahhhhhh frustrated that I am up 3 pounds. I keep thinking its only water weight - but it's been 3 days - grrrrrr

    Caleb was not getting over whatever he had started in him last week so I took him to Urgent Care Sunday - the doc said his lungs were 'wet' sounding and gave him an inhaler - and now I feel like death so I suppose in a few days I can go in and get something - although mine is just making my head miserable

    what I wouldn't give to just bury my head in my pillows for a few days - but I need to keep watch over Caleb - keep Zach moving forward (knock on wood driving is going well - of course he has moved directly to no fear-meh)

    High school is having conferences tonight - how stupid - they have been in school just over a week - whatever. I am only a year in and have six before Caleb is through and I just want to chuck them in a hole (the high school)

    am having a hard time pressing forward - feel too yucky to work out (even walking is too hard right now) and just barely eating over my deficit and gaining weight is making me, waaaahhhhhh

    sigh -

    ok - press on ladies! WE CAN DO THIS!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    I'm here to say hi. Busy and need to run and get new tabs for my car. Not taking computer home tonight so may not write more on my tablet later. Too frustrating. I will check in more tomorrow. Hang in there Marla and I hope you feel better soon.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marla, I hope you are feeling better, forget about the exercise and just focus on getting better. You are too busy to be down and out so take care of yourself, we will be here later for you.

    We got home yesterday and it was a longgg day. We stopped to see Isaac and it is always worth it.
    He is getting so tall and will be 15 months old on September 3rd. He is walking up a storm and trying hard to talk to us but we don't know what he is saying. He went for his first camping trip with mom and dad and I guess he slept well with no problems. He is such a good boy! Kathy is so lucky with him in many ways.

    Dave had gone to get me new tires for my car, because my anti lock brake lights keep going with has been an on going problem. Our mechanic, our neighbor, keeps fixing it and months later it starts again.
    I think its a flaw in this type of car.

    Today has been a laundry day and I did some gardening in the backyard to get things back to normal after being away again. I have today until Thursday to get things done and then we are off to the last sailing cruise of the season. Hard to believe its over this soon, but we have made so many trips to
    the cottage our boating has been less this year than ever.

    Jenny, Hi and check back in when you can. It has been one busy summer for all of us.

    Aug 28 - Sunday - Still getting over a bout of IBS so no exercise. Never made it to dinner with friends lying on the couch. No logging food
    Aug 29 - Monday - Traveled home from cottage and visited Isaac, no exercise, no logging food
    Aug 30- Tuesday - Gardening 63 mins. possibly a walk later.
    Started back logging today better WiFi at home.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,793 Member
    logged food yesterday - scale no bueno

    went to conferences (snort) last night - choir starts tonight - not sure if I should go

    activities ramping up!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,338 Member
    I like my new scale but it does weigh me heavier by a few pounds. However, it seems consistently accurate because it gives me the same weight 3 times in a row. My old scale was different every time I stepped on in one weighing episode.

    I haven't logged in a couple of days. Being back at work has me disorganized at home and tired. I went to bed at 8:30 last night and slept in by a half hour this morning. Yes, I'm a wimp.
    I'm not doing bad on my eating just not getting a good balance on fruits, veggies, and enough water. At work I put on 1.5 to 2 miles per day and I'm not even doing home visits yet. But at home I'm tired and haven't ridden my bike or walked the dogs this week. I'll get there.

    Wow Shirley, that was a quick sailing season. I hope you have good weather this weekend.
    Marla- Are you feeling any better? Living by the scale can be frustrating. Maybe weigh 1-2 times per week? It works for me better if I just go by how I feel and how my clothes fit. If I notice good changes then I feel better about it. However, I am going to weigh weekly with my new scale to be accountable again.

    Well time for me to go home from work. Beautiful weather outside and humidity has dropped. It should be like this for awhile if they are right.

    Enjoy your evening and holiday weekend if you aren't checking back in.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,793 Member
    logged food yesterday - made it to choir - we are doing a women's four part ensemble of Star Spangled Banner since 9/11 is on a Sunday this year - lovely piece - it's been a long time since I did that much Soprano II work - hopefully my voice comes back - it should be fun

    hope your new scale works out for you Jenny - what did you get? Just keep after - we can all do this
    Hi Shirley - can't believe how big Isaac is getting.
