The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Busy day at work! Thursdays are crazy and overwhelming with meetings, noise, too many interruptions. We had a snack bar in our room today
    to say good-bye to one of our office mates that has resigned and is pursuing real estate. She's a really good teacher but has gotten her RE license and
    has been doing well working for Keller Williams. Basically two full time jobs so she's giving up teaching.

    Well I brought paperwork home so must get it done. Deadline tomorrow...ugh!

    TGIF for tomorrow, Yay!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    That's it. Lawyers aren't allowed to go away. Things go haywire when they do!! Yesterday was nuts. I hope today is better!

    Rain and VERY windy here today. I'm glad I had my bookbag and JOY Club bag for tonight to anchor me down when I was going for the bus this morning!

    I had to log on to log breakfast (and later lunch) at my work computer. I normally do it on my phone, but I'm only 1 1/2 weeks into my new monthly cycle, and
    I've already used half my data for the month. Oops. Need to resist going on! (I can't pick up on the WIFI here at work. It's not strong enough to reach upstairs!)

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    TGIF! - oiy - the wind
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Snow this morning on my car and had to clean it off before Yoga class. It's gone now but the cold
    is staying for a while.

    Happy Friday to all!!

    We won at the casino $51 for me and $17 for Dave. A nice relaxing stay at the hotel and now back
    normal errands and normal eating.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Yay for your win Shirley. Glad you had a nice time.
    We had crazy weather on Friday and it sounds like you all did too. Snow began falling about 8:40am and was a virtual white out where I was driving. I had
    just left the office about 10 miles away and no snow falling at all. When I got back to the office the white out occurred there too at around 11:00am. Very windy because the snow was
    going sideways rather than down. Chilly here but they say 70 by next Friday. Fingers crossed!

    I finally got in the mood to paint and put the first coat on my wall shelf for my hobby room. Now to do some sorting for Good Will. We will go to 4pm church service
    and then get a bite to eat at a restaurant. Date night...we haven't spent much quality time together lately so we are due for that.

    I hope you all have a good weekend. Stay warm!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yesterday is hit a high of +10. It was beautifully sunny and a brilliant blue sky.

    Today is snowed. The ground is covered. The trees have a layer of snow on them. Sigh. The only good thing is that it is melting fast! I dilly dalleyed yesterday doing what I needed to do. Realized half way through the day one my Sunday School kids birthday is Tuesday. I almost make cupcakes for birthdays. I was up to just past midnight finishing making them (and my 6 loads of laundry - don't ask) I decided to get up early to frost them and make the card. I left my kitchen a disaster zone and my clean towels in the basket and went to bed. I was up about 6 and finished the cupcakes. I had literally just finished them, when I got an email. Due to the still falling snow, there was no church this morning. The cupcakes are now in the freezer for next week (and I have a week now to make the card!)

    I spent the morning shoveling (the people I rent from are away) and then I did a nice workout. I normally don't on Sundays so it was nice to get one in. Feels good. Not that shoveling snow wasn't a workout!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    hey all! the wind has been cray-cray - Ang - I can't believe you shoveled and worked out - wowzer
    Jenny - very nice job painting and sorting

    Shirley - sounds like a nice time

    busy weekend - there was someone singing at all three services, Zach played golf twice, 4-h meeting and youth group for Caleb - whew.

    Only SIX weeks till vacation- squee! Caleb's school musical is Tuesday which is always fun (plus he has a speaking part and a solo!) - Zach has a dual today and lots of other busyness - go team Paden
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2016
    Marla - You are one busy mom!! Go team Marla!!

    Jenny - Our snow is finally gone and rain today. Enjoy date night you both deserve it!

    Ang - too bad about the cupcakes, always better fresh, but what can you do when the weather won't quit snowing.

    Yesterday got on my bike which is usually my day off of exercise.
    7 days exercise this week, go me! I was in a Fit bit challenge on Saturday for 10,000 steps and came in fourth with 109%.

    This morning is Yoga class and taking my MIL to lunch and to the local garden gallery to look around.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    WTG Shirley on your exercise!
    Mmmmm cupcakes! Too bad it snowed Ang.
    Marla, your vacation is coming up. I hope it's great!

    Cold here but the sun is out. I put two coats of paint on my shelf this weekend and couldn't lift my arm last night. I got in the hot tub and let the
    jet pummel my arm to loosen up the muscles. Went to chiro today and he adjusted my neck and shoulder since they were so tight. The shelf was black so
    two coats of white is not enough. I will do one more coat later this week or on the weekend once my arm isn't so sore.

    I go to the state conference for the Minnesota Speech/Language/Hearing Association at the end of the week. I will be gone from Thursday eve to Saturday
    eve. Hopefully the sessions I attend are informative. Since I was on the committee I need to help with making the conference go smoothly.

    We hope to see 70's by the weekend. I hope it's true.

    Have a nice night!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Shirley - great job of activity every day!
    Hope your conference goes well Jenny - and is enjoyable
    No happiness in the Paden house last night - Zach had a bad round - thinks he was last - and Caleb had another bad track and is feeling bad about himself
    AND my niece got power drove into the soccer field last night and re-injured her bad ankle and has a loose tooth

    PLEASE let today be better for all my chickies
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Oh my! lots of injuries with the kids. Hope the next round will be better. :)

    Jenny - I hope your arm is feeling better and you can finish the shelf.

    Yesterday was lunch at an Indian restaurant, I am still on the fence about the food, it was buffet style.
    My girlfriend loves it. We did some shopping inspite of the rainy and cold weather. It is going to
    get better by the weekend. Commodores ball this Saturday, our first function of the sailing club this

    Today was Yoga class and a visit to see my MIL who turned 90 today. I brought her a cinnamon bun
    and coffee to enjoy. Tonight we take her to Red Lobster for her birthday dinner. We are still planning
    a party for her for the 23rd of April with just the family. I picked up some more ribbon for the balloons
    yesterday, bought some markers for my Zen coloring book, and we went to a store that had Buddha
    things and rocks, crystals, tarot cards and such just to look around.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    Caleb had his spring musical last night - he was amazing! Zach had a rough day at golf after coming in last at Monday's dual meet - praying tonight goes better (that he can suck it up and go in the face of the you know it whats)
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Wow Marla! So sorry all the kids are having some difficulties. It's hard to watch our children perceive that they failed. At their age middle school
    and high school are their world and teen culture is painful. Years to come they will realize that those years were formative but so much more to accomplish
    and experience.

    Weather is finally spring like. 66 today and warm until next Tuesday or so. I went shopping at Penney's after work and found some cute Liz Claiborne
    tops, capris, a skirt, spring sweater... My clothes are so drab and I've had most of them for a long time. Wish I was in a smaller size but that's my fault.

    I packed for the conference. Tomorrow after work we will go to happy hour with coworkers and then head to the hotel. The conference begins Friday
    morning and goes until Saturday late afternoon. We will be inside during all this nice weather. Bummer!

    I will have my computer with me so I will check in and see what everyone is up to. I'll share the exciting info I learn, Ha!

  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Actually the cupcakes I made taste good still partially frozen.

    So I found my lost contact 24 hours later - in my eye. It finally doest feel irritated. Going to try wearing them again tomorrow.

    Been in a don't care slump lately. Need to get out if it!

    Listening to the Jays game. Let's go Jays! There winning right now. Hope they keep it that way!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited April 2016
    Jenny - Enjoy your work trip and too bad you are inside. Our weather here is warming up but still kind of cool.

    Ang - I didn't know you lost your contact glad you found it again. The Jays aren't doing that well so far but they say its still early. Dave watches but not me but my SIL is a crazy fan!

    Marla- It's hard to see your kids go through all this, but it only makes them stronger. They are young
    and have a lot more to go through. Be patient. <3

    Last night was dinner at Red Lobster to celebrate my MIL's 90th birthday. Our
    brother in law came along and we heard all about his golf trip in Florida.
    She enjoyed it and her party will be on the 23rd with the rest of the family at our

    A walk around the neighborhood for me today to try and get my 10,000 steps in and a TM meeting

    Isacc made it to Mexico! He slept 2 1/2 hours on the plane and Kathy said he entertained the passengers after that. The hotel and food are amazing, quoting her.
    We saw some pictures, Isaac sleeping on the plane and him sitting on the king size
    bed. He looked so small. :) Today they are taking him to see the ocean. Wish I was there.

    Enjoy the day!

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,727 Member
    TGIF - peeps!!!!
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Shirley - The Jays are the best!!!The bottom of the 8th inning on Wednesday was spectacular! I was wishing for anything for a TV to be watching it! (I listen to it on the radio.) The Red Socks are proving a hard team for them to beat. They only 12 games into the year. Lots of time still left this year! They have come along way in the last few years and have some powerful hitters on their team (like Donaldson) and some great pitchers!

    I can barely keep my eyes open yet I am still up. Not sure why! Today was cold and windy. I didn't get a run in yet again. Grrr. My race is in less then two weeks now. It's two weeks from today, but since race time is 9am, then it's less then two weeks away! Tomorrow it's give a high of +12. I'm going to do my best to squeeze a run in between the morning church service and when I need to leave for choir practice. I should have about 2.5 hours so that should be enough time to run, clean up and then eat.

    I think I need to give in to the tiredness and head off to bed. Night ladies!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,275 Member
    Hi! Didn't take my computer after all so no checking in. Conference a long 2 days lots of sitting. Very tired.
    80 degrees here. Beautiful!
    More tomorrow so I can comment and say more.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Isaac in Mexico on vacation with his mom and dad.

