

  • Meowler
    Meowler Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Team 5.
    I just wanted to say as are weight losses don't earn us any points for our team . I would like to give a mention at the end of the week Sunday's to our team members who have lost .

    So if you are going to be tracking your weight on the tracker . and you would like to be included can i have ... your weigh in day . :)

    I'll be tracking on this too! My weigh in day is Monday morning (GMT+1 timezone). :)
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    Meowler wrote: »
    Hi Team 5.
    I just wanted to say as are weight losses don't earn us any points for our team . I would like to give a mention at the end of the week Sunday's to our team members who have lost .

    So if you are going to be tracking your weight on the tracker . and you would like to be included can i have ... your weigh in day . :)

    I'll be tracking on this too! My weigh in day is Monday morning (GMT+1 timezone). :)

    You are brave @Meowler!
  • jackiep248
    jackiep248 Posts: 37 Member
    I'll be tracking my weight as well. My weigh in day is Minday morning.
  • jackiep248
    jackiep248 Posts: 37 Member
    I like Fab Five for our team name.

    Well I'm glad no one was around to watch me doing my chant and bucket drumming last night. I'm not sure that I've ever felt more uncoordinated. Lol I will go through and do the videos again this week but I did do each of twice last night.

    I made the mistake of taking my dogs for a walk through the wet slushy mess that is our roads last night. Both dogs were fine until we got as far away from my house as possible. That's when my older dog decided that she was not going to walk another step. She dug in her feet and I ended up pulling off her halter trying to coax her along. I finished my walk with one dog walking and carrying the second.

    Day 1 of the drinking challenge is complete.

    @MissionEnforcer Challenge 1 is complete. I have friended everyone on Team 5.
  • geminiswede
    geminiswede Posts: 903 Member
    Hi Team 5.
    I just wanted to say as are weight losses don't earn us any points for our team . I would like to give a mention at the end of the week Sunday's to our team members who have lost .

    So if you are going to be tracking your weight on the tracker . and you would like to be included can i have ... your weigh in day . :)

    Going to use Mondays since that's what's on the tracking sheet. :)
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    Hi Team 5.
    I just wanted to say as are weight losses don't earn us any points for our team . I would like to give a mention at the end of the week Sunday's to our team members who have lost .

    So if you are going to be tracking your weight on the tracker . and you would like to be included can i have ... your weigh in day . :)

    Going to use Mondays since that's what's on the tracking sheet. :)

  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    bowlerae wrote: »
    Working on the chant and drums challenges. TBH, that's not really what I had in mind in terms of challenges...

    Yes, some of the challenges can be a bit strange, but usually relate to something culturally to our destination and are outside the norm of the types of exercises.

    @CaptainBoing -- I saw that last night also... I'm sure it will get corrected, but if it is still there tomorrow I will give a shout out on the Q&A thread. Looks like they are also limiting to a 1000 minutes per person to count towards the team mileage, which will make it more of a team race and not rely to heavily on just a couple power players.

    I got all my water in yesterday and shouldn't have a problem getting in at least 5 days. Being on vacation is difficult to do challenge 2 here, but I will be back home Friday at the latest and can knock those out before the weekend is finished.

    You all are doing awesome and I'm looking forward to the next 8 weeks!

  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    Do we have to tag MissionEnforcer more than once to say our friends list is complete?

    @CaptainBoing and @Jackiep248: I laugh as you recount your drumming... I know my experience will be similar! :)

    @Jackiep248: Oh, what we do for our pets! lol

    @Rusgolden: Are you having a nice vacation?

  • vanessa40
    vanessa40 Posts: 328 Member
    Hi Team 5.
    I just wanted to say as are weight losses don't earn us any points for our team . I would like to give a mention at the end of the week Sunday's to our team members who have lost .

    So if you are going to be tracking your weight on the tracker . and you would like to be included can i have ... your weigh in day . :)

    Wednesday is my WI day
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning teammates! @MissionEnforcer, as I shared before, I live in Miami, which is located on the southeast coast of Florida, U.S.A. (I'll give you three guesses for where I was born, but you'll only need one! Hint, hint, see my username.) Actually, I live in unincorporated Miami-Dade County (formerly, "Dade County"). The city of Miami is relatively small; however, Miami-Dade County is the third largest (land) and most populous county in the state.

    When someone tells you they live in Miami, they could be speaking of one of 34 municipalities (including cities, towns & villages), that comprise Miami-Dade County. Miami-Dade County is home to almost three million people and one-third of our county comprises Everglades National Park. (Yes, that's a lot of people in a small area!) Miami is a fairly young city, incorporated in 1896. Miami was inhabited by the Tequesta long before incorporation & in fact, is named for a native tribe.

    Miami, AKA The Magic City; the Gateway to the Americas and the Gateway to the Caribbean is known for our tourism, international banking and real estate industries. The area has a number of barrier islands; famous beaches and is an up-and-coming mecca for music, film & television. The Port of Miami is the 13th busiest port in the U.S.

    If you're visiting Miami you're enjoying our beaches; nightlife; shopping; great restaurants; unique, Caribbean-influenced neighborhoods; museums & tourist attractions before heading off on a seven-day cruise or driving down to Key West. If you live in the area, you try to avoid driving during rush hours, enjoy any & every free fair/concert/event you can find (it's an expensive area to live in) and have bottles & bottles of sunscreen to try to save yourself from burning & peeling year-round. In spite of its many ills, Miami is a great place to live and work. I love that in a single day I can swim in the Atlantic Ocean; pick fresh strawberries; shop in world-class boutiques; eat at a Michelin Star restaurant and make a 7p.m. New World Symphony concert. Of course I would have the ability to freeze traffic or be the creator of one hell of a personal jet pack!

    I am an east coast, city girl & wouldn't have it any other way!






  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    I have just competed challenge 2 I did the three videos twice with the help of two wooden spoons and a balloon phew !
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,101 Member
    edited October 2016
    @hawkins410 - Confirming I did all three parts of challenge 2 - that's why it took me about 37 minutes (Viking Chant around 1.5 min x 3 = 4.5 minutes; Other three videos at approx 3.5 min each = 10.5 min x 3 times = 31.5 minutes; 4.5 + 31.5 = 36 minutes. Add about a minute to make the transitions between 4 videos x 3 times = 12 videos. I also timed it with a stopwatch.)

    (ETA: Looks like maybe I wasn't supposed to see this tab, since I can't see it now, but I also can't see the powerplayers tab that we had yesterday either.) Also we're missing two of our people on the team details tab that appeared on the spreadsheet in lieu of the power players list (looks like all teams are missing two since only 19 people are listed for each team). For us, it's MiamiSeoul and milesaway61. Was looking at other teams, and it looks like it is a different placement on their lists for each team which two got skipped.

    @2016summerfun - I am putting my weight in the spreadsheet, but I weigh in for record on Fridays (so I can have a guilt free weekend and ample time to recover from the weekend if I go too crazy with my eating due to social obligations like races and just living life). I entered my weight from the previous Friday for yesterday.

    @CaptainBoing - yea, I saw that too with the minutes entered last night and thought well, guess they need to get a check on the sheets to not be able to enter over 1440 minutes each day now. Like @rusgolden, I figured it was a fat finger entry, and if it wasn't called out by today, I was going to post something if no one else did (looks like they fixed it to 589 hours). I'm even impressed with the person who did 500+ minutes since that was over 8 hours, but I have another friend on MFP who regularly does super long bike rides (400km - 600km+) and can often be out for over 24 hours at time, so I thought maybe that person just does some crazy endurance sport. I'm in a 24 hour / month challenge, and that person often gets it done in one day...but she also logs so many other days during the month of long bike rides when she's training for her super long rides, so she get crazy amounts of hours each month.

    @Meowler - thanks for the kind words. I actually was motivated to SUP because of my friend's brother and sister in law. He was 58 yo and she was 64 yo (and looked like she was in her early 50's). They both were in phenomenal shape, a good portion of it due to SUPing most mornings (they live on the beach). After trying it and falling in love with the sport, I realized at that point that this was something I could do as I got older, and as I had always wanted to learn to surf, paddling while standing up on the water was a cool alternate to surfing. BTW, I plan to move to race boards next year, and one of my biggest competitors is going to be a 62 yo lady who just rocks the races and typically wins. We've missed her this season due to some health issues/surgeries, but I'm sure she'll be back next year. I want to be more like her when I grow up.

    Status update:

    I did get 10 cups of water yesterday, so well over for the third challenge. Now to get four more days.

    I did get some paddling done today! Yippie!! Unfortunately, I needed to take it a bit easy since my shoulder was hurting more than usual today. Didn't go as far I hoped (tide was low and I ran aground in a couple of spots, and had to modify my planned route), so I fell short of my 5 mile goal and only got about 4.5 miles in in the hour and 45 minutes I was out - still was a pretty good pace for a non-race paddle and I was exhausted when I was done. Didn't see much today, just one bonnet head shark, lots of pelicans and herons, lots of bait fish, and some mullet jumping. Always a good day when you can spend it on the water!

    I might have a few more minutes to add when I get my planks done, but we'll see how my shoulder is doing later after a shower, and maybe a nap.
  • MiamiSeoul
    MiamiSeoul Posts: 1,809 Member
    edited October 2016

    CHALLENGE #1: “Let’s Say Halló in Iceland!” (10 points)
    1. Friend each of your teammates
    - Completed M 10/17
    2. Tag MissionEnforcer
    3. State what town/province/state/country you are from and give a brief description of where you live (pictures are fun, but not necessary).
    - Completed T 10/18

    CHALLENGE #2: “Drum to a Viking Beat!” (10 points)

    CHALLENGE #3: “Fill Up at the Foss!” (5 points)
    194.5/2 = 97.25 = 12-ish eight-ounce cups/day
    M 10/17 - 17 cups
    T 10/18 - 15 cups

    17 Oct. 151 minutes
    18 Oct. 100 + 25 minutes treadmill walking + 45 minutes, day 15 of the 30 Day Chest + Back + Wall Sit + Sun Salutation Challenges + 11 minutes stretching
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,101 Member
    :star: Wow, Team 5, we are crushing this! Already over 50% of the way to the goal city and we are in the lead for points (by a lot)! Keep up the great work everyone! :star:

    Did some planks so added that to my total for the day (I'm leading another MFP challenge for them, so even though my shoulder hurt a bit, figured I needed to get them done), and also I'm already over for water for today (2 of 5 done). I was wondering why I was so exhausted, and just realized I've worked out for 8 days straight without my usual day or two break last weekend. I never got my nap, so I may try to call it a night early tonight and get my beauty sleep.
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    @RaeBeeBaby @bowlerae @milesaway61

    Just checking to see if you're having any issues getting to the spreadsheet to enter in your minutes and challenge points. Don't take this as harassing you to get your minutes in (although it is nice to have everyone entering daily)... here is the link if you need it:

    Great job everyone!!

    @MiamiSeoul ... do we have a tally for the team name yet?
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    edited October 2016
    2run2ski wrote: »
    Do we have to tag MissionEnforcer more than once to say our friends list is complete?

    @Rusgolden: Are you having a nice vacation?

    Thank you Kristen... having a relaxing vacation for the most part. I am planning on taking a trip into our St. Louis office tomorrow to take a vacation from vacation, but need to take care of a couple things that require me to be onsite.

    I think you only needed to tag ME on the post regarding where you are from... at least that is what I gathered from his post a while back.

    @My_Butt --- Forgot to add you to the post above ^^^ - let us know if you need help getting to the spreadsheet or if you want to add minutes on here then one of us can add them for you. :smile:
  • jen_b860813
    jen_b860813 Posts: 303 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi Team 5.
    I just wanted to say as are weight losses don't earn us any points for our team . I would like to give a mention at the end of the week Sunday's to our team members who have lost .

    So if you are going to be tracking your weight on the tracker . and you would like to be included can i have ... your weigh in day . :)

    I weigh in Saturday mornings :)

  • jen_b860813
    jen_b860813 Posts: 303 Member
    Hope everyone's week is going well!!

    Little update on me:
    Challenge 1 - Completed! I am friends with everyone, yay!
    Challenge 2 - I have done all videos once and my own routine once, haha... I enlisted the help of my 8 year old so I didn't feel so silly hahaha!!
    Challenge 3 - I always struggle on water challenges. I haven't hit my goal once this week so far :( I am REALLY going to put effort into it and get it done wed, thur, fri, sat and sun! wish me luck!!

    We rock, 1st place right now.. lets keep it up Fab Fives (my vote also!)
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Challenge 1 - 10 points

    Challenge 2 - 10 points
    1. "Viking Chant" Video x3 done
    2. YouTube Video #1 x3 done , YouTube Video #2 x3, YouTube Video #3 x3

    will work on the rest Wednesday/Thursday. I got home too late tonight. My neighbors won't appreciate banging drums :wink:

    Challenge 3 - 5 points
    Water Challenge - 60 ounces of water 5 days out of 7

    Day 1 of 5 complete- Missed my goal today :cry: I'll do better tomorrow!

    Minutes: 115 (35 strength, 60 cardio, 20 flex)