

  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    @Raasy fingers crossed and a prayer said that the doctor will have good news for you
  • Annampea
    Annampea Posts: 65 Member
    I managed to get some exercise minutes this week by walking two parades! One with the American Cancer Society to promote Relay for Life and the second one with my daughter's high school band for a competition. Feeling a little pooped out, especially after participating in the trunk and treat at church today. I entered my stairs points and not snacking points. I hope this helps the team total out! I am surprised at the high point totals some are posting as well. I work full time and am fighting to get exercise minutes in each evening. Hang in there team 2, we can do this!
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    I got a little bit of exercise today in among the adulting that had to be done. Then I spent a good amount of time laying out my marathon training plan. So excited to start on my journey.
  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    @Ibenson2006 @Team2Beat
    Hi all. Happy Halloween!
    Sorry I've been MIA, in Seattle for the week, terrible wifi so just now logged the week ...but steep hills with lots of walking was great for challenges.
    Ended up logging 1680 STEPS, couldn't have been better timing. Great food but mostly fish/crustaceans, so feeling good about weigh in tomorrow?!
    Really liked the challenges this week, dancing was fun and no snacking great for the scale...although not easy to do.
    I noticed there are still lots of empty spaces on Spread sheets, so we're still in this if all the gaps get filled in...
    Motivation declines for all teams as the weeks go on...plenty of time left to make this a competition.
    Sorry to hear peeps are not feeling well, I too am under the weather with an annoying head cold, obtained on plane ride and hacking passengers argggghhh...sometimes exercising/sweating helps push it out of your system, but not good to get exhausted...lots of water helps...
    I'm trying to carry challenges, i.e. Water, no late snacking, etc., from each week through the full challenge...these are things that should be a lifestyle anyway.
    Hope everyone shakes off their illnesses and can make a fresh start Monday am.
    Hard to resist candy tomorrow on Halloween so go for the dark chocolate if you must.
    Best wishes for a healthy productive week, Lynn
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Hi team 2 beat was able to sneak in a early evening weight training session with my 14 yr son it was great
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    As with last week, Week Two was very close.


    1st Place: Team Five - 1730 points
    2nd Place: Team One - 1720 points
    3rd Place: Team Three - 1570 points
    4th Place: Team Three - 1530 points
    5th Place: Team Four - 1510 points
    6th Place: Team Two - 1475 points

    Individual team results may be viewed tomorrow,
    after the new spreadsheet is released,
    under the "Past Weeks" Tab.

    Good luck during Week Three!
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    Correction: 3rd Place was Team 3 and 4th Place is Team 6.
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    After a Google Sheet crash, the Week Three Destination is up and running!
    Happy Racing & Happy Halloween!

  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    Konnichiwa!! Sad news - we had one player drop out, Kimberly, kb13sport. However, we have received Laura @llmg970, a returning team 2 member, so she'll be able to jump right in. Two of our challenges this week are things to do 5 out of 7 days, so make sure to go check out this week's posting as soon as you can. There is also the possibility of an extra 20 minutes for watching the videos at top showing the beauty of Japan. I might try that this time. I am normally hesitant to watch videos unless I have to because we are on restricted data where I live. :# Happy Monday!!
  • PhedraJD
    PhedraJD Posts: 1,392 Member
    Welcome back @llmg970 I am glad you will be back on our team.

    Well team I am super excited about this weeks challenge. The videos should be fun :) Squats are going to kill me! It will definitely be something new and will take me all week to get them done. I was amazed at all the points the teams received. We had a great many (200-330 more points per team than I saw last race) so keep up all the great work! Imaging how well we will do once everyone is feeling better.
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Sorry to loose Kim but welcome laura we have a great team
  • motivatedsister
    motivatedsister Posts: 544 Member
    jenilla1 wrote: »

    This sickness is never-ending. :( I thought I was getting better this morning, but then had to cut my walk short when I started feeling like I couldn't get any air and I was going to fall over. Only got 30 sluggish minutes, but it's better than nothing. I had wanted to end the week on a strong note, but it's not to be. I hope it goes away soon...

    This is exactly how I feel @jenilla1 it's like never ending! I start feeling better during the day but wake up the next morning feeling like crap. I've blown my nose so much at this point I feel completely dried out but still feel congested. Definitely feeling better today (lol I can swallow now without grimacing!), but still hacking crap up. I'm debating on whether or not I should try to get to the gym today but don't wanna overdo it and then end up worse again. Might be a good day to just stick to the squats and the videos and try to rest after work to hopefully get to 100%.

    Feels good to be out of the bed and house! Have a good day team!

  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    OOPS! Somebody (hawkins410), forgot to post that the spreadsheet was back up last's back up!
  • energyseeker
    energyseeker Posts: 875 Member
    That is cool @lbenson2006 ! Hubby and I got in 90 minutes of walking after 30 minutes of exercising during some of the videos early this a.m. Here is a pic of the color we found on one section of the trail. I hate that autumn colors are leaving us. d2n3f479yscy.jpg
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    So just a are people racking up so many minutes of exercise a day? I feel like I am doing a lot when I am able to log 2 hours.....
  • seylerg344
    seylerg344 Posts: 9 Member
    My bum hurts! I forgot how much sumo squats work your legs! Feeling the burn! Woo!
  • lynnjano
    lynnjano Posts: 149 Member
    @Ibenson2006 @hawkins410 @Ilmg970
    Great pic....did they spit at all?
    Awesome destination/challenges, again. Gorgeous pictures.
    Confirming that none of these challenges needs TAG to Mission Enforcer? Correct?
    Coming in under calories is so tough for me as I always feel like I've earned whatever is making the effort to see if it actually helps on the scale.
    Welcome Laura...I'm also a nurse from Massachusetts, colors are so gorgeous right now, sad that the leaves are really starting to fall.
    Love Mondays, always feels like a fresh start.....GO TEAM 2 TWO!
  • lbenson2006
    lbenson2006 Posts: 3,372 Member
    @motivatedsister hope you took it easy today. You really need to let yourself relax and get better by not pushing too hard.

    Kim - awesome pic! So neat you guys went out and enjoyed that before it's all gone.

    Alissa - all I can say is....I have no idea! Lol. I just try to get in what I can, when I can. Ideally, I would be getting both an AM and a lunch workout in every week day, but sometimes that just doesn't work out. If I can get the husband motivated to do something with me when I get home, I try but that is hit or miss a lot. There is never enough time in the evening to do what I want to do. So, please don't stress over the numbers and just put in what you think works for you. :)

    Gretchen - yes, they totally get you sore!! I've just got done with a challenge that ended with having to do 250 squats on day 30, so I hear you!!

    Lynn - thank goodness they did not. Had I known they might do that, I probably would not have been so close!! :p No tagging Mission Enforcer this week, but I would probably post in here when you have reached your goal on the challenge just to cover ourselves and help motivate the team. Good luck on staying under goal.