

  • tonilogan
    tonilogan Posts: 13 Member
    I chose finding Nemo as my challenge for this week. An area I feel I really need to work on and keep consistent with my workout routine, especially when it comes to the arms.
    GSXRGIRL61 Posts: 6,282 Member
    edited December 2016
    @MissionEnforcer , @hawkins410 I just want to say thank you for a stellar challenge. Your hard work and time is greatly appreciated!

    Thank you to all Team One for letting me be part of the group. I didn't write much on the thread, but I did read and enjoy you all. Much <3 to all!
  • leti126
    leti126 Posts: 179 Member
    Hi team!
    Sorry I havn't updated this week but I am now. It's finals now for school so it has been impossible to keep up with all of you but I try my best.
    As for the challenges I have gotten them done.
    I did the mushing videos :) twas quite the workout!
    As for the revisiting previous challenges, I chose to redo the Romania challenges. Mostly because I love halloween and the Twisting in Transylavnia videos were fun but also climbing some stairs got me sweating which is always a plus!

    Lastly what I will continue to do through the holiday season and beyond!
    1. Get to the gym or do some for of physical activitity for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week.
    2. Go outside and smell the fresh (cold) air
    3. Eat at least 5 colors of the rainbow every week.
    4. Explore new and exciting recipes from around the world each week.
    5. SLEEP! This is something I unfortuntaly didn't get enough of this past semester of school, so I want to try to go to bed earlier and get a more healthy rythmn of sleep.
    6. During the holidays, limit my sweets (still eat them, but limit it)
    7. Stretch. When I workout I tend to forget to stretch and I can tell the difference from when I do and when I don't
    8. Drink water! When it's cold out and there's lots of parties, water gets left behind..
    9. Last but not least do fun things! I have been so bogged down with school, that I haven't had much time to spend with friends and family which puts a damper on my mental health. So my goal is to be healthy and do fun things! Hopefully find a new zumba class?!?

    Anyway, I have absolutely loved getting to know you all and working on this challenge with you. I wish you all a happy and healthy holiday season and hope to do another challenge with you all soon!
  • celtikgirl
    celtikgirl Posts: 237 Member
    Ok, need to get all this in before the stroke of midnight, or something like that, so I'll go back and read and respond later. For some reason finding the time to hang out here and read has been taken up by holiday preparations!

    @MissionEnforcer Here's my stuff:

    Standing Abs done once a day Tuesday through Friday for a total of 4 - and maybe I should do that stuff more often - I was a hurtin' pup!

    For the physical challenge, I went back to week 1's drumming challenge - deep down in my soul I'm a really good drummer - like Neil Peart good - in the real world I'm a really good drummer in my car at traffic lights. So jumping around and banging on things is a little bit motivating for me. Someday I might be brave enough to attend the drum class at the gym, but for now, my basement was fine.

    8 things to do to get through the holidays without total failure
    1. Scheduled a weigh in at the doctor's office on December 29th - REALLY don't want to show up there with a huge gain.
    2. Writing gym time onto my calendar so I can't say I didn't have time
    3. Planning ahead for parties, lunches, family gatherings - if I know I have something on a particular day, I will make the best choices I can at the event, and balance that with lighter meals on either side and/or extra exercise.
    4. Hanging my bathing suit/new dresses for the cruise in January at the front of my closet as a gentle reminder that I have goals.
    5. Pack a healthy lunch on work days - no running out to forage and coming back with Starbucks or baked goods.
    6. Learn how to politely say no thank you when people offer/push food at me. I'm getting a pretty good grip on noticing when I am full and stopping but sometimes I am tempted - it would be an easier battle if well-meaning loved ones would quit trying to love me with food.
    7. In honor of Dasher - At least once a week I will do a 5k walk where I go as fast as I can - if it is too yukky outside, then on the elliptical.
    8. Watch the Nog - There tend to be more than the usual number of adult beverages around this month, including the old family recipe egg nog that I love, but will cost me half a day's calories in one fell swoop. Maybe I'll start drinking it from a shot glass instead of a coffee mug.

    And finally - one new thing to try:
    9. I used to really like riding my bicycle, but I've not been on it but a few times in the last couple of years - I am going to try to find a spin class and see if I can muddle through something like that for the winter months and see if I can do some kind of extended outdoor ride this Spring.

    I've been on my feet for ten hours today baking, was gift shopping yesterday from the time the stores opened until the closed - more than 10000 steps both days and I'm tired! At least a girl can write Christmas cards while seated in her favorite comfy chair!

  • TamiJo1004
    TamiJo1004 Posts: 408 Member
    This seems to fit tonight! I am worrying and anxiously waiting. It's going to be close! I can't stay up all night watching the spreadsheet so bedtime it is.
    One last thing: k0j0obhzmq9c.png
    @MissionEnforcer @hawkins410 You have went above and beyond creating these challenges. I tried things I never would have tried, it has been a great motivation! I hope their will be another someday.
    @120maggie Thank you for all your hard work behind the scenes. You and @hawkins410 have been great mentors.
    To everyone else thank you for allowing me to be a part of this team.
  • 120maggie
    120maggie Posts: 4,981 Member
    Finished the day with more snow shoveling. Exhausted. Good night! Thanks everybody
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    Anyone still awake? We only need 15 more minutes for 10 more points! It could make a HUGE difference!!
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    I'll do 15 minutes.... I'm in!
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    I'm going for a 2nd evening walk
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    Done! We are tied!
    Someone do something!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited December 2016
    The only one left is @carbucfan! She needs to post!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    edited December 2016
    The "real" Maggie! Owned by @120maggie

    Wow, who would have thought after eight weeks & 36,000 miles we'd end in a tie?
    It was a win-win for me because I got to play with all you awesome friends! I hope you all had fun too!
    Thank you to @MissionEnforcer for our spreadsheets, to all of you for your hard work, beautiful pictures, inspiration and motivation, and a special thanks to @maggie120 (aka: Jodi) for her awesome help!!
    Hugs and Happy Holidays to all!
  • Vowder
    Vowder Posts: 378 Member
    You are awesome...


    so well done....

    Thanks again!
  • MissionEnforcer
    MissionEnforcer Posts: 411 Member
    The Closing / Awards Ceremony will be held on the Main Site tomorrow (Monday, Dec 12) at 6:00 PM Pacific Time. The Spreadsheets are currently available for viewing. Your Team Threads will remain open indefinitely. You will also be able to use the Weight Tracker for the time being.

    Congratulations to all for an Amazing Race!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    And thank you for all the smiles!
  • wolvinnetje
    wolvinnetje Posts: 363 Member
    Goodmorning all

    We did it!!!!

    In my post yesterday I did special thanks but I forgot somebody important @120maggie thank you for being our team captain this journey you did an amazing job to keep us motivated.

    Have a great day everybody


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    I'm so sorry!! I couldn't do the ab videos (tried and about fainted!) and we would have been the sole first place Team if I'd gotten those points of the ones I missed the prior week!

    Excellent job team and as always thanks to @hawkins410 , @MissionEnforcer and @120maggie for all your hard work this season!