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  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    I will be happy to end this week. For a short week it sure was stressful. Happy Friday everyone!
  • CrispyStars3
    CrispyStars3 Posts: 199 Member
    Great Friday to all!
    Wow, I have a lot of catching up to do, been gone too long. :)
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,803 Member
    Happy Friday! I agree this short week has seemed long! It's a snowy, cold day here. I got safely to work though. I'm not sure I should venture out for my lunchtime iced coffee however. I'm looking forward to the weekend for sure!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,752 Member
    Finally the snow has stopped and by tomorrow we should be above freezing (32F). Our neighbor has a snow blower and bless her heart, she did our sidewalk and the driveway. She likes to use up the fuel and not store it, so she goes til it runs out.

    I realized I had not logged any foods for the last two days. So I am back to that this AM. I check in with a few groups daily so my streak on MFP keeps going even when foods are not logged it turns out.
  • cimarrona27
    cimarrona27 Posts: 97 Member
    edited January 2017

    I'm Cim. 34 mother of two girls, 2 and 10.

    I left teaching this last year and got my loan originators license- I'm really enjoying the change. It's been so much less stressful and I feel more valued- added bonus> I can go to the bathroom when I want!

    I have a few chickens and will be expanding my flock in June. I'm super excited. We had some for about a year and then moved, so re-homed them. I got more, but most died because *I think* they got too cold in shipping. I love, love, love fresh eggs and I will be getting dark brown and blue eggs once my girls start laying. I find them to be delightful and think everyone should have a backyard flock. I am going to try to do a garden this year- but I think I have the black thumb of death when it come to plants...

    My husband and I have been married for 13 years, and have gained a lot of weight together over that time. We are working together to lose it too. We have tried getting healthier in the past, but it was always short term. He really needed a "buddy" to compare, compete and challenge him (Marine Corps mentality) and that never worked for me. It just pissed me off to be honest, Lol. I had to get to a place where I was pushing myself, not because of others, but because I WANTED TO. Now, I do what I do, and he uses my self motivation to push himself- he gets the buddy, but I don't beat myself up about not doing as much or losing as much as him.

    My straw was being told that I couldn't have a surgery because my A1C was too "dangerously" high for me to have a good outcome.

    If I could be any animal... (My daughter asks me this too) I would be a dragon. Lol.

    Favorite books: Patrick Rothfuss- The Kingkiller Chronicle, Ernest Cline- Ready Player One, And all of Anne McCaffrey- grew up reading her books and that is where I fell in love with dragons :-)

    The response that sticks out in my mind- "Oh, so you're on a diet?" not that they think I shouldn't lose the weight, but that they see it as temporary, and I will cheat and slide back into my old WOE. Not that it is a LIFE CHANGE. People just don't get it.

    If you could go back in time and give yourself advice, what would it be? Mine would be to have confidence and not hide in social situations. (serious introvert)

    Question- If you could live in any fictional universe, what would it be and why? For example- Harry Potter or Marvel...

    I would like to live in the Star Trek Universe because for the most part, humans have evolved past poverty, sickness and resource depletion. And who wouldn't want to be on a holo-deck or explore the galaxy?
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Welcome, Cim!
    Ate too much crap the past couple very late evenings - feeling like crap too. My tongue actually hurts from S&V Pringles (store brand version - SERIOUSLY S&V), and cheap on sale peppermint candy canes. Climbing back onto the wagon instead of diving off head first again :s
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Happy Monday!
    Back to work we go... even more? It's the first full week back after all the holidays!
    Are we ready?

    It's shark week for me and I've been grumpy and avoiding as much as possible! Lol. I just want to stay in bed quite honestly, but there's just too much going on. The car has to go to the shop this morning for estimates after being rear ended last week. *sigh*

    Guess I have to be an adult today. No lazy pajama day for me!
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,803 Member
    I desperately wanted to call in and make it a 3 day weekend. The heat makes our bedroom really dry at night and I always wake up stuffed up with a headache and sore throat. Once I get up and have some water I'm ok but those first few minutes I really have to pep talk myself into getting ready for the day. Especially when that day is Monday and the temps have been pretty much negative all weekend.

    Hope you all have a good week! Good luck with your estimates @ProCoffeenator! I hate dealing with car stuff!
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Happy Monday! The chill made it to SoFlo, with yesterday's morning run in the 40's (brrrrrr). I guess it will be good training for next weekend, when I will be running in Illinois, with morning temps slated to go down to the low teens in the morning. The scale hasn't moved, which is frustrating to say the least, but I'm still optimistically blaming it on the on-going shark week. Hope a pound or two leave right along with the shark mid-week. I will concentrate this week on cutting a lot of the fake sugar out of my diet. I've been going to town on it too much lately. Maybe that will facilitate a drop, as well. Next up will be better portion control. On the bright side, I can pull down without unbuttoning two of my pants, which means I'm dropping inches if not lb. Victory.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    @Lillith32 I so totally get the whole pulling pants up and down without un-fastening them!! That's so me!
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Happy Tuesday!!
    Kinda done with this weather. It's beyond nasty. Heavy snow, ice rain, wind.... just yuck.
    Somehow I've got to get myself in to work early. Crazy!

    I'm doing my best to avoid the scale this week. Just because it's shark week and I just don't want to watch the up down craziness that happens. I'm having scale withdrawals!
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    The weather here is nice... mostly. It's so warm now that it was actually raining this morning. Yes, it is above freezing in southern Iowa!! Only about 60-80 miles north, they are in a winter storm advisory or something like that. They must be cold enough that all this rain is coming down as snow instead.

    Work is really kitten this week. Because it is supposed to get up to 40F later today, I really would like to get a run in this afternoon. However, I'm sure I'll be at work very late. I'm sure it will be dark by the time I get out of work - there is no question there (come in when it is dark out, leave when it is dark out... part of it is the actual season and part of it is the work season). I just hope i have the energy and the willpower to actually get out the door by the time I get home.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,752 Member
    After the high winds which drove the temps up around 55 F, the sun is out and I can walk outside. The winds have died down. Last night they sounded like a freight train in our bedroom. So I am excited to walk on clear sidewalks again.

    Procoffeenator, sorry you are still in winter storm mode. We will get more, maybe Thursday, but this temporary thawing is so welcome. Hope you get one soon.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    Welcome to Wednesday!
    The halfway point of the week.
    It was a rough night last night. The high winds hit my area. Sounded like a freight train.. all night... ugh. I'm dragging, actually I've been dragging all week. I think my body may be back to fighting off another bug. Everyone at work is coming down sick. I'm just bleh.
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Happy Wednesday! I powered through 2 miles tempo yesterday and was under 22 minutes (even with the high winds - bonus!). Got on the scale today - 1lb lost. I was all kinds of hoping for a post-sharky whoosh, but looks like the body refuses to cooperate. Gotcha, body. I see how we're gonna play this round. So, looks like I might be cutting fakey sweetners completely out starting next month, and lowering my calorie allowance.
  • CanadianMissy
    CanadianMissy Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome to Wednesday!
    The halfway point of the week.
    It was a rough night last night. The high winds hit my area. Sounded like a freight train.. all night... ugh. I'm dragging, actually I've been dragging all week. I think my body may be back to fighting off another bug. Everyone at work is coming down sick. I'm just bleh.

    Ha! Are you in Ontario??? I only ask because I am in Ontario and MAN was the wind crazy last night!

    I'm new here! I am 45 and a mom and wife. Two years ago I quit my job of 12 years as a home daycare provider. I quit because, quite frankly, I was burnt out! It takes its toll on you caring for other people's kids for that long. And the stress of the constant crying of one child or another was having a negative effect on my mental health. Try spending 12 years of your life hearing one child or another crying for the better part of 9 hours a day! Whew!

    Now I work in an office with my hubby. We are self-employed.
  • ProCoffeenator
    ProCoffeenator Posts: 523 Member
    It's Thursday!
    And of course I've woken up with an annoying cold. I'm a walking cold medicine commercial! :lol:
    My son has it too. Lovely.
    I jumped onto the scale today cause I've been dying to see what it says.. cold and all I'm getting close to my previous scale weight. Yay!
    I'm determined to not call in or have any absences so I've just got to make it till the weekend. Then I'll debate on how to treat myself. Till then it's zicam and lots of warm beverages.
  • RebekahR84
    RebekahR84 Posts: 794 Member
    I'm not sure it's appropriate to create a new post for a request like this: could anyone look at my food diary and tell me if my fat content is too high? I'm a nursing mother, so I try to get a decent amount for more nutritional milk for my baby. But I think I might be overdoing it.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,803 Member
    Feel better soon @ProCoffeenator! I think my husband is getting a cold as well. :(

    Tonight is my nephew's b-day and he has picked an Italian restaurant. Last time I ate there I got so sick even though they tried to assure me they'd take gluten precautions. If I'm forced to go I guess I will just watch everyone else eat because I'm not eager to re-experience the misery I went through last year. I've gotten sick after eating a lot but never like that. I almost went to the ER! Ugh.