

  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    5 foods:
    Nuts (Any! I'm not choosy.)
    Rice (Can't survive without this!)

    I would love to try mountaineering or road cycling. I have never taken up physical activities as hobbies bcos I was always a little bit overweight and extremely unfit. But with my new found confidence in my physical abilities, I would like to try one of these (as soon as I recover fully, of course!)

    I posted the answers before but something went wrong with the Forums page. Anyways, I did my 5K walk yesterday. It was the perfect weather, chilly but not too cold and the rain stayed away in the morning. I'm 4/5 on the under calories challenge, I should be under today as well. And I WILL get the dancing done.
  • slgibbs1987
    slgibbs1987 Posts: 194 Member
    Hey everybody! Just checking in.

    Finished challenge 2 today. Was walking outside in 40 degree weather to get in my last mile. I'm sure my neighbors thought I was a bit crazy haha. Just glad I got it completed!

    Should be able to stay under calories today, which will make my 5/5 days under.

    Now time to catch up on answering those questions!

    New physical activity - I would love to learn to surf.

    5 foods:
    Brown Rice
    Black Beans
    Dark chocolate!

    Something I would like to do --- I would love to get into sewing and crocheting. I know a little bit about both, but I'd love to be pro! Maybe one day I'll be able to accomplish some of those pins on pinterest :P

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend and for those who are sick, I hope you all feel better soon!

    Keep staying active team!
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited February 2017
    My internet is down at present hopefully I'll be up and running by Monday. Can someone please enter 90 min for Friday for me also put a 5 in challenge 3 thanks in advance also I've completed all 3 challenges,You are all doing amazingly. @shauna30 that sounds very interesting music seems to runs in the family :) what group was you in? Would love to hear.@Samra338 awesome job on doing the 5k walk yesterday.@enuf200 great job completing challenge 3 and @slgibbs1987 great job completing challenge 2. @alipsie19 I think with all the exercise this week you deserve a break, enjoy.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone
  • samra338
    samra338 Posts: 2,622 Member
    Entered your points @change04

    I got the dancing done and the staying under is complete as well.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!
    We made it!! Time to soak in the sun and do some sightseeing before we are off to our next location.

    @cherie-- Life is too short to worry about a clean house. It will get dirty again (especially with kids--or in my case a dog!). Have fun and do what makes you and your family happy. :smile:

    @slgibbs1987 -- I would also love to learn to surf!

    @enuf200 --when I first saw today's question, the first thing that popped into my head was learning to play the guitar. When I was a teenager, one of my boyfriends tried to teach me to no avail. That's great that you learned to do it as an adult!

    @EternalTruth --that's so impressive!!

    @alipsie19 --wow, skydiving is one of those things I would never do. I hate even being inside an airplane--I can't imagine jumping out of one! And it's not like I dislike excitement or adventure--one of my bucket list goals is to go shark diving and I would probably try hang gliding as well--I just don't like planes.

    @shauna-- I forgot about watermelon! I eat it all the time when it's in season. Hmm--not sure what I would eliminate--maybe the pomegranate? Maybe I'll just stay off of desert islands so I can have both. LOL

    @PompPanda --so far I'm really liking the fitbit's functions, though admittedly, I think there's still a lot I;ve yet to discover. One thing I love is that it just "knows" what activity I've done. When I go for a walk with my dog, it logs the walk. I just finished the dance videos, and it logged it as 19 minutes of "aerobic activity." At the gym I've noticed it recognizes the elliptical but not the stationary bike, so I just log that manually. Not sure why or how it does what it does, but it's fun. The only aspect I don't love is that it's kind of big compared to my last tracker, but I'm getting used to it.

    Status update: I just finished the dance videos and will complete the logging challenge today. I still have half a mile to go to complete my hike, so tomorrow Gunner gets a walk for sure!

  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,175 Member
    Way to go team 3! Sorry I was no help this week. Still on the mend. Ugh! :/
  • alipsie19
    alipsie19 Posts: 705 Member
    114min 5.5mi walk around my neighborhood.

    Great job everyone! For those on the mend, hope you get to feeling better soon.
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Hey team.. wanted to check in even though i need sleep... its 140am here and i am done. Even wrote this once and shut it down before it posted so i lost my post.. so this is my rewrite!

    I managed to finish logging and my hike.. even with 7.5 hours of driving today. Nothing like an athletes campus tour in the mountains and snow to finish it off!!

    So looking forward to a college committment... although i wont be meeting more coaches or taking more tours (and rememebering all that info for the school/team!) My plan is to do a 180 after 2.5 years of this and focus all that open brainpower on me!!! (Well until my little finishes 9th grade next year.. then we start again!!)
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,175 Member
    Starting with still sick..
    Committed to at least 7 min on the treadmill at a slow pace while watching the cpl videos in the beginning. 66 min later I'd traveled 5k and watched all videos. Except I couldn't get the eruption video or MALOYA (Plage de Saint Pierre Réunion)
    (4:47 minutes) video to work (on phone or iPad). Any ideas @hawkins410 ? I read from one of the links posted that the Malaya was banned and done in secret at one time... do I need a passcode? Haha! ;)
    I even did all the upper body movements and modified lower for the dance videos. It may not count for the dancing (being on a treadmill while doing them) but the minutes still do.
    I'm pretty tickled that in a way I covered everything. Now to do it all separately and legitimately before end time tomorrow. lol

    Sorry again for my absence this past week.

  • enuf2
    enuf2 Posts: 272 Member
    Morning Team,
    We rock - we made it!

    @Dictorbutt - wow! Way to go! Feel better soon!
    @sandkp - think of all the time on your hands once college starts!
    @PompPanda - I have the fitbit charge HR. It was working really good for months, but then it's been wonky this past week. For example - it said I did 19 floors of stairs yesterday- trust me when I say I didn't even come close to that. For the past few weeks, it seems the exercise calories are really high. Although I do have it synced to MFP, I stick to a certain calorie amt that I can eat, regardless of what it says.

    Challenge update - all complete! I finished the 5K hike yesterday.
  • BJerzy
    BJerzy Posts: 1,844 Member
    Hey guys sorry I've been so out of it and my minutes are so low this week (although if all goes well I should have quite a few today). I'm actually thinking this next week might be my last for this round. If I don't feel like I can contribute in a worthwhile way, I won't hold the team back and then I'll pick back up *when* the next one starts (I always just assume there's another - I love these!)

    Long story short - it's February and school has not gotten any better. It has me seriously wondering if I'll be going back next year. I am so stressed, I've forgotten my parent's anniversary and my SILs bday, didn't realize this was my mom's 60th birthday and had to plan stuff last minute, and I've been in a pretty crappy mood all around. I can't lose weight, and in fact I keep gaining. I really think it could be the stress. It has me going to the gym some which is good because I try to work off my bad mood before going home, but these past two weeks I was after school for an hour and a half three days, had to make a trip to Jersey to pick up tires that I couldn't have shipped to my house because they would have been's just one thing after another. The one good thing is the auto shop is just over a mile and a half to my house, so when I dropped off the car I ran home and got some minutes in.

    So, I will have the miles done. I will try to finish the videos. If I'm under today, I'll have 5 days - but don't look at my diary haha. My fitbit was dead for a few days and when I synced it they took away all my available calories.

    QOTD: I want to sail again. I haven't done it in years, and apparently there's a place not far from me where I can rent a boat. I've only ever sailed a tiny little Sunfish and I think the boats they rent are a bit bigger, so I'll have to go with someone who is more experienced.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,175 Member
    Forget the sick bug, I've picked up an exercise bug.
    I still can't get that same video to work. I've done 6/7 (+2 bonus) 2 times each now. Once on the treadmill, once the correct way. :)
    Hopefully that will suffice.
    Feels good to be active again!
  • summ72
    summ72 Posts: 246 Member
    Happy Sunday all....

    I just got back from skiing it felt great....I have finished the 3 miles outside and logging for 5 days. Didn't get to the dances but it looks like we made it to our destination. Great teamwork.
  • Dictorbutt
    Dictorbutt Posts: 2,175 Member
    Alright, got the 5k outside done. Actually 5 miles now but I digress.
    That should cover me for the requirements for the week.
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member

    Morning Team 3! Where did the weekend go?

    After a slow start looks like a strong finish well done everyone! Can't wait to find out our next destination. Sounds like you all had a busy active weekend :)

    Well here's to Monday! Hope you all have a fab day! Need to put on my Monday face Lol. :D

  • shauna30
    shauna30 Posts: 741 Member
    edited February 2017
    @sandkp, I feel your pain with having a child working on college choices but you've got a lot more on your hands with sports. Good luck!
    @Dictorbutt, I'm happy you had such a miraculous recovery! Welcome back to the living.
    @BJerzy , I'm so sorry things are crazy. I understand if you need to leave but we will miss you.
    @PompPanda, I'm SO PROUD OF YOU! What's the name of the trail you did? Maybe I'll try it one day when my knee is fully healed.

    To everyone, great job on making it to our destination. That was a long leg and we made it together!