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Senior Golden Sneakers



  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Windy, rainy day. I am writing my senators so that will be a long project. What I am concerned about...what I want them to be concerned about...concerning issues of the day! Whew! It is my only avenue to stay somewhat calm and feel I have a voice. I don't have the energy to march in the rain and cold to show my concern and support. Getting old in the body but still active (sort of) in the brain

    Saw the Westminster Kennel show. I thought Katie was better looking although she would not go for that stance and sitting still. I am trying to do the clicker training to get her to obey more commands. That is going to be a hard go as well. She tried to eat the clicker! Our kind of dog...totally uncooperative.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well despite going out for supper and having 2 glasses of wine I did okay. Within my points. I checked out the menu this morning and adjusted my breakfast and lunch. Thank goodness for the Internet. I came home and walked for another 30 minutes- 1 1/2 hrs total, 12.448 steps.

    Sandy - thank you I had a great supper. Right now I am walking inside but as soon as the sidewalks clear of ice I will walk outside for some of it. I walk lots in the house too.

    Lin - I'm like you. Whenever I get the chance I walk While waiting for my tea to brew, while baking in the oven, etc, etc. Anythjng to get in those steps.

    Fantastic day but back to very very busy tomorrow. Driving MJ tô kindergarten and staying for the afternoon. Kids are so much fun.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    An early morning fog is lifting so I can at least see to the bottom of my garden and trusting the forecast have hung a few items of washing out. Sandy, you asked me a while ago why I didn't use the dryer, well I don't have one because it would use far too much electricity which isn't cheap in the UK. I have what's called an economy 7 system which offers cheap electricity between midnight and 7am so things like washing machines and charging phones and laptop are put on during those hours. It probably seems I'm more than frugal but living on my own and having a routine I find it's a doddle!!
    Having finally emptied my freezer I'm currently defrosting it before heading for the local Aldi store to replenish the shelves. It's taking some time so I might put a small heater on in front of the iced area to speed up the process.
    Brady is so much better this morning so I'm guessing his temperature is back to normal but will still check with the vet Saturday.

    Patsy ~ Good girl, don't ever give up voicing your opinion to those in power otherwise they win, win, win. On this morning's walk in the woods my friend was showing me how she and Scruff are getting on with their agility class homework and where she thought Scruff was struggling but it turned out she's the one getting giddy as she walks in circles with treat in hand while Scruff knows exactly what she should be doing! That's so funny about Katie trying to eat the clicker but she's still a puppy so I expect she thinks everything is to be gobbled up!

    Lin ~ You lead a far busier life than me and that's great you can get one to one teaching of the single fan tai chi you enjoy. Like you I'd be grateful to be taught any aspect but it seems there's no pleasing everyone.

    Jeri ~ I know your winters can be very long but hopefully you feel now we're into mid February Spring isn't too far away. When I was hanging washing out this morning I spotted the first snowdrops and even the heads of bluebells are popping up plus the birds are beginning to sing madly so I think I can soon join in with them!

    The sun is beginning to shine through the mist so I'm going to get that heater set up in front of the freezer then see if I can do a little weeding and tidying before heading for the shops.

    Hello to everyone I missed. Looking at my watch I'm guessing Anne is already up and skidding across the ice and snow with Jilly Bean. Take it steady girl!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hiya Jackie, yes I've been up and running for over a hour now! Not on the ice however after nearly doing a knees up oopsy Daisy yesterday on the frozen path and it's colder today! However, and it's a big HOWEVER things are warming up this weekend which is super because it's the long Family Day weekend in the land of ice and snow. The short time I ventured out yesterday a little bird was singing it's little head off so the planet is circling towards spring whatever the world does.

    And me, still living in the dark ages with no car etc, also doesn't have a drier. What's the point? With central heating the clothes dry in next to no time and in the summer I do a Jackie! Okay, my towels aren't as fluffy as everyone else's, but this creates a home spa, sloughing off any dry skin etc. Lol.

    Now Patsy what on earth is a clicker? Does it replace, "naughty girl, drop that or you'll get a clip around the ear"? My girl doesnt get a clip around the furry ear of course, just a threat from me and a toothy grin and waggy tail from her.

    Have a great day everyone, Sally forth with a SPRING in your 10,000 daily steps!
  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    edited February 2017
    Good morning, Today is still super busy, but it's the first day this week that I've been able to wake up and enjoy a cup of coffee and a little quiet time before the day gets kicked off.

    Anne - I was absolutely thrilled to see a post from you. I know it sounds a bit odd since I only know you from posting in this group, but I genuinely missed you and your posts. :)

    As though, I haven't tried to cram enough into my week, tomorrow I'm driving the hour and a half to Cleveland, GA where our camper is so that I can pick up some things that I want to take on a trip with me next week and while I'm in Cleveland for the day, I've scheduled to get my hair cut and colored. I've gotten a ton of office work done this week and spent yesterday with our eldest helping him look for full-time jobs and send out resumes. (His father and I insisted he give this his full attention with us yesterday.) Today, we will continue the resume theme while I continue my office work and take out enough time from office work for my weekly fresh milk & egg errand.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,442 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Bingo was worth it as I won $150 on a pull tab!! I still won't be going too much because I am saving money for my trips and bingo can be expensive with the pull tabs.
    I have my meeting today and some errands. I am going to go grocery shopping and buy some food to start trying to eat lower carbs and more veggies. So basically, meat, salad and veggies.
    I have been doing great as far as exercise and I only have 2.5 pounds to make my goal so I am determined.

    I will try to get back later since time is getting away from me again. Have a great day!!

    One Day at a Time
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Good morning
    we been to the grocer store and it is hell trying to find things without Salt. Even their frozen chicken breasts Whats a fellow to do.

    Beautiful day here in Texas. Our daffodils are blooming. so Pretty..So spring.

    Got to go

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    Good morning
    we been to the grocer store and it is hell trying to find things without Salt. Even their frozen chicken breasts Whats a fellow to do.

    Do you have a farmer's market Marie? One of the vendors at ours offers free range chickens that they process, package and freeze. It is more expensive, but much better tasting and the only salt is what I might add (none).

    It's been a long time since I've been on here. A lot of water under the bridge but I'm still struggling with weight issues. I was within a pound of my goal weight 16 months ago but I'm right back where I started now.

    We haven't had a winter - at least no snow or ice - and temps this week are 10-15 degrees above normal for Missouri. It was 80 last Saturday, and will be back in the 70s next Saturday. It scares me to think of what it will be like in July and August.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Great hearing from you. Welcome back. I am still on a low salt diet. He has not put me on a no salt diet yet. But i am laying off of salt as much as i can.This is a new Doctor for me and he blanes all of our problems on salt

    I missed seeing your pretty flower beds.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,535 Member
    Hello everyone. Happy to read all the posts today!!



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Oh my, CONNIE, what a lovely surprise and welcome visit from you!!! :D I will simply say, regarding water under the bridge, I don't know if you knew my dear Mike passed on the end of October. I have remained living in our Independent Living apartment here in a lifetime care community, and it was a good decision to move here 4 years ago. I would love to know how things are progressing in your life and certainly how your son is adapting to life now. Surely miss you!
    PATSY, I read an editorial yesterday about not causing yourself a concussion by banging your head against a wall hoping to change minds. It seems to make sense, as few people change their beliefs, which are their core. The thing to do is try to reach those who take no interest in what is happening to the things that worry you, and attempt to make them aware of your concerns and possible effects of apathy. Too many citizens do not even bother to vote, and that is where your passions can help! When you write to your Congresspersons, ask what you can do to help them make the changes you'd like to see! You will also meet some others who share your worries and passions, and in that way, you really might help make changes!
    SANDY, you seem to have a little halo overhead once you are in a casino! The one time I was taken to one, I won $54 and shared it with the couple who brought us there, and that was the end of winning anything ..., I can't seem to work up enough enthusiasm! Do you have any plans to include South Florida in your vacation?
    JACKIE, we here in the USA tend to take much for granted that is very dear in other parts of the world. Thus, we miss the special smell of dried sheets taken off a clothesline, and the way the wind straightens out the wrinkles. ANNE's Spa effect on the towels is so true! I stopped using softener years ago when doing a load of laundry! We often end up "adding" fragrance to the rinse water (I use lavender crystals!) smell fresh!
    My post yesterday disappeared after I click on the post button! I recommend making complete backup as you go along!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I agree BUZZ, SANDY does seem to have a halo over her head when it comes to winning at bingo halls etc. Now I must admit to very, very rarely gambling unless it's hilarious card and scrabble games with the family. I cannot expect to win anything therefore. However, I did win a prize just once in my life. It was at the works Christmas party and dance about 40 years ago. I won a bottle of wine. I had a load of stuff to carry home, so I asked my then boss to take care of it for me until after the weekend. Back at work on Monday, I trotted over to collect my prize. "Oh" said my lovely boss, "I thought you gave it to me and I drank it on Sunday". I get migraines from wine and never drink it, so at least I saw the funny side of my lone wine win. Now if it had been a bottle of Harvey's Bristol Cream Sherry this little story could have had a different ending!

    We are promised a warm weekend, oh happy day. However, the chill continues today so must wrap Jilly and myself in our winter coats. Mike takes her for walks whilst I get the weekly groceries. Which reminds me, whole chickens aren't salty MARIE, and you can use the carcass for a soup starter. That's what this "fellow" does. There ain't much left of a chicken for the local raccoons once Anne and Jilly's finished with it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Anne all that chicken I have seen seems to have more salt than I need.I really don't like chicken ery much.. May be my problems

    I got up early this morning and steam me some potatoes and cook a pot of pinto beans I will still be mostly eating beans and veggies
    Welcome back to our neck of the woods. I miss you.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,442 Member
    Happy Friday! :) My hard work is continuing to pay off so we will see what happens with my new low carb (for the most part) way of eating. Of course I think riding the bike is also helping so it is a winning combination. We are also getting wonderful weather this weekend which is good since Max is being baptized Sunday. I am going to go get a no chip manicure today since it has been a long time in between.

    Anne and Buzz, you just remember the wins but it doesn't happen every week. I do admit I am lucky some of the time, but not so much in love. :'(

    Buzz, my cousin is going with me to Florida so I doubt we will go any further than the Jacksonville area. I love St. Augustine so that will be the highlight of our trip. Oh wait, I think my daughter is taking us to an alligator farm which should be interesting and scary.

    Lin, glad you are busy having fun, but never forget to check in with us, it would be heartbreaking.

    Connie, good to hear from you, welcome back. This journey of losing weight never seems to end, just when we think we got it something goes wrong. I am still trying to lose those last three pounds and I have been here forever!!

    Marie, I think any processed food will have too much salt, it is probably best to cook from scratch. I hate cooking for one but last night's meal of a hamburger patty, asparagus and a salad was so good it was worth cooking. Like Connie, I never use salt.

    Jackie, I am presuming the weather is perfect and you are out and about.

    Marcella, hope you caught up with everything this week.

    Patsy, did your weather improve?

    Have a great day everyone!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Phew, just gone 5pm and I haven't stopped until now. After our twice around the woodland walk this morning I came home and cleaned the hen house out and then immediately got into hedge cutting with my neighbour. We have to climb ladders and generally hang off the top to reach areas with the hedge strimmers and even a chainsaw was brought into use at one point. We haven't finished by any means but at least can see some improvements. It began to get quite chilly so even after a bowl of delicious parsnip soup to warm us we decided to tidy up and hopefully continue on Sunday. The fire is lit and I've just enjoyed a cup of tea so am feeling cosy. Chicken stir fry tonight all from scratch with only a splash of soya sauce so it should be a healthy meal. Hopefully I'll remember to weigh myself in the morning!
    Buzz~ I've always thought the best thing about hanging washing on the line is the lack of creases and less ironing to be done!!

    I've taken a couple of painkillers to ease my aching hip and back but mustn't sit too long in one place otherwise I know I'll struggle out of the chair. Cold air and ladders aren't conducive to a free hip joint so I'll get that meal going in the kitchen now! Wishing everyone a good Friday.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Amazing! We have sun! This is the only sunny day predicted for a whole week. The sun has shown me all the dirty Windows. Hello! Dirt and grime...I see you've come to visit again.

    Great day planned. Top of the list is good old fashioned lolly-gagging around. That translates to doing nothing at all. No guilt about it either.

    We have a fun thing planned this week. As you may have noticed, we are movie buffs. Our video store is having a contest on predictions of the academy awards. John and I are each making our own predictions. We have odd tastes so I doubt we will get anything right.

    A side note here. I wrote my two senators and a senator in another state that is active in the causes that concern me. Big surprise! I actually got a personal response to my letter from one of my senators. It makes me feel so much better to know someone is listening to me. The point I am making is this...if there is an issue that is important to you, write your congressman. She might not respond personally but the collective responses of her constituency is of great importance.

    Our jazz Musician friend with dementia is having a good day today. He comes and goes, so to speak. Recently he remembered that he was writing a song and I was writing the lyrics for him. He can remember the melody without a problem. He chastised me for not finishing the lyrics. The brain is an amazing part of the body. Neural pathways are always being formed even under these conditions.

    Enjoy your weather, no matter what it is. As Churchill once said, "if you are going through hell...just keep going!"
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Almost dinnertime and the sun is as bright as noontime! Spent a busy day but can't remember what I did! DD called to tell me her partner had an accident while cooking; oil splashed up and caught on fire and she is now in the hospital minus hair, much skin, possibly losing ears, and we hope she will make it through all the necessary skin grafts! She is an artist and she cooked like an artist, very creatively and with abandon, but I'm afraid she will never cook again! So sad. Her eyelashes and brows are gone, but miraculously, the eyes are OK!
    <3 Buzz :'(
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,535 Member
    Hello friends,

    Home for just a little while. After Qigong/Tai Chi I spent the rest of the day making plastic yarn. I brought home a bag of it so I can get more accomplished on my mat. Consensus seems to be that we need to use a larger hook. I would prefer to wait until the next mat but we will see, I might cave.

    Need to get on to the paper crafters evening soon. Dishes need to be washed, teeth brushed and last of my supplies packed!!

    I have decided to skip VeganFest tomorrow in favor of laundry etc. I did get a call from a friend and she asked me to join them tomorrow evening to listen to music. Their neighbor has a gig and I think they are trying to pump up the audience numbers. I might do that.

    A friend would like to go to the craft show next weekend and is probably will do that depending on circumstances and weather.

    Meanwhile, some less than happy news from my friend's husband. It has been continual this week. Bad news started on Tuesday and each day there is a bit more. I pray things will turn around for her soon. Cancer is horrible.

    Buzz, what frightening news. I am so sorry. That sounds like a long road to recovery.

    Jackie, what a busy and productive day. Wahoo!!! I am amazed at everything you accomplish.

    Anne, I hope you got all your shopping accomplished.

    Marie, your food choices sound good to me---vegetables, fruits, beans. All very good choices.

    Patsy, I am glad you got a response from one of your letters. I sometimes think all we can expect from elected officials is either neglect or a form letter. Good for you!!

    Sandy, the weather here is PERFECT!!! I am loving it. Ahhhhhh.

    Time to run again.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    First thing this morning Brady had a quick trip to the vet for a follow up check on his foot and one last shot of antibiotic should do the trick. He's so relaxed in these situations I do wonder where he gets such a chilled attitude although it probably has something to do with why he ended up lost on the moors in the first place!! We've walked the woods again with Scruff and her mum but the early fog has now lifted so once I've made some cauliflower soup I shall be outside for gentle gardening. Yesterday's ladder climbing had no lasting affects on my joints and muscles so on I go!

    Buzz ~ What awful news about your DD's partner from something that can happen so easily and I can only imagine the pain and shock she's going through. Hang on to the thought that miracles are made with plastic surgery today because so much has been learned from the horrors of war.... about the only good thing that has come from conflicts! A long process of recovery I'm sure but thank goodness her sight wasn't affected so she'll hopefully enjoy her art again one day.

    Lin ~ Your creative juices are really flowing these days aren't they and I love reading about all that you make and the friends you see regularly now. Sorry to read your friend's husband has received bad news but know you'll be there to support them.

    Patsy ~ I have no doubts whatever the concerns your letter contained would have been full of passion so not easily ignored. These people in positions of power certainly can't plead ignorance of issues that worry constituents if we all put pen to paper!

    Sandy ~ It does seem we all have to work at losing weight and maintaining and I'm delighted to see you doing well so hopefully with winter coming to an end you'll feel inclined to keep those few pounds off. I was doing fine until about an hour ago when I sat in my sunny garden admiring the snowdrops with a mug of coffee and succumbed to a raspberry flapjack! Oh well, a light lunch for me today! I'll try to remember to weigh tomorrow!!

    Time to get on.... enjoy your weekend everyone whatever you get up to.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well my weekend will be a weekend of worry and a lot of peering at the ground. My chewy hound, whilst I was downstairs sorting out the washing, managed to pull her squirrel tug toy to pieces, chew the squeaker and I'm sure swallowed the spout end. No more soft squeaky tug toys for this gal maybe the odd sock to pull under supervision. I worry because she is small. At least Brady is free of vets for the moment. He will be about the same size as Jill who's 7 lbs.

    Much sadness on the Sneakers yesterday. I'm so sorry Buzz and Lin. Terrible new for both of you,

  • JMarcella57
    JMarcella57 Posts: 1,902 Member
    Sandy - Great job on your weight loss. I hope to following close behind you with mine.

    Buzz - I never cease to be amazed at how quickly everything can change. I can't imagine what this person is going through from this accident.

    Lin - So sorry to hear that your friends husband has not improved. It's good that you can be some support for your friend.

    Anne - I hope Jilly is okay. Sounds like your two little guys are more than a handful.

    Patsy - Enjoy your fun weekend. (And better get those lyrics written!)

    Jackie - You've given me a sudden craving for cauliflower soup. But all I have is broccoli. Guess that will have to do. Enjoy the gardening.

    Today has begun with a slow, steady rain. My husband was off to play golf early. So I hope that, either it isn't raining where he is, or that he and his golf mates are having a nice long, enjoyable breakfast in the club restaurant. In any event, it seems the perfect weather for me to complete my family office work today.

    Yesterday, I made my little trip up to our camper, got my hair cut and colored, and picked up some camper things that I'm going to take with me on my trip to Florida Monday. I simply refuse to lose any of my weight loss while I'm out of town. (In fact, I hope to lose more.) So I'm going prepared. The weather looks like it should be wonderful while I'm there. This will allow for some nice long walks with my sister-n-law. The only day that I'm really concerned about is the fish fry with my cousins the day before I return home. I'm going to try to convince myself to be super good all week long so that I can enjoy the fried fish with no worries. The desserts, I will avoid.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,442 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :) Our weather is perfect and is supposed to stay nice most of the week. I am planning on going to Mass today because Lisa said it would be too long for the kids to go to mass and stay for the Baptism tomorrow. Monday is Bryanna's 22nd birthday and she asked me to join her mother, boyfriend and little sister for dinner. Between the Baptism and dinner I hope to maintain what I lost but it will be difficult especially since Rob and Lisa are having salad and pizza. I hope to resist the pizza but we will see.

    Marcella, I know what you mean when you travel and don't want to gain what you lost. What part of Florida are you going? I can hardly wait for my trip to Florida in April.

    Anne, I am so sorry to hear about Jilly, I do hope she passes it with no problem. Not exactly sure what the spout end is, unless you mean she chewed the whole plastic thing and swallowed the tube end. Daisy loves to get the squeakers out but luckily she spits them out and proceeds to take the stuffing out.

    Jackie, I am glad Brady is better and hope he has learned to stay away from bullies. A flapjack can be made up with extra calories and with all you do outside I am sure you burn a lot of calories. Your walk alone is giving you extra calories so a treat is something you shouldn't deny yourself.

    Lin, I am so sorry about your friend, is there any chance of her getting better? This must be so hard on her husband as well as you. Will pray for all of you.

    Buzz, what a horrific accident for your daughter's partner. Will pray they can help her and hopefully keep her comfortable without too much pain. I am sure your daughter is devastated by this and will need lots of support. It sounds like a long road ahead for them, so sad.

    Patsy, hope you were able to get those lyrics written while your friend was stable. Good for you getting a response from your senator, maybe some good will come from it. Enjoy that sunshine, you are in Portland. lol

    Have a great day and I hope the sun is shining where you are.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    I've only got one little dog MARCELLA, Jilly Bean, but she is one big trouble. Extremely mischievous most of the time, the rest of the time she's sleeping. My son Michael is changing her name to Diablo, which I believe is Spanish for Devil? She looks so innocent in her photos, believe me she's not. Luckily she oozes charm and we all can't help but love her!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,535 Member
    Good morning

    Laundry is chugging away and I have been sorting out other little things. I plan to just have a quiet day with some reading and maybe a nap. If I feel energetic I will meet my friends tonight for a little while to listen to the music.

    Jackie, what a calm cat you have. I would not be that calm if you had to drag me to the doctor, the dentist or a hospital. I am glad he is doing well. Also glad all that ladder work did not cause problems for you. Your soup sounds lovely but for some reason I am not ready to make a new pot of soup. It would be the logical day to do so but I have a bit left so I will wait.

    Anne, oh no!!!! Jilly is being a bit too unruly. I hope she suffers no ill effects. What a worry for you. Darn it.

    Marcella, you are all organized and have done your pre-planning. Good for you. Now I hope you enjoy your trip and that the weather will be wonderful. Did you say you were going for a week? A friend of mine is on a trip to Texas. I thought she was coming back Monday but nope, she is staying 3 weeks, not 1 week.

    Hugs dear Sneakers. It is time to check the laundry (and get some more steps and another flight of stairs). ;)

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,535 Member
    Oops, looks like there were several posts while I was typing.

    Sandy, you have some busy times coming up. Hang in and do your best but some of those foods are very difficult to avoid. I hope the celebrations are joyous!

    Anne, Diablo, hummm, nope, don't like that name. :D

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    I woke up to a wet morning but worse...I woke up with super creaky joints. Kness and hips and shoulders. So I am going gentle stretches and gentle exercises today. No weights but I will need two exercise sessions AM/PM to remain upright and mobile. Not sure why this happens upon some wet mornings but not all. I thank God for that!

    Oh Anne! I feel your pain, as the saying goes! Katie eats anything plastic she can find. She goes after it with a determination that is stunning to behold. We buy stuffed animals at the Goodwill store. I wash them and dry them and clip off the noses and eyes and sew up the holes. She loves to drag them around. The bigger and heavier the better. Crazy puppy. I have heard that these dogs often just do not ever grow up. They are forever puppies. What have I done? Thank goodness we love her and have made room in our life to attend to her. Jilly and Katie aren't really Diablo. They are well loved little girls that understand they are very, very important to their people.

    Saw the movie "Arrival" and it was good. Not great but enjoyable. Interesting concept and the acting was pretty good. But not great. There are a ton of new non-fiction books out on our political situation. I am not planning on reading any at this point. I feel overloaded with political issues currently. I will read some brain candy mysteries as my bed time reading. I can wolf down a 350 page mystery in no time.

    Is comfort really a viable fashion statement? I see so many women shopping in worn sweatshirts and sad looking stretch pants. I have decided being old still means you can put on your good clothes. Who are you saving them for? IT IS OFTEN SAID IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BE UNDERDRESSED HERE IN OREGON. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOMEONE IN DOWDYIER LOOKING CLOTHES. HAVE THEY SEEN ME DASH IN FOR ONE OF MY Blitz GROCERY SHOPPING TRIPS? Scary! Not sure why everything is in caps????

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Just a quick report, it's 58. Fahrenheit here. Unbelievably I've actually done a bit of gardening in the form of cutting back last years dead foliage that got missed. The snow is almost melted and believe me we had loads. 1 ft. fell only this past week. Talked to the neighbours who are all out in their jogging clothes or shorts. . It's supposed to be the same tomorrow.
    Jilly met old friends and old rivals, running behind me when the bigger dogs got too boisterous. She's all "mouth". She also ploughed through any remaining snow she could find. Who wants grass and pavement when there's still a bit of snow about. Goodbye, detested pink dog coat she hopes.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Wow been reading all of you post. Lots going

    As for me with the new water pill the doctor got me on i am just peeing the water and weight off,.my feet are still swollen real bad so have lots more to lose.. I am down to my lowest weigh i have had.

    Have a hreat day dear friends

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi and goodnight! Lovely cheerful posts today, but having wakened at 5 AM to receive the apartment keys from my late friend's daughter before she drove back up to Princeton with her husband. I promised to let in the driver from a home for autistic children. They sell things donated fpr a good cause! He stated immediately he was out of space! So why did he waste my time? Now I will need to wait another day...
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Good early morning. I got a lovely surprise yesterday late afternoon. We'd just been for a walk, a time consuming walk because Jilly got petted by numerous kiddies and their parents all enjoying 60 deg! and we came home to find Mark and Mary Jo on the doorstep armed with a spiffy new shower head, faucets and a supporting handle for dear old Mom to climb in and out the bath. Mary Jo even gave me a pack of 6 knickers, bought for herself but too long because she is, like our Jill, short. Honestly aren't I blessed. No luck with men or winning money or even in the looks department, but truly blessed with my children. It's sort of comforting to know they don't want me to take a tumble or can't get out of the bath as I age.

    To crown a lovely warm weekend Michael is coming over for most of the day to take my attention seeking Jill off my hands via walkies and ball throwing, I just get to cook lunch!

    Well must away to test the new modern shower and wash the hair!!

    Enjoy today everyone, we are ALL blessed,
    Anne. ❤