Did you swim today?



  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    5000 yards 99 minutes

    10 more laps makes it 5km.
    From there 4 and 5 miles are a breeze to reach. Just need the lane time.
    My longest is still only 10km (220 laps)
    I have to push myself one Saturday to 8 miles then 10. Just competing against myself.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Another cruddy swim. But marginally less cruddy than Wednesday so that's something.

    400 free

    4x50 kick

    8x100IM on 2.15 holding sub 1.35

    100 swim

    4x50 kick

    300 pull

    200 warmdown


    Much work to be done in the next six weeks before the World Masters Games. May need a miracle or a magic wand!
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    Another cruddy swim. But marginally less cruddy than Wednesday so that's something.

    Much work to be done in the next six weeks before the World Masters Games. May need a miracle or a magic wand!

    I am a fan of less cruddy and wow, sounds like you have a goal. I have no doubt you will do well at the Games.

    @fishgutzy - For me it is a matter of how much time I want to spend in the pool. At this point, if I want to do more yardage, I will have to get faster. But that perspective of 5km being only 10 more laps...something to ponder. I used to be a distance swimmer, and have done a lot of milestones distance wise. For me now it is about, as you said, competing against myself. What can I accomplish in an hour and a half to an hour and 45 minutes?

    As for cramps, normally I don't get them, or if I do I can simply swim through them, but Thursday was different for some reason. I see people with water bottles at the end of their lanes so now I know what is in them.

    Thanks for the tip, @fishgutzy and @juliet3455!

    5000 yards @ 105 minutes.
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I had a good swim today!! My whole body is feeling it right now (after a little nap, lol).

    50 100 200 100 50 free, breast, then back

    4x100 free

    60 minutes
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    1600 random session while at the pools with my kids.

    400 free

    200 back as alt kick/swim

    6x 50 back on 1.40 - need to start trying to swim some race pace sets to get used to a higher stroke rate.

    Times were 39 39 40 41 41 40

    100 free recovery

    400 back with paddles - slow stroke rate with strong underwater push

    200 warmdown
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    @emmab0902 Love the new profile pic~!
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Oh blargh... I've been sick for a week and haven't had my weekly run or swims. Not enough lap lanes tonight for a swim (don't feel up to circling with 5 or 6), so I'll grab a trail run with my daughter. Back to the pool tomorrow. Give it up, Winter!!!
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member

    Just found this and rather liked some of the articles on it. Have not read everything, but if you like tips could prove helpful.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    You lost me at burpees lol

    Have done another rotator cuff tear in gym yesterday. That's three now plus a fraying bicep tendon. Off work today as the pain is so bad :cry:
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    1 mile @ 61 minutes
  • dwisehart
    dwisehart Posts: 36 Member
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    Have done another rotator cuff tear in gym yesterday. That's three now plus a fraying bicep tendon. Off work today as the pain is so bad :cry:

    Wow, that is shame. I hope you get getter soon.

    I am swimming seven days a week now, twice on Thursdays. My next goal is a 29 second 50 (SCY) and a 59 second 100. I dropped three seconds off both my 50 kick and 100 free last week (compared to a couple of months ago). Would like to do that again this week, LOL.

    This morning I had to split a lane with someone so I just worked on technique and did active recovery. 750 active calories in 90 minutes (I did not try to count my laps). Tomorrow morning we fill up the pool with a Swim Athletics class: I always look forward to that on "Aerobic Wednesday" and "Fast Friday".
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    @dwisehart - 8 workouts a week? Amazing commitment and obviously you are getting some great results. Good luck on hitting your time goals!
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    Did this session today. Thought it would be good for my injured shoulder. But now my legs are dead lol. Did all the kick backstroke kick.

    200 choice

    200 Free

    kick: 3x100 mod @ 2'45 - 1x100 fast @ 3'


    200 Free

    kick: 3x50 mod @ 1'30 - 1x50 fast @ 2'


    200 Free

    kick: 3x25 mod @ 45 - 1x 25 fast @ 1


    200 Free - rest 3'


    50 kick MAX Rest 15 (50)


    50 back swim MAX (39)

    300 loosen with finz

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited March 2017
    Adult Swim Club. 2000m. All drills on 10s RI.

    Warm-up 100 Free, 100 kick

    100 Kick Slow, 100 Kick Fast

    2 x - 25m Dist/Strk, 50m Sprint, 25m Dist/strk, 100m Free

    100m Kick Slow

    2 x - 100m Slow, 100m Med, 100m Sprint

    100m Kick Slow

    100m Easy

    100m kick

    2 x Swim Repeats (5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25m) Flip turn and return to the wall 2x150m=300m

    cooldown 200m easy

    A good set - lots of kick for us Men who are kick challenged.
  • dwisehart
    dwisehart Posts: 36 Member
    Swim Athletics class this morning.

    4x75 odd-swim, even-drill
    3x50 kick, descend 1-3
    4x25 odd-drill, even-descend 1-4

    Main set:
    1-3: 50 drill, 50 swim, 50 drill
    4-6: 85% effort, 50 drill, 100 swim
    7-9: best average (fast)

    100 EZ

    45 minutes. 2000 yards, 504 active calories
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    Back after a few days off due to feeling crappy in sympathy with the weather.

    4000 yard @ 70 minutes - nothing fancy, just getting back in the water

    500 warm up
    10 x 50s @ 60 (5 free, 5 free/back)
    5 x 200 pull @ 3:30 pull
    1000 kick with fins
    200 loosen
    10 x 50 @ 60 (5 free, 5 free/back)
    300 warm down
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @dwisehart "Swim Athletics class". Sounds like & your drills look like my Adult Swim Club.
  • dwisehart
    dwisehart Posts: 36 Member
    90 minutes pretty much continuous. Working on effortless, low breath with hips and feet staying high and streamlined, "closing the book" when the head comes back at the same time as the lead arm starts to pull, all part of early breath and relaxed one-arm swimming while breathing away from the stroking arm.

    Some strong swim and strong surf kick followed by active recovery with a snorkel and underwater recovery or easy, flowy, surf kick. 580 active calories.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    4000 yards @ 75 minutes
  • dwisehart
    dwisehart Posts: 36 Member
    Swam a second time, as this is Thursday. Reswam the Swim Athletics workout this evening with people who cannot make the morning class. Same 2000 yards as above, but in 40 minutes this time. 575 active calories.

    Put me over 1800 active calories today. If only every day were like this... :smile: