Did you swim today?



  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Been keeping up with my 5 swims per 7 days.
    This is my last weekend in China for this trip.
    Looking forward to getting back home.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    Adult Swim Club. 1600m

    The instructor, 3 participant's, 4 Lifeguards and the local U20 Swim Club are away at regionals, which leads into Provincials and then into National's. So a pretty big meet for everyone.

    Had a junior life Guard acting as Coach/instructor.
    Warm-up 100m Free, 100m Kick

    100m Kick - Whistle Drill - slow-fast on whistle-slow on next whistle etc, etc
    100m Free; 25m Sprint, 25m Distance/Strk, 50m Slow
    100m Free; 25m Dst/strk, 50m Fast, 25m slow
    100m Kick; Slow, Fast, Slow, Fast

    25m Sprint
    50m Dst/Strk
    75m Med
    100m Slow
    75m Sprint
    50m Dst/Strk
    25m Sprint

    100m Back
    50m Breast
    50m Free
  • dwisehart
    dwisehart Posts: 36 Member
    Today's Swim Athletics class was Fast Friday, but with a different trainer it was a bit different (more fast, no active recovery, no kicking).

    300 swim
    4x100: 50 tombstone kick/ 50 swim
    4x50: drill

    Main set:
    2x100: 70% effort, 30 sec rest
    4x75: 80% effort, 20 sec rest
    6x50: 90% effort, 10 sec rest

    Relay race

    Warm-down: 100 ez

    1825 yards, 45 minutes, 454 active calories
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    @fishgutzy - Will be nice to be home and nice to see how consistent you are!

    @dwisehart - Two...two in one day, that is impressive. Active recovery is simply swimming slower letting your heart rate come back down?

    @juliet3455 - Ah the days of competitive swimming. I vaguely recollect them. The whistle drill, I had forgotten that one, but I always liked it.

    4000 yards @ 75 minutes
    500 warmup
    10 x 50s @ 60 free
    5 x 200 pull @ 3:30
    1000 kick with fins
    200 loosen
    10 x 50s @ 60 free/back
    300 warm down

    Focusing on narrowing my 's' pull on freestyle this week, can feel it in my lats which is good, I think.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Only a fellow swimmer Caan understand how much swimming can really help with reducing or even eliminating stress and anxiety. It is a valuable lesson I learned as a result of China trips that I did not have pool access.
    This is my third trip now with a gym membership to swim. And it made a huge change in my perspective while here.
    No anxiety attacks. No stress eating. No constant low level of a sense of anger.
    I still see the reasons I do not like cities but I can also understand why those who like cities, do.
    So if I had any advice for someone who gets asked to go on a long business trip, make sure ahead of time, the location and availability of a pool you can swim at.
    The journey home starts on Monday. So swimming today and tomorrow. Will hopefully be back in my YMCA after a nap on Tuesday.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    2600m of not fun

    200 w'up choice

    6x 50 kick-swim @ 1'10

    100 easy

    6x 50 1-3↓ @ 1'10

    Main set  4x as:

    2x 50 @ 2' (2x Fly - 2x BK - 2x Brst - 2x F)

    100 F


    200 rec @ 6'

    Maximum pace for all 50's

    100 F at pace 1:20

    100 warmdown

  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    4 miles today.
    Getting closer to departure from China. :D
  • dwisehart
    dwisehart Posts: 36 Member
    @Montepuiciano yes, active recovery is just that. Right now I am using a snorkel during active recovery and swimming freestyle at an easy pace. The idea is that you don't stop after a strong or fast section; you just keep swimming and let your heart rate come back down as you swim and then you go right into whoever is next without stopping again (except to take off or put on the snorkel, in my case, which is five seconds or less).

    When we are doing speed work, my coach likes us to do active recovery, fast kick, short rest (20 sec), fast swim, rinse and repeat.

    Today was two hours of all working on my breathing in a variety of drills. I am trying to get keep my hips, feet and leading arm high in the water while taking a breath without struggling or making a big push down with my stroking arm. 1,010 active calories.

    I lost two pounds since my last weigh-in two days ago--so I must be doing a little something right. :smile:
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member

    200 w'up

    kick/ pull - 1 sets

    200 kick Back R 30


    100 Back DPS  -  R 30


    200 pull (use PB+ Pads)

    PWR endurance - Rest 1'


    100 Back DPS  


    6x 50 Brst @ 2'

    6x 50 Fly @ 2'


    Endurance  - 4 sets

    200 F  @ 4

    100 Brst kick @ 2'30

    100 warmdown

    I hate breaststroke. Can't get my 50m pace under 48s for love or money.


  • dwisehart
    dwisehart Posts: 36 Member
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    I hate breaststroke. Can't get my 50m pace under 48s for love or money.

    LOL. I know the feeling.
  • dwisehart
    dwisehart Posts: 36 Member
    Swimming was a rinse and repeat of yesterday: 2 hours of swimming, working on breathing with a variety of drills, probably about 6,000 yards. Must not have pushed as hard today as I only burned 741 active calories.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    Okay, so I mentioned the S pull on freestyle. Then I found this: http://www.swimsmooth.com/catch.html

    I think I just proved how old I am.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    No swimming today. Just travel.
    Stepping into the time machine. Leaving here at 11:45am (Monday) arrive at 8:30AM Monday in San Francisco, 3 hours before I leave on Monday. Then on to Chicago then home to NC.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    Safe trip home @fishgutzy.
  • Montepulciano
    Montepulciano Posts: 845 Member
    4000 yards @ 75 minutes solely focused on fingertip entry and immediate catch, straight pull through. Probably increased strokes/minute but it is going to take some real focus to break this particular habit.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Safe trip home @fishgutzy.

    Sitting in the San Francisco airport. Waiting since about 9AM local for my 2:50pm next leg to Chiraq. Then home early tomorrow.
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    1 mile @ 62 minutes
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    edited March 2017
    @fishgutzy Back on Home Turf. Rest - recover and Splosh :)
    emmab0902 wrote: »
    I hate breaststroke. Can't get my 50m pace under 48s for love or money.
    @emmab0902 That's about where my 50 Free is at. My Breast may not be fast but I can pull a breast stroke forever so it's my Go To Stroke when doing a super long distance and my Free/Back starts to Fall apart.

    Noon Hour swim - more of a General Splash than a dedicated workout.
    The water was a little too warm for doing a workout/endurance distance and to many people per lane to maintain any rhythm/pace.

    So I did 250m sets: Free, Back, Free, Breast, Free. An easy 1250m
  • dwisehart
    dwisehart Posts: 36 Member
    Today I started a new contract, so my day was a bit ragged, but they agreed to allow me time off in the middle of the day each day so I can go swim, because I start too early to swim first and I really do not want to swim in the evening when the pool is busy some nights.

    Today was a rinse-and-repeat of yesterday: more working on breathing. I felt some progress and put in a really nice 25 right at the end that I hope I can repeat tomorrow. Changing your stroke is such a difficult process. I have been able to breath, but I have been raising my head, pushing down in the water with the stroking arm and then pushing down with the leading arm. It takes a lot of energy. I really notice it during the easy swimming because it is so much easier with a snorkel than without and I cannot swim single-arm freestyle where you breath away from the stroking arm because of bad form.

    90 minutes, maybe 3,000 yards, 586 active calories.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,337 Member
    2500 metres

    200 warmup

    600 as:
    100 kick 50 swim
    100 pull 50 swim

    12x 50 BK - kick @ 1'30 as:
    1 mod - 1 max

    12x 50 BK - pull with paddles  @ 1'30 as:
    1 mod - 1 max

    200 IM

    100 kick

    200 warmdown