Introduce yourself



  • xbootykickinx
    xbootykickinx Posts: 48 Member
    Hey there,

    I've been trying to explore the app for MyFitnessPal and finally figured out the groups. Ha ha

    A little about me my name is Colleen, I am going to be 31 in two weeks. I've decided that I'm going to get back into fitness and the only way it worked in the past was my fitness pal and a lot of support.

    1- feel happier and healthier
    2- lose 50 pounds maybe by the end of the year
    3-and to get my hiking on this year, have to beat my brother up those mountains.

    Please add me I'd love to make new friends and be a support system for others. :)

  • SkinnyMomma02
    SkinnyMomma02 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi I'm Brandi (35) I have two boys 3 & 8 and married 10years. My husband and myself are active duty, I have a sit-down shift job so don't always get my workouts in on work days. I gained a lot of weight with my youngest son and am still working to get it off and tone up. I have some back and shoulder issues which making some workouts painful. I do go to PT on top of trying to get some workouts in. I live in Virginia Beach right now. Feel Free to add me I also have and use my Garmin Vivofit.
  • lilyadelyne
    lilyadelyne Posts: 3 Member
    Hey everyone, I am Amanda (30) and have two adorable cats and getting married October 2018. We live in St. Louis, Missouri. I haven't always been overweight/obese but I have been struggling with my weight since 09 (almost 10 years!). My twin sister was encouraged to download this app through her personal trainer and I decided to install it too. I have been using it for 15 days and could really use some motivation. I have a gym membership, but haven't been there since August 2016.

    My goals are to get healthy and to lose enough weight to look amazing in my wedding dress. We are going for our first dress shopping experience in May and I know that I will not be happy with the size of dress I will need. I'm 230 lbs and there is no way I want to be this heavy for my wedding. Help!
  • mechell007
    mechell007 Posts: 97 Member
    Hi! I'm Michelle, 35, live in tiny lil town in East Tx. I joined this app just a few days ago. My weight has been a rollercoaster ride my entire adult life until my health really became affected about 1 1/2 yrs ago. My heaviest was around 220. When my health really began to decline I was in the 180s. I've developed a very sensitive digestive system it seems. I dropped into the 120s a year ago and am grateful I've managed to maintain that aside from a few dips in the high teens. I believe I was able to get a much better handle on my health issues once I started exercising a few months back. Before I was feeling so weak and frail. I just hope to maintain and continue to gain strength and muscle. Any encouragement I can get from mfp would be greatly appreciated!
  • Emily_Carys
    Emily_Carys Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm Emily (33), living in Wiltshire. I am single and frustrated with my weight and how I feel about myself.

    I have had a roller coaster weight loss journey starting at a high of 238 lbs in 2011 that with effort I got down to about 185 then I developed an hyperactive thyroid and lost 'bad' weight the scales showed loss but my body didn't change and looking back I just looked ill. Issues with medication meant that they made the decision to remove it completely so I am now less hypo-active and more non existent... So post the surgery and everything settling down I crept back up to 202 lbs where I joined MFP and got down to 175lbs and was happy. Medication issues and depression saw that creep steadily higher to where I am now 230lbs.

    I have just moved jobs and am focused and in the same mind set that I was last time I was successful. This time it will be for good!
  • amberellae
    amberellae Posts: 1 Member
    Hi 30-Somethings! My name is Amber and I am a divorced 37 year old mother of 4 with a mental disorder called Schizoaffective; Bi-polar Type. Basically, I have severe roller-coaster like changes in my mood, appetite, sleep schedules, energy, and level of interest in doing ANYTHING! Knowing this, it is probably not a huge shock to hear that my weight fluctuates wildly, too.

    I am working with my doctors and therapists to seek stability in my life and I have decided that we can't treat my mind without making some changes to how I have treated my body.
  • sporangia
    sporangia Posts: 50 Member
    Hello 30-somethings! My name is Sydney and live with my other half and our four kitties. I have a job that is productivity based, so it's very easy to start putting work first and my health on the back burner. I've lived in five U.S. states in my life and currently reside in Nebraska.

    I'm passionate about bike commuting and ride about 1,300 miles per year. Two years ago, I got a mountain bike and have absolutely fallen in love with riding it. I am currently at my heaviest weight within the past 10 years. I want to lose 50+ lbs so that when people find out I like to ride my bike that they don't immediately assume that because I'm overweight that I must be new to the sport. I also want to increase my mileage and speed, and I'd love to start running again.

    I'd like to accomplish a 50lb weight loss in the next 6 months. Glad to join this group!
  • nicolewalls2014
    nicolewalls2014 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Nicole and I just turned 39 last week....I know! I'm cutting it close for this group! I live in Florida and I am a Mother of 2 beautiful children and the Wife of an amazing Husband! I downloaded MFP for the hundredth time back in March of 2017. I needed to get serious about my health. I lost my Mother last year at the age of 61, and went through a deep depression which consisted of crying and eating. I started seeing my 15 year old daughter doing the same thing! I saw the weight gain on her....not even realizing I had gained 30 pounds myself! Enough was enough! My baby was looking and learning from me and I was not setting a good example! So, I started using the app, set my calorie goal at 1200 worked out 4-5 times a week doing at least 45 minutes of aerobics, walking, lifting weights and I am proud to say since March 1st, I have lost 23 pounds. I have MFP to thank for keeping me on track! I still have a ways to go to reach my ultimate goal, but I WILL NOT STOP! I love how I feel now and I love the results! Just looking for some supportive friends along this journey! I want to loose 50 pounds by October (wedding anniversary). Glad to be a part of this group! :)
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Hey all! My names Drea, I'm 32. Please add me! Always Looking for motivation

    Sw: 252.7
    Cw: 227
    Gw: 170

    Currently doing 21 day fix and following eating plan (to the best of my ability I'm a vegetarian)
  • krishino
    krishino Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, my name is Kristina.
    I'm 31. Been on mfp for a looong time. I follow a decently strict keto diet these days with great results. I'm really just into find ding new friends to chat with, help keep each other accountable to our individual goals, and just be friendly....
  • Clody80
    Clody80 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all,
    My name is Claudia and I am 37. Swiss, but lived all over the world, 6 countries, 4 continents. Currently looking to move back to Switzerland aftet extended travel after leaving my stressful job in London end of last year.
    My lifestyle has been busy, lots of work, lots of travelling and moving countries. My weight has fluctuated a lot, some of my temporary residences had a positive influence (lost quite a bit in Japan), others made my weight balloon. I am a bit of a foodie and really like any cuisine... I also traveled lots for work when dining out in fancy places was free - so I ended up eating lots... Reasonably sporty, a trained yoga teacher too, cycling regularly and the occasional run. But food has been my downfall.
    Started getting serious about weight loss about a year ago when realizing how unhappy I was with my job and living in a very big city and that maybe I needed to find some roots again. Quit my job and went off travelling on a long adventure. Best was a 2 months sail on a tall ship as a trainee sailor. Lost quite a bit of weight very naturally through moving nonstop and eating only at regular times and somewhat rationed portions, especially limited sweets.
    Initially used MFP to track my meals, but did not add friends or spend much effort on the app. Lately I have used it a lot and tracked every day. Also switched to a LCHF diet lately after some tests indicated my body does not use carbs effectively (borderline insulin resistant). Try to cook most meals at home from scratch (I post pics on my wall too) and the new diet has yielded good results so far, plus cravings have really gone away. And sugar now tastes quite unpleasant!
  • DadBod37
    DadBod37 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Brad, I've been on MFP for about 5 months now. I'm 35 5'8 187, started this process at 215. I'm just counting calories and managing macros. Also working out 6 days a week. I live out in Vegas now, constant yo-yoer and determined to find the correct count for maintaining body fat and adding muscle here in about 2 months after i'm at a solid "lean weight". Love the app and community. Add me if you want. Life's a journey, dig it.
  • carolinagirlsc1982
    carolinagirlsc1982 Posts: 23 Member
    Hello, everyone, my name is Virginia, and I live in Watauga TN. I am 35 and I weigh 303. I hate that I have put on this weight. I just lost my mother about 2 months ago. I am looking for people to lift me up about losing weight. I have been going to the gym every night and working out about an hour and a half. I have been watching what I eat but nothing seems to be working. I just want to be able to make new friends while I am trying to loose this weight. Thank you for your time.
  • tgcakef
    tgcakef Posts: 111 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Cake (not my real name, of course), and a month shy of 30. I live in the Midwest, USA, and I need to lose about 110 lbs. I'm 5'8, and 273 lbs, goal weight of 160 lbs. I'm just keeping a calorie deficit, and more or less eating whatever I want.

    I finally got serious about my health earlier this year - while I don't think I'm old, hitting 30 put things into perspective for me - so here I am!
  • ElFluffyGringo
    ElFluffyGringo Posts: 5 Member
    k onda?

    So ok. I just turned 37 and almost to the BIG 40...and I am nervous. I have always wanted to see my abs, but time is running out. I fear they may be lost forever if I don't do something quick.

    Used to weigh 260 lbs at 5'10" and was able to drop it to 192 lbs about 4 years ago. Kind of crept up to 205 and looking to get back down.

    Trying the Keto method, but I can't cut out carbs completely bc of blood sugar issues. Keeping them at between 20g to 30g per day. Also using BodBot... the way...I have diabetes, but it's not the end of the world. I got this.
  • RenRen1432
    RenRen1432 Posts: 3 Member
    edited August 2017
    mamarundrc wrote: »
    Welcome to the 30 somethings group! We are a group of people looking to be healthy while cruising through our 30's. If you have been here a while, feel free to re-introduce yourself as we have many members who are not active within the group. New to the group, let us know a little bit about yourself so we can support you in the best way we can.
    Hi name is Renell but most ppl just call me Ren. I'm new to this group. I'm, as you can guess, in my 30s lol! I'm 33, halfway to 34, and I'm having such a blast at this stage of my life. Am I single? Yeeesss (*insert eyes rolling* lol) but I'm ok with that. I've been married before (in my 20s), so I know what that's all about lol.
    I decided a few months back that enough was enough. I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself & stopped expecting others to do the same. I totally lost who I use to be...The girl who had been all her life the kind who kicked a** in life instead I became the kind who let life kick her's. I was like..."who the hell are you Ren?! What have you become?!" So, I decided to follow my own advice that I give to the juveniles I work with. I made a choice to reach a goal & so far I have not let anything get in my way of reaching it. I started to "diet" back in March (really last week of February). I weighed myself on 3/23/17 at heaviest
  • EmergencyGraphics
    EmergencyGraphics Posts: 132 Member
    Hey guys, I'm looking for new friends. I turned 35 this summer and its time I focused on my health. My main goal is to drop 100lbs but my first mini goal is to drop 25. I've been back on the healthy track for just over a month now. To help me stay on track I'm looking for supportive friends to hold me accountable and interact with. Feel free to add me!
  • ShortRound82
    ShortRound82 Posts: 84 Member
    Hey Ya'll, I'm Alisha. 34 years old. Electronic Technician. Quit smoking 6.5 months ago. Started working out and eating healthy 7 months ago. My goals are to be happy first of all, second is to be healthy.
  • Terilynn78
    Terilynn78 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi! My name is Teri and I'll be 39 on Saturday. I'm from Wisconsin. I am married and have 3 kids (10,7,and 3). I have a photography studio that keeps me very busy but it's a lot of sedentary computer work so I'm working on getting my activity level up.

    I started and restarted on MFP for years but finally serious about it! My starting weight was around 212 and I'm now at 185.6 since June 23rd. Woohoo!
    Feel free to add me!
  • bellarosebunny
    bellarosebunny Posts: 26 Member
    Bunny here!
    30 dialysis patient. Currently sitting at 190, thanks both in part to my own laziness and the dialysis solution adding anywhere from 2-5 pounds. Support would be great. I"m wonderful at planning but suck hard at that first step.