Making Excercise a Habit



  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Thu 04/27 - TDEE: 2,331 cals, Intake: 360 cals, Deficit: 1,971 cals, Steps: 937 , Active Minutes: 0

    Average Daily Deficit: 1,071 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Sick day. Managed to get one turkey pot pie down for supper.

    Also looks like MFP 'upgraded' their software so that it now does not recognize imbedded BBC color codes. Suffice to say, all my numbers are suppose to be red.

    Feeling better so off to work today, weather permitting.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    @d_thomas02 You are doing an amazing job. Only found this group today. Your commitment is inspiring.

    I have been doing daily resistance work (body weight only - no gym) and walking. Have managed to keep this up for over a month now. Hope I can remain as consistent as you.
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    @d_thomas02 Rest up and get better.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Thanks for the support guys.

    Fri 04/28 - TDEE: 3,235 cals, Intake: 1,943 cals, Deficit: 1,292 cals, Steps: 16,402 , Active Minutes: 126

    Average Daily Deficit: 1,108 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Colors still don't seem to be working. Fired an e-mail to tech support. Will be interesting to hear what they have to say.

    My Intake and Active Minutes are in the green. In yellow are my TDEE and Steps as they are above my minimums but not reaching my goals of 3,500 and 20,000 respectively. In red are my Deficit for the day and my Average Daily Deficit for the week as both are over 1,000 cals.

    While I did make it to work (after a 4 hour weather delay) and put in 7 hours, I wished I hadn't eaten that turkey sandwich for lunch. It sat like a bowling ball in my stomach all day.

    Was thinking I'd skip supper when I got home near 8 pm but SWMBO had a chicken and fried rice dish and a sausage egg roll bowl (think egg rolls without the fried shell) that I dipped into mainly to not hurt her feelings... and then had to stop myself from getting seconds. Seemed to settle OK and bowling ball in gut is now gone.

    6 to 8 inches of rain predicted over weekend and currently raining heavy with lightning and thunder as I type this, so another two days to recover.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    edited April 2017
    Sat 04/29 - TDEE: 2,100 cals, Intake: 2,407 cals, Deficit: -307 cals, Steps: 2,676 , Active Minutes: 12

    Average Daily Deficit: 906 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Rest day and refeed... as best I can while still dealing with stomach issues (possible TMI: currently imitating the shuttle launch every time I sit on the throne this morning).

    Everything is in red except my Intake and my Average Daily Deficit which are both green.

    7 inches of rain over the last 36 hours and still coming down. Rain should be done by noon today but flash flood warnings are lasting until midnight tonight. Might be a few yards we can mow tomorrow but betting we do odd jobs instead, giving things another day to dry out.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Sun 04/30 - TDEE: 2,155 cals, Intake: 1,260 cals, Deficit: 895 cals, Steps: 2,626 , Active Minutes: 0

    Average Daily Deficit: 895 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Rest and recovery.

    Everything in red. Didn't make my minimum intake. Nothing but rice as stomach not happy with really food.
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    Sounds like you are suffering the same as I did last week. Brutal.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Mon 05/01 - TDEE: 4,122 cals, Intake: 1,702 cals, Deficit: 2,420 cals, Steps: 27,047 , Active Minutes: 184

    Average Daily Deficit: 1,658 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Managed to eat over my minimum but still seriously under my TDEE. Everything in the green except my deficits, both of which are in the red. Perhaps I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Ate a normal meal last night and gut feels normal this morning.

    Cold, cold day for the first of May yesterday, and more rain forecast for Wednesday.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Tue 05/02 - TDEE: 3,768 cals, Intake: 3,253 cals, Deficit: 515 cals, Steps: 21,327 , Active Minutes: 140

    Average Daily Deficit: 1,277 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Green across the board except for my Avg Daily Deficit which is still in the red.

    Decent feed yesterday after what is becoming a normal 12 hour workday.

    Currently... wait for it... raining but might be able to squeeze in two odd jobs this morning between showers. One client still needs a couple yrds of mulch and another had a very large limb (maybe 16" dia at the break point) drop onto her driveway between her garages. Both jobs might keep us (one crew, two guys) busy through lunch.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Wed 05/03 - TDEE: 3,412 cals, Intake: 3,572 cals, Deficit: -160 cals, Steps: 13,958 , Active Minutes: 84

    Average Daily Deficit: 918 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Too wet to mow so we did odd jobs. Two turned into six. Was able to work around the off again on again showers so just got damp, not soaked.

    Another rainy day today. Ground is saturated so flooding is the rule. Even major interstate highways around the area are closed due to flooding.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Thu 05/04 - TDEE: 3,528 cals, Intake: 3,131 cals, Deficit: 397 cals, Steps: 17,766 , Active Minutes: 1.1.9

    Average Daily Deficit: 813 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Four hour rain delay and then an eight hour day.

    Everything in the green except Steps which is yellow, about 2k short of green.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Fri 05/05 - TDEE: 3,551 cals, Intake: 3,507 cals, Deficit: 44 cals, Steps: 19,274 , Active Minutes: 105

    Average Daily Deficit: 685 cals (Sunday - Present)

    After losing a day and a half to rain, we are only a day behind now. Another 12 hour working Saturday should put us right again.

    Crossing fingers that April showers are truly behind us now. Bring on the May flowers... and Spring shrub trimming... and dropping steps 2 & 3 of our fertilizer program.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    edited May 2017
    Sat 05/06 - TDEE: 4,006 cals, Intake: 3,780 cals, Deficit: 226 cals, Steps: 28,647 , Active Minutes: 233

    Average Daily Deficit: 620 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Green light across the board. BTW, got an email on the color issue... yeah. Not holding my breath for a quick fix. But then I am an optimistic pessimist. Expect the worst and am pleasantly surprised when it doesn't happen.

    Finished the week's mow list. Next week looks better. Looks like only 50% chance of isolated showers Wed, Thurs, and Fri.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Sun 05/07 - TDEE: 3,557 cals, Intake: 2,615 cals, Deficit: 942 cals, Steps: 13,832 , Active Minutes: 166

    Average Daily Deficit: 942 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Green across board except for Steps which are yellow.

    A day off but not a rest day. 1) Took hedge trimmers to my half mile country drive fence row. 2) Tried to start the WD45 to grade the drive as last few weeks of rain were not kind but stone cold dead battery. 3) Yanked battery and threw it, hedge trimmers, and a small trim chainsaw onto the truck and 4) headed into town to trim my Mom's backyard fence hedge and a few trees. Also took some downed limbs from her hedge neighbor. 5) Back out to shop to dump off trimming debris 6) and pick up broken edger. 7) On to auto parts store to pick up new battery ($130??? Really?) 8) installed gold plated battery into old tractor and 9) box bladed the canyons out of my drive. 10) Tried to extract broken left-handed blade bolt out of edger... with no luck as the drill bit wouldn't lock into the broken bolt and all my easy-outs are for right-hand bolts. 11) Surfed web for replacement parts. Found exploded drawing but no online source for Stihl parts. *kitten*

    Day off done.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    edited May 2017
    Mon 05/08 - TDEE: 4,135 cals, Intake: 2,407 cals, Deficit: 1,728 cals, Steps: 27,516 , Active Minutes: 183

    Average Daily Deficit: 1,335 cals (Sunday - Present)

    All green except two red deficits. With huge deficits, daily weight is up slightly. Guessing water as a result of Chinese lunch and DOMS from Sunday's marathon of hedge trimming chores.

    Normal Monday. Actually finished day list in just over 8 hours.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    edited May 2017
    Tue 05/09 - TDEE: 4,270 cals, Intake: 3,450 cals, Deficit: 820 cals, Steps: 26,013 , Active Minutes: 191

    Average Daily Deficit: 1,071 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Didn't have time to post this morning and almost forgot tonight.

    ¡Que cabasa!

    Green across the board except for red Avg Daily

    Pretty normal Tuesday... and then dropped 34 bags of fertilizer (between the four of us). That will get the lags quivering.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Wed 05/10 - TDEE: 4,308 cals, Intake: 4,220 cals, Deficit: 88 cals, Steps: 29,649 , Active Minutes: 235

    Average Daily Deficit: 825 cals (Sunday - Present)

    All green except red Deficit.

    Pretty normal Wednesday. Had that same one-off yard from back on 4/25, you know, the one with a hay field for a back yard. 16 days since we mowed it tall. Mowed it down to 3 inches without too much trouble, but threw us behind on time. At 6:30 pm showers started rolling in and boss-man called us home. Still had three yards left on the day list.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Thu 05/11 - TDEE: 3,688 cals, Intake: 2,797 cals, Deficit: 891 cals, Steps: 21,488 , Active Minutes: 148

    Average Daily Deficit: 838 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Green across the board.

    One hour late start. Mowed around sprinkles all day. Just after 5pm, getting ready to start another yard and storm sirens start going off all over town. Phone alerts also going off about tornado watches and warnings. Then get a call from bossman telling us to pack it in and get back to the shop quick. No rain, no wind, but OK, call it a day.

    Wall cloud hits after we get back and I drove home in a blinding rain. Some on-coming idiot drives by without lights on. Another idiot actually passes me when I can't see 15 foot in front of me. Rain lets up but water is over road in several spots, and a third on-coming idiot plows through 6 to 8 inches of water without slowing down blinding me yet again. Get home and my drive is washed out worse than before I graded it Sunday. [grrrr]

    And the doc wonders why my blood pressure is borderline high.
  • PlunderingSteelGorilla
    PlunderingSteelGorilla Posts: 207 Member
    Wow. Intense.
  • d_thomas02
    d_thomas02 Posts: 9,054 Member
    Fri 05/12 - TDEE: 3,305 cals, Intake: 3,479 cals, Deficit: -174 cals, Steps: 18,424 , Active Minutes: 131

    Average Daily Deficit: 670 cals (Sunday - Present)

    Four hour late start and boss-man picks me up at 5:30 pm so I can make my daughter's high school graduation. (explains the low numbers which aren't that bad for only 6 hours of work).