Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    Today the scale went up 700g, or about 1lbs.
    Was expected tho, had an extra meal and half a bottle of wine. Stil 1.2kg down this week.

    Bachelor party today, so gonna try making good choices. Hoping I won't reverse the entire week.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    The good news for yesterday is I stayed low carb at least. Had under 50, which is still 30 over my goal, but at least it was all low carb, whole foods. Also went over cals, but I got thru the day somewhat in tact.

    Today is harder already in my mind (woke up in tears), so I better get the distractions flowing. It's my best shot at minimal emotional damage. Seems like when I make the conscious decision to move on, my subconscious says no way via a sad dream. Feels like deep seated self sabotage and something that has happened many times in the past...but I am moving on, regardless.
    Also, am getting settled in with the decision to cut back on new social things for the summer, due to how it increases my stress. It will all be there when I get back in the fall, and I desparately need to reconnect with my own self, til I feel better in my own skin again. Not just weightwise.

    I am proud of how much I have undertaken these past two years, and have actually taken real live risks. Some wins, some losses. Now it all feels out of hand. Time to regroup and restrategize for the next big push out of my cocoon. But first, the pause that refreshes...
    (plus weight loss to goal again, of course.)

    Still going for that dream keto day in the sun...hope it's today!
  • epona_mus
    epona_mus Posts: 207 Member
    I'm sorry things are tough for you right now Elize. I have been there... It sounds like you are taking time for some self-care this weekend, which is what you should be doing.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited June 2017
    Made it thru the worst of the weekend, staying keto all day yesterday!!! YAY! Managed to stay up safely foodwise to 11pm.(was prepared to go to sleep at 6pm if the binge urge surfaced...) why press my luck?
    Tonite a reward in the form of a dance concert with trusted friends! Unexpected, unplanned... but extremely timely for my well being at this point. Otherwise, I would have gone out alone again to the free movie night down the street; but, being out with real friends and dancing to great live music outside of my recently messed up social scene....so much better.
    Have mapped out todays food and liquor plan, still staying keto. Hope to have a really good calorie deficit after 2 hours of dancing tonite.
    Planning on resuming daily weigh ins tomorrow. I'm guessing it won't be pretty, but time to get back to it. Migjt help me keep on track today, as well. Lol.
    Just dreaming of a day coming up soon when I'll fit back into my lovely assortment of capri summer pants.
    Today's mood distractions might center around home spa treatments getting ready for my night out. Have definately neglected myself for the past three months. No more of that!
    Goal weight...here I come!!!
  • jlfeath829
    jlfeath829 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all, I'm in the planning phase of adopting a keto lifestyle (basically I'm a compulsive researcher and a procrastinator) and I'm pretty excited to get started! I have PCOS and hypothyroid, and while my goal is to lose weight, I also want to get to a point of not needing meds like metformin and levothyroxine. Anyone have tips about going keto while on these meds and any adjustments to make? I'll talk to a doctor of course, but am interested in real-life experiences as well.
  • Boringdoug
    Boringdoug Posts: 72 Member
    Fired up the grill today. We cooked burgers. chicken leg quarters, boneless pork ribs, and pork chops. Should last a day or two. XD
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Concert/Dance night turned out awesome for my soul and I danced for three hours straight....but...
    I broke down at the pre party to the tune of 60 extra carbs and 1000 extra cals. Not horrendous compared to the scope of past slips, but still.. I'm really trying to reclaim my inner viking shield maiden spirit for this summer. Back on it, this morning. Hopefully some of the dancing reduced the damage. Putting off weigh in til Wednesday, to get rid of some of the inevitable water retention that comes from carbs and booze.

    I've got the good feeling that I've got this, this time.

    The week is shaping up nicely. A nice pace and assortment of things to do. Friday night hippie happy hour with my friends this week. Yay!

    Hoping for total adherence to the food plan this week, since that is where the weight losses happen for me. More than the gym.
    One piece of data on that fact....
    First 6 months of keto, I worked out at the gym - 15 high intensity intervals on bike for one solid hour, 6 days a week...and I only lost three extra pounds per month compared to when I had to stop due to total body burnout. I kept daily records at that time. Thats why my current plan focuses on the kitchen for losing weight and I'm adding moderate, pleasant activity and yoga for other reasons.

    Have a great day, pals.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    @elize7 you've got this!
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    I love success stories! Just read through some on MFP, I have been with MFP for years and never used the community stuff. It never helped me on WW so I didn't bother here. But I just love it now! Feels like a really important part of the process. Into another week,number 5 , still on track and feeling strong. I decided to have a lazy day on Sunday and just not measure anything, seems to have worked out fine and maybe even lowered my stress a little. I think I will make that part of my plan going forward and practice portion control without the scale.
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    So after gaining 4lbs over 2 days after a full day drinking I lost 5lbs today, putting me right on track.

    Hoping that's not a fluke, and I can continue my steady progress.

    Have 4 more lbs to go till my next goal, and thinking of upping the calories after that.
    Perhaps having breakfast again.

    Good start to the week!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I am back on the Keto wagon as of yesterday. Even though I have had my weight taken several times at the doctors office with my clothes on I finally took a weight reading this morning from being off plan for the last two weeks and am happy to report that I am only up 1.6 pounds from my pre-vacation weight. I love this WOE!

    @elize7 you are doing fantastic! So happy for you!
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Getting back on track after enjoying a (planned & guilt-free) event over the weekend that was entirely off woe-plan. The Craft Beer Festival has been something I wanted to attend for years but schedules never enabled me to! I did not have the slightest hesitation to get tickets. Long story short, I got back on track with my very first meal arriving home on Sunday. The 2.4 pound gain was less than I expected but as of this morning it is already gone plus another 0.2 pounds. I have some simple but great eats on hand to get me through the week and the weather looks like I will be quite physical and busy in the evenings!!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    I have heard so many people talk about how fast the weight fell off of them with Keto. I also have friends who do low carb counting net carbs and eating things like muffins, "Keto cookies", low carb bread and tortilla wraps who still manage to pull off big #s each week.

    Me, on the other hand, I'm still sticking to 1200-1400 cals, 20-30 actual carbs from only whole foods and my Ketostix have consistently shown ketones since the first week.

    This is week 6 of full-on Keto and week 11 since I went low carb and I'm only down 10.6lbs

    @4031isaiah - So many of us have so much invisible internal healing we must do to our bodies before we can lose weight. The first time I went keto, I lost at a good clip, for 2 months, then hit a wall, and did nothing but gain for the next 16 months...but that's when my thyroid started it's craziness.

    I also started treating all my nutrient/vitamin deficiencies around that time... This article really helps me keep some sanity. http://www.tuitnutrition.com/2015/12/why-not-losing-weight-2.html

    I'm actually kind of scared to reboot again AGAIN. Think I'll wait until after my "second opinion" consult with a new Endo before deciding what to do...
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Today the scale went up 700g, or about 1lbs.
    Was expected tho, had an extra meal and half a bottle of wine. Stil 1.2kg down this week.

    Bachelor party today, so gonna try making good choices. Hoping I won't reverse the entire week.

    @sebastiansteinmann - Just think, even if you reverse the entire week, you're still much further ahead than if you hadn't made that forward progress to offset your planned indulgent times!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    jlfeath829 wrote: »
    Hi all, I'm in the planning phase of adopting a keto lifestyle (basically I'm a compulsive researcher and a procrastinator) and I'm pretty excited to get started! I have PCOS and hypothyroid, and while my goal is to lose weight, I also want to get to a point of not needing meds like metformin and levothyroxine. Anyone have tips about going keto while on these meds and any adjustments to make? I'll talk to a doctor of course, but am interested in real-life experiences as well.

    @jlfeath829 - I also have PCOS, have hypothyroidism, have insulin resistance, and other issues.

    What I will say is that the link I posted today to Christie, from tuitnutrition.com, about why some folks don't lose weight with keto, that post really hit home with a lot of what I suffered with my thyroid on keto.

    My insulin resistance was well managed on keto. My PCOS came into far more balance (keto tends to push the hormonal rewind button for many of us - so can be chaotic at first, then levels out) with keto...

    But, my thyroid went into chaos. However, my new DO seems to think we can adjust my meds to account for how keto was affecting things, particularly nutrient absorption and such...

    Getting nutrient deficiencies, particularly D3, B12, Magnesium, Folate, Ferritin, Zinc, and Boron, addressed has been crucial in my thyroid repair. However, unless I find a way to reduce and repair the specific damage I've done to my thyroid and entire endocrine system, it is unlikely that I'll ever been fully off thyroid meds. It is possible for SOME people, but not for everyone.

    PCOS, IR, hypothyroidism, digestive problems (from reduced stomach acid due to reduced thyroid function), and nutrient deficiencies all go hand in hand. I had genetic predisposition to PCOS and thyroid issues, and can trace symptoms back to around puberty, if not before, but the worst of everything kicked into high gear after the combination of childbirth and having my gallbladder removed within 2 months of each other...

    I, too, researched for a long bit, but once I finally decided to do low carb, I dove right in. Somewhere between 350-500 carbs one day, 50-60 carbs the next day. I didn't intentionally aim for keto until about 4 weeks after I started with low carbs. For many thyroid patients, a total carb goal of 75 grams per day is better, and honestly, if most of those carbs are vegetable/whole foods based, that can even create light ketosis for some.

    Feel free to hit me up if you have ANY questions... I'm happy to help prevent others from struggling the way I've had to do.
  • richarddavis196
    richarddavis196 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi All,

    I had RNY back in 2011 going from 315 down to 210. Loved it. However after having my gallbladder removed recently, I started having a never ending heart burn/reflux. That was enough to trigger me into snacking to curb the burn. Needless to say, I got back up to 242 before I really noticed, lol. I started Keto 15 days ago and am already down to 230. The small stomach/pouch really helps, but cutting carbs to 20 +/- 5 has cut my appetite allowing me to keep on my plan, even going low some days. Love all the posts, so informative and positive reinforcement.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @richarddavis196 - Be sure to look into Digestive Enzymes. Research now shows me that I should have started them immediately after having my gallbladder out in December 2000 instead of just last year in February when my bile situation became truly awful. Keto showed me the underlying nutrient deficiencies and digestive problems and all of that by bringing them to the forefront.

    Also, since following the keto-enzyme protocol of using two per meal instead of one, I've stopped nearly all the random digestive pyrotechnics that follow having one's gallbladder out.

    I am thinking that since RNY already compromises nutrient absorption, and having your gallbladder makes it harder to properly breakdown and absorb things properly (takes years to show on tests unless you already had problems), I was thinking that the combination of those two will amplify this effect for you... I didn't hit a wall until 7 months and 14 months in (after a buckled down reboot) with keto and no gallbladder...so you might not for a while, but no point creating deficiencies and such if you can avoid it!
  • richarddavis196
    richarddavis196 Posts: 10 Member
    My doctors are monitoring my levels pretty close as I have some other health issues. So far, the supplements I take because of the RNY are covering me pretty good. Just "donated blood" yesterday and will get the labs back in 2 weeks to check how I am doing for both the reduced absorption (RNY) and gall bladder removal.