Are there any girls that look like or want to look like models?



  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    I am very happy that we do it together by the way, please dont give up on this thread :D

    Again I am so sorry about the repeat posts.

    I don't think the forum is going to die out. It seems like a lot of people like topic.

    I was curious as to what you guys do for your cardio routines?
    I usually run for about an hour and a half but that's been getting dull for me and I feel like I'm flat-lining. How do you guys switch it up? I do kickboxing by my poor body can only do that twice a week tops lol.
  • dubstepvideobody
    dubstepvideobody Posts: 141 Member
    edited June 2017
    Spinning made my legs hot. Or cardio plyometrics! this things not only burn calories but tighten. I will workout more when I get to the under 130 mark though.
    p.s. I wrote a very long post before this short post and its not there also!?
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Um.. cardio.. what's that? Ha ha :p

    Honestly I don't do very much. The odd plyo circuit, a short burst on the stair climber.. maybe once or twice a week? Also walking. I know it's kind of sad but meh right now lifting is my priority so cardio takes a backseat.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 947 Member
    I am very happy that we do it together by the way, please dont give up on this thread :D

    Again I am so sorry about the repeat posts.

    I don't think the forum is going to die out. It seems like a lot of people like topic.

    I was curious as to what you guys do for your cardio routines?
    I usually run for about an hour and a half but that's been getting dull for me and I feel like I'm flat-lining. How do you guys switch it up? I do kickboxing by my poor body can only do that twice a week tops lol.

    Hi @plainpixxel I do HIIT runs. I run outside, on trails. I sprint every hill. You have a fast pace for an hourlong run. Great goals by the way.

    Yes I feel we are a fun and supportive group here with different model-like aspirations!
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    edited June 2017
    Yeah, I don't do much cardio either :D Just walking really. I always walk to the grocery store and when my boyfriend is home we have walks together. I *love* barre/pilates workout combinations and since yesterday added a resistance band/loop for more muscle building. Much like this one:

    Cardio is great for building cardiovascular health, stamina and letting you eat more calories daily, but it doesn't do much for toning, which is ultimately what I want from my workout. I don't like cardio workouts at all.

    Gigi Hadid is stunning as well :-) She has such a large bust though, I could never compare! It's really neat by the way that you're so close to your goal.
  • GoldenEye_
    GoldenEye_ Posts: 330 Member
    edited June 2017
    Something went wrong, sorry!

  • dubstepvideobody
    dubstepvideobody Posts: 141 Member
    edited June 2017
    Yeah for toning pilates or Tracy Anderson is so cool! I dont log this kind of workouts though, beause they burn like 70 to 100 cals for 30 mins... :D Cardio is max 3 times a week for now..

    P..s GoldenEye, Pixie , I am sorry, I had a very long post talking about motivation and the vikings(that I really thought they come from the Netherlands and not Norway) but mfp deleted it or doesnt show it... :D Also GoldenEye 4 cm is great success!
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    I don't do much cardio right now either. I ride my bike a couple times a week to work (16mi round trip) and ride it pretty much wherever I need to go from home. Occasionally I'll hula hoop while watching a movie. Walk the dogs...

    I used to sprint, which was great. I want to start hill sprints again. My cardiovascular endurance sucks.
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    I used to do cardio almost exclusively - I'm a runner at heart.

    But in recent years, I've found myself much happier with my results when I focus on strength or strength/cardio combination. It's the only way I've ever managed to get my midsection close to the way I want it (I'm not there, but I'm close!) I lift a few times a week, I kickbox (my class focuses on form and power more than cardio, so I developed some mean muscle without even realizing it) and I get out for a run maybe once a week - maybe less, sometimes. Running for me, now, is more about stress release than calorie burn or fitness.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 947 Member
    Jeephair, we have a similar workout week although you've progressed further with it I'm sure. Inspiring that the kickboxing is working for you that way. I really enjoy it. Mom23mangoes hula hooping sounds fun!

    GoldenEye I also do Pilates. But just some matwork to start the day, sometimes with a little yoga. Does anyone do the reformer? So so wonderful for those long lines in the body. Though I have lapsed with my reformer work.

    Dubstep, why did they take your conversation down, I wonder?
  • Opalprincess99
    Opalprincess99 Posts: 88 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    You know what I love about VS.. the fashion shows. OMG I was just watching some footage from last years show, so amazing. I love the outfits and the glam.. and their hair. Oh my I love their hair so much :)

    I'm always mesmerized by the hair. They always look like something out of a Disney movie. I wonder how they are immune to fly-aways and frizz. Sheesh lol

    A lot of hair products ! And there is a specific haircut that they get. I cut my long haired clients with some facial framing and longer layers in the back and it looks fantastic when it's curled
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Um.. cardio.. what's that? Ha ha :p

    Honestly I don't do very much. The odd plyo circuit, a short burst on the stair climber.. maybe once or twice a week? Also walking. I know it's kind of sad but meh right now lifting is my priority so cardio takes a backseat.

    Don't feel bad. Being honest, I don't do much strength training outside of the punching and floor work at kickboxing. I do spend a lot of time working on my ankles for ballet but I know I should probably focus on strength and lift a bit. I'm just so paranoid my arms will get super bulky. I know it's silly but I worry about that a lot.
  • plainpixxel
    plainpixxel Posts: 57 Member
    @GoldenEye_ Thanks so much for the video. She makes it look so easy lol. I've always thought about Pilates/Barre but never really looked into it. Maybe I could swap out a kickboxing day with that? And I know cardio doesn't do much in the toning department but that's okay for me because I'm already very toned. I have a very obvious six pack and my arms are muscular. I'm actually pretty embarrassed about how toned I look. I used to be a gymnast when I was a kid and I never lost the athletic toned body that came with it. I'm mostly focused on slimming down right now. Being just a smidge lighter would make ballet so much easier. Sometimes I want to slim down a bit because I feel my muscles are too big and I'm afraid I look boyish.

    Thank you also the encouragement. I don't feel close to my goal but I know it's not that far away. It's just so slow.

    @wellnesschaser Oh my gosh. I can only maintain that pace on a treadmill. I'm 100% sure that running outside will kill me. Especially uphill. The part of the US I live in is extremely hot and muggy. I avoid running outside if I can help it. Do you think I should try though? I'm not sure. Running outside always sounded uncomfortable.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited June 2017
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Um.. cardio.. what's that? Ha ha :p

    Honestly I don't do very much. The odd plyo circuit, a short burst on the stair climber.. maybe once or twice a week? Also walking. I know it's kind of sad but meh right now lifting is my priority so cardio takes a backseat.

    Don't feel bad. Being honest, I don't do much strength training outside of the punching and floor work at kickboxing. I do spend a lot of time working on my ankles for ballet but I know I should probably focus on strength and lift a bit. I'm just so paranoid my arms will get super bulky. I know it's silly but I worry about that a lot.

    You most likely won't get really actually big and bulky unless you are eating over maintenance. However, what can happen is you retain the muscle in your arms as you lose weight and you can look more ripped and defined, that look I don't prefer either.. so I tend to go easy on my arms. Since you are working your arms quite a bit with kickboxing, you can always add some extra lower body lifting if you wanted to get into it. To be honest with the amount of strength you need to kickbox though I think you would get pretty great results from doing just that and may not need to add anything!

    Also ETA your other point about looking boyish. Interestingly, when I lost weight the first time I was lifting and I retained what muscle I had and I had no curves, pretty much I was a string bean with small muscles, it was not the look I personally liked for myself.
    After two successful bulk cycles I grew my lower body (especially booty!) and my back and created more balance for myself, and I am curvy and feel more feminine than ever.

    Obviously you need to do what you are comfortable with, best thing to do is stick to what you love doing and what is getting you results.. I don't think there is really a right or wrong way to do things especially if you are loving the outcome :)
  • dubstepvideobody
    dubstepvideobody Posts: 141 Member
    Actually you wont get bulky, but if you do it for years without cardio only periods, I think you will bulk too much for ballet. In ballet the standards are soooo different regarding what bulky means. For exampke, sardelsa, you are very very hot woman, but for ballet you are I think too bulky :D sorry for the honesty, dont mean it in a bad way, one just have to be objective what some activities require!
  • dubstepvideobody
    dubstepvideobody Posts: 141 Member
    edited June 2017
    I must say I was for a long time very thin like 50 to 54 kgs, mostly 52 (116 pounds or so) and thos was the time I wanted a bulky body like a fitness model. I acheaved it and I thought I am not bulky with the muscles, my taste for sexyness and bulk changed. UNTIL I bilked too much and actually now I want to get to a sporty thin body with a bit muscle, but not too much. Losing muscle is also a challenge believe me, just as hard as putting it on :D And what bulky means depends on the current state of the body and the mind of the person who defines it.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Actually you wont get bulky, but if you do it for years without cardio only periods, I think you will bulk too much for ballet. In ballet the standards are soooo different regarding what bulky means. For exampke, sardelsa, you are very very hot woman, but for ballet you are I think too bulky :D sorry for the honesty, dont mean it in a bad way, one just have to be objective what some activities require!

    Haha ya don't worry..I am definitely too big for ballet or runway modeling.. my curves alone (breasts, hips, booty) nevermind my muscles! I would never want to lose all the muscle I've built especially in my booty (omg it was so difficult). I'm actually not that big but maybe seem like it in my photos when I flex. If you saw me in a bikini I would look pretty regular lol.
  • mom23mangos
    mom23mangos Posts: 3,070 Member
    I must say I was for a long time very thin like 50 to 54 kgs, mostly 52 (116 pounds or so) and thos was the time I wanted a bulky body like a fitness model. I acheaved it and I thought I am not bulky with the muscles, my taste for sexyness and bulk changed. UNTIL I bilked too much and actually now I want to get to a sporty thin body with a bit muscle, but not too much. Losing muscle is also a challenge believe me, just as hard as putting it on :D And what bulky means depends on the current state of the body and the mind of the person who defines it.

    I have this argument on the forums all the time. The thread about how "OMG, weightlifting made me so bulky!", which was supposed to be tongue in cheek to show how UNbulky they actually were, turned into let's show how much flexed muscle I have....which makes them look bulky! People's definition of bulky is sooo different from person to person. I think for a lot of people on here, they equate it with fat. Because they post a picture of themselves overweight, next to a flexed and quite muscular picture and say how they didn't get bulky, they got smaller. Newsflash, you got smaller AND bulky. I think to the average Joe, obvious muscle definition and striation is considered bulky. Which btw...I think most people would consider me bulky and I'm quite small.
  • dubstepvideobody
    dubstepvideobody Posts: 141 Member
    I honestly didnt understand if you agree with me or not :D
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    I must say I was for a long time very thin like 50 to 54 kgs, mostly 52 (116 pounds or so) and thos was the time I wanted a bulky body like a fitness model. I acheaved it and I thought I am not bulky with the muscles, my taste for sexyness and bulk changed. UNTIL I bilked too much and actually now I want to get to a sporty thin body with a bit muscle, but not too much. Losing muscle is also a challenge believe me, just as hard as putting it on :D And what bulky means depends on the current state of the body and the mind of the person who defines it.

    I have this argument on the forums all the time. The thread about how "OMG, weightlifting made me so bulky!", which was supposed to be tongue in cheek to show how UNbulky they actually were, turned into let's show how much flexed muscle I have....which makes them look bulky! People's definition of bulky is sooo different from person to person. I think for a lot of people on here, they equate it with fat. Because they post a picture of themselves overweight, next to a flexed and quite muscular picture and say how they didn't get bulky, they got smaller. Newsflash, you got smaller AND bulky. I think to the average Joe, obvious muscle definition and striation is considered bulky. Which btw...I think most people would consider me bulky and I'm quite small.

    I know what you mean, but to me, "bulky" is purely a question of size - so you wouldn't be bulky AND smaller.

    But you're right - it looks different on everyone, and people have different preferences, so perception of "bulkiness" varies. Me? I don't want to have big muscles, exactly, I just want everything to be tight. It makes me crazy if my arms or thighs jiggle.