August Accountability and Weigh-In



  • evergreenlake
    evergreenlake Posts: 73 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi everyone!
    Started in July accountability, and continuing into August! Definitely ready to set some new goals.
    Height: 5'5"
    HW: 68.8kg
    SW: 63.8 kg (last June weigh in)
    GW: 63-65 kg

    08/01: 63.4 kg

    I'm pretty much on maintenance now (even though I didn't quite reach my last GW of 63.1). But I want to focus on building lean muscle and being more consistent with logging my meals! Whether I gain a bit or lose a bit is not a big deal now as long as I see the results!
  • wrinkadoodle4
    wrinkadoodle4 Posts: 5 Member
    How many days of cardio and strengthening per week?
  • evergreenlake
    evergreenlake Posts: 73 Member
    How many days of cardio and strengthening per week?

    I was down for the count for about 8 days so I need to work my way back up to normal, but my goal is to do 3 days of light cardio and 3-4 days of strength training ( I usually do light cardio on the same days I do strength training) either weights or pop Pilates. And I'm going to start doing trail running again!
  • onewayoranother23
    onewayoranother23 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi. I was in a hospital last month for a week. When I got out I did a lot of stress eating. I gained ten pounds in a little over two weeks! Before this, I was maintaining at 150-155 for quite a few months. I would love to be in the 120-130s.
    Weightloss has been a long journey for me. I began losing weight, and became pregnant. After having my first baby I lost a little weight, but became pregnant again. I then had my next child, and have been losing weight ever since. I hope joining this group gives me some much needed motivation to stay on track!

    I would like to reach 155 by the end of this month. I realize that sounds like a lot, but I find it nearly impossible to believe I really weigh 165 right now. Half of that has to be water retention. There's no way I gained a whole ten pounds of just fat. Anyways-

    Stats- 5'8"
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    edited August 2017
    Happy Wednesday! Seem to have some minor injuries: plantar fasciitis in my left heel, and a somewhat numb little toe on my right foot. I really want to go for a run but will hold off until both feel a bit more normal. Still, 1.2lbs off since last week, which given the alcohol, carbs and fat at the weekend (3:30am munchies) I'm ecstatic about!

    So many newbies! C25K is brilliant, such a good programme @realsammysalamander! Don't worry if sometimes you don't get all three runs in to one week. I sometimes couldn't manage it time wise, but see the weeks as sections rather than a fixed period of time.

    @onewayoranother23, you should be fine soon as soon as you can get to exercising and sensible eating again. I hope you are recovering well.

    @Fitnessgirl0913 What is your current BF% and how do you measure it?

    @evergreenlake Take it easy for now, but well done for getting to maintenance. Fab achievement!

    Height: 5'10"
    HW: 183lbs
    SW August: 168lbs (last July weigh in)
    Ultimate goal: Currently 160lbs but will revise when I get there.
    August goal: 163lbs
    Body fat goal for August: Sub 26.5%

    26th April: 179.4lbs - Body fat: 29.6%
    31st May: 173lbs – Body fat: 28.2%
    28th June: 170.6lbs - Body fat 27.6%
    5th July: 168.6lbs - Body fat 27.2%
    12th July: 167.6lbs - Body fat 26.9%
    19th July: 168.2lbs - Body fat 27.1%
    26th July: 168lbs - Body fat 26.9%
    2nd Aug: 166.8lbs - Body fat 26.8%
    9th Aug:
    16th Aug:
    23rd Aug:
    31st Aug:
  • jesspen91
    jesspen91 Posts: 1,383 Member
    Wow July went so quick! As before, my weigh-ins are my weekly trend weight from Libra. I'm changing my weigh-in day to Sunday to get an average of the week.

    Height: 5"3
    Heaviest weight: 154lbs
    Current weight: 134.7lbs
    Goal weight: 125lbs
    July SW: 134.7lbs
    August SW: 133.3lbs
    August GW: 131lbs

    Aug 6:
    Aug 13:
    Aug 20:
    Aug 27:
  • Fitnessgirl0913
    Fitnessgirl0913 Posts: 481 Member
    I mistyped before my current bf% is 24 and I would like to be around 20-22. My trainer provided me with my current bf% and I am going to get a bf% scale to keep track on my own!
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    :cookie: for everybody. Seeing some new faces is always exciting, and then seeing people come back and kill it again this month is :heart:. Go Team, go!

    @rianneonamission plantar fasciitis? Isn't that quite serious? Or is that just because of how it effects runners? I hope it eases up for you. Maybe a massage might help? A massage is good for you anyway, just as maintenance for your muscles/stops them being consistently tense when they don't need to be. :smile:
  • rianneonamission
    rianneonamission Posts: 854 Member
    It's pretty common, and I think mine is just a minor inflammation. I think it's because I spent a good 1-1.5hrs in crawling motorway traffic on Sunday so solidly used the clutch, with my heel stuck on the floor. Shouldn't take long to heal, especially if I avoid running for a few days. Pretty sure it can get serious if you don't let it recover properly.
  • cmjlavallee
    cmjlavallee Posts: 28 Member
    edited August 2017
    Ah haven't driven a stick in so long! But do remember those days. Hubby wants to teach our girls how to drive one, one day (still only 10 & 11) but you barely seem them anymore but I guess a good skill to have just in case :smile: Hope you are feeling better soon and back to running in a few. Better to rest up (although hard) than keep injuring. My mini goal this week is to track this weekend. I am usually great during the week, eating and track, and then blow it on the weekends! Need to get better about it to move the scale!

    @glassofroses I also gained quite a bit of weight my first year of college...the old freshman 15! After that I was able to keep it off and would go up and down but usually only around 5 lbs or so. Since turning 40 4 years ago it has continued to creep up so no sitting 10 lbs! And I agree portions are out of control!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    Hi there! I am so excited to find an active group. :) I am new to this group but have been on MFP for a while. I lost 60 pounds before my wedding, which was about 2 weeks ago, and now I am struggling because the wedding was my focus and kept me going. I don't want to gain this weight back! I still have about 20 pounds to go.

    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 217 lbs
    SW August: 157
    Ultimate goal: around 139 and a size 8
    August goal: 149 or lower
  • xandra47
    xandra47 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi, new to the group! Working on loosing the last 6.5 pounds. I eat around 1350 cals a day, do resistance strength training 3 days and cardio 6 days a week.

    Height: 5 foot nothing
    HW: 180 lbs when I was 17-18
    SW: 138 Beginning of May
    CW: 121.2
    GW: 115
    August goal: 117
  • Ali_p7
    Ali_p7 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! I've done well with my nutrition so far this week. I also ran 3 miles Monday & today and did Jillian Michaels on Tuesday. I'm going out w/ MH tonight, but planning ahead to eat a salad & drink vodka/soda instead of wine or beer.
  • glassofroses
    glassofroses Posts: 653 Member
    @rianneonamission Ah, that's good then. You hear about it and people end up in physio for months and I'm like ???

    TBH I've only had one 'injury' since I started training when I subluxed (partially dislocated) my left hip in a warm up - swung my leg to far upward and popped it - and it lasted about 6 weeks because it wouldn't pop back all the way. Sounds very dramatic but it's a hazard of Hypermobility. Training helps strengthen the muscle but it can only do so much.

    @cmjlavallee I didn't own a scale at university, or in life really, but I was a size US10/UK14 when I left but I came back a US12-14/UK16-18 and I'd gain another dress size before I sorted my life out. For me, it wasn't so much age, I was 26 when I started my journey, or aesthetic reasons, but that I got some very distressing news and I had to really look at myself and decide how effective I was going to be and when you're over 200lbs it's not very. Now I'm roughly what I weighed in high school and a size US4/UK8, so anything is possible. You just have to commit. :heart:
  • FancySnakes
    FancySnakes Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to the group!
    I just started the keto diet and regular exercise a little over a week ago looking to lose a little extra weight. So far, so good!

    Height: 5' 3"
    SW 7/26/17: 139
    CW 8/02/18: 132.4
    GW: 115

    August goal: 123-125
  • brockhampton
    brockhampton Posts: 211 Member
    Height: 5'4
    HW: 150
    CW: 128.75
    GW: 120 (I'm not 100% set on this yet as I'm in love with my booty, hate seeing my ribs which are already visible ): and don't want to get too skinny)
    August GW: 126

    Current waist: 26.5
    August goal waist: 26.25
    August goal hips: 38.25
    Current thighs: 22.5
    August goal thighs: 22.25

    03 aug: 128.75 (will update goal accordingly if this turns out to be TOM added weight - TOM due today)
    10 aug:
    17 aug:
    24 aug:
    31 aug:
  • astrdomitter
    astrdomitter Posts: 120 Member
    Hi All
    I'd like to join this group too. Just started again last weekend. Nice to be with people with similar goals.

    SW: 131
    CW: 129
    GW: 120

    By end of August I'd like to be 126.