Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Thanks for the travel tips. The awesome travel food ideas and also the reminder about visiting family. I absolutely adore my mom, but there is no other person on the planet who can reduce me to emotional rubble without even speaking a word out loud!!! Lol!! She's a trip. Force field protection will be activated!!! But like I said, she has been awesome to me as well.
    It's now looking like the last week in August...maybe I can get on track before that. That would be nice!
    Luv you guys so much.

    Force field protection will be activated?!? That's hilarious and perfectly describes exactly what I need to do when I visit my family who are only 300 kilometres (3hours) away.

    I'm glad to hear you're still at it. Have a safe trip!
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    Thanks for the travel tips. The awesome travel food ideas and also the reminder about visiting family. I absolutely adore my mom, but there is no other person on the planet who can reduce me to emotional rubble without even speaking a word out loud!!! Lol!! She's a trip. Force field protection will be activated!!! But like I said, she has been awesome to me as well.
    It's now looking like the last week in August...maybe I can get on track before that. That would be nice!
    Luv you guys so much.

    Safe travels! Safe eating! Hope that you have a great time!
  • Kiwi_Billings
    Kiwi_Billings Posts: 76 Member
    Keto horse, and force field?! I love those descriptions! I will borrow them....
  • regggo
    regggo Posts: 7 Member
    I m new here and new to keto
    Would love to chat with some people
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    @regggo Welcome! How are you doing?
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    edited August 2017
    So after 7 weeks of a pretty strict and happy keto woe, the last 48 hours have been a bit of a "carb fest". What I have learned...
    1) "if I don't plan, then I plan to fail". Someone smarter than me said that. I got a bit tired and sick and just did not have the motivation to cook anything healthy, and did not have enough precooked keto friendly items in the house.
    2) The slippery slope... once you have one meal off keto, it is easier to just take the day off, then the next day, etc. Anyone else out there relate?
    3) The Mental game... it is more in my head than the physical cravings. I felt hungry one night so I ate an extra 300 cal in protein. That was fine, but it kinda put in my head the idea that allowances are OK. Then I started making ketoaid, drink with mio and salt. That "felt" like an allowance, I had not had any artifical sweeteners until then. Then it is just one meal off because I am not feeling well, etc.. (same as above) just so glad I caught this after 48 hours instead of a month down the road!

    4) Good things... I was worried that eating 15 to 20 net carbs would make my body not be able to process carbs in the future. Besides a little stomach gurgle, I was fine, and I was eating over 200 grams of carbs a day. This will not be true for everyone, but that was one fear for me that was put to rest.

    Weirdly, at least to me, the foods I used to crave/love/devour did not taste as good. I had one piece of pizza, it was eh. I had chocolate chip cookies, they did not satisfy like they had before. I put a TBSP of hazelnut creamer in my black tea and it was GROSS! Lol I like just half and half much better. I used to measure out that creamer on my CICO and it was a daily treat. I had a bowl of cereal, not a overly sweet kind, and it was just off. Everything carb related just tasted off...

    I learned some other things about myself and my eating habits as well, but these were my top discoveries.
    Oh, I am up 7 to 8 pounds on the scale. SO now I can just ignore the scale for the next week as my body readjusts to keto and levels out again. I know it will take most of a week to get back down, and I am fine with that. So liberating to not freak out over the numbers.
    Thanks everyone who takes the time to read this! It helps knowing there is a great community of people who understand. Have a great keto week!

  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    @dawnz75 I can relate to almost everything you said.

    There are very few junk food carbs that I enjoy now as much as I did before as well. It's like my tastebuds are tuned in more to actual food and what it's SUPPOSED to taste like.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @dawnz75 - We have ALL been there... I will just say this, write out the worst of it. The nitty gritty. The lack of taste details. Any digestive drama, sleep issues, return of inflammation. Bring it out as a reminder, if you need it...

    This is all a mental game. The physical will get in line was the mental does... It's so hard, stupid lying brain chemicals have epic level bamboozling skills!

    The spring back after a bite, a meal, or a day off plan gets quicker as you stay keto longer...

    And it's easier to recover when you consider the keto your normal, and your carb-rage the blip. Good luck!
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    Thanks for all the support and advice. Day3 back at it, 15 to 20 net carbs and I feel great. A few cravings here and there, mostly late night, but I expected that.
    2 Ballpark Smokey beef hotdogs for breakfast, extra long. No nitrates, probably not the best choice, but so fast and easy and yummy! 2g carb each, 160 cal each, but over 600 sodium each. That and a big cup of black tea with half n half and I am good to go. Love the early morning sodium numbers... anyone else eat hotdogs for breakfast? Lol
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I love hot dogs! I had a couple the other day. I suppose I have a little different perspective on things than some and my perspective on hot dogs is: I've been eating them for probably 62 of my 63 years and I'm not dead yet so I'll keep eating them. I'm quite certain I have had them for breakfast on a few occasions. :)

    I too don't get physically ill if I have a high carb amount. Just a little lethargic is it was a super-carb-mishap. I also currently have no issues digesting higher carbs though I ate strict keto for a full year. While I don't have studies/research to support my idea, I (knocks on wood) have never had digestive/allergic/sensitivity issues with food so I figure I must have been doing something right/balanced all these years for my system (AND AM LUCKY). I just continue to provide my body as wide a variety as possible while staying in my carb limit.

    Kudos @dawnz75 for keeping your sensible approach to eating. Mishaps occur. It is good to know to just move on. No harm done.
  • dawnz75
    dawnz75 Posts: 579 Member
    Anyone have a brand of magnesium supplements that they recommend? Been looking on Amazon and there are so many options. I have been hit and miss with a magnesium oil before I go to bed, and have mild leg cramps a couple times a week. It is best when I keep my sodium up to around 4,500 but I would maybe like to add this supplement and see if the cramps go away all together. Thanks everyone!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @dawnz75 -

    I personally like Doctor's Best Brand Chelated Magnesium Glycinate.

    I've also used Thorne's Chelated Magnesium Citrate.

    I did NOT like the KAL Magnesium Glycinate, but it works really well for others. I also have a powdered mag carbonate or something I was using in ketoade, but it got misplaced in the move. I wasn't a big enough fan of it to replace my main choice.

    I plan to try the Life Extension brand soon, as it seems like another good option.

    As for the form, it really depends on your own needs... This is a pretty good explanation. https://forum.bulletproof.com/discussion/2078/bulletproof-magnesium-thread

    Remember that individual needs vary - so you may have to test drive a few.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    @dawnz75 I was getting night leg cramps initially so started taking 100 mg of Chelated Magnesium Glycinate (daily). It is the Solgar brand and I'm guessing I selected it because it was on sale @ Whole Foods. I went there because I was having trouble finding anything but magnesium oxide.

    I later found a brand of Magnesium Citrate at Walmart and purchased it for half the price. Both seemed equally effective for night leg cramps.

    My last purchase was back to Solgar Chelated Magnesium Glycinate because, though I don't have sleep issues I swear I could feel that stuff gently putting me to sleep at night when reading or surfing the net. I don't take it regularly anymore. Just when I think about doing so.

  • DaybreakLillies
    DaybreakLillies Posts: 2 Member
    Hey y'all!! Back on the low-carb bandwagon again :-) I took a couple months off as I had some other issues take precedence but I'm happy to be back eating how my body likes.

    I'm trying to remind myself it's not an all-or nothing scenario - mayo packets are so convenient for on-the-go it's okay that it doesn't use the healthiest fats in the world, etc. Hopefully this mindset will help me stay on when things get super stressful again since grad school restarted this week.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Good luck!
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    I'm coming up 10 weeks keto this weekend. So far it's been nothing but amazing and awesome and I've really settled into it as a way of life. I am so happy!

    My only complaint is the hormone wonkiness. Normally my cycle lasts 3-4 days; I'm now on day 16 or 17 with no sign of the end. (Sorry for the TMI... my reality though).

    I don't know what to do, or if there even is anything I CAN do. Sigh...
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hmmm... It had the opposite affect on me. I went from 4-5 days to 2-3.
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    If you want to have a hotdog, look for these, with grass fed beef. http://applegate.com/products/the-great-organic-beef-hot-dog-14oz
  • KetosisTina
    KetosisTina Posts: 197 Member
    @River_Goddess - give your cycle some time. Even though you are at 10 weeks, it can sometimes take 3 to 6 months for everything to normalize again.
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Oh gosh I hope it doesn't take too long! I'm feeling achey and depleted. I ate about 1800 cals yesterday (all keto) just trying to replenish my body a bit. I normally stick to 1200ish but I feel like my body must be working hard if it's still going. Jeez.