Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Weight loss is hard, maintenance is hard but both are better than where I came from. Thanks for everyone's support! I have to refocus my brain slowly. It is nice to have people on here that have experienced maintenance for a long period of time.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Have been okay today. Succumbed to some trail mix snacking at work which was provided free. Hate that!! But not too extreme, hopefully not too much damage done to the plan. Tomorrow's temptations may be the same at work...but this time, I'll be prepared.
    Still raring to go on this summer goal of mine. Everything will just get better and better if I just stick with my overall plan!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I'm still struggling to balance electrolytes and fight off headaches. It's tricky because I increase sodium to ward off headaches but all that does is cause fluid retention. I still almost always have a mild underlying headache. I thought maybe it was something in the broth so I tried olive juice a few days ago. The headache toned down but never fully went away and the next day, I was up 2 lbs which I still haven't lost yet.
  • ripptorn714
    ripptorn714 Posts: 25 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    "Libra- Weight Manager" From Playstore, a free app.

    Is this a good app? I do not like the way MFP tracks weight. I want more details and data.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    I like Libra. Shows a nice trend line. I don;t use it much anymore since weight is stabilized. It is the android app.

    Happy Scale for iphone is popular.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    kpk54 wrote: »
    I like Libra. Shows a nice trend line. I don;t use it much anymore since weight is stabilized. It is the android app.

    Happy Scale for iphone is popular.

    That explains why I can't find it! Thanks.
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    Wah, I just lost all I entered, oh well, long story short, I now appreciate unsweetened almond milk and am trying chia seeds this week, well month, I did buy the bag at Costco :) only doing yoga once a week and walking. Tomorrow is weigh in day, not expecting much of a loss, but on the right track.
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    Back to a steady loss her. Having a mental issue with expecting to loose, so I don't get happy when I do, just disappointed when I dont. It will pass I guess.

    Wedding this weekend, thinking about waiting a couple of days, till Tuesday or something to weigh again. After a day of drinking and carbs I guess the weight will bounce all over.

    Not sure I can wait tho.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Busy day today. Weightlifting this morning. Then I will finish mowing the lawn. This afternoon I will be working on screwing boards down on our deck. That is very time-consuming. This evening I will do my kettle bell workout.
  • JessIsOK
    JessIsOK Posts: 13 Member
    Busy day for me today, as well. Work all day, class + lab after work. These are long days. I leave around 7, stop home long enough to let my dogs out, then turn around and leave again until 10:30. Days like today, I survive the evening with fat bombs, string cheese, and almonds. It's not ideal, but it's not permanent.

    @havisham, do you put ice in your unsweetened almond milk? If you haven't, it might be worth a try. Adding ice cubes to my almond milk turned me from being like "Meh, it's OK" to "Whoa, this is good." Not gonna lie, it felt super weird to add ice cubes to any form of milk, but it worked!

    @sebastiansteinmann, do you take measurements? I'm still fairly new to keto, but my sister has been doing it for a couple of months and says that she's noticed that her weight loss on the scale has slowed, but her measurements are consistently showing lost inches. Not sure if that would help with the mental thing, but it might be worth a shot. She's also a big fan of monthly progress photos, but I personally can't stand to see my whole belly staring back at me in the mirror, LOL.

    Question for people who've done this for a while--did you start working out right in the beginning, or did you kind of ease into it? I've been doing this for almost two weeks and I think it's time to start adding more exercise, just not sure how intense to start...

    Hope everyone has a good day!

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Busy day today. Weightlifting this morning. Then I will finish mowing the lawn. This afternoon I will be working on screwing boards down on our deck. That is very time-consuming. This evening I will do my kettle bell workout.

    @fanncy0626 - Make absolutely sure you get extra micronutrients and electrolytes, doing multiple workouts like that!! If you read "The Micronutrient Miracle," it might shock you as to why we generally shouldn't do that much working out in one day or that much intensity at a time. We use up all the nutrients in our body, and most of us don't know how to refuel the nutrients needed. I'm sure there are many other resources on this subject, the one above is just the one with which I'm familiar.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @JessIsOK - You need to wait on adding in exercise, aside from gentle walking and such. It takes 6-12 weeks for your body to build new muscle mitochondria for your body to be able to use the ketones to fuel your muscles. Until then, you'll still be running on glucose fuel for the muscles (stores and by conversion), and you will constantly feel that feeling of "hitting a wall and being unable to do any more!!" So adding gentle activity is fine, but don't look to add any significant workouts for a bit.

    When you do, trying looking into programs like Zero Movement Training for cardio/intensity and One Set To Fail for weights. It optimizes your time and bodily resources while getting the most bang for your buck out of a workout. Both programs are spelled out in the book I mentioned in the post above by Jayson and Mira Calton. I have no affiliation, just a great belief in the programs they've developed and the science behind it. They do also sell services, but you can get most of what you need from the book, at a library or e-book service, etc. Good luck!
  • stephanieross1
    stephanieross1 Posts: 388 Member
    Same weight for about 2 weeks, definitely in keto and not cheating (had vodka soda) much other than a drink.

    Energy is still up high with troubles sleeping, but the plus it's got me cleaning my house spotless.

    Will keep ketoing on and hopefully it will change.
    Read somewhere that shouldn't feel bad you didn't lose but feel great you maintained that weight loss. Embracing the lifestyle change
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Correction to my above post...

    You PROBABLY need to wait... Not like need/mandatory... Just average experiences.
  • JessIsOK
    JessIsOK Posts: 13 Member
    @KnitOrMiss, I'm totally OK waiting, LOL. I'm managing to walk my dog at least a few times a week, which feels like a pretty major accomplishment right now. Waiting until I'm done with this semester of school (8 weeks left) to start hitting the gym will work out perfectly. :smiley: Thank you so much for the info!
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    @JessIsOK I have been known to put ice in my milk, never occurred to me to try with almond milk... what are you studying?
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    Week # 6 - I have flatlined this week, my avg weekly weight is the same as last week and my weight is exactly the same, still at 8.6lb weight loss. It's about equal with the effort I put in this week, eating chocolate Keto mug cake almost every night, gotta change that to a once in a while treat :) and definitely didn't get my walking in for about 2 or three days. That's my goal this week! to walk 12,000 steps every day and everyday report back here, right now I have 695 steps and a low battery. Have a good weekend I will be posting my steps, feel free to join me..
  • stephanieross1
    stephanieross1 Posts: 388 Member
    5 am here and wide awake. On my day off. Damn keto, time for the gym then.
  • JessIsOK
    JessIsOK Posts: 13 Member
    @havisham, I'll be getting laid off, probably around April of next year. We got plenty of notice, so I started some pre-nursing classes. I'm in microbiology right now. Having those classes done will allow me to roll right into an accelerated Bachelor's of Nursing degree program when I do get laid off. It's a total career change, since I currently work at a nuclear power plant, but it's a change I'm actually really looking forward to. :) More important than that, though, where did you find a recipe for a keto chocolate mug cake? That sounds amazing!

    @stephanieross1, good for you getting to the gym at 5 a.m.! Knowing me, I'd have just tried to force myself back to sleep for an hour and then ended up oversleeping for work. Hope you had a good workout!
  • Sarag78
    Sarag78 Posts: 84 Member
    Hi all! I am new to the Keto diet, and am only on week 2. So far so good, but if anyone has tips on easy snacks to take to work that isn't too high in protein, I am all ears!