Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    So, I think I figured it out. I don't think I feel better today because I ate popcorn and a chocolate bar. I think it's not what I did eat but what I didn't... meat!

    I've always known that dairy and legumes don't really agree with my digestive system and I was never really much of a meat eater but since going Keto, I've been eating mostly meat and veggies with some eggs, nuts and fruit. Yesterday, I skipped the meat.

    The one thing legumes and dairy have in common with meat is protein. I wonder if my body just doesn't do well processing it. It makes me want to see what would happen if I tried Keto meat-free... or if that would even be possible...

    Can you do eggs? There is an egg fast that is Keto.

    Yes I can do eggs. It's funny you should mention the egg fast because I plan to start it tomorrow but only for three days. I still need a long-term plan.

    @4031isaiah - there are specific enzymes that aid in digestions of proteins. I wanna say it is Protease. Pretty sure Amylase is for carbs and Lipase is for fats.... If you have any sort of compromised stomach acid component (which can cause/trigger/aggravate/etc. whatever is going on with your "IBS." Many types of digestive disorders have common or related causes - but surface in different ways in different people.

    If you are still eating a decent amount of veg, it's possible that your veg is using up the available stomach acid before the protein is digested ... (my understanding is that it goes in order of priority - alcohol, carbs, proteins, then fats...) in most people... Veg causes problems in some folks. @Sunny_Bunny_ found that her IBS/IBD symptoms resolved almost completely when she went full carnivore and dropped nearly all fiber sources, when on a traditional diet, fiber was the only thing that kept her functional.

    Legumes have their own set of digestive drama, not the least of which is the self-protective ... anti-something (sorry can't recall the term) that basically protects them from being eaten in the wild. I would personally sample sprouted legumes (you can google for how to do this yourself or buy them some places)...because that helps process that ... protective measure out...

    And yes, you can absolutely do keto without meat... Or even pescetarian (allowing fish, eggs, etc.)... There are some who even manage it on vegan, not just vegetarian! Also, dairy may just be the way that the protein issue surfaces, too. That's why a lot of programs have an elimination diet at first, then slowly adding back one food type at a time to identify the problem food... It may be dairy that throws the flag on the play but something else in your diet that sets the issue up, and if that item was removed, dairy might not be a problem for you, ongoing...

    I'm glad to see you finding some commonalities, though...makes it easier to find the answers long term!
  • Rocky4157
    Rocky4157 Posts: 4 Member
    Well I am back at it today, ground zero so to speak. Find myself easily distracted by life events and need to find foods that can keep me on track easily. Any suggestions for quick snacks and meals? Already feeling in a bit of a rut with cheese, a handful of walnuts or almonds, and pepperoni and bacon. I am using Atkins frozen meals (still some are high in carbs) for lunch at work when I don't have leftovers. But I need to get in a better habit of meal planning. I really like the site www.plantoeat.com to keep me organized but would love any other tips to staying with keto!
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    Hardboiled eggs are a staple for me, pork rinds with dip or guacamole, sardines, smoked canned oysters. Salads are good. There are lots of low carb recipes for entrees. I really like crack slaw and I just made a low-carb version of shepherds pie that was very good. I love mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes and many SAD eaters have commented on how good it was also.

    Since going low-carb, I've been missing one of my summer treats, a beefsteak tomato sandwich, I've found two recipes for bread that I've heard are very good, Soul Bread and Cloud Bread. I'm looking forward to trying them with some fresh beefsteak tomatoes.

    Basically, there are recipe after recipe of excellent replacements for almost any carb laden food. Look on it as a voyage of discovery.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    So, I think I figured it out. I don't think I feel better today because I ate popcorn and a chocolate bar. I think it's not what I did eat but what I didn't... meat!

    I've always known that dairy and legumes don't really agree with my digestive system and I was never really much of a meat eater but since going Keto, I've been eating mostly meat and veggies with some eggs, nuts and fruit. Yesterday, I skipped the meat.

    The one thing legumes and dairy have in common with meat is protein. I wonder if my body just doesn't do well processing it. It makes me want to see what would happen if I tried Keto meat-free... or if that would even be possible...

    Can you do eggs? There is an egg fast that is Keto.

    Yes I can do eggs. It's funny you should mention the egg fast because I plan to start it tomorrow but only for three days. I still need a long-term plan.

    @4031isaiah - there are specific enzymes that aid in digestions of proteins. I wanna say it is Protease. Pretty sure Amylase is for carbs and Lipase is for fats.... If you have any sort of compromised stomach acid component (which can cause/trigger/aggravate/etc. whatever is going on with your "IBS." Many types of digestive disorders have common or related causes - but surface in different ways in different people.

    If you are still eating a decent amount of veg, it's possible that your veg is using up the available stomach acid before the protein is digested ... (my understanding is that it goes in order of priority - alcohol, carbs, proteins, then fats...) in most people... Veg causes problems in some folks. @Sunny_Bunny_ found that her IBS/IBD symptoms resolved almost completely when she went full carnivore and dropped nearly all fiber sources, when on a traditional diet, fiber was the only thing that kept her functional.

    Legumes have their own set of digestive drama, not the least of which is the self-protective ... anti-something (sorry can't recall the term) that basically protects them from being eaten in the wild. I would personally sample sprouted legumes (you can google for how to do this yourself or buy them some places)...because that helps process that ... protective measure out...

    And yes, you can absolutely do keto without meat... Or even pescetarian (allowing fish, eggs, etc.)... There are some who even manage it on vegan, not just vegetarian! Also, dairy may just be the way that the protein issue surfaces, too. That's why a lot of programs have an elimination diet at first, then slowly adding back one food type at a time to identify the problem food... It may be dairy that throws the flag on the play but something else in your diet that sets the issue up, and if that item was removed, dairy might not be a problem for you, ongoing...

    I'm glad to see you finding some commonalities, though...makes it easier to find the answers long term!

    @KnitOrMiss thanks for your posts. They are always so helpful! I've been doing a bit of research and I don't know which way to go. Do I totally eliminate meat and find protein alternatives or do I totally eliminate veggies and hope its absence fixes the protein issue?

    As for fibre or supplements, I can't do it at all. I would be folded over in pain for days if I did. I take magnesium citrate daily for regularity. NOTHING happens if I don't take it.

    I've been struggling the last few days to get back on the wagon. I had a poor me moment on Friday and dove face first into a giant bag of smart food and have been giving in to non-Keto carbs here and there since.

    I made some fat bombs tonight for the first time in a very long time. My hope is that having these on hand will satisfy any cravings until I get back into ketosis. I can't let discouragement send me spiralling back into old habits and undo any progress I've made.

    I need to re-focus and could use the support of my friends here.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I had a rough couple keto days as well, Christie. Lets get er done tomorrow. I'll try to check in after my book club around 10 pm or else Wed am. Good luck! Keto strong!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Fvaisey wrote: »
    Hardboiled eggs are a staple for me, pork rinds with dip or guacamole, sardines, smoked canned oysters. Salads are good. There are lots of low carb recipes for entrees. I really like crack slaw and I just made a low-carb version of shepherds pie that was very good. I love mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes and many SAD eaters have commented on how good it was also.

    Since going low-carb, I've been missing one of my summer treats, a beefsteak tomato sandwich, I've found two recipes for bread that I've heard are very good, Soul Bread and Cloud Bread. I'm looking forward to trying them with some fresh beefsteak tomatoes.

    Basically, there are recipe after recipe of excellent replacements for almost any carb laden food. Look on it as a voyage of discovery.

    Pork rinds and guacamole? I love guacamole but have been resisting the urge to make Keto tortillas because I know I'd still eat too many and still have to deal with carbs but pork rinds sound like decent option. I think I'll try some.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    I had a rough couple keto days as well, Christie. Lets get er done tomorrow. I'll try to check in after my book club around 10 pm or else Wed am. Good luck! Keto strong!

    Thanks! I know many people have said that you don't need to exercise on Keto to lose weight but I think I may have to. I signed up for an aqua spinning class starting July 3. I need to get focused and get this weight off.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    So, I think I figured it out. I don't think I feel better today because I ate popcorn and a chocolate bar. I think it's not what I did eat but what I didn't... meat!

    I've always known that dairy and legumes don't really agree with my digestive system and I was never really much of a meat eater but since going Keto, I've been eating mostly meat and veggies with some eggs, nuts and fruit. Yesterday, I skipped the meat.

    The one thing legumes and dairy have in common with meat is protein. I wonder if my body just doesn't do well processing it. It makes me want to see what would happen if I tried Keto meat-free... or if that would even be possible...

    Can you do eggs? There is an egg fast that is Keto.

    Yes I can do eggs. It's funny you should mention the egg fast because I plan to start it tomorrow but only for three days. I still need a long-term plan.

    @4031isaiah - there are specific enzymes that aid in digestions of proteins. I wanna say it is Protease. Pretty sure Amylase is for carbs and Lipase is for fats.... If you have any sort of compromised stomach acid component (which can cause/trigger/aggravate/etc. whatever is going on with your "IBS." Many types of digestive disorders have common or related causes - but surface in different ways in different people.

    If you are still eating a decent amount of veg, it's possible that your veg is using up the available stomach acid before the protein is digested ... (my understanding is that it goes in order of priority - alcohol, carbs, proteins, then fats...) in most people... Veg causes problems in some folks. @Sunny_Bunny_ found that her IBS/IBD symptoms resolved almost completely when she went full carnivore and dropped nearly all fiber sources, when on a traditional diet, fiber was the only thing that kept her functional.

    Legumes have their own set of digestive drama, not the least of which is the self-protective ... anti-something (sorry can't recall the term) that basically protects them from being eaten in the wild. I would personally sample sprouted legumes (you can google for how to do this yourself or buy them some places)...because that helps process that ... protective measure out...

    And yes, you can absolutely do keto without meat... Or even pescetarian (allowing fish, eggs, etc.)... There are some who even manage it on vegan, not just vegetarian! Also, dairy may just be the way that the protein issue surfaces, too. That's why a lot of programs have an elimination diet at first, then slowly adding back one food type at a time to identify the problem food... It may be dairy that throws the flag on the play but something else in your diet that sets the issue up, and if that item was removed, dairy might not be a problem for you, ongoing...

    I'm glad to see you finding some commonalities, though...makes it easier to find the answers long term!

    @KnitOrMiss thanks for your posts. They are always so helpful! I've been doing a bit of research and I don't know which way to go. Do I totally eliminate meat and find protein alternatives or do I totally eliminate veggies and hope its absence fixes the protein issue?

    As for fibre or supplements, I can't do it at all. I would be folded over in pain for days if I did. I take magnesium citrate daily for regularity. NOTHING happens if I don't take it.

    I've been struggling the last few days to get back on the wagon. I had a poor me moment on Friday and dove face first into a giant bag of smart food and have been giving in to non-Keto carbs here and there since.

    I made some fat bombs tonight for the first time in a very long time. My hope is that having these on hand will satisfy any cravings until I get back into ketosis. I can't let discouragement send me spiralling back into old habits and undo any progress I've made.

    I need to re-focus and could use the support of my friends here.

    I have to say, you are sounding a lot like me before I went zero carb.
    I used to need high doses of magnesium to go and I always blamed protein for my troubles.
    I decided to try a monthly challenge eating carnivore just for the heck of it and realized that all of my troubles were actually the vegetables.
    I had to cut waaaay back on my magnesium because it was making me go too much. I actually only take a small dose a few days a week now. But it has nothing to do with bathroom issues. It's just because I believe in its benefits.
    I'm back to normal, no issue, no pain, no bloating almost daily regularity. Many zero carb people don't go more than once a week though. As long as your gut feels good and going causes no discomfort, not going often is perfectly healthy too.
    Honestly, I'd try ZC before resorting to plant based proteins which are not as bioavailable. I personally don't believe it's as healthy as animal based protein.
  • PatriciaJ279
    PatriciaJ279 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi - I'm new to keto. Does anyone have suggestions on how they track? I am trying to figure out if I should be tracking calories, macros by mgs or percentages? Example: today I'm at 14% carbs (28gms) 44% fat and 42% protein and am not hungry and don't want to eat any more. Am I doing this wrong? *posted this in another forum but this one seems to have more activity and persons with an understanding of how things work
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @PatriciaJ279 - I think most of us agree here - carbs are set as a hard limit (meaning don't increase them with extra exercise calories earned, etc.), protein is a range/minimum for body health - more is needed with activity. Fat fills in to satiety ONLY. You don't need to eat a lot extra if you're not hungry. Your body will burn the fat from your body naturally to fill the gap...

    But don't try to force this by eating less calories than you legitimately need. Your body is too smart for that. LOL It will know, and it will slow your metabolism from being the fat burning machine it is now!

    The lowered hunger levels can be pretty normal on keto, off and on, particularly in the beginning. That being said, calculating out your current calorie levels form what you mentioned above, 800 calories is pretty low, but as long as you truly aren't hungry and you don't suffer any major side effects, eating near that level off and on for a few weeks while focusing on whole foods that are nutrient dense, you're probably okay.

    But unless you are 4'10" tall and 100 pounds (or something similar), long term you will absolutely need more than 800 calories a day, unless you are under doctor care to maintain that low calorie goal. Enjoy the reduced hunger while you can, but do not hesitate to eat more when you are hungry. Your body knows what it needs - and your weight loss processes and your health gains processes will be more efficient when you are eating what your body needs and how much! Sincerely, the metabolism will adjust (huge slowdown!) if you ignore your body's hunger signals...so eat to satiety or a reasonable calorie goal if you feel your hunger is way too low...and just keep on top of your body's signals. Nutrient deficiencies will announce themselves, etc. Good luck!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    So, I think I figured it out. I don't think I feel better today because I ate popcorn and a chocolate bar. I think it's not what I did eat but what I didn't... meat!

    I've always known that dairy and legumes don't really agree with my digestive system and I was never really much of a meat eater but since going Keto, I've been eating mostly meat and veggies with some eggs, nuts and fruit. Yesterday, I skipped the meat.

    The one thing legumes and dairy have in common with meat is protein. I wonder if my body just doesn't do well processing it. It makes me want to see what would happen if I tried Keto meat-free... or if that would even be possible...

    Can you do eggs? There is an egg fast that is Keto.

    Yes I can do eggs. It's funny you should mention the egg fast because I plan to start it tomorrow but only for three days. I still need a long-term plan.

    @4031isaiah - there are specific enzymes that aid in digestions of proteins. I wanna say it is Protease. Pretty sure Amylase is for carbs and Lipase is for fats.... If you have any sort of compromised stomach acid component (which can cause/trigger/aggravate/etc. whatever is going on with your "IBS." Many types of digestive disorders have common or related causes - but surface in different ways in different people.

    If you are still eating a decent amount of veg, it's possible that your veg is using up the available stomach acid before the protein is digested ... (my understanding is that it goes in order of priority - alcohol, carbs, proteins, then fats...) in most people... Veg causes problems in some folks. @Sunny_Bunny_ found that her IBS/IBD symptoms resolved almost completely when she went full carnivore and dropped nearly all fiber sources, when on a traditional diet, fiber was the only thing that kept her functional.

    Legumes have their own set of digestive drama, not the least of which is the self-protective ... anti-something (sorry can't recall the term) that basically protects them from being eaten in the wild. I would personally sample sprouted legumes (you can google for how to do this yourself or buy them some places)...because that helps process that ... protective measure out...

    And yes, you can absolutely do keto without meat... Or even pescetarian (allowing fish, eggs, etc.)... There are some who even manage it on vegan, not just vegetarian! Also, dairy may just be the way that the protein issue surfaces, too. That's why a lot of programs have an elimination diet at first, then slowly adding back one food type at a time to identify the problem food... It may be dairy that throws the flag on the play but something else in your diet that sets the issue up, and if that item was removed, dairy might not be a problem for you, ongoing...

    I'm glad to see you finding some commonalities, though...makes it easier to find the answers long term!

    @KnitOrMiss thanks for your posts. They are always so helpful! I've been doing a bit of research and I don't know which way to go. Do I totally eliminate meat and find protein alternatives or do I totally eliminate veggies and hope its absence fixes the protein issue?

    As for fibre or supplements, I can't do it at all. I would be folded over in pain for days if I did. I take magnesium citrate daily for regularity. NOTHING happens if I don't take it.

    I've been struggling the last few days to get back on the wagon. I had a poor me moment on Friday and dove face first into a giant bag of smart food and have been giving in to non-Keto carbs here and there since.

    I made some fat bombs tonight for the first time in a very long time. My hope is that having these on hand will satisfy any cravings until I get back into ketosis. I can't let discouragement send me spiralling back into old habits and undo any progress I've made.

    I need to re-focus and could use the support of my friends here.

    I have to say, you are sounding a lot like me before I went zero carb.
    I used to need high doses of magnesium to go and I always blamed protein for my troubles.
    I decided to try a monthly challenge eating carnivore just for the heck of it and realized that all of my troubles were actually the vegetables.
    I had to cut waaaay back on my magnesium because it was making me go too much. I actually only take a small dose a few days a week now. But it has nothing to do with bathroom issues. It's just because I believe in its benefits.
    I'm back to normal, no issue, no pain, no bloating almost daily regularity. Many zero carb people don't go more than once a week though. As long as your gut feels good and going causes no discomfort, not going often is perfectly healthy too.
    Honestly, I'd try ZC before resorting to plant based proteins which are not as bioavailable. I personally don't believe it's as healthy as animal based protein.

    Thanks @Sunny_Bunny_ . Would you mind if I PM'd you to ask a few more questions?
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    So, I think I figured it out. I don't think I feel better today because I ate popcorn and a chocolate bar. I think it's not what I did eat but what I didn't... meat!

    I've always known that dairy and legumes don't really agree with my digestive system and I was never really much of a meat eater but since going Keto, I've been eating mostly meat and veggies with some eggs, nuts and fruit. Yesterday, I skipped the meat.

    The one thing legumes and dairy have in common with meat is protein. I wonder if my body just doesn't do well processing it. It makes me want to see what would happen if I tried Keto meat-free... or if that would even be possible...

    Can you do eggs? There is an egg fast that is Keto.

    Yes I can do eggs. It's funny you should mention the egg fast because I plan to start it tomorrow but only for three days. I still need a long-term plan.

    @4031isaiah - there are specific enzymes that aid in digestions of proteins. I wanna say it is Protease. Pretty sure Amylase is for carbs and Lipase is for fats.... If you have any sort of compromised stomach acid component (which can cause/trigger/aggravate/etc. whatever is going on with your "IBS." Many types of digestive disorders have common or related causes - but surface in different ways in different people.

    If you are still eating a decent amount of veg, it's possible that your veg is using up the available stomach acid before the protein is digested ... (my understanding is that it goes in order of priority - alcohol, carbs, proteins, then fats...) in most people... Veg causes problems in some folks. @Sunny_Bunny_ found that her IBS/IBD symptoms resolved almost completely when she went full carnivore and dropped nearly all fiber sources, when on a traditional diet, fiber was the only thing that kept her functional.

    Legumes have their own set of digestive drama, not the least of which is the self-protective ... anti-something (sorry can't recall the term) that basically protects them from being eaten in the wild. I would personally sample sprouted legumes (you can google for how to do this yourself or buy them some places)...because that helps process that ... protective measure out...

    And yes, you can absolutely do keto without meat... Or even pescetarian (allowing fish, eggs, etc.)... There are some who even manage it on vegan, not just vegetarian! Also, dairy may just be the way that the protein issue surfaces, too. That's why a lot of programs have an elimination diet at first, then slowly adding back one food type at a time to identify the problem food... It may be dairy that throws the flag on the play but something else in your diet that sets the issue up, and if that item was removed, dairy might not be a problem for you, ongoing...

    I'm glad to see you finding some commonalities, though...makes it easier to find the answers long term!

    @KnitOrMiss thanks for your posts. They are always so helpful! I've been doing a bit of research and I don't know which way to go. Do I totally eliminate meat and find protein alternatives or do I totally eliminate veggies and hope its absence fixes the protein issue?

    As for fibre or supplements, I can't do it at all. I would be folded over in pain for days if I did. I take magnesium citrate daily for regularity. NOTHING happens if I don't take it.

    I've been struggling the last few days to get back on the wagon. I had a poor me moment on Friday and dove face first into a giant bag of smart food and have been giving in to non-Keto carbs here and there since.

    I made some fat bombs tonight for the first time in a very long time. My hope is that having these on hand will satisfy any cravings until I get back into ketosis. I can't let discouragement send me spiralling back into old habits and undo any progress I've made.

    I need to re-focus and could use the support of my friends here.

    I have to say, you are sounding a lot like me before I went zero carb.
    I used to need high doses of magnesium to go and I always blamed protein for my troubles.
    I decided to try a monthly challenge eating carnivore just for the heck of it and realized that all of my troubles were actually the vegetables.
    I had to cut waaaay back on my magnesium because it was making me go too much. I actually only take a small dose a few days a week now. But it has nothing to do with bathroom issues. It's just because I believe in its benefits.
    I'm back to normal, no issue, no pain, no bloating almost daily regularity. Many zero carb people don't go more than once a week though. As long as your gut feels good and going causes no discomfort, not going often is perfectly healthy too.
    Honestly, I'd try ZC before resorting to plant based proteins which are not as bioavailable. I personally don't believe it's as healthy as animal based protein.

    Thanks @Sunny_Bunny_ . Would you mind if I PM'd you to ask a few more questions?

    No problem at all :)
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    So, I think I figured it out. I don't think I feel better today because I ate popcorn and a chocolate bar. I think it's not what I did eat but what I didn't... meat!

    I've always known that dairy and legumes don't really agree with my digestive system and I was never really much of a meat eater but since going Keto, I've been eating mostly meat and veggies with some eggs, nuts and fruit. Yesterday, I skipped the meat.

    The one thing legumes and dairy have in common with meat is protein. I wonder if my body just doesn't do well processing it. It makes me want to see what would happen if I tried Keto meat-free... or if that would even be possible...

    Can you do eggs? There is an egg fast that is Keto.

    Yes I can do eggs. It's funny you should mention the egg fast because I plan to start it tomorrow but only for three days. I still need a long-term plan.

    @4031isaiah - there are specific enzymes that aid in digestions of proteins. I wanna say it is Protease. Pretty sure Amylase is for carbs and Lipase is for fats.... If you have any sort of compromised stomach acid component (which can cause/trigger/aggravate/etc. whatever is going on with your "IBS." Many types of digestive disorders have common or related causes - but surface in different ways in different people.

    If you are still eating a decent amount of veg, it's possible that your veg is using up the available stomach acid before the protein is digested ... (my understanding is that it goes in order of priority - alcohol, carbs, proteins, then fats...) in most people... Veg causes problems in some folks. @Sunny_Bunny_ found that her IBS/IBD symptoms resolved almost completely when she went full carnivore and dropped nearly all fiber sources, when on a traditional diet, fiber was the only thing that kept her functional.

    Legumes have their own set of digestive drama, not the least of which is the self-protective ... anti-something (sorry can't recall the term) that basically protects them from being eaten in the wild. I would personally sample sprouted legumes (you can google for how to do this yourself or buy them some places)...because that helps process that ... protective measure out...

    And yes, you can absolutely do keto without meat... Or even pescetarian (allowing fish, eggs, etc.)... There are some who even manage it on vegan, not just vegetarian! Also, dairy may just be the way that the protein issue surfaces, too. That's why a lot of programs have an elimination diet at first, then slowly adding back one food type at a time to identify the problem food... It may be dairy that throws the flag on the play but something else in your diet that sets the issue up, and if that item was removed, dairy might not be a problem for you, ongoing...

    I'm glad to see you finding some commonalities, though...makes it easier to find the answers long term!

    @KnitOrMiss thanks for your posts. They are always so helpful! I've been doing a bit of research and I don't know which way to go. Do I totally eliminate meat and find protein alternatives or do I totally eliminate veggies and hope its absence fixes the protein issue?

    As for fibre or supplements, I can't do it at all. I would be folded over in pain for days if I did. I take magnesium citrate daily for regularity. NOTHING happens if I don't take it.

    I've been struggling the last few days to get back on the wagon. I had a poor me moment on Friday and dove face first into a giant bag of smart food and have been giving in to non-Keto carbs here and there since.

    I made some fat bombs tonight for the first time in a very long time. My hope is that having these on hand will satisfy any cravings until I get back into ketosis. I can't let discouragement send me spiralling back into old habits and undo any progress I've made.

    I need to re-focus and could use the support of my friends here.

    I have to say, you are sounding a lot like me before I went zero carb.
    I used to need high doses of magnesium to go and I always blamed protein for my troubles.
    I decided to try a monthly challenge eating carnivore just for the heck of it and realized that all of my troubles were actually the vegetables.
    I had to cut waaaay back on my magnesium because it was making me go too much. I actually only take a small dose a few days a week now. But it has nothing to do with bathroom issues. It's just because I believe in its benefits.
    I'm back to normal, no issue, no pain, no bloating almost daily regularity. Many zero carb people don't go more than once a week though. As long as your gut feels good and going causes no discomfort, not going often is perfectly healthy too.
    Honestly, I'd try ZC before resorting to plant based proteins which are not as bioavailable. I personally don't believe it's as healthy as animal based protein.

    Thanks @Sunny_Bunny_ . Would you mind if I PM'd you to ask a few more questions?

    No problem at all :)

    Done! Thanks.
  • 1thankful_momma
    1thankful_momma Posts: 298 Member
    Hi - I'm new to keto. Does anyone have suggestions on how they track? I am trying to figure out if I should be tracking calories, macros by mgs or percentages? Example: today I'm at 14% carbs (28gms) 44% fat and 42% protein and am not hungry and don't want to eat any more. Am I doing this wrong? *posted this in another forum but this one seems to have more activity and persons with an understanding of how things work
    Look up 'Keto calculator' with a search engine and plug your data in. I used those numbers to set up my goals in MFP. This is the only place I use the percentages.
    I use the carb grams as a max(minus fiber since I do net carbs)
    I use the protein grams as a minimum and will eat more protein if I am really active over my normal activity that I used in the calculator.
    I eat the fat till I feel not hungry and at or lower than the grams determined in calc. Since I have fat to lose on my body, I want to use that instead of dietary fat.

  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Aftet a four day, fear-based hiatus from weighing in, I gathered up the nerve to ride the scale today fully expecting to see even worse results than my one day, 5 pound gain. Instead, I'm just a tad above my lowest weight on this particular goal drive.
    Wait, what?
    So relieved, so grateful, so confused....
    But newly motivated!!!!
    I'd say overall for the past four days I was eating at a high level of low carb - not keto at all - and easily 1000 cals over my usual on each of those days. I'm kind of shocked.
    The body mystifies me. Hopefully I won't have a delayed water retention response tomorrow, but even if I do...I'll get through it off today's energy.
    Back to it. Gung ho Keto!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited June 2017
    I hear ya! I had a few carb crazy days last week and for some inexplicable reason, my swollen fingers went down and so did the scale by 0.6lbs! I was afraid it might only be temporary because it didn't make sense, so I didn't record it. I've been back to full on keto since Monday and already showing traces of ketones. If the loss is still there tomorrow, I'm going to record it.
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    Been lax with tracking, and had a lot of cheat occasions last week's. Result, weight has been the same for about a month. Libra now tells me I'll loose the last 2.5kg by January 2020.

    Not gaining anything tho, so that's good i guess.

    Today's goal, track it all, and no snacking.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I wish I had access to that libra app. It sounds cool.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Another good keto day yesterday. No loss, but it'll be coming. Today's big keto challenge is- not enough to do to keep busy. So I guess I should make a plan. Also, got in an extra dance night with some new friends at a beautiful outdoor, sunset concert by a great local grateful dead tribute band. Does it get any better than that? Rarely!
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    I wish I had access to that libra app. It sounds cool.

    Happy Scale on iPhone
    Libra on Android
    Trend Weight on Desktop

    Hope that helps.