Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    To me, I always looked at Carbs as a hard limit, protein as a minimum range based on height/weight/activity level, etc. THEN, fats are only to satiety.

    The only exceptions would be using it to control a seizure disorder or other specific health condition when levels MUST be high for specific purpose...

    The protein and fat are really in kind of a yin/yang relationship. That choice of breakdown is very personal, and even over time, we might choose a different ratio based on activity level increase or decrease, lean muscle mass increase, etc. You will need to experiment to find the best level of satiety within the protein/fat breakdown.
  • JessIsOK
    JessIsOK Posts: 13 Member
    @Italiana_xx79, there are a bunch of different keto calculators out there, so when I found mine, I used a few different calculators to see what the various ranges were, then picked macros that fit into the various ranges that I'd found. There's a whole subReddit for keto that has a link to calculator in the FAQ. I used that one. I used one that the blog I Breathe I'm Hungry links to, and I used the one for the Keto Diet App blog. I've only been doing keto for about 2 weeks, so people who've done it longer will probably have better answers for you. :smile:
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 593 Member
    I think when I googled "Keto" is when I got confused, lol! I read one article and was like, okay, I got this but then when I went to look into it further, I found so many conflicting articles :( ... I am now afraid that eating too much fat will only dampen my progress :(
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Rather that duplicate resource, there is a low carb group that covers all types of low carbing - low carb, slow carb, avoiding grains, carnivore/zero carb, keto, and everything between that has some fabulous books and vetted resource links (researched, member recommended, or accepted as knowledgeable on the subject, etc...

    They are a closed group, so you have to request to join, but: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum-the-lcd-group

    That's the link to join the group. This is the post with saved links...and there is another post with conversations with great info in them, too...


    The volume in that group can get overwhelming, and it does cover all types of low carbing...not just keto, so it's up to you if you want to join. If not, let me know, and I will go snag the book/link list for keto resources.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    The universal calculators kind of fall into:

    20 grams of total carbs to start (most can eventually go closer to 50 grams of carbs and maintain ketosis)

    protein calculators are where people argue most, I think... I go with the 0.8-1 gram of protein per kg of lean body mass (weight minus body fat percentage number. if weight is in pounds, divide it by 2.2 - there are 2.2 pounds per kg)... You need more protein the more active you are. Protein is good for helping you feel full and stay satisfied. It is full of the building blocks you need to heal skin, bones, hair, nails, etc. Make sure you don't just eat lean protein. A mix of lean and fattier proteins is good... Men need more protein that women.

    The fat will fill in to satiety - when you're satisfied... There's a better explanation in this thread: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10566045/has-anyone-used-ideal-protein-prior-to-doing-keto#latest

    And there are different experts with different opinions. I think the range for women is 0.6-1.0, for men is 0.8-1.2...or something.

    You create a deficit through calorie restriction OR through exercise. But don't double up - that's too hard on the body. If you do a deficit through both, only get half of your deficit through each. More than 2 pounds per week average losses is too much unless you're being medically monitored closely to be sure you're losing the weight safely...

    Please ask away any other questions you have! We've all been there and are happy to clear up any confusion we can for you...
  • clowe1028
    clowe1028 Posts: 134 Member
    Italiana_xx79 the plan that made the most sense to me is from Optimal Ketogenic Living- a Facebook group. Macros are measured in grams rather than percentages and are based on your height. Carbs and Fat are a limit and Protein is a goal. More protein can be added for satiety. This plan is for nutritional Keto not medical. Since fat is given as a range on the attached chart, the standard advice is to set fat at 10 grams less than your protein goal.
  • clowe1028
    clowe1028 Posts: 134 Member
    The chart wasn't allowed to post. Here is an example for a female at 4' 11": Protein 79 grams, Carbs 20 grams and Fat range of 59-138 grams. To lose weight choose fat in the lower range, to maintain in the middle range and to gain the upper range.
  • FireTurtle75
    FireTurtle75 Posts: 2,014 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    The volume in that group can get overwhelming, and it does cover all types of low carbing...not just keto, so it's up to you if you want to join. If not, let me know, and I will go snag the book/link list for keto resources.

    Would you mind either posting the book/resource list or sending it to me.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited June 2017
    9.2 down. About 2.6 left to go to my halfway-there goal. Feels so exciting to be feeling on top of this again. Proves that its worth it to just keep getting back up on the horse every time you get knocked off, no matter how many times you don't succeed. I keep having the feeling that I'm really back on track.
    Rolling with it.

    Still handling the neverending repercussions of the recent past, but the key word is "handling" them - not stuffing them down with food. Am practicing some targeted PTSD coping skills and am hoping to be able to put them in place in the moment one of these days. In the meantime, I'm not giving up one more inch of my life to the past. I'm drawing the line in the sand.

    The hardest thing for me is to learn to live with the intensely unpleasant physical sensations of emotional pain and let them run their course and dissapate- rather than run to one of a cadre of addictive, destructive behaviors to get free of them via blocking all my feelings.

    I feel like I am getting to the root of some of my eating disorder issues at last. Feelings, after all, are transitory and come and go in waves...good, bad, and ugly. There, and then gone... if you can sit it out, and let it go. On the other hand, Poundage just hangs on and on and kills my spirit and even hurts me physically as well.

    What the Poundage represents- which for me means living in hiding and in fear of so many things - is the far more insidious enemy.

    My weight loss journey keeps going places I never ever expected; but, this girl is in it for the long haul.

    Hope my fitness pals all have a great keto day!
    We are so worth it.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    The craziest thing ever happened! I've been feeling so discouraged about being so diligent with Keto and still having digestive issues and constant swollen fingers.

    I had a weak moment yesterday and fed my emotions an entire family size bag of smart food, a chocolate bar, a nectarine and half an apple. I woke up this morning for the first time in weeks without swollen fingers!!!

    What could this possibly mean?!?
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Christie! Doesn't it make you crazy? Just when you think you've got it down...
    There must be an evil clown in charge of metabolisms! Have no idea what it could mean dietwise...I defer to the experts on site.

    For me today, the high rolling continues. Still doing good, holding on to plan as best I can, and weight is coming off.
    The weekend and all next week actually, will be a big test of my resolve. Tonight is dance night. Used to be something I looked forward to all week long. Now,
    I'm steeling myself in terms of food-psych thinking and am also preparing for what seems to be inevitable run-ins with that person whom I wish not to see. It still affects me badly for days, I'm just putting up the force field now so it doesn't take me by surprise tonight, ie, trigger my food stuffing response. Man, I keep going out of my way to avoid this dude. It's horrible, but I'm not giving up any more of my friendships and social events over it. That's final.

    I'm about 1 pound to my halfway mark for the summer. I picked a number to shoot for, which would be the top end of the range of 5 pounds or so that I plan to call my maintanence weight.

    I feel like I'm ahead of schedule at this point in my summer challenge, so I may eventually shoot for the low end if I still have time. That will not be an actual goal at this time! I notice that I always change the finish line so that means I never get the satisfaction of getting there. So that is an unofficial bonus only; if I make it to the low end... but, it is not part of this goal challenge! The goal remains the same.
    Onward and Downward!

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    It could be a number of things... @4031isaiah

    I can't remember...Do you have thyroid issues? Because that's an indicator of low thyroid function -- and dropping to keto levels can reduce insulin to the point it reduces thyroid function...(most thyroid folks have to be just above keto levels for whole health)...

    That would be my first guess. I don't want to just leap out there with 100 other ideas...
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    No. I don't actually have any medically diagnosed conditions. I've been tested for everything under the sun and the only thing I've ever really been told is IBS, which essentially means nothing.

    It means that we can all agree that my digestive system is unhappy about something but what that something is remains a mystery. Which is why I'm on this board hoping to figure it out on y own.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    So, I think I figured it out. I don't think I feel better today because I ate popcorn and a chocolate bar. I think it's not what I did eat but what I didn't... meat!

    I've always known that dairy and legumes don't really agree with my digestive system and I was never really much of a meat eater but since going Keto, I've been eating mostly meat and veggies with some eggs, nuts and fruit. Yesterday, I skipped the meat.

    The one thing legumes and dairy have in common with meat is protein. I wonder if my body just doesn't do well processing it. It makes me want to see what would happen if I tried Keto meat-free... or if that would even be possible...
  • 1thankful_momma
    1thankful_momma Posts: 298 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    So, I think I figured it out. I don't think I feel better today because I ate popcorn and a chocolate bar. I think it's not what I did eat but what I didn't... meat!

    I've always known that dairy and legumes don't really agree with my digestive system and I was never really much of a meat eater but since going Keto, I've been eating mostly meat and veggies with some eggs, nuts and fruit. Yesterday, I skipped the meat.

    The one thing legumes and dairy have in common with meat is protein. I wonder if my body just doesn't do well processing it. It makes me want to see what would happen if I tried Keto meat-free... or if that would even be possible...

    Can you do eggs? There is an egg fast that is Keto.
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    Weight has been stable for about a week now, kinda depressing, but will pass I guess.

    Went out to the summerhouse for a week now, without the scale. Gonna be hell not to weigh in!

    And guessing the eating is gonna be more lax.

    Considering just making it a goal not to go over 80kg this summer. Got another wedding coming up, and want to be able to enjoy late summer nights. Trying to find excuses to go grab a beer. Hehe
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    So, I think I figured it out. I don't think I feel better today because I ate popcorn and a chocolate bar. I think it's not what I did eat but what I didn't... meat!

    I've always known that dairy and legumes don't really agree with my digestive system and I was never really much of a meat eater but since going Keto, I've been eating mostly meat and veggies with some eggs, nuts and fruit. Yesterday, I skipped the meat.

    The one thing legumes and dairy have in common with meat is protein. I wonder if my body just doesn't do well processing it. It makes me want to see what would happen if I tried Keto meat-free... or if that would even be possible...

    Can you do eggs? There is an egg fast that is Keto.

    Yes I can do eggs. It's funny you should mention the egg fast because I plan to start it tomorrow but only for three days. I still need a long-term plan.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Wow. One night of revelry and I'm up five pounds. Had 3 keto friendly drinks. Jeez Louise. I know its water weight cuz I've been eatig like a bird. Wonder how long it will take to flush out. And hopefully take an extra pound or two with it!
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Do you weigh every day elize? If so, it might save your sanity to only weigh weekly!
    I always hold water after having alcohol, even if I've had a great week totally on plan. It does even back out - it's just water! My theory is, that if I weigh in on Friday mornings I can have some dry wine on Saturday night and be leveled out by next weigh in :)
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I hear that, River Goddess, but in my world a few days of not weighing can mean serious carb creep. Dealing with the ups and downs isn't always easy, but over time I learn so much about my body's responses and patterns that it has become less stressful overall.
    Still, 5 pounds overnight was not called for!!!! Lol. I'm trying to take it in stride.