Daily Check-In for Keto Friends 2017 Version



  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited June 2017
    Made it through the night in tact, and even stayed up for the Svengoolie mummy movie! I love old time, B-grade (not so) scary movies.
    My biggest reward was a 3.2 pound mini-whoosh this morning. 6.2 Total. So psyched! About half way to my first of two goals that will get me to my final goal weight. (So 1/4 of the way there.) And, I will give myself one of my retail rewards today!!! Yay!

    Next food challenge will be tonite at the bar for the movie. They hand out free buttery popcorn with a few gooey candy gummies at the bottom. (yikes). I will have to be on guard. Doubt I can work out those macros...but maybe. I feel somewhat less anxious than I did last week about going alone. Is that progress or what? This week I will try to talk to the bartenders more, and soon I'll be a regular. Always better when they know you.

    Things feel like they are stablizing a bit, which helps me focus on my food plan. I do struggle with feeling disorganized as I add new sporadic job hours, new types of social things, trying to get back to my hobbies and personal daily activities... my goal is to not let feeling disorganized become mixed up with stress..which then becomes a big time food trigger/excuse.

    Basically, I like the things in my life now, and I may just need time to adjust to the changes.

    Patience is a virtue.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Congrats on the 3.2. That's a big "whoosh" in my books. It's been taking me 2-3 weeks to see that kind of loss.
  • havisham
    havisham Posts: 27 Member
    Slow weekend, had no motivation to do anything,had a headache on Saturday ,my activity was way down the entire weekend,stayed with the right food choices but really didn't take the time to weigh or log anything I ate and I am pretty sure I went over my calories said my Lindt chocolate bar....There was a bottle of Mag citrate in the fridge I had bought weeks ago, and I decided to go for it because I felt like my bowels needed a little clearance :) I had never used this before but it worked pretty well. I must admit I felt a bit better this morning around the midsection. @elize7 ,I tried a touch of cocoa in my coffee you mentioned somewhere else and I liked it, Cheers.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I did my weight lifting and Kettlebell workouts yesterday. I helped my husband frame in our deck. I went over carbs yesterday. Having a hard time with being at maintenance. I still have to watch the calories so I don't balloon back up. I'm in fear of that happening. I also feel like I'm getting fat...I almost feel obsessed...any suggestions from people on maintenance?
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Fanncy, I'm back at weight loss to relose the weight I gained back in maintenance. No doubt, maintenance is tricky and more of a challenge to me than dieting.
    I just kept trying new stratwgies and reading up on tips from others... all to no avail, and when I get back to goal weight, it looks like I'll be doing that again. Haven't stumbled across a workable maintenance program yet.
    Just plan to never let up til I get it right.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @elize7 well then I guess I will have to stay at least a half a step ahead of myself.
  • stephanieross1
    stephanieross1 Posts: 388 Member
    Been on vacation for the last week and been mostly keto.. (had breaded chicken and booze a night ). Will be home tomorrow so i can weigh and see if any changes.

    Plus I've been hiking and had way more energy than my non keto friends, my problem is sleeping. I lay awake most of the night and fall asleep by 3, wake up by 8 energized. Any body else not get their usually sleep? I miss it
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    Having a bit of a plateau going on here. Weight is keeping steady around the same weight, and every day the libre app is postponing my goal each day.

    Wedding this weekend so guessing that won't help. Gonna try to start the day the right way at least.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited June 2017
    Can someone explain the Libra app to me? Is it the Runtastic?
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    Can someone explain the Libra app to me? Is it the Runtastic?

    It's an app that gives you trend weight and prognosis for goals. Takes away the noise in weighing every day.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    I downloaded what I thought was the app a little while ago it could t figure it out and deleted it. Can you confirm which one it is?
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    "Libra- Weight Manager" From Playstore, a free app.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Yesterday I did the kettle bell workout in the morning and evening and took a 3 mile walk my dog. I'm on maintenance and having a hard time staying away from carbs! I will never go on vacation again! I will never take a vacation from my diet again! If maintenance is the same as what I've been doing the last 2 to 3 years I need to get a handle on it! I really thought I would be able to eat a little more than before but it seems that if I do my weight goes up. The app here has me at 1600 cal for maintenance and if I go over the 1200 to 1300 I was on as my deficit I gain weight. Maybe my body needs time to adjust. Sorry for the vent!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited June 2017
    Still keto, holding water due to alcohol, but trending down. Cals and carbs are low, so I'm hoping for another loss soon.
    Don't want to jump the gun, but I'm feeling like this time's the charm. It feels right and
    good things are happening.
    Next Social is the big night of the year for this Deadhead, when the band comes to town Saturday night and I'm on the field at Fenway, dancing with my pals and at pre and post parties as well. Biggest challenge there is to keep the drinks keto, and find low cal keto food to keep me coherent. I just can't wait.
    Dare I say....life is good.
  • sebastiansteinmann
    sebastiansteinmann Posts: 56 Member
    @fanncy0626 ble fast do you gain? Could it be some water weight only?

    Have you tried increasing 100cals a week?

    I can see how it would be harder to maintain. But according to a lot of ppl eating when hungry should give you your ideal weight.

    Not sure how that works when working, kids, dog and a full calendar tho.

    Right now I'm on paternity leave so I have some control, if you can call it that.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @fanncy0626 - I was going to suggest pretty much what @sebastiansteinmann suggested - a slower increase increment. 50-100 cals a week. Or try calorie cycling. Eating at maintenance one day, at deficit for 2-3, then at maintenance another day, etc. There are all kinds of programs on it... If you ARE eating more carbs, make sure they are immediately before activity so that your body can burn them up fueling the muscles rather than sticking them in storage.

    And honestly, if you regain up to only maybe 5-10 pounds, and STAY THERE, your body may be telling you that this higher number is actually your maintenance number, not the number you chose. We like certain numbers and sizes, but it isn't always what is healthiest for your body...

    Something else, too, is that if you're kettleball workout AND helping your husband without outside work are using different muscles (any muscle ache from use - and you're absolutely retaining water to heal and strengthen those muscles), you're retaining water... PERIOD. Activity changes this up ALL THE TIME... Remember that anything more than a pound up or down overnight, and it's probably water weight retention, etc.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited June 2017
    @sebastiansteinmann and @KnitOrMiss Thanks for the advice! I know I am heavier on carbs and they could just be holding on longer in my body. I have been able to keep it to 1 to 3 pounds I'm fighting. I definitely increased too quickly. I will take your advice and today is a fast day. Try to reset my body. Then I will increase calories very very slowly.

    It seems like mentally I know what to do but my mind wants to be free from having to control what and how I eat just because I have reached my goal weight. It's almost like I released the monster within!
  • JessIsOK
    JessIsOK Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been mostly lurking for the past week, with the exception of posting a couple questions, but have never done the daily check-in. So hopefully it's OK that I'm just hopping in--I think the daily check-in is a great way for someone like me (who's fairly new to this WOE) to learn tips and tricks and survival methods.

    A tiny bit about me: I've been eating keto since last Monday and recorded a nearly 7-lb loss after my first week. As a lifelong dieter, I know it's not unusual to mark those kinds of losses during the first week, so I'm eager to see what this week brings. I work full-time and am a part-time student, so I do try to do some prepping over the weekends and on nights that I don't have school.

    Anyway, that's just a bit about me. I look forward to checking in more with everyone and getting to know you all better!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    @sebastiansteinmann and @KnitOrMiss Thanks for the advice! I know I am heavier on carbs and they could just be holding on longer in my body. I have been able to keep it to 1 to 3 pounds I'm fighting. I definitely increased too quickly. I will take your advice and today is a fast day. Try to reset my body. Then I will increase calories very very slowly.

    It seems like mentally I know what to do but my mind wants to be free from having to control what and how I eat just because I have reached my goal weight. It's almost like I released the monster within!

    @fanncy0626 - It's that "AH, FINALLY!" sigh of relief we get when reaching a goal that undoes us. It's the reason nearly all folks who lose weight regain it at some point. We all want to get past this restriction mess, and back to "real life." What is so hard to accept is that real life isn't that level of indulgence, devil-may-care-whimsy, or doing what we want...real life is about moderation, balancing indulgence with restriction, getting up and moving, focusing more on other things. However, the addictive properties in foods, and that manufacturers have learned to hone in on within foods, those things actively work against us.

    No one (at least not anymore!) wants to think that we're going to have to work hard our whole lives. 2-3 generations back, it was completely expected that you'd have to work hard your whole life - for money, for health, for happiness. However, people started enjoying successes earlier in life, perhaps without having to work diligently for every single piece of that puzzle, and we started realizing that in making strategic moves, we could work smarter, not harder, per se. Laziness is a state that provides its own emotional rewards. An object in motion tends to stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. And object at rest, therefore, tends to stay at rest.

    It's easier to be fat and sedentary and lazy. It's far more work to be healthy and active and such. Until we figure out how to value work for it's own purposes, and we learn how to devalue our own laziness, we won't make lifelong changes... At least, that's my opinion. I don't know if that is genetic wiring to fight against, but I figure each day we fight back, whether mentally, physically, emotionally, etc., we're one step closer to changing ourselves for good.
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    It seems like mentally I know what to do but my mind wants to be free from having to control what and how I eat just because I have reached my goal weight. It's almost like I released the monster within!

    I've been maintaining for 3 years. What you're experiencing was typical for me. I think is is a big piece of why so many do not maintain their weight loss. For me, I watched the scale bounce around a lot before I finally accepted that, for me personally, I became overweight initially because I ate too much and unless I wanted to regain, I needed to monitor calories/intake.

    3 years later, I still weight and measure some stuff. I still keep a food diary most times. I'm just a little less structured/detailed. It seems to work. I'm getting "better" regarding hunger cues but honestly, that is a little piece of magic that hasn't occurred.

    Give yourself time. Weight loss doesn't occur over night and takes effort. The same is true with maintenance.