January 2018 Challenge



  • babola123
    babola123 Posts: 13 Member
    Came back to post stats. Weighed in on 1/2:

    HW: 184 CW:184 GW: 140

    01/02: 184
  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    edited January 2018
    1/1 - 192.4
    1/7 -
    1/14 -
    1/21 -
    1/28 -
    1/31 -
    Husband and I just start Keto last week.
    That's my weight.
  • dgreene37
    dgreene37 Posts: 27 Member
    Yeah, I'll try this again!

    SW 12/31 268

    1/7 -
    1/14 -
    1/21 -
    1/28 -
  • downongreenacres
    downongreenacres Posts: 327 Member
    I’m back!
    After a very emotionally difficult holiday, I’m focusing on myself and my health again. Losing my mom on Christmas Eve made it difficult to be as strict as I usually am. Not at home, not my food or cooking, liquor...not a great 2 weeks. However, I didn’t gain, amazingly.
    Not sure how much change I’ll show from today to Sunday, but these challenges help keep me focused. You all are very inspiring!

    1/4/18- 205.4

    I am so sorry for your loss. That is tough any time of the year :/
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    @dgreene37 welcome back! and @Lisbydezign you've done really well over this time, I know it's very hard and still will be but your mom would be proud of you I'm sure <3
  • HaideeJo13
    HaideeJo13 Posts: 247 Member
    So i thought with the new year I was gonna have so much motivation. And so far that motivation is not there!!! I don't know what's up. I did horrible things to food for 3 days straight. I am back full force on keto now though. So ready to get my motivation back. I went to the doc wednesday.. fully clothed and all my work clothes and boots on I was 152.. so i imagine i am still pretty close to my 146 or 147 that I have been sitting at. But I have a bladder infection and am now on antibiotics but I am in pain :( they did an xray and think I may have a kidney stone. I go in again Monday. I feel like most of the pain is in my kidneys and it does make me wonder a little... is keto messing with my kidneys?! I don't know.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    In the LCD group (our sister or cousin group that covers all kinds of low carb - and it's locked, so you have to request to join, just because of some previous issues), there is a post called Sodium and the Russian Nephrologist - about a member's experience with a kidney stone and such...

    Group Link - if you're not already in that group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum-the-lcd-group

    Might be worth a read:

  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    edited January 2018
    That thread with nephrologist in the title, is ultimately about blood pressure. If I am reading it right there was a possible problem with kidney stones (thus referral to a nephrologist) which turned out - no stones.

    It should also be noted that while the thread first mentions the nephrologist's suggestion to take in 20 grams, yes grams, of sodium it was later confirmed it was 20 grams of salt which is 8 grams of sodium (8000mg. Big difference. It is often important to read a complete thread (then do your own research) before making health decisions.

    @HaideeJo13 hope you get to feeling better.
  • scottyp65
    scottyp65 Posts: 261 Member
    I'm in!
    299.7 (1/3/18)
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    I peeked at the scale this morning and am THRILLED! My holiday gain is almost gone. Looking forward to weigh day :):)
  • sbryanthc
    sbryanthc Posts: 73 Member
    I’m in for these weekly weigh ins. It will give me motivation plus keep me from wanting to weigh daily. My current info:

    Female, 5’6”, 27 y/o
    CW: 153 GW: 132
    Began my journey Dec 23rd (3rd attempt), starting weight: 167
  • petersmama
    petersmama Posts: 2 Member
    edited January 2018
    1/1: 167.2
  • NotMarcia
    NotMarcia Posts: 3 Member
    I missed the first week, but I'm in!
  • KittyS1986
    KittyS1986 Posts: 23 Member
    Started keto on the 2nd January, down 6.8lbs. Was feeling good and sleeping well until I caught my daughters stinking cold, now I don't feel like eating much at all
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    Hi Welcome to everyone new! :)
  • trainwreck1984
    trainwreck1984 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in! I just getting started...so here goes!

    SW: 370.8

    01/06/18 - 370.8
    01/13/18 -
    01/20/18 -
    01/27/18 -
  • shizzlebeef
    shizzlebeef Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, new here and to Keto. I hope I can achieve great results.

    SW: 256.5

    01/06/18 - 256.5
    01/13/18 -
    01/20/18 -
    01/27/18 -