Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 3



  • utdiva77
    utdiva77 Posts: 13 Member
    Hey all! I have been keto for 5 weeks yesterday....and 20 pounds lost is SOOOO close I can taste it! I'm down 19 right now. I am headed on a cruise Sunday so I am sure that win will be short lived, but we shall see. Pretty sure I will be able to eat well; worried more about the wine! :)
  • Spacely1
    Spacely1 Posts: 8 Member
    I was doing really well on the Keto for 6 weeks, no cravings and decreased hunger. Then out of no where I started craving onion rings, I ended up giving in and had them. It was like opening the flood gates, then I started craving pizza and beer and chocolate. So I had 1 cheat day with pizza and beer but felt so quilty afterwards that it was not worth it. Plus it totally knocked me out of Ketosis and I’m having to restart all over. Today is day 3, not back to Ketosis yet, luckily no keto flu either. I’ll keep going, I really enjoyed not feeling hungry or having cravings like in the beginning also the energy boost.
  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member
    Feeling much better today. The flu is nothing to mess with. It really zapped me. I have been back on target for 2 days in a row with steps, carbs, and sleep. What a difference health makes.
  • utdiva77
    utdiva77 Posts: 13 Member
    Spacely1 wrote: »
    I was doing really well on the Keto for 6 weeks, no cravings and decreased hunger. Then out of no where I started craving onion rings, I ended up giving in and had them. It was like opening the flood gates, then I started craving pizza and beer and chocolate. So I had 1 cheat day with pizza and beer but felt so quilty afterwards that it was not worth it. Plus it totally knocked me out of Ketosis and I’m having to restart all over. Today is day 3, not back to Ketosis yet, luckily no keto flu either. I’ll keep going, I really enjoyed not feeling hungry or having cravings like in the beginning also the energy boost.

    I have been lucky that a tiny "cheat" every now and then hasn't knocked me out.....My wine I make sure fits my macros. I had a slice of pizza the other day but the guilt wasn't worth it, either. Once we are fat adapted (and down to maintenance weight) we could possibly incorporate carb up cycles as some are able to do that successfully. I agree with you though that it is a very slippery slope for a food addict, and it could lead me to completely abandoning this WOE.

    I am trying to realize that small mishaps are not the end of the world and not be too tough on myself, because when I fear failing I will sometimes give up. Here's to a great week, and us being gentle to ourselves! We are only human, and today is a new day. :)
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Koso2006 wrote: »
    Feeling much better today. The flu is nothing to mess with. It really zapped me. I have been back on target for 2 days in a row with steps, carbs, and sleep. What a difference health makes.

    You should be able to avoid (or at least significantly reduce) those symptoms if you keep your electrolytes in check.

    I used to suffer terribly from what I thought was keto flu until I started tracking my sodium intake and that fixed me right up.
  • msullivan18
    msullivan18 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all! I'm new to the group, Thursday will officially be 1 month that I've been a Keto-er. I'm down almost 8 pounds and can't wait to see what the next month of keto has in store!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    Koso2006 wrote: »
    Feeling much better today. The flu is nothing to mess with. It really zapped me. I have been back on target for 2 days in a row with steps, carbs, and sleep. What a difference health makes.

    You should be able to avoid (or at least significantly reduce) those symptoms if you keep your electrolytes in check.

    I used to suffer terribly from what I thought was keto flu until I started tracking my sodium intake and that fixed me right up.

    @4031isaiah - I think @Koso2006 meant the actual flu!! She referred to health...so that makes me think this season's legit influenza virus got her! I'm glad you're feeling better!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    elize7 wrote: »
    I'm realizing that this particular keto thread has become my online home base. This is where I update, this is where I regroup, this is where I reward myself, this is where I reveal my journey. I use alot of the features in this app on a daily basis, but this thread really is home base for me.
    Keto really was the key for my weightloss and health. No matter what happens in the future or how I struggle with maintenance...I know I can get my body and mind stable with keto. Keto is home base. Nothing else really works for me long term, and I know it saved my life. The people in this thread seem to get that. Thanks for being here, pals.

    @elize7 - Home base, indeed. :) Congrats on many returns. <3
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited February 2018
    Hi all, I have been lurking here since I went on maintenance back in May. Mainly because I have been doing recomposition where I want to build muscle and still maintain my weight. And so, I have not been strict keto but have fluctuated between high carbs and eating whatever I want then having a 7 to 10 day keto eating plan. Thus far I have been successful in gaining muscle and maintaining my weight. Now my husband and I are going to go strict Keto to drop 10 pounds of fat mainly for him, and for me to reveal my recomposition results and hopefully a lovely layer of muscles will be revealed. Thanks for all of your posts of your journey with keto. I felt guilty of posting here because of my high carb eating. Now back at it for the next couple months I don't have to feel like I am being naughty and a bad influence. I have to say that I prefer this WOE because the higher carbs generally make me feel yucky.

    Have a great day! Thanks for your support and motivation!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Hey Fancy!
    I'm not always strict keto and I stray and experiment and adapt as I need...but there is no question in my mind that this is the key to health for me...Keto. Deep in my gut I know that is true. I think that is why I always come here first regardless of where I am on my journey.
    These are my peeps! You, too!!
    I don't really have strict expectations of where people are at along the way as long as they get the thing about how transformative keto can be.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @elize7 - thanks! It is so nice to have the support of the people on here. And I would say that the majority of the time we eat keto simply because we love that type of food and it doesn't mess with our bodies the way carbs do. It is nice that this forum exist for the support that everyone gives each other!
  • ElizabethAN2017
    ElizabethAN2017 Posts: 565 Member
    Yum :) Had pizza toppings without the crust for the first time tonight ... Definitely will be doing it again, and I am stuffed :)
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    Yum :) Had pizza toppings without the crust for the first time tonight ... Definitely will be doing it again, and I am stuffed :)

    That's what I had for dinner too. So yum! :)
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    I try very hard to stay under 20 g of carbs a day but sometimes those carbs just call to me. I'm getting better about just snitching 4 french fries from the grandkids than eating a whole bag of tortilla chips though! lol I have noticed that it is easier and easeir to get back into keto if I fall off the bandwagon and I don't struggle with the keto flu, probably because I know how to fix it and anticipate it so I just don't suffer with it.

    I do know that if I go whole hog carbs for a day, usually because I'm in a situation where I have no choices (dinner at someone's house you don't want to offend for example) I feel HORRIBLE. Carbs really upset my body now and I drag around for a day or two until they are out of my system. It's kind of funny that I used to use carbs to fuel my body and now they just drag me down.

    Starting running again. I took about 2 months off after the marathon but I'm feeling like a slug so I'm starting up again. I have a 5K in April as a fund-raiser but I'll probably sign up for at least a half marathon in the fall. I'm probably going to be a pacer for a guy doing the 100 mile in December which means I have to up my pace and be able to maintain it for 16 miles (one loop of his run). So at least I have a goal to reach for.

    And I love the cali-flour pizza crusts. I think they are yummy, or else I make a crust out of crisped cheese and add the toppings in the last couple of minutes of crisping.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I love the best cauliflower pizza recipe on YouTube. If you do it exactly the way he shows you if tastes just like a regular pizza. Very yummy! I agree with @Marcelynh about being able to go back into ketosis a lot easier after going off the bandwagon. I also feel yucky when I over eat carbs. After this weekend my husband and I are tightening up our eating and going strict Keto for the month of March. We both consider this our primary WOE.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Sometimes my eating habits and food choices are beyond chaotic. My slips can be landslides that go on for long periods of time.
    Recently in an attempt to reconnect with keto in a hurry, I fasted. After 48 hours I noticed a weird taste in my mouth and recalled others naming it as a metallic taste. I have to agree...about an hour after that my body began releasing water big time. I think the keto is kicking in.
    I love that it's happening right now, I love that the fasting helped me clearly recognise how it works, and I love that I keep getting more and more knowledge about my body.
    I really want this to work this time. Really want to get to my goal weight. Really want to find a way to make maintenance work for me. I just want a steady eddie life and a steady eddie relationship with food.
    Gonna turn in soon to make sure this day remains positive. G'night, pals.

  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    I love the best cauliflower pizza recipe on YouTube. If you do it exactly the way he shows you if tastes just like a regular pizza. Very yummy! I agree with @Marcelynh about being able to go back into ketosis a lot easier after going off the bandwagon. I also feel yucky when I over eat carbs. After this weekend my husband and I are tightening up our eating and going strict Keto for the month of March. We both consider this our primary WOE.

    Have a great day everyone!

    You are fortunate to have your husband do it with you. My biggest struggle is still having to make regular food for the rest of the family. That leaves the temptation constantly in my face while I’m preparing the food and while everyone else is at the table eating it.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @4031isaiah since you are the cook have you ever just made basic Keto foods with extra veggies on the side? I started out on my own at first and since I was the cook my husband just ate what I made. He didn't even know what was happening at first but was pleased with his weight loss. He still ate foods out during the day. Then when I started my three week challenge he wanted to join me and has been on board since. I think the fact that he lost 25 pounds eating some of his favorite foods hooked him. He even started reading the information on my thread from last year. Now he excitedly plans the making of large batches of ribs and bacon egg and cheese omelettes.

    @elize7 steady eddy sounds like fat adapted. @KnitOrMiss knows a lot about that. I think that once you eat Keto and your body gets used to burning fat it adapts to being able to go back and forth from fat to carb and fat burning much easier. She might be able to expand on this better.

    Have a great evening everyone!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    edited February 2018
    @fanncy0626. Yes, I have tried cooking keto for the family and ~ truth be told, my husband is a runner. He fully believes that carbs are a necessity for his lifestyle and is not willing to give them up. He is already thin and fit and so are my children. The complaints I get and seeing the waste after my efforts to make family sized keto friendly dishes is simply more work than it’s worth.

    The alternative is for me to make the keto friendly dish for myself, separate it into containers to have it available for me when I need it and just try to ignore the rest... sometimes it works... sometimes it doesn’t.
  • bannierooster
    bannierooster Posts: 37 Member
    Please allow me to jump on this thread as I really need your encouragement. About 8 months ago I was introduced to Keto and enjoyed much success following posts from @KnitOrMiss and @fanncy0626; but I fell off the wagon getting ready for a Solo Art Exhibit and have gained all the weight back. Today is day One of trying it again.

    Could you suggest Fiber options on this diet?
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