Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 3



  • hyperinchrist
    hyperinchrist Posts: 27 Member
    Good morning Everyone from Virginia where the wind will blow you away
  • hyperinchrist
    hyperinchrist Posts: 27 Member
    @elize7 I’m with you on walking steps, 5000 is my target, to eventually be at 10,000. I have a ways to go.
    Staying 5,000 makes me feel better for I’m reaching it.

    You will get there
  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member
    Happy Saturday Friends!!! Busy weekend planned here...church breakfast for the boys today and then an outdoor show to wander around. Always love to go to these and pick up some wild game jerky. Great for getting in those steps.

    Step goal moves up 500 next week to 5,500. I have hit my goal or better everyday this week! Need to get food prepped for the coming week as work is going to be crazy. We are currently down 9 nurses, so I will have overtime for sure trying to do my job and filling in on the floor.

    Also plan on starting some strength training twice a week (Wednesday and Saturday) next week to go along with my 10 minutes minimum of cardio each day. Everyday I feel better and better.

    Keto is the way to go!!!!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Koso2006 wrote: »
    Happy Saturday Friends!!! Busy weekend planned here...church breakfast for the boys today and then an outdoor show to wander around. Always love to go to these and pick up some wild game jerky. Great for getting in those steps.

    Step goal moves up 500 next week to 5,500. I have hit my goal or better everyday this week! Need to get food prepped for the coming week as work is going to be crazy. We are currently down 9 nurses, so I will have overtime for sure trying to do my job and filling in on the floor.

    Also plan on starting some strength training twice a week (Wednesday and Saturday) next week to go along with my 10 minutes minimum of cardio each day. Everyday I feel better and better.

    Keto is the way to go!!!!

    Congrats on hitting the steps! This was my first full week back up to 10k steps/day. I’m hoping to keep that going long term.

    How old are your boys? It’s cool that they go to a church breakfast. I wish our church had more to keep my son’s interest.
  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member
    The boys are 6 & 8. They are my grandsons that I adopted. Keep me busy!!!!
  • hyperinchrist
    hyperinchrist Posts: 27 Member
    I bet they go, keep you young I say
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I have that issue about being great early in the day then ruining it by going berserk at the end of the day. What worked for me is doing the intermittent fasting 19:5 so I would wait until 5 o'clock and my window would be until 10 o'clock. Then I would have all my calories for the time when I usually wanted to eat. Never give up. You'll find what works for you if you keep evaluating yourself.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    I've done the same thing with the late eating window. It worked for me. I should try it again. I remember it being a fairly easy routine to get in to, and my energy was fine all the time. Gotta love keto.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    If I go off the wagon I usually don't gain weight but I just don't lose. And I just keep jumping back on.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    Hi there! Can I join you? I started Keto 3 weeks ago and lost 6.8 lbs so far...which is amazing. My total goal was to lose 10 lbs--never in a million years would have thought I'd be so close after only 3 weeks. I have done a LOT of dieting in my adult lifetime--Weight Watchers, South Beach, 21Day Fix were the big ones--and I really like having a plan. I think being a young adult in the 1990s, though, when low fat was the way of thinking, I was always afraid to eat real fats. Now that I am eating them, in addition to avoiding carbs which I've known about for years, I find I don't actually think about food until I'm actually hungry, and I'm just eating a lot less. I bought these keto desserts that I've had no interest in eating--amazing!

    So I am pretty happy!!!

    My issues so far are really related to exercising. I am a runner and am not yet "fat adapted" according to what I've read about keto and runners, so my endurance and speed are SHOT, which makes me unhappy. I also get lightheaded after any kind of strenuous exercise, like Orange Theory or spin. I have seen a slight improvement the last two days (I could run faster, but not further, and didn't feel weak after Orange). So hopefully more good stuff to come.

    Oh and my other concern--I travel a lot for work. During this 3 weeks, I had one trip where I had to say no to almost everything at two dinner celebrations (I had one glass of cab and ate a lot of salads with protein) and that was hard and made me feel conspicuous. I normally travel 2x a month and am most worried about sticking to the plan when I don't have access to my own kitchen.

    I have been reading this thread and see I'm not the only one with concerns about running and keto--hope I can learn from you veterans!
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Welcome @storyjorie

    I run and once you get fat adapted it is absolutely no problem to run and do keto. I tell everyone to read the book The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Performace. It has a lot of good information. Technical but I slogged through it and then went back and hit the spots that I didn't quite "get" and it all clicked. It showed me how without a doubt you can be a high intensity athlete and be keto. The thing is, the more you exercise the more carbs you can deal with and still be in keto. I'm still finding that perfect balance.

    Light-headed. Keep your electrolytes up for sure. That is likely part of your issue. I ran a marathon while on keto and was light headed and nauseous afterwards but it was due to low blood sugar. I didn't partake of any carbs during the run and probably should have. I'm still working on the perfect balance for me. At the beginning of doing keto though it was an electrolyte issue as I was doing training runs and working out, not a full marathon.... Reading that book helped me a lot. It's a companion book the The Art and Science of Low-Carbohydrate Living, also a good book that explains the science behind keto. I also watch videos through the website The Diet Doctor and they address different aspects of exercise and keto.

    Traveling. So hard when you have business and parties to attend and they are buffet or set menus. I have learned how to just leave the food on the plate and eat what I can. And my husband and I travel with our own little bits of snack stuff to fill us when we have dinners that we can't eat... macadamia nuts etc. With time you get good about picking and choosing and being bold enough to ask a server... "hey, I can't eat this would it be possible to get an extra ......?" Most of the time they are accommodating in one way or another. Now if only I didn't love Mexican food and enchiladas eating would be easy for me.... alas, I love tortillas.... lol

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning everyone! I feel I'm doing a great job of transitioning back into eating a keto diet. I definitely love the food.
  • Running_and_Coffee
    Running_and_Coffee Posts: 811 Member
    @Marcelynh Thanks for the book rec! I definitely will be packing tons of snacks...I think a lot of this will be a little easier when this is less new, and I won't freak out about a single unanticipated gram of sugar!
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    Koso2006 wrote: »
    Good Wednesday Morning Keto Buddies!!! Love my day off in the middle of the week. Slept in and just finished my first cup of coffee. Getting ready to start some strength training and do some cardio before I decide what to eat for breakfast - or if I am even going to eat breakfast. Might make it a brunch kind of thing today.

    Have been doing very well with staying under 5% carbs since last Friday. The scale is not showing any difference, but I can feel it in my clothes already. Not quite as tight!!! I am a work in progress. So ready for some more nice weather so that I can get outside and walk.

    Have a great day everyone!!!

    Congrats on the NSV!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Current pattern of eating....not where I want it.
    Aside from that, I'm eating good keto foods, just too much of them and too many carbs and cals for me to see results - even if it remains low carb.
    Certain stress situations are becoming less front and center and I'm waiting for the tipping point when I can remain true to my plan. I know it will happen soon.

    I'm trying to look at these days as practice for maintenance...but I still have to knock off about 25 pounds before I really get to long term maintenance.
    I like that when I do go off plan, it's not with my typical all out binge foods...its more like restless, anxious, emotional eating and my choice is to overeat somewhat, not to binge out totally.

    I'd like to work this into a happy, healthy way of daily maintaining when the time comes...it's not bad...just not able to lose weight doing it this way right now.

  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    This sounds like an NSV too! I’d take it.

    I haven’t mastered that yet. When I mess up, I crash and burn for days, weeks and even months. For me, getting back on track is painful and often requires re-losing several previously lost pounds...

    Sigh... that happens to be my current state of being... it doesn’t help that we’ve been renovating and have been without a stove for almost a week. I don’t do legumes and have to limit dairy, so no stove makes getting in protein very difficult.
  • Koso2006
    Koso2006 Posts: 123 Member
    Have been under 20 net carbs for a week and the scale is up over a pound. Have decided to do an egg fast starting on Monday. Something has to give.
  • hyperinchrist
    hyperinchrist Posts: 27 Member
    Happy Saturday have a blessed day of keto strength
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