Daily check-in for keto friends... volume 3



  • char1iej
    char1iej Posts: 36 Member
    rae1388 wrote: »
    @River_Goddess that is one of my biggest struggles, stress eating, especially chocolate.i had a stressful week too and kept telling myself not to eat the chocolate in the back of my fridge.
    Stress eating is no joke and a huge struggle to overcome.
    But hang in there, every storm passes, and if you stubble in Keto, just get back at it and keep going. You got this!

    Don't stress over that chocolate. Throw it out! Or, give it away.
    One thing that has helped me was getting rid of some of the things I no longer eat, but sometimes crave.
    AND, I am giving myself a treat when I reach certain goals (my post above is not the plan I will use going forward). For instance, when I get below 220, I'm going to make a Keto pizza and enjoy it. When I get below 210, I'm going to have Keto ice cream or something similar. You get the idea!

    Try not to stress. As the meme says, Keep Calm and Keto On! o:)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    In my defence... being the family cook and the family grocery getter is not the only thing that’s been tough. I’ve also been noticing that my willpower to stay on track suffers when I am sad or stressed.

    I’ve had some big stressers at work recently and I also just got back from my second trip in less than a week visiting family 3 hours away from me. My mom’s brother got sick and was given 6-8 months to live. I went down to see him Saturday and Sunday. The very next day, he died. 6-8 months turned to actually only be about 3 weeks... I went back down and spent all day Thursday and Friday there. I’m back home now and ready to star feeling comfortable in my own skin.


    I'm soooo sorry to hear this. Having been on both sides of this (just visited or just missed visiting), I hope you're thankful that you got to visit while he was still here... <3 It makes a whole lot of difference in regrets and such.

    I'm sorry you had to travel so much, and that the siren song of comfort carbs sang your song...but these moments aren't forever in our life.


    p. s. I'm still not back in a groove, either. I've been kind of fear/anxiety paralyzed about it...to the point where when funds are available, I think I'm going to tag team in a professional... :/ Never be afraid to engage the resources you NEED. <3
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    char1iej wrote: »
    I fell off the wagon this week... not once, but twice. The first time, I willingly jumped off the wagon (as I had planned). I told myself that when I was down 20 lbs from my SW, I was going to give myself a treat and have some chips & salsa (my fave snack). I had gotten down to 222.4.

    Wellllllll...I not only had 10 chips with salsa, I also had Fajitas Texanas with those chips & salsa. It was delicious -- but I regretted it later. And, then last night, I had a Burrito Mexicano (10" flour tortilla filled with steak,chicken,shrimp,onions,peppers,rice&queso). Another delicious meal, but I feel guilty today. My weigh-in this morning was 225. UGH! :s

    OTOH, I gave myself a break and enjoyed some comfort foods. I know what caused the 3 lb weight gain and know how to fix it. So, this week is going to be a good week with a net loss...and I *will* get below 210 by the end of May.

    I do not mean to criticize or anything, but one of my favorite things I've found on the internet (meme? quote? I dunno) says, "Don't treat yourself with food. You're not a dog." Just wanted to throw that out there so you think of better treats than foods that make you feel yucky afterwards. :wink:

    I keep a journal and I have a page where I keep track of my weight loss on a type of 'game board.' If I can find a way to show a pic, I will when I'm on my phone... Anywho, on this board, every 10 lbs, I have a treat worked in. My treats are washi tape, nail polish, stamping plate (for doing my nails), new jeans, TeeTurtle t-shirt, Spa day, and new clothes. Just as an example of the type of treats I give myself that are not food.

    Not that keto pizza isn't a good treat, because it really is! Just wanted to offer an opportunity to be creative and come up with other types of treats besides food. :smile:
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    That’s awesome! Congrats! This is an everything thread so feel free to post whatever you like.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    In my defence... being the family cook and the family grocery getter is not the only thing that’s been tough. I’ve also been noticing that my willpower to stay on track suffers when I am sad or stressed.

    I’ve had some big stressers at work recently and I also just got back from my second trip in less than a week visiting family 3 hours away from me. My mom’s brother got sick and was given 6-8 months to live. I went down to see him Saturday and Sunday. The very next day, he died. 6-8 months turned to actually only be about 3 weeks... I went back down and spent all day Thursday and Friday there. I’m back home now and ready to star feeling comfortable in my own skin.


    I'm soooo sorry to hear this. Having been on both sides of this (just visited or just missed visiting), I hope you're thankful that you got to visit while he was still here... <3 It makes a whole lot of difference in regrets and such.

    I'm sorry you had to travel so much, and that the siren song of comfort carbs sang your song...but these moments aren't forever in our life.


    p. s. I'm still not back in a groove, either. I've been kind of fear/anxiety paralyzed about it...to the point where when funds are available, I think I'm going to tag team in a professional... :/ Never be afraid to engage the resources you NEED. <3

    Thanks @KnitOrMiss! I used to think my struggle was just with my food choices and if I could just get some willpower, I could get a handle on things and watch the weight disappear like I hear from so many others in this community.

    The more I examine my life, the more I realize how poorly I manage stress and the more obvious the relationship between my stress levels and weight struggles becomes.

    Willpower is not the answer to stress and life pressure. I’m not sure what the answer is, but I do know that continuously denying myself certain foods right now is just making me grumpier, not thinner.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    4031isaiah wrote: »
    In my defence... being the family cook and the family grocery getter is not the only thing that’s been tough. I’ve also been noticing that my willpower to stay on track suffers when I am sad or stressed.

    I’ve had some big stressers at work recently and I also just got back from my second trip in less than a week visiting family 3 hours away from me. My mom’s brother got sick and was given 6-8 months to live. I went down to see him Saturday and Sunday. The very next day, he died. 6-8 months turned to actually only be about 3 weeks... I went back down and spent all day Thursday and Friday there. I’m back home now and ready to star feeling comfortable in my own skin.


    I'm soooo sorry to hear this. Having been on both sides of this (just visited or just missed visiting), I hope you're thankful that you got to visit while he was still here... <3 It makes a whole lot of difference in regrets and such.

    I'm sorry you had to travel so much, and that the siren song of comfort carbs sang your song...but these moments aren't forever in our life.


    p. s. I'm still not back in a groove, either. I've been kind of fear/anxiety paralyzed about it...to the point where when funds are available, I think I'm going to tag team in a professional... :/ Never be afraid to engage the resources you NEED. <3

    Thanks @KnitOrMiss! I used to think my struggle was just with my food choices and if I could just get some willpower, I could get a handle on things and watch the weight disappear like I hear from so many others in this community.

    The more I examine my life, the more I realize how poorly I manage stress and the more obvious the relationship between my stress levels and weight struggles becomes.

    Willpower is not the answer to stress and life pressure. I’m not sure what the answer is, but I do know that continuously denying myself certain foods right now is just making me grumpier, not thinner.


    I think I mentioned it before, but I read (well, listened to) an e-book called, "Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success."

    One of it's main points was that WILLPOWER IS FINITE AND WILL FAIL YOU. It was really eye opening for me.

    And man, the number of subtle outside influences on us. Colors, music, tempo, welcoming sights/smells, subtle influences, it's crazy. I think listening to that book really helped me to understand that there are so many things fighting against us that it is only logical that we need AS MANY, if not MORE things fighting on our side...

    It's well worth a read. I honestly don't employ many of the tactics anymore, but remembering that willpower is limited and not meant to be a driving force was SO HELPFUL... I guess it kind of ties into the OA/AA type of philosophy, but I personally don't think feeling powerless helps motivate me. Acknowledging that certain influences are beyond my control helps, developing strategies helps, and heck, just FORGIVING MYSELF for falling for the influences helps a ton. Just dust off and get back to it...

    All the hugs.

    Stress is a big one of my issues, too. As well as ALWAYS putting myself LAST...and nobody putting themselves last or feeling like no one else prioritizes me because I don't prioritize me. Just when I think I've gotten in a good self care groove, I faceplant back into neglecting myself. I think it's part of my nature I'm working hard to defeat.

    Overall, I maintain as long as we never give up, we never fight back one time less than we get knocked down, we're not beaten. <3

    P.S. On the grumpier front, I really did have to lean on keto indulgences as a crutch at first...and I had to use amino acid/neurotransmitter therapy, too...and I'm still not on solid ground...but I'm getting there. Eventually.
  • 4031isaiah
    4031isaiah Posts: 1,253 Member
    That’s awesome!
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    I think I found out how to add a picture:


    This is what my journal page looks like, and how I keep track of my pounds lost then my rewards are listed as a game spot too. :smile:

    What!!! This is awesome!!!
  • chinatowninchina
    chinatowninchina Posts: 1,279 Member
    I love that, I'm going to get me a paper and coloured pens!! I may back date it to September or is that cheating!!?
  • __Roxy__
    __Roxy__ Posts: 825 Member
    I love that, I'm going to get me a paper and coloured pens!! I may back date it to September or is that cheating!!?

    Not cheating, I thought the same thing!! I love visuals of progress... I might have to make one too :)
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    Definitely NOT cheating! Go for it! ^_^
  • Champion4ever
    Champion4ever Posts: 49 Member
    Hi All!! New to the group! This is my second week on Keto and so far so good! Has anyone had success on Keto with intermittent fasting?
  • simonerodda
    simonerodda Posts: 3 Member
    Day 6 here. No energy, headache and strong heart beat. I vaguely recall all this happening last time which was 4 years ago. First days so hard!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @Champion4ever I do 19:5 fast with Keto. I have great success.

    Today and tomorrow I am doing my chicken broth fast. I had too many carbs the last few days and want to go back into ketosis. I'm still attempting to cut 10 pounds I'm hoping to do that before the end of June.
  • xDaniDragonflyx
    xDaniDragonflyx Posts: 201 Member
    I don't care for riced broccoli... At least not the brand I grabbed to try. :disappointed: I do love riced cauliflower.

    That's all. :lol:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I've never heard of riced broccoli! I just saw the riced cauliflower on a commercial for the first time today. It may come in handy for Keto pizza crust. :)
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