Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @RunsOnEspresso My celiac daughter has had the breakfast sandwich at Starbucks with no problem (not sure about calories, but probably around 400...). She's also had the hash-browns at Chick Fil A. I wonder if Chick Fil A would make a breakfast sandwich on their GF bun? She usually just gets fries and frosted lemonade there, but has gotten a chicken sandwich on occasion and hasn't had any trouble as far as I know. They only have one Chick Fil A in NYC and it's in Times Square and she hates going there, so she usually only has it when she visits home.


    Back from vacation today and weighed myself for the first time in a week. Still haven't made the Mirena removal appointment. For some reason I was holding on to hope that symptoms would subside. No luck, really. I'm up about 15lbs. between some not-so-great eating behavior pre-vacation and then really just eating all the food during vacation. I'm betting at least 5 of that is water weight, but now goal weight really feels far away again.

    I did get my early morning run in and signed up for the HM I've been eyeing in June. I've planned my meals and should be able to have a good week. My wedding anniversary is this Friday so I'm banking all the exercise calories I can muster for dinner w/ hubby. He's losing weight also, so we're not making it too crazy of a dinner.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Tim Hortons breakfast today - fairly calorie heavy but I will most likely both walk and run tonight. Walk with the kids and then run around sunset when it's a bit cooler. So I can manage the calories.

    Lunch is leftovers. I'm not sure what to call it. I logged the recipe as "A Mess" LOL. Tuna mixed into coleslaw and I added rice as well. Higher calorie but the macros were pretty good.

    It's going to be hot so supper will be light.

    Scale is sort of trending down after all the birthday indulgences. Three weekends in a row with cake.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    @fitoverfortymom I found out yesterday starbucks is getting rid of the sandwich!!!!!!!!! They said it isn't popular. I've had it a few times but I always have to ask at the stores about it because it's never on the menu or advertised in stores. These places always get rid of gf stuff for not being popular but they never advertise it or put it on menus. It's so frustrating.

    I wondered the same thing about the new Chick fil a bun and breakfast. I haven't had it yet I always get fries and grilled nuggets. I have avoided breakfast because nothing says it's gf. My DH thinks the bowls would be ok if I could sub grilled nuggets (which I don't think they have in the morning).
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    No food prep done yesterday. I was just lazy. Probably pouted a bit about DH being able to run and it was mother's day, just a reminder of how I failed. *Rasberries*

    But. Today I'm feeling a bit tired of the poor me bs and am seriously going to make an effort to get my *kitten* up earlier and "run", bike or swim. RW has an article on how great it is to exercise early and with summer upon us, I should buy in. There's a possibility it'll help my food choices too.

    Food prep... Tonight I'll fix a grass fed chuck roast, boil some eggs, and maybe try to crisp those cheese things we like so much.

    No breakfast
    Lunch- Subway salad with double tuna
    Dinner- roast? Or more watermelon and fresh mozzarella with mexican fruit seasoning.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 921 Member
    Good morning folks!

    The weekend actually started out pretty well and I was probably around maintenance for Saturday. I did get in a 3 mile easy run in prep for Sundays harder cut-down run... try to take my 5K pace into a 4th mile.

    Sunday came....and went. Ate Costco pizza and candy...and Thai. Who knows how many was all delish. The run never happened.

    Got my run in this morning and did pretty well. 1st 2 miles were off by about 8 seconds but the last 2 miles I got on track. I was bargaining with myself the last mile though LOL! I had to cut my cool down short by half a mile due that annoying thing called work. Luckily traffic was in my favor.

    Food today is starting off heavier than normal for a hard run day. I had a protein bar and a beef brisket sandwich (more bread than meat). The protein bar b/c it was smart, the sandwich b/c it looked good even though I was not hungry. I am not going to eat again till my body says so. I have another protein shake on standby.

    No real plans for food this week. Will probably just be a mix-and-match kind of week until I go on vacation Friday. Hubby will be left to fend for himself for 2 weeks.

    I didn't bother with the scale this morning due to yesterday's feast. I will hop on just before I go on vacation. Last year I gained 3 lbs, this year hopefully 0.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    So when I logged my food for yesterday it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought macro and calorie-wise. My weight is also down a tiny bit and holding there (not just a blip). No food prep for the week other than leftovers. We are flying out Friday to DC for our niece's graduation, we come home for essentially one day (2 nights) and then fly to Oregon for a wedding. My focus is to eat anything in the fridge or throw it away. I really want to try out the IP but I think it will have to wait until after we get home on the 28th.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Did you know that watermelon is a great way to lose weight?

    Oh yes... Eat too much of it and you'll see. Mmmm, watermelon.

    Today's responsible choices?

    Mine include, coffee, coffee and probably coffee. Beyond that? No clue. Maybe a NUUN, if I get my lazy self going, er not "going" but up and headed towards the park for some exercise. All the "going" went with the watermelon.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    I ate a lot of candy and ice cream yesterday (must be a bit stressed out). So of course the scale dropped 2 lbs.

    In any case I need to pick up some kind of snack I can keep at work but that I need to do at least some sort of preparation on. I get afternoon hungries and I can't just drink water to make them go away. Heading to Costco after work. Maybe some tuna pouches or something like that.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    I ate a lot of candy and ice cream yesterday (must be a bit stressed out). So of course the scale dropped 2 lbs.

    In any case I need to pick up some kind of snack I can keep at work but that I need to do at least some sort of preparation on. I get afternoon hungries and I can't just drink water to make them go away. Heading to Costco after work. Maybe some tuna pouches or something like that.

    I like the whisps. If you're a crunchy, salty cheesey snacker they are filling and fun to eat. I pair it with a watermelon kombucha :smiley: mmm!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 921 Member
    This mornings run was a slog fest...ate 2 servings of evil jungle curry and rice for breakfast. I am now at work tired and in a food coma. Oof.

    I cant imagine I will be hungry till dinner.

    Still too much of a wuss to get on the scale and my thighs still are chaffing.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    First day back from vacation was a success. So far day two is also. Got in my five miles today. Scale is already dropping the vacation weigh quickly, so that sure boosts the confidence.

    I LOVE watermelon, although I am on a major strawberry kick at the moment. Also, Caesar salad with Bolthouse dressing top of the list this week.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2018
    In typical fashion, DH addopts the same-ish eating habits I have and is down 5 pounds in a fraction of the time. All the while I'm struggling to maintain this 1.5 pound loss. :disappointed:

    He also ate all of my boiled eggs. :astonished::smile:

    Today's plans?

    Breakfast Starbucks coffee and egg bites
    Lunch ?... salad some where.
    Dinner ?
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Breakfast: All Bran with yogurt, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries.

    Lunch: Veggie Poke, aka glop because it's from Costco and not homemade and I bought it for a try-a-new-food challenge and I'm not buying that again.

    Supper: ??
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @sarahthes okay, what's a poke or a glop?
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    edited May 2018
    @Elise4270 It's a salad:

    Except this one uses tofu instead as it's vegetarian (might have been vegan). It also has quinoa in it and something about the tofu-quinoa-vinegar dressing combo has made it quite slimy and goopy. The texture is very unappealing although it tastes fine.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Hit pre-vacation weight today. Now gotta chip away at the Mirena-binge-eating gains I made before I left. Still haven't made the appointment to get it removed. Have too many appointments for my son's pre-camp check-ups, braces tightening, eye appointments, etc. Going to give it one more "cycle" to see if I can overcome the eating urges or see if they subside. Things usually calm down in June for us, so a better time to tackle it anyway.

    Foodwise-today, packed my food and brought to work. Pretty typical fare for me:

    Breakfast: Cottage cheese, blueberries, gluten-free waffles
    Snack: Canadian bacon, snap peas
    Lunch: Chicken breast, crackers + laughing cow wedges, clementine, cucumber slices, green olives, Greek yogurt
    Snack: baby carrots, string cheese
    Dinner: TBD, but will be a lighter 500-ish calorie dinner.

    I'm doing well with lowering but not completely avoiding carbs. I eat more during the day and have found a smaller dinner actually works pretty well for me. I used to save up for a big dinner, but that started giving me trouble. This seems to be working. Last night my tummy was pretty grumbly so instead of starve-sleeping (which actually makes me wake up in the night and makes running in the AM very hard), I grabbed a 40 calorie rice cake and went to bed. Did the trick and I was too tired to make an effort to eat more and just went to bed.

    I got my 3.5 miles in this morning. Saving my exercise calories for anniversary dinner this Friday. I stalked the menu of the restaurant we're going to and I'll be getting the wedge salad and crab legs and hubby and I will probably share a dessert.

    So far so good on getting back on track post-vacation.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    sarahthes wrote: »
    Breakfast: All Bran with yogurt, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries.

    Lunch: Veggie Poke, aka glop because it's from Costco and not homemade and I bought it for a try-a-new-food challenge and I'm not buying that again.

    Supper: ??

    A poke placed opened up that has a *kitten* ton of gluten free options. I need to go test it out. It'll be hard after having poke in Hawaii.
  • MamaKeirn
    MamaKeirn Posts: 4 Member
    I just completed my first half marathon on 5/12. I ended up injuring myself a few weeks ago, so I didn't complete the training plan. I'm planning to back off quite a bit and try for a few 3 mile runs and perhaps one 6 mile run every other week or so through the summer.

    This time last year, I had lost about 40 pounds in 4 months doing keto. I've gained back about 5 pounds and am hoping to get my eating back under control and lose another 15-20 pounds. I was definitely using running as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted.

    Hopefully I can behave myself over the summer and actually be in good shape for once.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Good luck with to the injury recovery @MamaKeirn ! Feel free to share here for the support as often as needed.

    I too, am doing a lower carb diet to manage weight. I'm not getting the results I want, but honestly I am down to vanity fat and i kinda half *kitten* it. I'm hoping more miles will get me where I want to be.

    What's your typical food day look like? Favorite foods? And if you have recipes to share, please do!
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 921 Member
    So the cat woke me up at 2:30 right in the middle of deep sleep so now I am groggy and feel blech. I skipped my run this morning but still have my afternoon workout.

    B/c I am so tired and TOM is here my food choices are poor.

    Breakfast: coffee, English muffing with lots of butter, Cheetos
    Lunch: Pancit and chicken
    Dinner: Frozen burrito and gyoza

    Like I said, I have no control today...interesting it is all salt and sugar.