TEAM: Flab-U-Less (June)



  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    username 12774
    Sorry, but I forgot to weigh in yesterday.
    Todays weight 190.0

  • wyhorzegal
    wyhorzegal Posts: 152 Member
    Weigh in Reminders

    Today Reminders:)
  • wyhorzegal
    wyhorzegal Posts: 152 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great summer!

    One of my goals for my weight loss was to get under 200 pounds (almost there I swear these last 4 pounds will not go away!) and complete an endurance race on my horse. Well my friend said we are doing it! So this weekend I will complete (hopefully!) my first 25 mile race:) My horse got his new tennis shoes this morning and we leave Friday morning! :)

    I still have a long ways to go to reach my goal, but just having over 40 pounds gone has made me feel so much better! I am excited to start crossing some of things goals off my list:)
  • bisonpitcher
    bisonpitcher Posts: 519 Member
    June Week 4
    Previous Weight: 202.2
    Current Weight: 202.6

  • Ecowles675
    Ecowles675 Posts: 69 Member
    Username: ecowles675
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Week 1 (May 30): 186
    Week 2 (June 6): 185
    Week 3 (June 13): forgot to post
    Week 4 (June 20): 183
    Week 5 (June 27):
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    Week 1 (May 29th: 218.0
    Week 2 (June 5:) 217.8
    Week 3 (June 12:) 219.4
    Week 4 (June 19:) 219.4
    Week 5 (June 26:)

    Dang! Not happy with myself at all. Gotta turn this thing around!!!
  • wyhorzegal
    wyhorzegal Posts: 152 Member
    Weights up to date:)

    @nebslp I am totally with you, I thought summer would be easier cause I am more active but I was wrong! Hang in there, stay strong!

    @Ecowles675 nice job! keep up the hard work

    @bisonpitcher how is your summer going?? :) Hang in there, you've almost said good bye to the 200's!
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    Sorry I haven't been posting I was traveling for the past few days and not thinking much about what went in my mouth. I went west coast to east coast and the 3 hour time difference kills me. I eat dinner at 9:00 pm Eastern time (I usually eat at 6:00 when I'm home). I get up and skip breakfast (it's too darn early to eat according to my inner clock). When I am hungry, I grab whatever's handy. I'm pretty down on myself right now. No one can turn this around but me. I did weigh this morning - 173! Almost back where I started this whole journey. It's so disappointing. I'm gonna keep trying but I'm not helping my team very much.
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    @JulieAL1969 I totally understand the interest of the fast/quick weight loss that Keto offers. I tried it and did loose some weight. I don't want to seem like a bad advocate of the diet but here are my takeaways of it. Ps I know it was working well for @stacybaker707.

    Even though all the science behind it made total sense to me too, I didn't see how I could sustain that as a lifestyle. Yes the first weeks of high fat aka bacon n eggs and more avocados that I can have was amazing. I couldn't honestly say that I would NEVER have carbs again( bread, potatoes, fruits) yes there's some bread replacement and all that but most of them are egg n cream cheese based so didn't even come close to the taste I was looking for. And let's be honest when you count macros it is super crazy tracking. All veggies have carbs to so when you try to stay under25 g carbs, there's no room for any "treats". Plus once on the Keto diet you're in it. It takes your body 3-4 days to get into full ketosis (I tested it with pee strips) and unlike other diets where you can "fall off the wagon " without too much damage, it only takes a little off track to kick you out of ketosis and then back to square one. I tried it and gave it an honest shot but after 3.5/4 weeks I had to stop. I had zero energy, all I wanted to do was sleep, I felt overall unhealthy. Up to you if you would like to try. Good resources on YouTube are Dr EricBerg and Thomas DeLauer ( I think that's how it's spelled)

    @aganey you will automatically but rolled into july with the 22 nd weight. I will notify our moderators of the 29th no weigh in. You go and enjoy your vacation. Tips for not overdoing it at meal time : 1- chug 16 oz of water right before sitting down to eat
    2- fill your plate with as much veggies as you can

    Have fun and remember to enjoy the company :)

    @NationalCapital hi there don't feel the need to apologize to the team, instead let us know how to better help you :) keep your head up and smile ๐Ÿ˜Š

    @lar25473 I can see if I can get your weigh in day switched to Tuesday right away hon no prob. Also what works well for me with eating out/treats I ask myself "Do I really need to eat this now?" Just second guessing it makes me say you know what I will have it on Sunday and when that day comes around I ask myself if I still want it. If I do, I eat it guilt free and move on but most of the times I don't even feel like it anymore. Drink plenty of water :)
    You got this!!

    @WA_teacher oh no not the "summer flu" that's the worst. Hope you feel better soon and you can enjoy your summer ๐Ÿ˜Š.
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    @wyhorzegal First Thanks for all your help !! Second 40 lbs isn't nothing!! I m sure you feel better ... stay focused and you'll hit your below 200lbs soon. And Third-Omg good luck for the race, enjoy, it must be something else, keep us updated please ๐Ÿ˜

    @bisonpitcherc maintain is better than gain my friend. Don't give up ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

    @Ecowles675 good job :)

    @nebslp you are totally capable of turning it around . Don't give up!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

    @leni1us that must be so hard to have your mesl time changed like that all the time. Try keeping veggies in ziplock bags with you at all times, cherry tomatoes, baby carrots, sugar snap peas, mini cucumber, snack on those when you know you will be having a very late dinner that way you don't feel like eating the whole kitchen sink when you sit down to eat.
  • stacybaker707
    stacybaker707 Posts: 126 Member
    @JulieAL1969 @Djou11 i have been low carb/keto for about 3 months (almost) and have lost 37 pounds. Totally working for me and I don't find it that hard!
  • lacatgirl
    lacatgirl Posts: 353 Member
    Week 1 (June 1) - 164.9
    Week 2 (June 8) - 162.7
    Week 3 (June 15) - 161.6
    Week 4 (June 22) -159.8
    Week 5 (June 29)
    Morning, into the 150's - finally. I havent been here in over 10 years! It is a huge relief. 8 more weeks till my nieces wedding which precipitated the start of mfp! I bought a size 8-10 dress when I was a size 16 lol! I decided I was sick of never being able to buy a clothing item that I actually liked! I try it on every couple weeks. I am less like a sausage in it now but still not quite a good fit. Hopefully by August 15 it will be!
  • aganey
    aganey Posts: 501 Member
    May ending weight: 184.6
    Weigh day: Friday

    Week 1 (June 1): 183.2
    Week 2 (June 8): 181.4
    Week 3 (June 15): 179.4
    Week 4 (June 22): 178.4
    Week 5 (June 29): no weigh in, vacation
  • RubyRed427
    RubyRed427 Posts: 4,186 Member
    Weigh in Saturday
    Previous 162.4
    Current 163
  • mlhopp93
    mlhopp93 Posts: 192 Member

    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Starting June weight 306.0
    (Goal for June is to get into the 290s and leave the 300s forever)

    Week 1 (May 31st): 303.2
    Week 2 (June 7:) 304.0
    Week 3 (June 14:) 304.0 (no progress but not gaining -- big down is coming)
    Week 4 (June 21:) 303.8 (big down is coming next week :smile: )
    Week 5 (June 28:)
  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    Week 4
    Previous 166.2
    Current 162.4
  • Djou11
    Djou11 Posts: 167 Member
    @stacybaker707 I know that's why I mentioned you in my comment I know ppl for who it works really well and other who like me can't sustain it. I'm super happy it works for you :)

    @lacatgirl You totally got this girl and you know that you ll need to share a pic of that dress now ;)

    @aganey good job have a great vacation

    @mlhopp93 one big push this week and you can be there :) trust in yourself

    @ToadstoolBetty wow great loss :) good job !!

    Sorry I keep forgetting to post my own weigh ins in the thread

    Week 3 Monday june 11th 182.6
    week 4 monday june 18th 181.4

    One more week guys and June is a Wrap. Keep drinking lots of water, and being mindful of what you eat and why you eat it. :)

  • ToadstoolBetty
    ToadstoolBetty Posts: 292 Member
    edited June 2018
    @Djou11 thanks, unfortunately part of it is just the bloat I gained last week but I'm glad to see the numbers
    Finally under 164 again. I've been yo-yoing between 164 and 166.8 this past 6 months.
    But I think I've worked it out now as I've been taking my calcium and iron which I noticed seems to have controlled the cravings I was having during hormone changes.
  • WA_Teacher
    WA_Teacher Posts: 1,042 Member
    edited June 2018
    June Week 5
    Sunday, June 24th
    Previous Weight: 225
    Current Weight: 224

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend. I'm still sick, bronchitis it turns out, but I'm starting to feel better and no temp for the last 2 days. I will try to get out for a short walk today.
  • stacybaker707
    stacybaker707 Posts: 126 Member
    Weigh in day: Sunday
    Previous weight: 200.6
    Current weight: 199

    Summer break has started, no work for 10 weeks for me. Trying to get out and about with the kids at least 5x a week for a hike or walk. Not too much gym going on for me but I finally broke 200!
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