2018 - The Year of " I AM "



  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Gail - I'm doing "better"; but the scale is still moving up I forgot about the "residual" gain.. all the crap I was consuming is still being reflected.. hopefully it's reached its peak and will start to drop now that i've smartened up!! But yes omg.. boredom had me eating everything that could possibly be considered food.. and some that wasn't!

    I did paint two old ragged wooden night stands on the weekend.. I hate them and they are ancient and I was gonna toss them but don't want to til I get around to painting the bedroom if I ever decide on a color (that will be the winter project, not now lol).. but I figured they couldn't look any worse and they turned out quite well with the fusion mineral paint and it only took a couple of hours so at least I was moving for a while lol! I may resort to going to the stairwell and just doing step ups on the first step of the "up" level.. im not comfortable using stairs up or down right now but I figure if I just do the one step (like back in gym class?) it'll at least be a start! I did find my resistance band too so once I tackle the mounds of papework to sort and file, i'm sure i'll find the exercise card that went with it lol
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Have you looked up Leslie Sansone's walking in place on line? ..... it really gets you moving and sweating....great workout. I would be scared for you stepping like that on a top step and getting dizzy or off balance and fall down the rest.....yep, just a worry wart here.

    Resistance bands are so boring to me, best wishes on finding the exercise that goes with it...Mine ran away. ; )

    I love redoing old furniture...fusion mineral paint sounds interesting...what color is that?

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    ya I could picture that too... ( me taking a header!) hence why I thot if I used the stairs going up to the next floor and just did the bottom step.. if I fall I only fall right there not down a flight of stairs haha. but we'll see! I forgot about her.. I have looked her up when you first recommended it a while back - I could of course also use the 2 gyms downstairs.. ahem... ahem... ahem...

    and yes the fusion mineral paint is way cool.. very little prep needed and you can pretty much use it on any surface plus you can use it indoors no need to ventilate or fumes. And once its done (and cured) its pretty much waterproof and pretty hardy... if you google fusion mineral paint you can see the colors avail and the technique (which is pretty easy as I did it and I don't have a creative bone in my body..lol) I used "raw silk" and "champness" colors (I bought the sample size of the champness which is a blue just cause I wanted to see how it looked lol.. so I just did the drawer fronts with it and the rest in the raw silk.. you can do some pretty impressive stuff if you're good at this kinda thing (which I am not lol) but at least they look much better and for $25 .. ok $30 total since I got the tarps and the brushes at the dollar store which was $5) and 2 hrs of my time... I was happy with it for the moment lol i'll see if I can post a pic of the before and after!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member

    ooohhh...I had read it wrong, I was picturing the top step...my bad.

    I know, I do the same thing, I walk right by the both of them every day.... ahem...lol

    Sounds lovely..... I will look them up.

    Yea, do see if you can post a pic. would love to see it. I painted my living room an accent color a couple of years ago...it was an ordeal......cause I did not mask it ofF at the beginning...it was to time consuming and I wanted to paint!! So I have crooked seams at the corners and drips and spots on the bottom board...(I know it has a name just not coming to mind yet)... BASEBOARD!! that's it.... lol But I was pleased with it.. I might post a pic of it for kicks and giggles..

    Almost time to get out of prison, such a long day...at least tomorrow is Halfway thru!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I’ve got “paint the old wood nightstand” on my to-do list, as well. I’m going to look up that paint. I hate prep work for painting anything!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    edited September 2018
    me too Suzy !! here's a pic of the before and after (there were 2 identical ones) I considered repainting the drawers the raw silk color over the blue.. but as they were a practice round for the table I wanna do over the winter, I decided I don't care and left em alone. you can see how bad the top of the ancient nightstands were scarred and damaged.. only prep was to clean them (I used a quick TSP spray to wipe em down): ok sorry they are sideways I dunno how to turn em around

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    wow!! lovely transformation, I adore the blue "champness" drawer with the rest "rawsilk" Great work!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    edited September 2018
    Wow Snooozie That is truly impressive! I am paying a bundle to get my bathroom cabinets repainted - do you think I should be brave and try what you did ? Is the finish supposed to hold up?

    Milove- accolades from me as well about your hike ! I was in Colorado this summer and about keeled over from hacking at those elevations even though Tucson isn’t exactly flat .

    T2 - thanks for the welcome back and kind empathy <3

    Weighed myself this morning (although my official weigh in day will be tomorrow ) and was delighted to see. 2.4 pound loss :)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    well it covers great and they are at least a little cleaner looking now lol.. and it kept me out of the fridge for 2 hrs!!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    May I ask how many coats you used Snooozie?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Susan - I did one coat on the drawer and 2 coats on the rest.. you can absolutely do cupboards BUT it does take a little skill to get a smooth finish as its a little different than using regular paint.. there are a couple of tutorials on the webpage for beginner and advanced with fusion paint.. I think if I recall they do recommend if you're gonna do cupboard to use this base coat that dries clear first? but cant remember to be honest..
    here's the link to the quick little tutorials


    well done on the 2.4 ! excellent work
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    ok suzy.. yet again more respect for ya.. I overbought when I walked to the store this morning and had to carry a 15lb bag back with me - and it's only a kilometre walk back but I was like OMG.. suzys pack weighs more than that AND she's hiking!! LOLOL.. and I had frozen stuff so I couldn't stop but at least I burned a few extra calories today lol!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Thanks for the info and link to the tutorial Snooozie. I’ll look into it more thoroughly after this weekend. I have a little wall cabinet which I think I will use as an experiment first . Also thanks for the kudos on this week”# progress with the scale.

    Howdy Hatters. I was thrilled to have lost 3.6 pounds this week, but that is a lot for me to lose in one week, and I was feeling weak and light headed Thursday, so I took my daily food intake that I had logged on WW and logged it on MFP and saw that I haven’t been eating enough calories . WW tries to make it easy on yiu and just goes by this point system which is a good general guide and keeps me from eating crappy food , but it doesn’t calculate calories ,macrounits or water which are important. Consequently. I think I am going to have to log my daily food on both sites. While I am grateful that MFP is more thorough, I still do like the WW program overall and find that I don’t feel starving like I usually do when trying to reduce my weight, I also enjoy the meetings. I head about a great group leader with a sense of humor, so I switched meeting days to be in her group.

    My challenge will be this weekend as I am going to Sedona today for the weekend to celebrate my husband’s bday and we will be eating out a lot and enjoying several adult beverages lol. I think I’m just going to enjoy my weekend but try not to go overboard. And speaking of hiking , there is this place we hike in Boyton Canyon which is quite a challenge to get to the top, so that exercise should be helpful. I couldn’t make it the first time I tried, but did the second time and felt quit victorious. I’ll see if I can find a photo or two ...

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Wow Susan! That’s so beautiful! Good for you! I know you can do it again!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Susan well done on the weight loss and hope you have a lovely weekend celebrating with hubby.. gorgeous photos! Hope the combo of WW and MFP works out well

    nothing exciting going on here; we're having a bit of a cold snap.. well .. two days worth lol.. hit the lake this morning and did an essentrics hip stretch video this morning; going to spend the rest of the day making a few recipes from skinnytaste - my fav broccoli/cheddar soup which freezes well and im going to try my hand at a butternut squash risotto - never made any risotto before but something creamy and rich sounds like a good choice LOL..

    Hope all are doing well; any updates on the programs you're both in Vail and Suzy??

    Gail - did you ever have to do the carpet removal for your son?? How'd it go if so? Inquiring minds wanna know lol
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hey, Snoozie, I got out of it...they kept putting it off ...and finally got it done yesterday. He had his work buddies and brother n law help... Only took a few hours...If we were trying to help. we would still be pulling carpet..LOL!

    I will have to look up the skinnytaste broccoli and cheese...DnL and I are getting soup fever and want a good one to fix.

    Working a bit today. Have to be off a day this week.
    I have the dreaded smash'em and spread' em dr. visit on Wednesday... UGH~!! lol

    Everything is up since my last visit...cause you know I had that wreck .
    Fell Off the wagon!

    And he'll be pushing the colonoscopy.....I have never had.

    Susan, so good to see you back, Love the photos!!

    Have an awesome day everyone!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Snoozie, I had to google eccentrics videos to see what you were talking about and wow! That looks great! I love stretching and flexibility exercises. I may have to try some of those. Are they all online or is it a dvd set that you buy? The gentle yoga classes I’ve been going to are similar and I’m enjoying them immensely. I’m also going to look up the soup recipe. I’m getting so tired of the recipes I’ve been making. I need something new.

    Gail, wish I could say that the colonoscopy isn’t that bad but the prep for it is absolutely awful. The procedure itself is no biggie though. I have got to make my what did you call it, “smash em and spread em” appointment. :D I haven’t had a mammogram in three years.

    The knee health program I’m doing is going well. The exercises aren’t very intense yet (the lunges still challenge my knee though) and take very little time three days a week. There’s a place to log your weight once a week and I do that every Saturday. So far I’ve been steadily losing one pound a week. I’m still not down to my ticker weight on MFP. I’m being stubborn and not updating my ticker weight. I just can’t bring myself to do it....it’s like admitting defeat or something stupid like that. I’m trying to be okay with one pound a week....any loss is a good loss...but it’s just so slow!!! Ugh! We went on a 10.5 mile hike last Sunday and I’m still tired!

    Snoozie, when is your surgery?
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,456 Member
    Suzy - there are loads of free videos from 5-20 minutes in length on youtube - if you go to youtube and put in miranda esmonde white OR essentrics you will find them all there (i'm cheap so I use the free online but you can get DVD 's from the site and I think from most libraries too)

    Each one has a different focus, i.e. soothing joint pain; hip/leg focus, posture, yada yada.. but ALL of them use every single muscle which is kinda the whole point of essentrics; to move every muscle every day kinda thing.. i think this is a link to one of the videos on youtube i did


    but there are loads of them there.. miranda is the one who "invented" it if you will; and i like her she doesnt make me crazy like some of the young and perky instructor types on there LOL.. anyway if you wanna change things up a bit check it out - it may not feel like you're doing anything much with the stetches but you def feel it later!

    the broccoli cheese potato soup is an absolute favourite and i have a batch frozen down in individual portions.. i only used one little potato cause thats all i had LOL. .and its really only for thickening the soup a bit .. i do like the skinnytaste site i must say - i know you've made some recipes from there before too and theres quite a few soups there so hope you and gail both find something ya like!

    and yep i too am overdue for my mammo.. i'll book it after the surgery which is sept 24.. and i admit im going somewhat bat *kitten* crazy around here... so only 2 weeks left and then a couple of weeks of no running around or lifting stuff yada yada and i'll be good to go!

    im so glad the knee program is working.. and holy cow lady... you're losing a pound a week? that's AWESOME!! and i totally understand and agree about refusing to move hte ticker anywhere... believe me!! I have adjusted it a few times but i'm done now.. til i'm back to hte current that sucker aint moving!! keep up the great work honestly a pound a week is really awesome... tis been so long since i've seen a loss i think 1lb is fab!!!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Thanks Snoozie. I think the problem (and it’s all in my head) is that normally I would gain a few pounds on vacation then when I went back to my healthier eating I would drop all of that pretty quickly. This time that just didn’t happen. But, you’re absolutely right...one pound a week loss is a good loss.