TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (October)

AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
edited September 2018 in Social Groups
Welcome to the Challenge new and returning teammates!! This is the conversation/weigh in thread for your Team :) Keep on losing because our first weigh ins begin THIS Sunday! I am here for you should you need anything - simply message me or tag me by putting an '@' just before my username (NO SPACES) and I will get to you asap! ~ Ashley @AB0215 or Craig @craigo3154 .


  • xr8_kiwi
    xr8_kiwi Posts: 53 Member
    Hiya, my name is Lisa, I live in Taranaki, New Zealand.
    My husband and I are dairy farmers farming our little 220 cow Jersey herd.
    I am stoked to find this challenge group, it is just what I feel I need to keep me accountable and on track in this journey that i have just begun.
    I am turning 40 in March and that is my driving force, I want to hit my 40's healthier and more active
    I am starting at 277 lbs. I have made my first goal to get down to 220 lbs. While my longer term goal is to reach around 187.

  • kidkees
    kidkees Posts: 108 Member
    This is my third round. Staying accountable helps. I’m under 160 now, and I want to get under 150. I take a lot of Zumba classes and others at the gym as well as long walks with my dogs. I fill my water bottle numerous times daily, and have found I really need far less food during the day than I’d thought. 😊
  • mickey10111
    mickey10111 Posts: 116 Member
    Hi there, my name is Mikayla. I am 21 years old and I live in New York. This will be my second month in the challenge. I started the month of Sept weighing 165.4 lbs and my goal was to lose 5lbs. At first I did really well and I ended up getting down to 159.4 lbs. The weeks following that I haven’t been as consistent and at last weigh in I was 159.6. I really hope to focus on being consistent, prepping, and making smart choices. MFP has definitely helped me stay accountable for what I’ve been eating and how much I’ve exercised... now it’s really time for me to step it up. Wishing the best to all you Big Butt’s out there!
  • Robandy12345
    Robandy12345 Posts: 265 Member
    Hi, I am Bobby T this will be my 3rd month in the challenge. I live in Pittsburgh Pa. Go Steelers. My weight has come down this summer from 230 to 196.7 I keep very active with a goal of 20,000 steps a day on my Fitbit. Currently, I am down from 4 softball leagues to 3 for fall ball. This time of year I play volleyball and basketball a couple of times a week. My job as a manager at HR Block will start soon, I tend to let my emotions dictate my eating habits. I have ballooned up to 240 during the winter months. This group has helps me to set new valleys on my weight lifestyle, hopefully the peaks won't come or at least won't be as high this year. If I can help anyone in anyway please let me know.
  • mikea2g
    mikea2g Posts: 384 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Mike and this will be my 2nd month in this challenge and starting my 3rd month of effort to get healthy.

    I work from home and my wife and I homeschool our 2 girls. This makes it much easier to meal plan while sticking to my calories and correct food. Most of th time I’m active and hitting the gym 1-4 times per week. I’m doing a calorie deficit and sticking to about 2000 calories per day. Given my dimensions and activity this creates a solid deficit, which has been showing in the weight loss these last 2 months.

    I’m 6’4” and my starting weight in late July was 309. I’m down to 280.5 as of today (9/25/2018). I’m pretty sure I’ll be in the 270s for the October challenge.

    My goal for October is to get down to 269 and do some form of sweat inducing activity every day.

    This group has been great for daily accountability, motivation and reality checks. So much effort goes into losing every pound it seems crazy it’s only a pound lost. It’s nice to see everyone else feeling the same and supporting each other.

    Cheers to a successful month!
  • WhineThyme
    WhineThyme Posts: 959 Member
    Hello, I live in the Atlanta Georgia area. I'm married and the mother of two sons age 26 and 24.

    I've been on this journey for a few years now. I am down about 42 pounds from where I started. I am at that place that seems to be where the weight gets harder for me to lose. So, right now, I’m focusing on losing 6 more pounds this year. I would like to get to 145 in the next 2 months and then maintain that weight through the end of the year.

    For the most part, as long as I log daily, stay within my calories and eat only whole foods (nothing highly processed), I seem to do fine. But as soon as I stop logging or reintroduce more highly processed foods, it becomes a struggle. So, for the next 3 months, I will focus on sticking with the basics along with consistent good sleep.
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    Hi I am Tami I have 3 adult children & a 16 son. I am a supervisor registered nurse at the state mental hospital been there 30+ years hoping to retire in 2.5 yrs. I can’t remember how long I’ve been in the challenge, I just roll over every month. I am down about 12lbs. I was hurt at work in July and have been off work since. I am usually way more active than I have been. Hopefully I will be again soon
    Let’s loose some big weight team
  • Coheednkimbria
    Coheednkimbria Posts: 206 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m Kim, I think it’s almost been a year now that I’ve been on the team! I started a little more than a year ago at 195
    Lbs, my lowest was 154 lbs in July...I’ve been slacking and having a rough few months, and I’m trying to get down to my goal weight of 145. This is a great team and I’m so lucky to be a part of it!
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Hi I am Cindy and I am from Ontario. I am rejoining this group after a hiatus . I fell off the wagon after losing 94 pounds . I am now sitting at 86 pounds loss so a bit to go to get back down
  • Stefbomb2020
    Stefbomb2020 Posts: 289 Member
    Hello everybody... im Steffy from India.. i was a member of this challenge 6 months ago...but then fractured my leg...recovered..and again met with an accident...and now still recovering.. so i will be getting back to my yoga classes from 1st and im very very excited...

    I just hope i continue losing weight and be on track as i just cant wait to see myself click the best pic of my life on new year 2019....hopefully i should lose atleast 20lbs by then
  • CCzMini
    CCzMini Posts: 99 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Colleen, I am married & from Pennsylvania. I have been in this challenge since July & have lost about 10 pounds so far. It doesn’t seem like much, but more than I have lost since prior to starting this challenge! I am a cardiac NP & am looking forward to getting more energy, healthier & more active. I have tried WW, but find that MFP works better for me. I look forward to reading everyone’s accomplishments, challenges & find this group is very supportive. Hopefully we can all lose big this month!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Hello, team The Big Butt Theory! Welcome to October and a special welcome to the newcomers. Please take a moment to introduce yourselves to the team and tell us a little bit about your goals for the month.

    Hi, my name is Lisa and I have been with this team since last October and in a leadership role since December. I am your captain for October. I am 52, a Canadian living in Southern Ontario, married 27 years and have two grown sons. One is done school, living at home and working at the family business. The other is still in school, but completing his business degree in Germany.

    I did really well with this challenge until Christmas, then I completely fell off the rails. Had some success in April, and a little more in June, but am still struggling with consistency! You know what they say....consistency is key!! Being involved with this group helps to at least keep my head above water!! If you are struggling, it can help you, too. So, the more you interact, the more you will feel the team's support.

    A little about this runs Sunday to Saturday. Post your weigh-in on this thread on your chosen weigh-in day. If you need to miss a weigh-in, let me know. If you forget to post a weigh-in, post as soon as you remember, up until Saturday evening. (I'd say Saturday at midnight, EDT, but I am not up that late!) Please post a weight even if you have gained. There is no judgement here, only support, and it happens to all of us at some point!! If you miss two weigh-ins, you will be removed from the month and will have to re-register for the next month if you wish to continue.

    Yes, this is a weight loss challenge, but I would like you to think of it more as a support group. Sometimes, you can do all the right things, but the scale just doesn't move. If you have taken measurements you will be able to see that you are making progress, just not contributing to the team's weight loss. But we don't want you to despair, or leave, if this happens, thus the focus on the "support" aspect!

    We are all here for the same lose weight and get healthy. Some days will go better than others....weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint, after all!! But with the support of this team, and some hard work, we can all make it to the finish line!

    Have a great October, everyone!!
  • ENRiyard
    ENRiyard Posts: 42 Member
    Hi Everyone! My name is Kat, age 27 from London. Healthy eating and excercise are passion to of mine.Back in March I started a new job which is quite demanding and sometimes when I get home I can't be asked to go to gym. Luckily I manage to keep track to what I'm eating and haven't gained much back.Probably 2kg/4.4lbs. I have done a body composition test and my target at the moment is to loose 4-5kg/11lbs - mostly I want to reduce my body fat and keep musle mass. Wish luck to everyone in this challenge and I'm sure we will do great!
  • Jenmarcuson
    Jenmarcuson Posts: 19 Member
    Hi my name is Jennifer- I am 49 years old. I was a good weight until my late 30s - and then I started gaining a few pounds a year- and after a while they really add up. I’m hoping to loose about 5 pounds a month. I’m excited about this challenge!
  • mikea2g
    mikea2g Posts: 384 Member
    DATE: Sunday, September 30, 2018
    Logged food: Yes
    Under calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes - 25 minutes body weight exercises and yoga. Plus a TON of moving my booty around doing housework today :)
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Mini challenge ...
    Food =Y, Under calories =Y and exercise Y . 45 minutes strength training and went for a short walk too
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