TEAM: The Slimsons (September)



  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)
    Track: no
    Calories: ?-not too bad, but I did have a cookie that I made for a coworker's birthday
    Exercise: 30 minutes elliptical
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Username: tinak33
    Weigh in week: September Week 4
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Weight: 158.3
    Current Weight: 157.1

    Yay!!! Finally some scale movement! WOOHOO!!
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    Daily stats 9.26

    Tracked: yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: did a double! SoulCHALLENGE - 100 min of spin with weights with master instructor. Oy.

    Goal- off to South Dakota for a few days for a wedding. I will not over eat and Iโ€™m not doing cake or wine! There is supposed to be an all you can eat steakhouse the night before the wedding everyone wants to go to. Sigh. Should have packed my food scale haha
  • momma3times
    momma3times Posts: 98 Member
    Ended up having a more than mild, less than severe food allergy reaction last night after dinner. I had hives all over my body. They gave me a shot to stop the reaction and I am feeling much better.

    While I am not concerned with what the effect is on my weight lose, I am curious to how injected steroids affect your body.

    Has anyone else had to take these before? Anything weird I should expect? Also, the next few weeks should be interesting. They want to rule out each item on my meal chart from yesterday one at a time. Thank goodness I kept track and it was simple foods!
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    Daily Post: Thursday, Sept. 27th

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes/Under, 5/2 fasting day
    Exercise: Yes, early morning walk with Goldie 3 miles, gym: 20min. stairs, 25min. lateral training HIIT and 60min. strength training class

    Comment/Goals: No more food today.... lots more water. Weigh in tomorrow morning.
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    Mexiconon@. Sept 27 th.
    Tracking. Yes
    Calories. Yes
    Exercise no but cooked a lot of meatballs.
    Carbs no ๐Ÿคข
  • jcgator2016
    jcgator2016 Posts: 539 Member
    Ended up having a more than mild, less than severe food allergy reaction last night after dinner. I had hives all over my body. They gave me a shot to stop the reaction and I am feeling much better.

    While I am not concerned with what the effect is on my weight lose, I am curious to how injected steroids affect your body.

    Has anyone else had to take these before? Anything weird I should expect? Also, the next few weeks should be interesting. They want to rule out each item on my meal chart from yesterday one at a time. Thank goodness I kept track and it was simple foods!

    This happened to me in 2002. Woke up one morning and I was covered head to toe in hives. Did 100's of allergy testing to no avail. Allergy specialists came to the conclusion I have an autoimmune disorder, that I still suffer from to this day. I can go to great lengths on this subject, but I don't want to scare you. Hopefully it was just a one time thing. One steroid injection won't hurt you.

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Ended up having a more than mild, less than severe food allergy reaction last night after dinner. I had hives all over my body. They gave me a shot to stop the reaction and I am feeling much better.

    While I am not concerned with what the effect is on my weight lose, I am curious to how injected steroids affect your body.

    Has anyone else had to take these before? Anything weird I should expect? Also, the next few weeks should be interesting. They want to rule out each item on my meal chart from yesterday one at a time. Thank goodness I kept track and it was simple foods!

    @momma3times I had that happen once, and I went though 6 months of allergy testing and they couldn't figure it out. So not to sound unhelpful, but like @jcgator2016 said, they did so many tests on me over the course of 6 months, and I never reacted so I still to this day don't know. The thing is, it's not necessarily something you ingested, it could be environmental and something that you aren't normally exposed to and something that you might not be exposed to again or even know that you were exposed to...
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member

    Wife took me to my fav downtown restaurant for my birthday. Saved up my calories and stayed well under for the day. Really liking that I make smart food choices and still enjoy a great meal.


    Met with my second nutritionist today. The one I met with yesterday was too busy trying to sell me supplements and enrolling me in their classes. really turned me off. The one today is great. A registered nutritionist/dietitian, double major in chemistry and dietetics. She went over my August lab reports, also put me on a machine to determine my BMI, Body Fat percentage, skeletal muscle percentage and visceral fat level result. She recommended more weight lifting, resistance training and muscle strengthening workouts. Also increased my calorie intake to 1600 from 1500, and adjusted my macronutrients. Very knowledgeable, and really helped me to plan menus and become more efficient.

    I went to a nutritionist last March after my injuries and weight gain--- she was 20 years older than I and all she did was harp on aging and how hard things are going to get---such a Debbie downer :D --- NOT the support or info I needed. You're lucky you found a good one the second time around! ;)

    @SLIMn2016 @jcgator2016 I am generally not a fan of "nutritionists" and not because there aren't good ones out there, but because of what's really required to become a nutritionist. And this is no joke, but I've got a diabetic friend who went to a nutritionist who told her to eat 160 grams of carbs, carbs are sugar, diabetics can't have can't tell a diabetic to intentionally ingest have GOT to be kidding me! Okay, rant over.

    @jcgator2016 With that being said, I'm really glad you found one that's good, because those are hard to come by.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited September 2018
    This morning I hit 50lbs down! Then, I ended up doing my first 24hr fast! After messing up my calories at lunchtime yesterday, I shut down my window for the day. So today when I normally eat at 12, I decided to push it another hour to make it to 24! I made it through, but I have a headache. I am usually right on top of my electrolytes, so I don't feel it is that. But it could just be a coincidence and not related to diet at all.

    But I will be going back to my 18-6 window. It is an easier lifestyle for me. 24 was tough.

    @momma3times I did 36 hour fasts once a week for about a month and those were really hard at first, they get easier, and I think that really helped me through a lot of other fasting scenarios and really helped me break through my plateau. Congrats on making it 24 hours! Now I tend to fast for 22-26 hours a day (I know technically 26 hours a day is longer than a day but depending on my schedule, I end up going a bit longer than a day sometimes) at least 3 times a week now, I'm finding that I'm a lot less hungry these days, which is pretty surprising with all the activity I get in. I think that it's got a lot to do with how busy I am right now and I don't have time to sit here and think about food.

    Sometimes a headache is just a headache and isn't related to anything else, especially if you're watching your electrolyte intake, it's more likely that it's just a headache.

    And congrats on hitting the 50 lb mark, that's super exciting!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily post for Wednesday:

    Track: yes
    Calories: yes
    Water: about 90 oz
    Exercise: stairs....

    I was pretty sure I was breaking fast today as I have been super tired. And I just wanted to eat all the foods. But not only did I stick with my IF, I also made it a fasting day (a rather loose one, but am working towards 5:2). So I am feeling quite proud of myself!

    @tinak33 You SHOULD be proud of yourself, the days where you accomplish your goals despite having doubts are the best!
  • jcgator2016
    jcgator2016 Posts: 539 Member
    Daily Report Thu Sept 27

    Tracking: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Yes. Circuit training with kettlebell, swim laps 500 meters.

    I've come to the conclusion I have been doing just about everything wrong in my weight loss journey.

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    I think I'm all caught up on posts, sorry about that guys, I've been trying to take a bit of time for myself every day so I don't go crazy and burn myself out with all of the things I've got going on this week.

    In some positive news, I just got a raise today at one of my jobs, like 18% which I don't think I've ever gotten a raise so big in my entire life...really feeling pretty good about that. I've been with this company for 4.5 months so it's not like I was expecting it at this point, it just seemed out of the blue and it was in a random email at the end of my shift...

    So I used that happy momentum and went and did my workout today and NAILED it, like it went so technique was spot on and everything was just great! Sometimes you can use one success to make it to another....and keep the momentum in your can apply this to all areas in life, not just weight loss...
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily Report Thu Sept 27

    Tracking: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Yes. Circuit training with kettlebell, swim laps 500 meters.

    I've come to the conclusion I have been doing just about everything wrong in my weight loss journey.

    @jcgator2016 I'm not sure why you're feeling like you're doing everything wrong, I would definitely not say've had a lot of success and you're down almost 6 lbs this month with still not having entered this weeks weight...and even knowing that you still need to make edits to your routine is a sign of success because you're still trying.

    One of my favorite quotes is: "I have not failed, I have found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison

    Weight loss is really about learning about your body and what works for you. There is definitely not a one size fits all solution. And believe me, I have tried so many different things, but I finally found what works for me, and that's all you need to do, find what really works for you.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily Post (Thursday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise:Yes, 45 mins weight training, 1 hour 15 mins walk

    Comments: Really nailed my workout today. It went so well I was able to do it in 15 mins less time than normal, so I added 15 mins to my walk because I'm really trying to work on my endurance for my upcoming competition. I am really happy with my performance, so I celebrated with an hour of video games. Yep, that's right folks, I am a nerd. I look forward to spreadsheets, technology problems to fix, PC games and xbox games.
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    Daily stats- Thurs, 9.27

    Tracked: yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: lots of walking today.

    Currently on an mini vacay in the Dakotas ...
    Been able to eat good! Not as good as Home, but staying under cals. Though everyone around me is indulging. Bartender- Iโ€™ll have another club soda.
  • mactigerr
    mactigerr Posts: 21 Member
    Thurs 9/27

    Track - yes
    Calories - under
    Exercise - 30 min Express workout at gym, 17,000 steps
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Daily post for Thursday:

    Track: yes
    Calories: nope! Had my nachos and was waaaay over. But its my annual treat, so I'm ok with it.
    Water: maybe 70 oz....
    Exercise: stairs

    I had my annual treat of nachos from Moe's Southwest Grill. Haha
    I got the nutritional info from their site and logged it all. Totally worth every bite!

    In other news, I have been trying other creamers so my coffee is a bit lower in calories, however, I have decided that they just don't taste as good. So I am switching back. I only have 1 cup a day. Its not worth it to switch to a crappy creamer. Haha I like my coffee to taste like dessert.
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,308 Member
    edited September 2018
    Username: SLIMn2016
    Weigh in week: September Week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 166.3
    Current Weight: 165.1 (-1.2)

    That 0.1 lbs---arghhh lol :s:D that brings me at 14.9 lost since I started this challenge on July 30th! :)
  • ekuassi
    ekuassi Posts: 88 Member
    Username: ekuassi

    Weigh in day: Friday
    PW: 171.9
    CW: 169.4
    Happy about this small victory. The past few weeks were rough
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