TEAM: The Slimsons (November)



  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    ssssanaaaa wrote: »
    Daily post: Friday
    Tracking. Yes
    Calories: I think so!
    Exercise: Not intentionally but a lot of walking. Had an event last night.

    Comments: Guys, I weighed in at 179.5 this morning! That puts me at a 29.9 BMI and no longer in the Obese category! I know I'm still overweight but this is a big milestone for me! I haven't been this low since high school!! It feels good!

    I'm so proud of you!! You are doing so well!!
  • kathleenford04
    kathleenford04 Posts: 128 Member
    Oops! I typed out a weigh in post yesterday but I guess it didn’t post!


    PW: 169.2
    CW: 169.4

    I’ve eaten whatever I’ve wanted this week so I’m happy to have maintained. Looking forward to December!
  • ssssanaaaa
    ssssanaaaa Posts: 567 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    ssssanaaaa wrote: »
    Daily post: Friday
    Tracking. Yes
    Calories: I think so!
    Exercise: Not intentionally but a lot of walking. Had an event last night.

    Comments: Guys, I weighed in at 179.5 this morning! That puts me at a 29.9 BMI and no longer in the Obese category! I know I'm still overweight but this is a big milestone for me! I haven't been this low since high school!! It feels good!

    I'm so proud of you!! You are doing so well!!

    Thank youuu!! <3 SO ARE YOU
  • mexiconona
    mexiconona Posts: 394 Member
    Tracking yes
    Calories no
    Exercise yes 1 hr. Gym weights and aerobics
  • Bm00re2u
    Bm00re2u Posts: 426 Member
    Daily Post (Saturday)
    Track: No
    Calories: No
    Exercise: Yes, A morning run
  • kazunomiya
    kazunomiya Posts: 82 Member
    Daily Post (Saturday)
    Track: yes
    Calories: no
    Exercise: Yes, Fitbit 11k steps.

    Got my new Fitbit a few days ago and I am trying to get used to it. I am trying to figure out the calories situation. It said I only netted 160 calories total for the steps I did after calorie adjustment. IDK. I saw the page to read to figure it out so after I finish organizing my closet, I will. I am officially on winter break. I have about 35 days to fulfill my goals of getting my whole house reorganize and work out hard. I am going to be busy but I will be fulfilled.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited December 2018
    SLIMn2016 wrote: »
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Username: AB0215
    Weigh in week: Week 4
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Previous Week's Weight: 168.9 lbs
    Current Weight: 165.2 lbs

    Pretty happy with this, this is the last bit of gain I had when I sort of went crazy after my meet. So, back on track now and ready to keep going.

    You are amazing!!! Remarkable loss for one week-- you must be stoked Ash!!!

    @SLIMn2016 Thank you, but it's most likely the last bit of water weight from my carb fest on my competition weekend honestly....and yes, I'm pretty excited about it, it means I can now move forward and start losing again. :smile:
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Friendly reminder, today starts December so our daily posts and weights will be going in there from today forward.
    I'll be posting the winners shortly and hopefully, doing a little catch up soon. I've been a bit behind the last couple of days, sorry for that guys!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    cmteach4 wrote: »
    Daily post, Saturday, December 1

    Tracking. Yes
    Calories. A bit over
    Exercise. Stretches and calisthenics

    Sorry I am a bit past midnight, but am working on a photo book for a gift and I lost all track of time!
    Daily Post Dec. 1st

    Track: yes
    Calories under goal: yes
    Exercise: Walked 4000 steps in my neighborhood. It was raining but I just took my umbrella and kept going. It felt great.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »

    Track yes
    Calories yes under
    Exercise no
    Today has been a good day, kept up with my meals and drinking lots of water.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    mexiconona wrote: »
    Tracking yes
    Calories yes
    Exercise yes
    Friday weigh in day LW 160
    This week 160. Same
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    kazunomiya wrote: »
    Daily Post (Saturday)
    Track: yes
    Calories: no
    Exercise: Yes, Fitbit 11k steps.

    Got my new Fitbit a few days ago and I am trying to get used to it. I am trying to figure out the calories situation. It said I only netted 160 calories total for the steps I did after calorie adjustment. IDK. I saw the page to read to figure it out so after I finish organizing my closet, I will. I am officially on winter break. I have about 35 days to fulfill my goals of getting my whole house reorganize and work out hard. I am going to be busy but I will be fulfilled.

    @kazunomiya All activity helps in the long run, steps will count, but like a walk will count more than just steps as it tends to raise your heart rate more and when your heart rate is elevated, you will burn more calories, don't know if that helps you understand why it calculates things the way it does or not...but it's sort of a points system, some things count more than others, and it has to do with how much you're exerting yourself, like if you're deep cleaning your house and moving furniture and do this for hours, you're likely going to burn waaay more calories than if you just went on a walk that's sort of how it works.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited December 2018
    Bm00re2u wrote: »
    Username: Bm00re2u
    Week: November Week 4
    PW =134 lbs.
    CW=139.2 lbs

    I won't lie, I had a rough week. I've been working over 12 hours a day and have crucial presentations coming next week, so I will be working this weekend as well. My sleep has been limited, and eating habits have gone down hill. Exercise is almost none existent (went once or twice this week). Energy is at an all time low, so after spending time with my kids in the evenings, I just crash.

    The cherry on top of this "wonderful" cake is that I found out my scale was not working properly, and my weight was showing lower than I actually am. I found out when i went to the dr and saw my weight (which I thought was wrong), then compared to my mom's scale. Needless to say I got a new scale that is working. It was about 4 lbs off, so I was bummed. I did still gained a pound this week not related to the scale issue, so I gotta turn this all around.

    @Bm00re2u So, here's some food for thought:
    You are definitely going to face set backs on your journey, and stress and time will always be a struggle, for all of us. Really, it's important to realize that you're just as important as everyone and everything else in your life and something that you need to schedule in. You need to put YOU on your calendar. It is extremely important. If you don't take the time you need for yourself and take care of yourself, you won't be able to take care of your family and your work priorities, you just won't have anything left to give. It sounds simple, and it's true, but it's not. We always put ourselves last, but sadly, that simply won't work.
    My best advice here is create a new routine, make a calendar, schedule time for everything (deviate from the plan when necessary, but try to adhere to it), but make sure you're giving yourself enough time to think about what you're eating, food is important, you need proper nutritious fuel for your day, and everything that goes into it. Meal prep if you have to, take a couple hours once a week and make some healthy and nutritious meals, and have them ready. I can't stress this enough, you will not have energy if you're not fueling your body properly, you cannot expect it to perform at peak performance if you're not giving it the proper fuel, in much the same way as your car wouldn't perform if you didn't give it enough gas...and if hour long workouts are unrealistic right now, plan for 20-30 minute workouts, or a walk on a break at work, even if it's for 5-10 mins, you'd be surprised at how much it can help, takes you out of your head a little and gives you a bit of mental clarity, trust me, that's also important! Honestly, you can fit some exercise in just about any 5-10 min window, squats, pushups, other body weight activities, on long days for me, I tend to take about 5 or 10 mins away from my desk and do a body weight circuit, getting the blood flowing and the heart rate up, even for those few minutes, really helps me mentally and gives me a burst of energy. And sleep, a must, everyone is different in the amount that we need, I need 7-8 hours or I'm a zombie, but not everyone is like that. Some people are perfectly fine on 6, I'm not one of them, but seriously, try not to skip it, it's important too!!
    And finally, the scale, yes, it's definitely discouraging to see that you're not as low as you might have thought, but still, that's not a terrible amount, and in the grand scheme of things, really the last piece of the puzzle, getting the other parts in order, the scale will just cooperate, because you're taking care of yourself, it will just cooperate, may take a bit to catch up, but it will!

    I Know what I'm saying here is going to seem like the hardest thing to do right now, but I can promise you, that these things will help! You absolutely cannot forget to take care of yourself! You will not get ahead if you don't. Take a little time each day for yourself, it's very very important!!
  • cmteach4
    cmteach4 Posts: 226 Member
    I guess I should have daily posted here yesterday but I didit in December. I forgot it was the last day of November.
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