The 2019 Move It Monday Challenge!

themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
edited January 2019 in Social Groups

We are looking forward to kicking off our 2019 Move It Monday Challenge in partnership with the Move It Monday organization and Quitting the Sitting. Starting Monday, January 21st and running through March 18, this weekly challenge will have us all up and moving towards making 2019 our best year yet! This thread will be the home page for the challenge where each new weekly challenge will be posted, so bookmark it for future reference.

If you're eager to get started (so are we!), here are some first steps we recommend!

1. Join My Fitness Pal: If you aren't already a member of My Fitness Pal, sign-up now. It's free to join and as a member you'll be able to fully participate our Move It Monday challenge.

2. Set a Reminder: It happens to all of us. We intend to do something and then we just forget. Let's not let that happen. Take a few minutes now to set a reminder on your phone, calendar, or whatever system you use to track important events. Make a note to come back to this webpage every Monday and participate in this week's challenge!

You may also want to sign up for the Move It Monday newsletter. Every Monday morning you’ll get tips, suggestions, inspiration, and motivation to start your week strong. And it’s the perfect cue to remember to check back on our Move It Monday Challenge! You can sign up here:

3. Complete our Pre-Survey: In the Building Healthy Habits group, we want to start and finish together, and tracking where we begin is a great way of doing that! Please complete this brief 6 question survey so we have an idea of where we're all starting in terms of physical activity. All of this information will be anonymous and only aggregate data would be shared. Let’s see just how far we progress by the end of this 9-week program!

4. Read the CNN article: Mondays have power when it comes to changing behaviors. If you haven’t already, check out this CNN article explaining how Monday resolutions are a powerful tool to stick with your health goals, including physical activity. We’ll be doing just that with our Move It Monday Challenge starting on Monday, Jan. 21st!

5. Check out the Move It Monday website: Move It Monday is an international non-profit initiative that helps individuals, communities and organizations kick off the week with exercise. We’re partnering with them to provide a 9-week program just for you! Check out their website to see all the fun tips and resources you can start using today to get moving.

6. Check out the Quitting the Sitting website: Quitting the Sitting is a grassroots organization founded in 2015 by a group of My Fitness Pal friends who decided to stop sitting so much and start moving towards a happier, healthier life. And they want you to join them!



  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,970 Member
    Great article. I’m going to share it with my healthy group on facebook.
  • pennysob
    pennysob Posts: 59 Member
    Hoping to recruit a few friends and family members!
  • joelann10
    joelann10 Posts: 46 Member
    Sounds like fun!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I'm in. I completed the 6 questions and read the blogs. I am looking forward to this challenge!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @allmannerofthings Your post and my reply reminded me of how great it is to spend time outside so I did my classical stretch and then went out for a short hike today 💪🏻❤️
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    edited January 2019
    One of the suggestions we have before we get started on January 21st is to set a reminder each week to come back to this page and check out the Monday challenge. Most of us are accustomed to setting reminders on our phones and calendars. But I have another suggestion. Sign up for the Move It Monday newsletter! Every Monday morning you’ll get tips, suggestions, inspiration, and motivation to start your week strong. And it’s the perfect cue to remember to check back on our Move It Monday Challenge!

    It’s one of my favorite newsletters. You can sign up here:

  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    I am in! So excited to do this!
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    I am in!! This is coming at the right time! I woke up this morning with making changes on my mind and actually took the first step by logging into MFP. Can't wait to generate change in myself over the next 9 weeks.
  • Joymc41
    Joymc41 Posts: 4 Member
    I tried to sign up for the newsletter but it keeps asking me for a zip code. I don't have a zip code only a postal code. Is this not open to Canadians??
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Joymc41 wrote: »
    I tried to sign up for the newsletter but it keeps asking me for a zip code. I don't have a zip code only a postal code. Is this not open to Canadians??

    Hi @Joymc41, I just checked with the Move It Monday organization. Zip Code isn’t required, so you can just ignore that field. Or you could put in your postal code. I’m guessing that the question is asked so that they have an idea of where their users are from.

    Yes, Canadians and everyone are most welcome!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    I'm in! I'm glad I took time tonight to log on and try to catch up! Monday the 21st is coming quick! I signed up for the newsletter. So excited!
  • MrsMamaMary
    MrsMamaMary Posts: 2 Member
    I have subscribed for the newsletter and have set a reminder on my phone. I can't wait to get started.
  • ToesLikeBeans
    ToesLikeBeans Posts: 3 Member
    Signed up for the newsletter and ready to go!
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    edited January 2019
    I'm in and signed up also! It is awesome to see many new participants here for this special challenge!

    @themedalist, That was a great suggestion to sign up for the newsletter and reminders as a help since this will be a new kind of challenge. I'll be needing to check in earlier than I usually do on Mondays.Thanks.

  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    @themedalist Oh my gosh! I haven't seen the weather! You sure are getting hit this winter! I live in Wisconsin and my city is nicknamed the frozen tundra (football fans know where that is...) and I can see the ground in places around here! I wonder if the storm is coming our way. I know we are getting an arctic blast of COLD but we have mostly freezing rain and glare ice everywhere.

    I had to laugh at your thermos of coffee! I am the same way! Same thing I worry about....I went and bought an old-time coffee pot that can be set on the side burner of our gas grill in case our electricity goes out, so I can perculate a pot! LOL! We all have priorities. Besides the no electricity thing, sitting next to a nice wood stove with a hot cup of coffee watching it snow sounds so serene...

    I'm excited about Monday too! Thanks again, Denise, for all you do! You are so very appreciated by us all!

    Stay safe, stay warm and stay caffeinated! :flowerforyou: :mrgreen:
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,451 Member
    edited January 2019
    I signed in and am excited to get started!

    I already do Meatless Mondays and we have expanded to 3-4 meatless days each week, so this idea does work.

    Now, if themedalist could send some of that snow to Michigan, I'd be even more excited! :laugh:
  • Toyota100
    Toyota100 Posts: 182 Member
    Ok. I cant wait to Monday! I use to have my own office. We moved to a newly built hospital on January 12, 2019. It's beautiful but...... now I'm in a cubicle, no hospital gym anymore, so now it's harder for me to get my steps. I use to do workout tapes in my office. We do have a small walking path in the basement and the cafeteria is farther, so I can get some of my steps that way.

    This get moving Monday will help me try to be creative with getting steps. I'm trying to focus on the positive. I have a job, I get to make my own schedule and I have a great ER Director.

    I'm working nights tonight, per choice. It's so quiet and I can do some mini steps at my cubicle since nobody is here.