

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Well no stairwell last night lol.. i actually got to see the opera "La Boheme" - (well the stage version with the symphony playing the music score in the pit) .. opera has never had any interest for me, and since I don't speak Italian I had absolutely no idea what the thing was about ... but I have to admit I became so engrossed in the performance I may have failed in my duties (watching for cameras or food).. it was actually really really good.. and at intermission i read the story outline in the programme so i had an idea of what the next two acts were about .. and (spoiler alert).. I found myself almost welling up at the end when someone dies LOL.. but i admit to being somewhat spellbound during the entire thing.. so just another good reminder to me that trying new things is good - even if you don't think you're gonna like it i should try it cause who knows!

    Funniest part tho.... i found out at the end that wayyyyyyyyy at the top of the stage they have sub titles projected on the very top.. which explains why the audience was laughing sometimes and i had no idea why.... (but in my defense we can't see that area from our posts anyway so it wouldn't have mattered LOL).

    I pre loaded my dinner into my diary then discovered i had no tin foil and since i didnt want to clean up the mess from the planned feeding, i switched to ham and eggs but didnt' update the diary ... oh well.. at least i logged everything which is really the goal so im good with it!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    That’s so funny about the subtitles. I would have been in awe that so many people in the audience understood Italian. I’ve never really been an opera fan but have seen a couple. Subtitles would have been a huge help!

    We hiked yesterday and I’m so sore today. But I did it!!! It had been three months since I had hit the trails. We hiked about seven miles yesterday up and down pretty steep hills. It felt good to push myself.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Your opera experience sounds great. I think last time I went to the opera they had those subtitle things. Quite a good idea. I'm sure I saw La Boheme many years ago. Anyway, it must have been good if you aren't normally interested in opera, but caught up in it! Maybe I should try some more new things too.

    Suzy, I'm just laughing thinking of you going out for the first time in months and doing seven miles up and down steep hills - it doesn't look like you need to worry about keeping up with the seniors group! I'm glad it felt good. I've just been watching a film called Edie. I don't know if any of you have seen it? Sheila Hancock plays a widow in her 80s who decides to go up Suilven (a mountain in Scotland), I remember reading that she did actually have to hike up the mountain while they filmed it! It has made me yearn to go back to the mountains again!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Well Vail, I didn’t say that I was fast at it! :D

    I was so proud of myself tonight. My son in law got four tickets to the Atlanta Hawks game, in a corporate box! It was catered with unlimited food and drinks. I was able to just take a little bit of everything and turn down the wine! Yay!!! I just hope I can hang on to this momentum and control over my eating. I was only over my daily calories by 30!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    edited February 2019
    Well done, Suzy! That's just the sort of thing I would end up giving in to - it's a gift, the giver would want me to enjoy it to the most, the food and drink is free so it would be a waste not to have it, etc. etc. etc. lol! I love that you handled it by just tasting a bit of a everything, and saying no to wine!

    Here's a short "Making of" video of the film I was talking about. I found it inspiring, and nice and positive about getting older (and fitter!)!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh my gosh! Now I have to watch the movie! She’s 83!!!! Wow! I want to be her when I get that old.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I know! And I think I would struggle to keep up with her pace. I was thinking about what she said at the end, that everybody should be put through something hazardous to liven them up - lol! I don't know if that's a good idea, but I know I personally have an issue with being over-cautious, which is not what I was like when I was younger. Maybe I need to do something with the right amount of scariness (i.e. hopefully something that's actually fairly safe! And that won't put too much strange on my bad heart!) and try to get over it.

    Anyway, weight loss is progressing for me. I just need to get over this stage - have gone up and down over the years, but it's been long time since I've been at a new low. I'm two pounds off at the moment, I think.

  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Good morning Mad Hatters,

    It was great reading the thread and catching up. As busy as I might be, I still find myself logging into mfp its like I guess a habit. I compare mfp to pen pals back in the day. Forming long distance relationships without ever meeting the persons.

    I am hanging in there, but I admit that I love food!!

    Not getting any specific exercises in except climbing the stairs at work so I am so happy that you shared the exercise video Vail I watched some of it this morning and I think I am going to slowly I am finding my upper arms are so flabby.

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Oh Milove.... I love food, too. I love eating new foods and trying new cocktails and wine. That’s why I find myself in this mess. Hahaha! Good for you for continuing to take the stairs!

    Vail, I think you’re doing great! You’ll be in new numbers soon! Keep it up!

    Tomorrow is weigh in day. I’m hoping for a loss but I’m not sure I’ll see it. As long as it’s not a gain then I’m okay with it. Tomorrow morning is the “senior” hike. I’m definitely going since it’s a trail I’m extremely familiar with.

    My sister in law (whom I’m very close to) has been in the hospital all week. She has COPD and it very quickly progressed to a dangerous blood oxygen level. She’s 64 and will now have to continuously be on oxygen, will probably be confined to a wheelchair for any outing. She retired five years ago and basically stopped doing anything but just sitting in her chair. It’s a cautionary tale. “Move it or lose it” is so incredibly true. What’s that motto? “A body at rest stays at rest; a body in motion stays in motion.” Stay active, Hatters!!!!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi guys! im so sorry i've been MIA.. this midnight shift is kicking my *kitten* mentally and physically... we've had major snow and ice storms all week too, so the drives in has me more stressed than the actual work!! Add in not sleeping during the day and I'm a mess! I've been eating "well", no crap but eating sporadically so i tend to eat more at some points and then too little at others.. i've bene weighing every day and i'm not going "up" just staying the same but honest to god for right now that's enuf...

    vail i loved the video and i sent it to my sister.. her 60th is coming up and she's having a "moment" with it lol... so i figured that might inspire her as well.. funny we had a talk the other day about getting older and how we are in better physical shape than our parents were at our age, but how we still need to do more. We both agreed that sometimes seeing people older than us rocking it is inspiring.. and other times... it just depresses the hell out of us seeing someone 20 yrs older than me for instance still playing pickleball, or 25 yrs older hiking a mountain!! which ties in what sizy said about your SIL (im sorry she's in the hospital, my BIL has COPD as well).. oh wow on the cautionary tale... its exactly one of the things i'm worried about - i am seriously thinking about retiring this year... i've been working full time for 40 yrs and the shift work ... is taking a toll on my health and i'm just.. done... lol.. but i worry cause one part of me thinks i'll start doing more and yada yada... but i know even on my days off i am sometimes a couch potato! anyway... i like that phrase "a body at rest".. i might need a new sign!

    I cant WAIT to hear about the hike ... remember we'll be here cheering you on, and ready to charge should a slap upside the head still be needed for the leader!

    fingers crossed suzy for your weigh in.. you've been SO great at being consisitent with your restraint and choices, great work!!!
    ok i just put some fish in to cook; i have some leftover carrots which were destined to go into a shepherds pie but i'm just too tired to make it all and clean it up .. so they are gonna go with the fish to take to work instead :) then heading back to hopefully get a bit more sleep before tonite..

    milove lvoely to see you! and "just doing stairs" is great so well done you! nothing i love better than trying a new food or wine either.. sigh...
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    How odd, I posted last night, but it's not showing up. I'm sure no vital nuggets of wisdom were lost!

    I'm sorry to hear about your SIL, Suzy. COPD is such an awful disease. It does feel like a cautionary tale. Not just about the importance of being active to prevent ill health, because we all know there are no guarantees and things can happen for no reason, but the importance of getting out and enjoying life while you can. Not that she can't enjoy life now, but I imagine it will be more work. Reading what you wrote made me feel so grateful for the fact that I can just walk out the door (or run up the stairs!).

    Good luck with weigh-in and your walk today! I'm looking forward to hearing about it!

    I'm glad you liked the exercise video, Milove! I found some of it hard (I can't do proper pushups any more), but liked some of the exercises. Well done on the stairs! You have reminded me that my plan is running (well, running to start, then walking. Then crawling - lol!) up and down the stairs a few times if I do nothing else!

    Snoozie, I know what you mean about fit older people sometimes being disinspiring! I find things so much harder now than when I was younger, but then I see people who don't seem to have that problem. I've given up on cycling at the moment, because I was struggling to keep up, but the group I was going with were almost all older than me and had no problem keeping up. Maybe my stair training will help!

    I am now retired, but continuing to work part time (because I would struggle to live on my pension). I don't know if that is an option for you? In some ways, the best of both worlds, although ideally I would love to be able to stop work altogether - not to do nothing, but to choose what I want to do! I don't know about you, Snoozie, but I'm finding that I feel more like doing things in my days off when I have more of them. More energy, I suppose, when not tired from work. I had a break from work before going back on less hours, and I felt SO much healthier and more energetic. My friends who have retired fully, have felt lots better since doing it, and are very busy!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Sorry to hear about your sister in law Suzy

    I dream of being a beach bum laying around on the beach doing absolutely nothing but reading and writing and I say it all the time especially when I am frustrated while working. And theses youngems (millennials) at work tell me I need money to do that and then I think they are probably right cause I love to eat too much and food is so expensive. lol And on a serious side I don't have a pension, pulled it early so at this time I would only have my medicare.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I was so excited to see a loss on the scale this morning! All week my weight was fluctuating but on weigh in day it went down. Yay! The hiking club this morning was good. Like your cycling group Vail, they were all older than me. The leader did indeed set a very brisk pace up and down the hills we climbed. We did five miles in two hours, so not too shabby. He ended up being one of those guys who knows everything and “mansplains” everything. He wasn’t so bad though. I met several very nice people and enjoyed the hike. There were 18 of us! So all in all a positive experience. Next week’s hike is on the day I’m taking my mom to the doctor, so I won’t make it but I’d do it again.

    They found three blood clots in my SIL lungs. They think it’s from a sedentary lifestyle, traveling from her legs. I’m not near as active as I could be. I need to take my own advice and get up off my tushy more often. February was supposed to be my “back to the gym” month. I bruised a rib last Sunday and can’t be lifting weights right now. So I guess March will have to be the month now.

    Have a great weekend Hatters! My husband is on call at work so we won’t be doing any big hikes but we’ll manage to get in a good long walk or two.

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzyyyyyyyyyy YAYYY on the loss this morning - woo hoo!! You have really been consistent and dedicated in getting what you want for yourself and its paying off big time!!! You must have been doing the happy dance on the scale this morning, before you headed out for the hike!! i'm so glad you enjoyed it in the end - even with the mansplaining (i did get a laugh out of that line!) and bonus you met some nice people and enjoyed the hike, and went and did something new that had been a little intimidating for you - so total score of a fabulous day (cept for the bruised rib.. ouch!!)

    Your post about your SIL scared the hell out of me.. truly.. cause sedentary is my middle name.. it WAS my first name but now its moved to the middle but i still have a long way to go... it was a weirdly quiet night at work last night and i wandered around the building a few times but i was thinking especially on this shift.. i literally go from bed.. to the couch.. back to bed.. to the couch.. then to work where i sit on my butt.. and i realized the other day i haven't walked in months.. either at the lake or the treadmill... and my endurance is right back to 0. Talk about a wake up call.

    Vail - yes exactly on the "dispiring" part on occasion.. having someone 80+ twisting like a pretzel at yoga while i can't even do an upward dog was NOT inspiring ... part time is not an option in my organization, and honestly... i really dont want to keep working somewhere else when i retire from this job.... but i'm not sure i have it in me to keep up the shift work anymore. And the finances are of course the biggest concern but i also want to be able to do some things while i still can physically and mentally - not huge things i don't plan to travel the world or anythign.. but i figure i don't want to wait too long either - in truth its a bit scary thinking about losing the paycheck and only having the pension but on the other hand i don't want to just keep working because i have nothing else to do with my time.. if that makes sense... we have some people there that have 43 - 45 yrs in.. and i think to myself omg.. no... that's not what i want for me.. working forever. Next January I'll have a full 35 yrs in and can go at full pension, but we also have the option to use our vacation and sick bank as a "pre retirement" option - which would mean if i've done the math right i could stop working in the fall and still be "on the books" til January to hit my 35.. so I'm going to at least find out my options next month from HR - and take it from there :)

    Well, i've gone from bed to couch so I better get up and at least make up my lunch for work tonite before going back to bed! have a great weekend everyone.. I only have 2 more cause I took the last nite off so I'm counting the hours lol
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I honestly don’t know how you do the shift work. Maybe you could find some low key part time job after you retire. Just a few days a week kind of thing. I left the work force in 1994. I was a computer programmer and had worked my way into management. My kids were little and I really wanted to be at home with them. Unfortunately, the computer world changes so quickly that I couldn’t get back into it after they got older. I feel like I should be working but I really don’t want to. My husband is very supportive and has always said that I do enough work at home that I don’t have to go out and get a job. I did some part time stuff for awhile but it slowly edged into almost full time. Anyway, I absolutely know how incredibly lucky I am. However....I’m a couch sitter as well. My natural tendency is to be so lazy. I have to really fight it.

    Snoozie, you may not have walked (it is winter!) but you’re doing pickleball! That’s movement and exercise. Once the weather starts cooperating, you’ll be back out there at your beautiful lake.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    i think the biggest problem is i really don't want to work at all after i retire lol.. i don't want to HAVE to be anywhere anymore ... who knows maybe after a year or so i might say do some seasonal work say over xmas at the bookstore i used to work part time at (assuming there's still such a thing as a bookstore by then!) but i think i really want to just... retire lol. It's funny when people ask tho 'what are you going to do when you retire" and i answer im gonna enjoy life.. they always say ya but what are you going to DO? are you gonna work somewhere else?? they all seem astounded at the thought of not working - yet to me I prefer to think of it as i'm gonna get paid to do what I WANT after years of getting paid to do what everyone else wants LOLOL...

    I havent been to PB all week on this shift wah... but i'll be able to get in a few times next week for sure... and i figure since PB is more of a winter sport, the walking will have to do for the summer and perhaps try my hand at something new as well.. who knows maybe i'll start learning how to hike - there's a travel group called "comfortable hiking tours" that i've been following; its geared to different levels of ability and you can choose where and what level you want to do...... one of my friends from PB is currently on one - it was kinda funny when we were on the bench talking and i mentioned i was thinking about one of those and she said well, im leaving saturday with that group !! i was like whatttttttt?? lol so at least i'll get an idea of how it went when she comes back!

    I made up a spagetti sauce with the lean ground beef that was destined to be a shepherds pie but never will be now lol.. did up some whole grain penne along with and it will be a nice change from sammiches tonite! later taters!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Great minds think alike, Snoozie. I made spaghetti tonight as well. I use turkey sausage crumbles and mushrooms though. I think you should definitely try the hiking thing. If you can find a good beginners group then you would love it. It’s so challenging but very rewarding when you make it to the end.

    I think my going hiking first thing this morning kind of sabotaged my eating today though. I was so hungry all day! I ended up eating almost 1600 calories and I’m still hungry! It’s got to just be in my head, right? Maybe I’ll have a cup of herbal chamomile tea and go to bed.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Congratulations on the weight loss, Suzy! And the hike! No wonder you are hungry, going at a brisk pace for five miles. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Maybe the leader doesn't know how he comes across, lol! I was laughing at him mansplaining the route you know so well! But it sounds great that you have a regular group now. I need to get in touch with my local group and see if they have vacancies - although I need to do a trial run alone in a more hilly area first, I think! I've been so busy, but I need to try to fit things in! That will be great if you get into hiking too, Snoozie! Although I agree that we all need to be doing something day to day, or at least a couple of times a week. Milove, you inspired me with the stairs thing, and I've been up and down my stairs at home! I'm trying to think of it as training for hiking up mountains, lol!

    Retirement ... yes, my "best of both worlds" was trying to convince myself, I think! My ideal would be to retire completely. My pension is quite small, due to changing jobs and moving around, and part-time employment, temporary contracts, etc. I have worked out that I could live on it - I wouldn't starve. But I wouldn't be able to eat out, or go out for a drink or a coffee or anything, and what worried me was how that would affect my social life. So I've chosen to keep working part-time for now. I understand what you mean about going completely and having the choice, Snooozie! I'm sure you will be very busy, but by choice!

    I had pasta too last night! With green peppers, peas and feta, and some home-made bread (I know I shouldn't) with garlic, sun-dried tomato and olive. And a glass of wine. The scale has not been forgiving this morning - lol!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I bought a bottle of wine last week because of when I wanted a glass and didn’t have any....even though I was thankful because that meant I didn’t drink a few glasses. I have no self control. I’m seriously considering having a glass or two tonight. We’ll see how I’m feeling. >:):Do:)
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - nothing wrong with a glass of two of wine, specially if you make room for it in your calories for the WEEK rather than the day... (i.e., if you have to drop 50 cals from your daily total for 2 random days next week to make up for any extra glasses, then enjoy the treat!

    If you're worried about going overboard once you start... perhaps you could decide to gift yourself the bottle for the week as such; rather than just the day.. so have perhaps 2 glasses tonite if you want, and save the other 2 for mon or tues nite... that way you get 2 "small joys" out of it, and won't have to guilt over having any of it if you spread it out over a few days. And can adjust your cals over the week in small doses rather than feeling like you have to starve afterwards to make up for it? That way it would be a win win.. you could have your wine and drink it too (as opposed to having your cake and eating it too lol) I wouldnt even wanna think about life without wine - its absolutely one of those small joys for me .. but remember whichever way you go, have a glass or not, you never have to punish yourself for any choice at all food/drink wise.. its just a choice nothing more nothing less right? not bad not good.. just "a" choice and nothing wrong with any, as long as we choose it knowingly and not mindlessly it wont have any impact on your ultimate goal :)