

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited February 2019
    Morning all.. i actually slept about 5 hrs today .. figures that by day 6 im finally getting some sleep ha.. But tonite is my last one and i may not set an alarm tomorrow to get me up so i can switch over... i might just let nature take its course and snooz til whenever. There are 2 PB sessions on tho tomorrow so at least i can hit one of them to get a bit of movement in after a week of nothing... and it will force me to get up and dressed and out at least, rather than doing the usual jammie and couch thing. :):)

    Out of curiosity.. does anyone else still use a wall paper calendar?? i was kinda laughing to myself last night as i use the calendar like doc appts, work scheds, birthdays, etc on my smart phone for everything.. and i was picking my shifts for the LAC for march, and i always set alerts on my phone for each thing in the calendar for the day before or 2 hrs before or whatever on everything to remind me of them.... but i still have to sit down every so often and updaate my paper wall calendar lol.... so i was just curious if anyone else still uses that good old kitchen calendar :)

    Ok, best get to doing something... other than sitting here at the puter!! have a good day hattters

    p.s. boo hiss... i just remembered its a holiday weekend here, so i called the rec centres and there's no pb tomorrow or monday... wah...
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Congrats Suzy on the weight loss!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thank you! I really was surprised and pleased.

    Snoozie, thanks for your insights about the wine. I didn’t really think about making up the calories over the week instead of the day.

    I do the same thing with my calendar. I keep everything on my phone but then transfer to the paper calendar. That way my hubby sees it. Also, I keep my wall calendars and have them dating back to the mid 90’s. I’ve actually pulled them out before to look up when something happened or to just walk down memory lane. I can see a day in the not so distant future when they don’t even sell wall calendars. I don’t think the younger generations use them as much.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I used to use a wall calendar years ago, but switch over to a diary/organiser a long time ago. I've kept all those old diaries and calendars too, Suzy, and love looking at them! I stopped using diaries a couple of years ago, I was using a calendar on my phone and was having to remember to transfer it, so I decided it was easier to just stick to one. I've had problems with both my computer and my phone in the last week, so I don't know what would happen if they both packed in and I had no way of accessing my calendar!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    I think that's my fear Vail - if my phone which is pretty old gives out i'll lose it all lol.

    I was so glad i took last night off when i woke up this morning as we got another dumping of snow overnight.. and i've had enuf white knuckle drives in bad weather so it was worth using the vacation day! and i managed a decent sleep so fingers crossed for a quick changeover.. ! around 1pm it "looked" lovely out the sun was shining and there wasnt a lot of wind so I bundled up and headed to the lake.. i figured being a holiday it might be jammed but lucked in - it was very cold but beautiful - a lot of the trees and rocks are covered in ice like little ice scupltures all along the path - i took a few pictures but i was blinded by the sun so just kinda pointed and pressed lol.. but felt good to get out and about on a lovely winter day. Heading back to the deep freeze tomorrow tho so glad i got it in today!



  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    That’s so beautiful! We so rarely see snow here in the south. I’m glad you were able to get out and about. We’re supposed to have nonstop rain for the the next eight days. I’m so sick of rain!!!

    I tried doing some stretching at home today and now my bruised rib is hurting again. I was trying to see if I could handle it so that I could maybe start some exercises. Guess not. Since it’s going to be raining all week, I can at least go and do the elliptical and stair master. You know they say that sitting is the new smoking. I think my SIL proved that’s true. I’ve got to get moving more!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Wow, Snoozie, the blue of the sky and the lake, absolutely gorgeous! Also, I forget that your lake is huge! I do get snow here, but not like I used to when I lived in Scotland and I miss it. Not when I'm at work and have to drive in, but in my days off. I think it's because it's so white and bright it raises my mood in the winter. When it does snow properly here, I can sometimes tell without opening the blinds because it feels like there is more light coming in. Good for you for getting out in it. It can be hard work walking in snow, depending on how deep!

    I'm sorry your rib is hurting, Suzy. And must be frustrating if you are keen to get on with strength exercises. The stairmaster is so hard! But maybe good training for your hikes!

    I've signed up to go on a hike/walk with a group! Inspired by you, Suzy! Although I'm not nearly as good as you. This one is not with the seniors group, but is with the women's group I joined, so I think they are all younger than me. I've messaged the leader to explain that I am slow, and she was very nice. I'm really looking forward to it, but very nervous! Mainly about whether I can keep up, whether I'll get blisters (I'll be taking blister plasters - might even put them on in advance - lol!), whether I'll be a nuisance to have along, etc. But nothing ventured, nothing gained!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Vail!!! I’m so proud of you for signing up! I’ll bet you that they have people of all skill levels going. Even if you’re hiking at the back, there will be others there with you. It might make you push yourself a bit more than if you were alone, but that’s a good thing! I’ve found the two most important things to ward off blisters is good fitting shoes and socks. Socks are very important. Thicker doesn’t always mean better. I wear a brand called Darn Tough. Look for merino wool or even some liners. If you can’t find something then maybe put the blister protection on ahead of time until you see how you’re doing. That’s just my two cents of advice. At least the leader sounded nice! When is your hike? I’m excited to hear how it went.

    I feel myself slipping in my diligence these last three days. I think I may have fallen into a trap of thinking that I’ve been losing all year and that I can have that cookie or whatever. I need to keep our motto in the forefront of my mind. Maybe it’s time to make a sign or two, like Snoozie does!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail thats awesome you decided to try the hike!!! as suzy said - there will probably be all levels and you will be fine - most importantly you're challenging yourself to try something that's slightly intimidating for you and thats a huge kudos in itself - let alone the physicla benefits of trying it!! i can't wait to hear how it goes - as Suz said when is it sched for?

    Suzy - HANG IN THERE!! keep repeating our mantra, along with the "RESTRAINT" motto in your head - you have done awesome at being consisitent and working hard towards your goal... mind you there's nothign wrong with having ONE cookie or whatever - its the slippery slope for most of us that comes after the one! But you may find having that one little whatever - the glass of wine or the cookie - will help you keep on the straight and narrow by knowing you never have to give up anything; its just we have to limit quanities of everything these days... but if you think it's gonna set you off on a carb meltdown, don't indulge - you've worked so hard and have seen the results you want, and will continue to see them!

    Had an easy gig at the lac this morning then made it to pickleball; had a lot of fun but it's been so long since i played i should have paced myself a bit lol.. but that's ok.. both things kept me off the couch for a few hours today so it's a win win! And I'll go to pb tomororw morning as long as i can walk lol!

    I've been trying to practice the "restraint" part of our mantras myself.. especially if i'm eating something less than healthy.. but last night i ate a half of a second piece of fish.. I wasnt hungry anymore so i dont know why i did . .especially only 1/2 of it.. yeesh... i could have saved the piece to have today.. but leaving 1/2 piece? yep i ended up tossing it out.. the scale is moving a bit but hohnestly i'm not sure if its just the midnight shift turnaround thing so i'm going to wait a bit to see if it sticks
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    At least it was fish and not pizza!

  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Good Morning ladies,

    I use to think that pizza was healthy before mfp. I didn't realize that it was so high in calories.

    Snoozie what a beautiful picture. You are so lucky to live on a lake.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Fish is best fresh anyway! I know you're seeing it as a lack of restraint, but what a healthy way to do it! If you're going to overeat on something, then at least you're getting full health benefits for your calories with extra fish! I wish my slip-ups were so healthy.

    Thank you for the recommendation for socks, Suzy! I was wondering if I should buy some new ones. I'm still tempted to bail out on this walk, so will try it with the socks I've got, but my reward if I keep it up is going to be a pair of those Darn Tough socks. I always have difficulty with boots as my feet are an odd shape. I bought a pair in the sale, not exactly what I wanted, but the only pair that were anywhere close to fitting my feet. So after reading your post, I'm thinking the socks are going to be even more important.

    I've had a good look at the map for this walk, and it really is more of a walk than a hike, not much elevation. It's longer than I wanted for my first walk, but I felt I could spend forever waiting for the perfect walk (low level, short, slow, close to home, etc., lol!), and I really just need to get out there. It's on Saturday, and now I've told you I feel I have to go!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’ve always looked at it like this: I can hike a longer distance without much elevation or a shorter distance with elevation. For me, distance is much easier than elevation. Pace yourself and take water, dress in layers so you can strip off a few if you get hot. If it’s a very long distance you might want to put a small snack in your pocket (and some tissues...I always take tissues! :) ). You can do this Vail!!! Just have fun meeting some new people.

    I’m so sick of rain! If it’s not raining then it’s a complete mud pit out there...and then it starts raining again.

    Next weekend (March 2nd), we’re flying to Kansas City to see my mother in law and hubby’s family. It’s going to be a test of my restraint that’s for sure. I really don’t want to undo my hard work with one trip. I’ve got to get the “I’m on vacation and can eat whatever I want” mentality out of my head. I always seem to blow it when I’m out of my usual routine like that.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail - i know you're kinda nervous about the walk, but I know you can absolutely do it, just stick to a pace you're comfortable with and don't worry about anyone else.. altho i suspect there are others who are just as nervous and you'll all find afterwards you're so glad you went!! And if by some chance you don't enjoy yourself, well you never have to do it again! But at least you'll know you DID it and challenged yourself just by showing up.. and we'll be rooting for ya all the way! I agree with Suzy (altho i'm far less knowledgeable about these things) that layering is imperative.. i often start out with scarf, mittens and hat here and a lightweight sweater over a t shirt under my ski jacket so i can peel off things as I go.. i'd rather be wearing too much than too little but i'm not sure what the weather is like where you are!

    Suzy - in Canada, Vancouver British Columbia is known as the "rainy" province.. they rarely get snow (except in the mountains) all winter - but it rains every other day all year long.. I often thot i'd like to move there to escape the snow, but i couldn't handle all that rain so I feel for ya!!

    I had to go for a course for work today; a one day refresher in first aid; our certificates are good for 3 years and then you're allowed a one day refresh rather than the full 2 day intense course again... it was a good day actually - but omg... i lost track of how many times i had to get up and down off the floor... during the CPR ...even with a blanket folded under my knees i found it very hard to kneel for the long periods of compressions, and the up and down up and down.. lordy.. it was a VERY good reminder for me as well that THIS is the kind of thing i want to make sure i can still do down the road.. the simple things like getting up off the floor or out of the tub or whatever... and the only way to accomplsih that is to keep moving and get stronger! so it was a win win being reminded of that as well as the first aid trng.

    I'm gonna try a dish tomorrow from skinnytaste with leftover chicken, broccoli mushrooms and some no yolk noodles in a light cream sauce; i was going to make it tonite but they had whole chickens on sale on the way home and i thought heck how hard is it to roast a chicken rather than buy a pre cooked one... and way cheaper... so i'll cook that up tonite after dinner and have leftovers as well for dayshift coming up ... my biggest problem is often not having stuff prepared and then pigging out on crap instead!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited February 2019
    p.s. Milove you made a comment on my newsfeed that you've never heard of pickleball (you aren't alone btw lol - i'd never heard of it either until someone mentioned it to me and i thot what the hell is that... ?

    This is a clip from one of the "gold medal" matches for those 65 yrs of age and UP... yup.. 65 and over! Most of the people I play with in the over 55 group are in this range, and every one of them kicks my butt most days!! if you're a really good player (top rating is a 5.0 which is what these guys are) then most of the game is played close to the net.. if you're NOT very good (I'm about a 2.9 or a 3 right now) you're running around the court like a chicken most of the time! So at least i'm burning more calories that way ha. Needless to say these guys are top rated players but it gives you an idea of the game :)

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Wow! I don’t think I could do that Snoozie! No wonder you’re wiped out from playing. I tried tennis when I was in my 30’s and wasn’t any good at it. Yes!!! We have to keep moving to STAY moving. I spent the day with my parents yesterday and it’s so sad to see what happens when you just sit all day...day after day. My dad is in good shape, he stays active. But my mom is really struggling.

    Tomorrow is weigh in day for me. Fingers crossed!!!

    Let me know how that new recipe turns out. It sounds delish!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    i tried tennis too years ago and sucked at it... and the good thing about over 55 pb is that its always doubles lol.. so less running! im so sorry your mom is struggling Suzy :(
    I popped in a few times to see if you had your weigh in this morning but nothing yet and i'm heading out to pb so i'll check in later.. fingers and toes are crossed!!

    Vail - I saw YOU posted almost a pound gone - awesome!!! :) will be sneaking in at work tomorrow to see how it goes with the walk! and digging out my pom poms to cheer you on!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi everyone.... great posts, great adventures! unfortunately all my adventures lately include running.....to the Loo to excavate my insides. Who knew "throwing up" was so good for the abs!! I thought I had broken my ribs, they hurt so much! .....and that was just from 3 episodes. thankfully it didn't last too long, just felt yucky for 2 or 3 days more.

    Can't wait to see the video clip on pickle ball, Snoozie when I get home.

    Hope the walk goes well, Vail. I know it will be fun!

    Suzy, I knew you would be able to make that walk! ....you are a ROCKSTAR!!

    Y'all make me want to get out and try a hike, but it would be like Vail....I would be trying to find everything perfect! not too hot, not too cold, not too hard....you see the pattern? I am stuck with Goldilocks Syndrome! LOL

    Milove, I'm coming down to N'awlins one day in the next year or so......want to meet up and eat our way through some shrimp /oyster Poboys or/and Red beans?! ? ! I would love to go the the Scotch House.

    Sorry, If I missed anyone, or got my facts wrong, but I read them quickly.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    edited February 2019
    Goldilocks syndrome!!! :D I love that! I’m guilty of that myself sometimes. I’m so sorry you’ve been sick. Hopefully that’s over with and you can rest those stomach muscles. That sounds terrible.

    Today showed a half pound loss. At least it was a loss. I’m realistic enough to realize that losing every week is not going to continue forever. I’ve just got to keep up my “restraint” and “I want to see what happens” mantras!

    Vail, definitely let us know how the hike goes tomorrow!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    I "coined" that phrase, if it ever gets popular...you know you heard it here first! lol