WAIST AWAYS -- February 2019



  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,788 Member
    Steps- Feb.22 10,262
    Feb.23 12,049

    Monday Feb. 18 7,907
  • Astrue
    Astrue Posts: 510 Member
    2/23 6,746
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    sue_01 wrote: »
    Steps- Feb.22 10,262
    Feb.23 12,049

    Monday Feb. 18 7,907
    Astrue wrote: »
    2/23 6,746
    Thank you @sue_01 and @Astrue ! Those entries are now in the spreadsheet.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    We only have one blank square for our entire week of stepping. Way to BE, people! Only Kittu125's number from yesterday is missing.

    Let's see how strong we can finish out the month for this final week, and the end-of-month standings.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Feeling discouraged... I know the progress of weight loss isn't easy and that there are struggles but when you do all the right things and it doesn't show on the scale its upsetting.I had a dinner party last night and didn't over eat and stayed well within my calories and I didn't have any desserts. Today I have an early birthday dinner and can't control what is being served to me. I get on the scale this morning and I'm thinking okay I should see a downward movement, but I'm up 2 ounces. I know that's not a lot but I am feeling really down about it. I hate when I hit a wall, I hope I haven't plateaued this soon. :(

    If you had a dinner party yesterday, and you are only 2 OUNCES up, that is amazing! (if there HAD been a bigger increase, even though you remained within calorie limits, it would simply have been not-yet-digested bulk moving through your system. That can take up to 50 hours to "move on".

    If you are young enough for TOM to be a regularly occurring event, and it is due soon, that would also explain an apparent stall (and even a slight temporary water-weight gain for a few days that will then woosh away all at once)

    One week doesn't make a plateau .... and I checked your whole of month stats. You are down 6.8 POUNDS (or 2.67% of this month's starting weight) with another week to go! That's more than some of us even HOPE to manage over an entire 4 weeks. If "this soon" means you haven't been on MFP for long yet, then keep in mind that you should wait for ~ 6 weeks of steady, total logging practice before you can start recognizing big-picture trends.

    In the meantime, let us know if, in reviewing your logs to date, you are seeing a first item / routine choice you might want to try switching out, or evidence of regular situations you might like some brainstorming suggestions on how you might handle. That's what the support side of this "support AND challenge group" is all about.

    You are in this for the long haul, and yes some weeks the journey ahead will seem endless ... but it isn't. Just Keep On Keeping On.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Head's Up for Weigh-In Reports due tomorrow (Monday):

  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,788 Member
    Steps- 2/24 ----11,550
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    Greetings from Winnipeg!
    You all are doing great - and a new week is rolling out. It's good to hear your news.

    I got stopped in my tracks today by bad weather and driving conditions, so I'm stuck overnight in Winnipeg instead of making it to Saskatoon. It was crazy - a beautiful clear day, but with zero visibility and huge snow drifts across the roads. The wind was so strong that the snow was blowing around even though the sky was clear as a bell. We gave up after waiting 3 hours for the main highway to re-open and trying an alternate route that was so bad we just gave up. I took a walk once we found a hotel, but didn't get far in the bitter cold and wind. No gym. So sushi delivery is ordered! We're just going to relax and try to leave early tomorrow.

    Take good care of yourselves and I'll check by as possible. ❤
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    @matthewsfive I hear you. I was also up 2/10ths of a pound after a good week. But sometimes our bodies just don’t care what day we weigh in to show our progress. It could be so many things but don’t be discouraged. It’s a journey. Just a thought but have you measured yourself lately. Sometimes your scale doesn’t show your progress, but the tape measure does. Keep at it. We’re all in this together.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    micki48 wrote: »
    @matthewsfive I hear you. I was also up 2/10ths of a pound after a good week. But sometimes our bodies just don’t care what day we weigh in to show our progress. It could be so many things but don’t be discouraged. It’s a journey. Just a thought but have you measured yourself lately. Sometimes your scale doesn’t show your progress, but the tape measure does. Keep at it. We’re all in this together.

    Thanks for reaching out, I didn't measure myself when I started back in January. I should take measurements but I'm not ready to see those numbers yet. I need to keep strong or I won't be able to have my knees taken care of. :)
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    Feeling discouraged... I know the progress of weight loss isn't easy and that there are struggles but when you do all the right things and it doesn't show on the scale its upsetting.I had a dinner party last night and didn't over eat and stayed well within my calories and I didn't have any desserts. Today I have an early birthday dinner and can't control what is being served to me. I get on the scale this morning and I'm thinking okay I should see a downward movement, but I'm up 2 ounces. I know that's not a lot but I am feeling really down about it. I hate when I hit a wall, I hope I haven't plateaued this soon. :(

    If you had a dinner party yesterday, and you are only 2 OUNCES up, that is amazing! (if there HAD been a bigger increase, even though you remained within calorie limits, it would simply have been not-yet-digested bulk moving through your system. That can take up to 50 hours to "move on".

    If you are young enough for TOM to be a regularly occurring event, and it is due soon, that would also explain an apparent stall (and even a slight temporary water-weight gain for a few days that will then woosh away all at once)

    One week doesn't make a plateau .... and I checked your whole of month stats. You are down 6.8 POUNDS (or 2.67% of this month's starting weight) with another week to go! That's more than some of us even HOPE to manage over an entire 4 weeks. If "this soon" means you haven't been on MFP for long yet, then keep in mind that you should wait for ~ 6 weeks of steady, total logging practice before you can start recognizing big-picture trends.

    In the meantime, let us know if, in reviewing your logs to date, you are seeing a first item / routine choice you might want to try switching out, or evidence of regular situations you might like some brainstorming suggestions on how you might handle. That's what the support side of this "support AND challenge group" is all about.

    You are in this for the long haul, and yes some weeks the journey ahead will seem endless ... but it isn't. Just Keep On Keeping On.

    Thank you so much, I need to read these words.
    I have been on and off MFP for many years. I wish I could blame it on the TOM but I'm pass that phase of life. I believe one of my problems is that I might not be eating enough. I should say I know I'm not eating enough.

    I'm thinking my body just hasn't caught up with me and I'm hoping to see a better number this Saturday. It just stinks when someone works real hard to eat right and not given in to all those foods that just taste soooo good. If I gave in and put on weight I could handle it easier. I was so good and stayed away from everything. Even when people were telling me to go for it and worry about it the next day. I stayed strong. Even today at the birthday dinner, I had the cook make me roasted chicken with steam veggies(no oil or butter) and I didn't eat any appetizers or cake.

    It's just so hard. But I will Keep On Keeping On.
    Thanks Again
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    @mari_moulin , @broncobuddee seems to have a pink box around my (own) Saturday entry which admittedly is my biggest of the week by ~1000 .... is that a "request for validation" or something?

    Uhm. Not seeing what you mean here?
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member

    User = evangsimmons170
    Week = 3
    Weigh-in Day = Monday
    Previous Weight = 338.8
    Current Weight = 346.6 (Unfortunately, that's not a typo)


    02/17/19              13,679 


    Name: evangsimmons170
    Your Personal Challenge: Walk 7 miles a day

    02/11/19 2.86
    02/12/19 2.42
    02/13/19 4.08
    02/14/19 3.28
    02/15/19 2.81
    02/16/19 5.69
    02/17/19 6.15

    Comment: Note to self...little to no exercise + eating out multiple times = a huge weight/water gain, the return of back pain, and the need for meds to alleviate said pain. But in an effort to put a positive spin on such dismal choices and results, this week has taught me that I don't like the lazy, complacent, non-exercising me. I had not realized until this week exactly how much better I was feeling physically with the 22 lb weight loss (as of last Monday). More importantly, I did not realize until this week how much better I was feeling emotionally. Consistent exercise and healthy eating really does keep the negative self-talk, depression, and aching back and joints at bay. This is who I have become now. My takeaway from this past week: THERE'S NO GOING BACK TO THE OLD ME! One really huge celebration (which was probably over the top but felt so right) is that I went on a shopping spree over the weekend. That made me decide that I need to plan my rewards for every 25 lbs. So the shopping spree was a bit premature, so I'll wait until I hit my 50 lb lost mark before I buy that wonderful bottle of parfume; it's a new fragrance from Eternity called Flame. It's incredible. The sooner I hit my weight loss goal the sooner that bottle of smell good becomes mine! :wink: SUCCESS IS INTENTIONAL!


    User = evangsimmons170
    Week = 4
    Weigh-in Day = Monday (2/25/19)
    Previous Weight = 346.6
    Current Weight = 338.2 (oh yeah!)


    02/23/19                 6,410 (Please update this one.) 
    02/24/19              10,122


    Name: evangsimmons170
    Your Personal Challenge: Walk 4 miles a day (I'm changing it from 7/day to something that the data supports as being realistic, but I will get to that 7/day by May!)

    02/01/19 3.21
    02/02/19 2.18
    02/03/19 8.36
    02/04/19 2.4
    02/05/19 2.98
    02/06/19 3.34
    02/07/19 5.11
    02/08/19 3.09
    02/09/19 4.83
    02/10/19 3.98
    02/11/19 2.86
    02/12/19 2.42
    02/13/19 4.08
    02/14/19 3.28
    02/15/19 2.81
    02/16/19 5.69
    02/17/19 6.15
    02/18/19 1.66
    02/19/19 4.8
    02/20/19 3.87
    02/21/19 3.51
    02/22/19 4.21
    02/23/19 2.72
    02/24/19 4.55

    Comments: I did the exact opposite of last week's debacle. I exercised (although I could/should have done more). I scaled the whole eating out thing to almost nothing. I started out the week still needing my pain meds, but have gone several consecutive days without them now. My takeaway from THIS week: NOTHING JUST HAPPENS; SUCCESS IS INTENTIONAL! (Sorry for the all caps; I got excited!) :smiley:
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Week 3 weigh-in Monday
    name- LiLee
    week 1- 178.8
    week 2- 178.8
    week 3- 175.6
    week 4- 179.4

    Sigh. Thanks so much mother nature. /grumble
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    @mari_moulin , @broncobuddee seems to have a pink box around my (own) Saturday entry which admittedly is my biggest of the week by ~1000 .... is that a "request for validation" or something?

    Uhm. Not seeing what you mean here?

    It went away again .... there was a pink border around my Friday values box ... could merely have been bb's way of flagging which team she(?) was looking over while checking for completeness or rankings? I'm not well up on cloud-shared finessing indicators.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member

    Thank you so much, I need to read these words.
    I have been on and off MFP for many years. I wish I could blame it on the TOM but I'm pass that phase of life. I believe one of my problems is that I might not be eating enough. I should say I know I'm not eating enough.

    It's just so hard. But I will Keep On Keeping On.
    Thanks Again

    If you feel like it can you let us know your MFP target calories / target weight-loss per week / avg exercise calories and whether you are eating any back ... are you eating right up to your target pre-exercise calories and at least half of your exercise calories? This will help determine if you are actually under-eating.

    (or you can PM me the info)
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    @mari_moulin , @broncobuddee seems to have a pink box around my (own) Saturday entry which admittedly is my biggest of the week by ~1000 .... is that a "request for validation" or something?

    Uhm. Not seeing what you mean here?

    It went away again .... there was a pink border around my Friday values box ... could merely have been bb's way of flagging which team she(?) was looking over while checking for completeness or rankings? I'm not well up on cloud-shared finessing indicators.

    actually, what that means is that that particlar person is currently on that exact cell. so if i were to click on your cell it will highlight it that i am there .... each person in the sheet has a color and that may just be where she stopped her cursor.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    @mari_moulin , @broncobuddee seems to have a pink box around my (own) Saturday entry which admittedly is my biggest of the week by ~1000 .... is that a "request for validation" or something?

    Uhm. Not seeing what you mean here?

    It went away again .... there was a pink border around my Friday values box ... could merely have been bb's way of flagging which team she(?) was looking over while checking for completeness or rankings? I'm not well up on cloud-shared finessing indicators.

    actually, what that means is that that particlar person is currently on that exact cell. so if i were to click on your cell it will highlight it that i am there .... each person in the sheet has a color and that may just be where she stopped her cursor.

    That explains a lot ....
This discussion has been closed.