WAIST AWAYS -- February 2019



  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    edited February 2019
    @jan110144 , yes I imagine that, after soooo much time working on managing fewer and fewer required daily calories to keep even a 0.5 lb / per week rate of loss going (where I am right now) ... having to find ways to start phasing quality calories back IN is a whole new mind-set adjustment process.

    The need to "give yourself PERMISSION to eat" must be a whole new "sustainability adjustment process" to work through.

    I vaguely remember (from decades ago) that WW advocated a 6 wk process of gradually adding a bit more, and a bit more, without changing normal fitness / daily activity routines, until you discover your stabilization point.

    Actually planning / consuming calories earlier in the day and increasing serving size / adding back some ingredients (like toppings and trimmings) sounds like a good place to start.

    Do you have access to a weight-trending app? Then you can pick an absolute "top-of-acceptable-zone / bottom-of-acceptable zone" pair of numbers, and just watch the trend .... if you start trending too close to the top, take extra care for a few days. If continually trending too close to the bottom end, add some extra snack or topping calories (could be fruit or nuts /seeds or something equally healthy) or just a few extra grams of everything ...
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    For anyone at or approaching transition to maintenance ... the following thread might give you ideas for your evolving long-term approach to this new phase of your life.

  • Astrue
    Astrue Posts: 510 Member
    2/25 13,795
  • Kittu125
    Kittu125 Posts: 360 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    Step Records (need to be in by ASAP today so that I can list them before they become "void for this week's standings" )

    @evangsimmons170 missing Mon18 through Sat 23 complete
    @Leni1us missing Thurs 21 through Sat 23 complete with help from reflectionofme (if Leni1us posts her own numbers, they will be entered)
    @jugar missing Thurs 21 (I got 2 since you pulled out ... )
    @mari_moulin missing only Sat 23
    @sue_01 01 missing Fri 22 and Sat 23 (reflectionofme sub for Monday - is sue_01 posts her own numbers, they will be entered)
    @Astrue missing only Sat 23
    @mickie48 missing Fri 22 and Sat 23
    @willrunformartinis missing Fri 22 and Sat 23
    @Kittu125 missing only Sat 23
    • If your name has a strikethrough, I have ALL your numbers
    • If your name is in bold / italics, I am missing one or two end-of-week numbers. Even if they get covered off for this week - let me know them and I will enter your official numbers for the "whole of month" record.
    • @Leni1us, I used @reflectionofme's numbers to cover your gaps, but if you post your own numbers, I will swap them in.

    Thank you, @reflectionofme for helping cover four of our gaps.

    I can only use one person's replacement numbers on one day's gap ... so if there are three people who track their steps and are not part of the Starting Lineup .....
    For maximum possible placement in the Team vs Team rankings, I need:
    Friday: name - steps
    Saturday: name1 - steps
    Saturday: name2 - steps
    Saturday: name3 - steps

    ... we made the podium for the first time last week ..... can we do it again?

    So sorry I missed Saturday steps .. so didn’t realize I didn’t post Saturday. That is my big step day usually but I couldn’t get to gym that day.

    Here is Saturday to Monday steps
    2/23- 6474
    2/24- Sunday- 12916
    2/25- Monday -13099
    Again I apologize for missing. I will make sure I post u til Saturday next time
  • Kittu125
    Kittu125 Posts: 360 Member
    Feeling discouraged... I know the progress of weight loss isn't easy and that there are struggles but when you do all the right things and it doesn't show on the scale its upsetting.I had a dinner party last night and didn't over eat and stayed well within my calories and I didn't have any desserts. Today I have an early birthday dinner and can't control what is being served to me. I get on the scale this morning and I'm thinking okay I should see a downward movement, but I'm up 2 ounces. I know that's not a lot but I am feeling really down about it. I hate when I hit a wall, I hope I haven't plateaued this soon. :(

    I also get the same thing some time but I just move around a little bit for an hour or so and finish my morning stuff and if I don’t eat anything and then weigh in again sometimes I am a pound lighter. So don’t get discouraged , it might be water weight some mornings. Mine doesn’t get down even I workout atleast 7 hours a week in gym on my bad week and eat within my calorie limit.

    But we will do this and will get there. Staying strong together in this 💪🏻💪🏻
  • NikkiDT9211
    NikkiDT9211 Posts: 39 Member
    Username: NikkiDT9211
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    PW: 203.8
    CW: 202.8
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I have been trying to find this in chart form for some time now ... "cause I can never remember the specifics.

    Please look it over, and as we move into a new month we should each determine what progress we have made so far - how far we each still have to go .... and whether our MFP profile expectations are still appropriately set to our new, current reality.
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    edited February 2019
    Kittu125 wrote: »
    Feeling discouraged... I know the progress of weight loss isn't easy and that there are struggles but when you do all the right things and it doesn't show on the scale its upsetting.I had a dinner party last night and didn't over eat and stayed well within my calories and I didn't have any desserts. Today I have an early birthday dinner and can't control what is being served to me. I get on the scale this morning and I'm thinking okay I should see a downward movement, but I'm up 2 ounces. I know that's not a lot but I am feeling really down about it. I hate when I hit a wall, I hope I haven't plateaued this soon. :(

    I also get the same thing some time but I just move around a little bit for an hour or so and finish my morning stuff and if I don’t eat anything and then weigh in again sometimes I am a pound lighter. So don’t get discouraged , it might be water weight some mornings. Mine doesn’t get down even I workout atleast 7 hours a week in gym on my bad week and eat within my calorie limit.

    But we will do this and will get there. Staying strong together in this 💪🏻💪🏻

  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,282 Member
    Steps week of 2/24

    2/24 - 8,250
    2/25 - 8,101
    2/26 -
    2/27 -
    2/28 -
    3/1 -
    3/2 -
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    2/26 - 10,622
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Weighing in today
    PW: 195.8
    CW: 194.6
    I would have loved a bit more off but I'll have to slowly chip away and tell myself that slow and steady is the way to go.
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,785 Member
    2/ 26 10,053
    Sorry Birthday yesterday.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Why Wednesday - Expanded to the "5.5 Ws" questions = Who, What, When, Where, Why ( and hoW)

    How has your month gone?
    What went well?
    Where will you make some more tweaks next month? (move exercise outside as weather warms? Try some new recipes? Buy some new clothes?)
    When did you start here in F2F?
    Who makes up your "off-line" cheer squad / support team?
    Why will you continue with us? What are we as captains and a supportive team doing Right, and what could we change up?

    Don't forget to let us send up a rousing cheer about any NSVs this week. We want to know!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Weigh-Ins due today (Wednesday)

    Head's Up Due Tomorrow (Thursday) ... or would that be heads down - looking at the numbers on your scales and then keyboard )

  • offitgoes
    offitgoes Posts: 755 Member
    Week: 4
    Weigh in Day: Wednesday
    PW: 178.2
    CW: 178.6
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    FEBRUARY GOALS CHALLENGE for Team Waistaway!

    Name: Mari

    Your Personal Challenge:

    FITNESS: Complete 5 - 30 minute workouts this week. Any form of workout counts. 🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️

    NUTRITION: Stay on or under allowed calories at least 5 days this week. 🍎🍎🍎🍎

    HYDRATION: Drink 2 liters of water every single day!!!! 💧💧💧💧

    SELF-CARE: Take some time for yourself and read a little each day. 📖📖📖📖

    Week 3:

    Sun - 🏋🏻‍♀️💧📖
    Mon - 🏋🏻‍♀️🏋🏻‍♀️ (morning jog + Zumba class)🍎💧📖
    Tue - 💧📖
    Wed -
    Thu -
    Fri -
    Sat -


    Sun - 15,969
    Mon - 26,594
    Tue - 10,434
    Wed -
    Thu -
    Fri -
    Sat -


    Sorry just catching up. I've been doing just ok.Water is on point and my workouts are good so far. I've been struggling with my food tho. I've been snacking a bit way too much these past couple of days and i have a feeling that its due to PMS. My periods have been funny for a few months now and i have PMS mch earlier than i usually do. hope i can get this under control.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    If our team captains agree.....

    I was thinking about a challenge for the month of March just for our team. As its Saint Patrick's day in march how about GREEN MARCH.....we all pledge a number of LBS lost for the month and keep our numbers in the green as much as we can in the spreadsheet. For example I will pledge to lose 4 lbs for the month and keep each week green.

    i will also pledge 10 euros for each lb I lose this month to the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA) in memory of my mom.

    Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (OCRA)
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,282 Member
    Steps week of 2/24

    2/24 - 8,250
    2/25 - 8,101
    2/26 - 12,994
    2/27 -
    2/28 -
    3/1 -
    3/2 -
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,282 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    Why Wednesday - Expanded to the "5.5 Ws" questions = Who, What, When, Where, Why ( and hoW)

    How has your month gone? The month went pretty well. I have lost a few pounds. Increased my exercise a lot, logged every day.
    What went well? I think managing to exercise six different times in a week was a real win for me.
    Where will you make some more tweaks next month? I will walk whenever the weather allows. I will also keep getting to the gym 4 times a week. I will try 3 new recipes.

    When did you start here in F2F? I started with F2F in February and I love it. I have been really committed since the new year and I am down 9.5 pounds.
    Who makes up your "off-line" cheer squad / support team? My husband is my cheerleader and my niece.
    Why will you continue with us? This group is very experienced and knowledgeable about the weight loss journey and most importantly, very supportive and motivating. What are we as captains and a supportive team doing Right, and what could we change up? I think you are all doing a fantastic job and just keep it up. Thank you for being our leaders. So happy to be on your team.

    NSV - I haven’t done my official measurements (Friday) but it looks like my waist size is down two inches this month.
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    Why Wednesday - Expanded to the "5.5 Ws" questions = Who, What, When, Where, Why ( and hoW)

    How has your month gone? [iIt has been an interesting month as I moved into maintenance for the first time. Did ok, but still working out the differences, particularly mental aspects, between active weight loss and maintenance. [/i]
    What went well? Stayed on plan and did not gain anything back

    Where will you make some more tweaks next month? (move exercise outside as weather warms? Try some new recipes? Buy some new clothes?)will work on establishing a better balance to my eating. I will also work hard on trusting the maintenance process as well as i did the active weight loss processThe

    When did you start here in F2F?Three months ago as i was working on those last few pounds before reaching goalThe

    Who makes up your "off-line" cheer squad / support team? my friendsThe

    Why will you continue with us? I need as much (or more) support as i figure out maintenance

    What are we as captains and a supportive team doing Right, and what could we change up? I really like the new daily topics that have been introduced. I think that all too often we focused much on the physical aspects of weight loss and not enough on the mental aspects. These topics help to better balance the whole process.

    Don't forget to let us send up a rousing cheer about any NSVs this week. We want to know!
    Survived a week trip to visit family (maybe biggest challenge to date :smile:

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