TEAM: The Slimsons (March)



  • Wildmage69
    Wildmage69 Posts: 45 Member
    Daily Post: Wednesday 3/6

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: No
    Goals/Day/Comments: Not enough sleep this week so far. Feeling wiped out tonight
  • batgirl140
    batgirl140 Posts: 433 Member
    Daily check in: March 6

    Calories: Under
    Exercise: YES!! Finally. I did about 40 mins of just general cardio movement with some light weights. I discovered I got some arm muscles! Woo! 😁

    Comments: This week isn’t going well. I’ve gotten my digestion all messed up and I’m working on getting that straightened out. Drinking water, taking probiotics and exercising all things I should be doing anyway. I’m feeling much better today but weigh in on Friday probably won’t show much. It happens. As long as I’m all straightened out next week will be better!
    Sorry if that’s TMI!! 😋
  • batgirl140
    batgirl140 Posts: 433 Member
    Wildmage69 wrote: »
    Daily Post: Wednesday 3/6

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: No
    Goals/Day/Comments: Not enough sleep this week so far. Feeling wiped out tonight

    Get some rest, it makes everything better!!

    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member
    edited March 2019
    genajonas wrote: »
    Username: genajonas
    Week: #1 03/06/19
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW: 216.2 lbs
    CW: 211.2 lbs
    Difference: -5 lbs
    Total loss since the start on 01/19/19: 16.8 lbs

    *****Happy Birthday to ME!!!*****

    WOW!! WTG!💪🏻😆💥💫 and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!🎉🎊🎈🎁💫
    Ver9nika wrote: »
    Daily post, wednesday, 06.03

    Track: yes
    Calories: more or less
    Exercise: no

    Sorry, team mates. I felt off the wagon again :# but almost got back today. 99% ate correctly, but had some chocolate at work

    Tomorrow is a new day-- don't look back--just move on.. we all have those days (ps: I ate too much chocolate today too🤦🏻‍♀️)

    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,315 Member
    Daily Post: Wednesday, March 6th
    Username: SLIMn2016

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes, under
    Exercise: Yes, Body Combat & Inclined Treadmill Jog
    Water: 171.6 oz.
    Steps: 13,091
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    genajonas wrote: »
    Username: genajonas
    Week: #1 03/06/19
    Weigh In Day: Wednesday
    PW: 216.2 lbs
    CW: 211.2 lbs
    Difference: -5 lbs
    Total loss since the start on 01/19/19: 16.8 lbs

    *****Happy Birthday to ME!!!*****

    @genajonas Happy Birthday to you indeed! And what a nice birthday gift!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    batgirl140 wrote: »
    Daily check in: March 6

    Calories: Under
    Exercise: YES!! Finally. I did about 40 mins of just general cardio movement with some light weights. I discovered I got some arm muscles! Woo! 😁

    Comments: This week isn’t going well. I’ve gotten my digestion all messed up and I’m working on getting that straightened out. Drinking water, taking probiotics and exercising all things I should be doing anyway. I’m feeling much better today but weigh in on Friday probably won’t show much. It happens. As long as I’m all straightened out next week will be better!
    Sorry if that’s TMI!! 😋

    @batgirl140 I'm not sure you COULD post anything that's really TMI for us lol. Anyways, hope you get back to normal soon!
  • Beckymomof3girls
    Beckymomof3girls Posts: 102 Member
    Daily post Wednesday

    Track yes
    Calories under
    Exercise no

    My youngest had a horrible night last night, and I really needed the extra hour of sleep this morning to function the rest of the day, so no workout today. My oldest is finally completely better and my middle daughter seems to be finally turning a corner. The baby also had a better day. Hopefully this will be the last big sickness this year!

    As for success, I have a list of things I want to do that right now my body can’t do. When I can start checking things off my list, I’ll feel successful.

    I also want to figure out how to be a good example for my girls. My mom instilled in me unhealthy ideas about weight and body image. I spent my early 20s smoking a ton of cigarettes and drinking black coffee all day. I was skinny, but not healthy. When I started eating like a normal person, I had no concept of when to stop and got into the habit of over eating. I also was self medicating my anxiety with over eating. So for part of me being successful, I want to provide a healthy example for my girls so they don’t end up almost 40 figuring out how to eat appropriately and appropriate amounts.
  • Beckymomof3girls
    Beckymomof3girls Posts: 102 Member
    @genajonas happy birthday!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    SLIMn2016 wrote: »
    @gemwolf110 @AB0215 & @CindyJNC1963 - My PCP has referred me to a Boston Hospital Derm office for a consult on skin removal--- I have not yet to book it. I definitely have skin on my belly (if you haven't had children and you're young, Ash, thinking of you, may not be as brutal as an issue). My thighs are bad---and it makes bathing suit season suck--big time! Not sure I'll be cleared for a tummy tuck, etc. bc of my leg injury-- I am prone to clotting, so they may say it's too risky. Tummy tucks are the riskiest of the surgeries.

    And as far as boobs go--- first things I lost😩🥺🙁😂 --I am pancake girl now--- more like flap jacks actually 😖😆😂😂😂 don't complain about those--- I am tall with nil boobs--- damn, I miss those!! 😆🤣

    @SLIMn2016 Actually, surprisingly, I'm still the same cup size, just smaller around. I don't know if it's diet or exercise related because I do weight train and the chest muscles are part of it, or if it's diet related since I am Keto....not sure, or even if it's genetics, I come from a long line of C and up cup sises so that could be part of it, either way, I'm particularly happy about that.

    As for the skin, the belly is really the only thing right now that has excess skin, and one way to know if it's fat or loose skin is to pinch it and if it stays pinched, it's loose skin and if it goes back, it's fat, and mine does both, loose skin on top of still some remaining fat, but it definitely looks a little crazy, don't have a normal belly button anymore, and I'm not sure I ever will.

    But as I've said before and this is probably because of the weight training, but my legs and arms are fine, just my belly. I've filled out a lot of what WOULD have been loose skin in those areas with muscle (and I'm particularly happy with how those areas look), but you can't really fill out your belly with, there's that. And honestly, I'm not really sure that I'll be upset with my belly all said and done, but it's really hard to tell...I just don't know where I'm going to wind up there, I'm hoping it's a manageable amount, and I'll just leave it alone, but if it's at risk for infection, then I'll do the surgery, but only time will tell there.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    genajonas wrote: »
    Daily Post (Wednesday)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Total 2535, Net 1876, Goal 2000. Under by 124 (calories adjust according to activity level)
    Exercise: Yes, Leg day
    Steps: 21,782
    Water: 72 oz (I struggled today with my water goal).

    I saved enough calories for this little Birthday cheat. Happy Birthday to Me!!!!

    @genajonas That looks amazing, I am so much in love with cheesecake (and cheese for that matter), if I had to give that up, I'm not sure my diet would have succeeded....just saying.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily post Wednesday

    Track yes
    Calories under
    Exercise no

    My youngest had a horrible night last night, and I really needed the extra hour of sleep this morning to function the rest of the day, so no workout today. My oldest is finally completely better and my middle daughter seems to be finally turning a corner. The baby also had a better day. Hopefully this will be the last big sickness this year!

    As for success, I have a list of things I want to do that right now my body can’t do. When I can start checking things off my list, I’ll feel successful.

    I also want to figure out how to be a good example for my girls. My mom instilled in me unhealthy ideas about weight and body image. I spent my early 20s smoking a ton of cigarettes and drinking black coffee all day. I was skinny, but not healthy. When I started eating like a normal person, I had no concept of when to stop and got into the habit of over eating. I also was self medicating my anxiety with over eating. So for part of me being successful, I want to provide a healthy example for my girls so they don’t end up almost 40 figuring out how to eat appropriately and appropriate amounts.

    @Beckymomof3girls My mom always used to say that if she ever made it through a holiday with the 3 of us (2 girls and 1 boy) without one (or all of us) sick, she might keel over. Having more than one kid really makes it hard to get over being sick....hopefully you're over that hump...

    A lot of the social culture in general sort of plays a role in what we have thought of as okay for most of our lives, and it's high time we change that culture, cupcakes for every celebration, finish everything on your plate, things like that...I think you're doing great and you will set a great example for your girls.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise:Yes, 30 mins treadmill, 15 mins elliptical.

    Comments: Rest day, did walk on the treadmill for 30 mins and 15 mins on the elliptical, feeling a bit sore in my calves, so I took it a little easier today, will pick it back up tomorrow.
  • BougeeBrat
    BougeeBrat Posts: 107 Member
    @Beckymomof3girls, @SLIMn2016, @AB0215, @gjaholy33 thank you all so much for the Birthday wishes!! I am hoping to celebrate 57 on a beach somewhere warm wearing a bikini showing off my sexy mature and much-earned body. Here is to a year of fitness and controlled healthy eating. I am an emotional eater so this is going to be very hard for me.
  • Gadgetgirl259
    Gadgetgirl259 Posts: 323 Member
    Daily Post: Wednesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: Rest Day
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Daily post for Wednesday 3/6
    Traxk: yes
    Calories: yes, under
    Exercise: lots of stairs at work, and got my 100 squats in
    Water: about 120 oz

    Since it was Ash Wednesday, I thought I would take advantage of the fasting and push myself a little bit. I have been over eating just enough to be about maintenance instead of losing.
    I would eventually like to try IF again.
    Just waiting till I am fully recovered from the flu. Still not there yet....
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)
    Track: yes
    Calories: on target
    Exercise: 25 minutes elliptical
  • BougeeBrat
    BougeeBrat Posts: 107 Member
    @gemwolf110 Thank you.
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