TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (May)



  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @enyagoboom, fantastic loss! You weren't sure how things were going to go, but they went really well!! Almost two pounds and into the teens!![/quote]

    It's been positive week. I had to fight a lot of urges back but I think the big take away from the week is that I can go out and have a good time without destroying and undoing my efforts. If I can lose a pound and a half a week? I'm on a good track for the end of the year, and I won't be miserable :) This group has been such a positive focus for me getting back into the swing of things!
  • enyagoboom
    enyagoboom Posts: 377 Member
    haha, whoops. i totally miscoded that. sorry!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    cossmoss15 wrote: »
    Thursday weigh-in

    Last week 127.0
    Today 126.2

    Wasn't expecting this. My weight was up and all of a sudden had big drops over the last 2 days.

    @cossmoss15, you gotta love it when that happens!!! Take it and run with it!!!
  • murdog3t
    murdog3t Posts: 2,033 Member
    May 15
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes
    60min yoga & meditation
    28 min cardio video
    Water: 88oz

    Happy Thursday
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    NSV today:
    We all know how pants can be a little snug out of the dryer after they have been washed. My pants felt extra big this morning, not wearing a belt was no option.
    Bonus: i’m at the last hole on my belts! Guess it’s time to buy some new ones

    @erikNJ, the scales may lie to us, but pants and belts always tell the truth!!
  • brandi_84
    brandi_84 Posts: 1,963 Member
    Mini Challenge
    Sunday 5.12.19: No
    Monday 5.13.19: Yes
    Tuesday 5.14.19: No

    Wednesday 5.15.19
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: no not really. I did some light housework to get ready for a couple of hours of puppy sitting. I didn't have to chase after the puppy as much as usual. I'm happy that I have been better about keeping under on the calories, though.

  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Exercised: yes P90X3 complex upper
    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Water: 9 glasses
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    May 16
    Tracking- yes
    Calories- yes
    Exercise- yes ( a brisk walk mile and half)
  • mickey10111
    mickey10111 Posts: 116 Member
    Weigh in Day

    Last week: 160.6
    This week: 164

    I had a very difficult and disappointing week. Hurt my back at the gym last Thursday doing deadlifts and have been out of the gym and work since then. This has resulted in me being around the house and the food more often. So frustrating because I felt like I was on a good roll there for the past two weeks.
  • miakelaa
    miakelaa Posts: 43 Member
    Logged food: Yes
    Net deficit: Yes - Over 1,400 calorie deficit!
    Exercise: Yes - Orangetheory class and 40 minutes strength exercises
  • prehistoricmoongoddess
    prehistoricmoongoddess Posts: 1,002 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    @HASWLRS I'm not going to weigh in for the rest of this month as I put on so much weight on holiday. I walked so much on holiday that I overestimated how many exercise calories I could eat. I always put weight on when I go on holidays and I usually lose it after a week, but I'm sure that won't happen this time.

    I am so annoyed with myself. I really wish that I had been able to weigh myself on holiday - I'm sure that is what has kept me on track up til now

    @prehistoricmoongoddess, welcome back! I am glad you enjoyed your holiday, albeit maybe a little too much!! I will transfer your weight over for May, and you can work hard at losing the holiday gain in the meantime!! The weight WILL disappear, but the memories are forever!!


    I will weigh in next Wednesday. My weight gain must have been water weight as it is coming off rapidly.

    I may be back to my last weigh in weight by next week if I am careful but if not I will not be far off.

    I think it is important to get back to tracking.
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    Username: jlbtnc
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Week's weight: 194.8
    Todays Weight: 194.0

    .8 lbs lost, I could let this upset me but I won't because it is still a loss and I know more will come off because sore from walking to the school the past 2 days in a hurry. Different hills to climb then my normal walks.
  • Tracie_Lord
    Tracie_Lord Posts: 1,761 Member
    May WK3

    Friday May 10th
    Meal logging - yes
    Under calories - NOOOOO, Cake cake and more cake!!
    Exercise - yes home workout
    fit bit stats - 11.671 steps & 54 mins active

    Saturday May 11th
    Meal logging - yes
    Under calories - yes
    Exercise - yes gym, shopping and homework out
    Fit bit stats - 14,888 steps & 87 mins active

    Sunday May 12th
    Meal logging - yes
    Under calories - yes
    Exercise - yes; gym, sunny walk and home workout
    Fit bit stats - 20,359 (PB) & 197 mins active

    Monday May 13th
    Meal logging - yes
    Under calories - yes
    Exercise - yes home workout
    Fit bit stats - 14,178 steps & 76 mins active

    Tues May 14th
    Meal logging - yes
    Under calories - yes
    Exercise - yes home workout
    Fit bit stats - 14,453 steps & 66 mins active

    Wed May 15th
    Meal logging - yes
    Under calories - yes
    Exercise - no
    Fit bit stats - 10,024 steps & 29 mins active

    Thurs May 16th
    Meal logging - - yes
    Under calories - yes
    Exercise - no
    Fit bit stats - 7,609 steps & 0 mins active

    Struggled big time this week, issues with my son have stressed me out and messed up my 'me' plan, Although I have stayed under calories my choices and nutrition have not been great at all. Topped with lack of motivation to exercise have left me more than a bit down tbh.

    Need to try and pull myself out of it. Out with friends on Saturday night so hopefully that will help with my mood and get m out of the rut

    ********* WEEKLY WEIGH IN ************
    PW 181.50
    CW 182.50
    1lbs gain
    116lbs total loss
  • heaz10
    heaz10 Posts: 311 Member
    Tracked: yes
    Under: broke even
    Exercise: 30 min aerobics

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes 30 min walk

    Tracked: yes
    Under: yes
    Exercise: yes 30 min walk
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