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TEAM: Run Track Minds (June)



  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    I can’t find spreadsheets anywhere.

    I had a look for you (should have done that in the first place, silly me) and you appear to be listed as weighing in Tuesday? Best if @johicks had a look for you & possibly change your day? Not sure that helps (or am I overstepping my place here?)
    Good luck.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited June 2019
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    I can’t find spreadsheets anywhere.

    I had a look for you (should have done that in the first place, silly me) and you appear to be listed as weighing in Tuesday? Best if @johicks had a look for you & possibly change your day? Not sure that helps (or am I overstepping my place here?)
    Good luck.

    Never over stepping! Greatly appreciated, @Perla4686. Thank you.
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Do we have a list of weight in days? I had originally put Monday but said Friday was ok too because many people were weighing in Friday’s too. I’m just not sure when I should be weighing in 😊

    @kristynkayte ~ What day do you want to weigh-in. I can change to what ever you want. :)
  • LMDlove230
    LMDlove230 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm sorry this is so delayed! But, I'm so excited to join this challenge, and this team! :smile:

    I'm Jill. 31 years old, momma to 3 boys...struggled with being overweight my whole life. I lost 108 lbs over the course of multiple years (and multiple pregnancies). But, recently gained back about 27lbs of that.

    Have been dealing with some health issues (unrelated to weight), and this is the kick in the butt I needed in order to get back on track to being the healthiest me possible!

    Can't wait to kick some butt! :smile:
  • kristynkayte
    kristynkayte Posts: 69 Member
    johicks wrote: »
    Do we have a list of weight in days? I had originally put Monday but said Friday was ok too because many people were weighing in Friday’s too. I’m just not sure when I should be weighing in 😊

    @kristynkayte ~ What day do you want to weigh-in. I can change to what ever you want. :)

    Not sure if they put me down for Friday’s or not but that would be great! Thank you!!!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    This is also why you need to check-in every day. Let the encouragement, support, and the daily mini-challenge posts recharge you for another day! Being part of a team of like-minded people will keep you going. We're doing this together.

    Remember we are . . .
    The three elements of what it takes to be successful at weight-loss and keeping it off are:
    Run -keep moving
    Track -know what you’re eating/ drinking
    Mind -train your brain to be positive about yourself and okay with change(s).

  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Good Monday to all my wonderful @RunTrackMinds teammates!! I’ve increased my exercise a little bit and I love the feeling that my muscles are giving me. Not sore, just HELLO Lady! Lol ;)

    @jupdyke ~ Sunday ✅ You’re so diligent about getting in some exercise. My inspiration!
    @LululovinLife ~ A steady stay the same is better than again. :)
    @JammyPea ~ I didn’t realize we joined the group at the same time. Fun! I’m glad my ramblings are helpful. They keep me focused, too. Thanks for sharing and participating in the conversation. Yes, nights are the hardest for sure. I try to plan my meals for the entire day; then pack or plate what I can. Then there are no more decisions or thinking about food. At night I have created a routine that I am still working at doing diligently. I have sticky notes on my bathroom my wall to remind me when I get home from work! You’re doing great! Look at that…. Another loss! With social events in the week, too. Wooohoooo!! Keep coming here at night to CLOSE the kitchen! :)
    @wander216~ Great start to the challenge, posting and being part of the mini-challenge keeps you accountable. Yeah!!
    @LMDlove230 ~ Welcome, Jill! Great job on losing that 108# We’re here to help you get that 27lbs back off!! You can do it!
    @kristynkayte ~ Fridays will be your weigh-in day! :) You’re welcome.

  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    Anyone struggling with nights and want to challenge yourself? I am in another challenge that is simple and more of a reminder and for accountability than it is a challenge. There's not a lot of chit-chat like there is here. I like it as it's another way for me to track and be accountable, specifically for nights. Here is the thread. @JammyPea
  • jwall309
    jwall309 Posts: 332 Member
    Hi team! My name is Jessica and I've been doing this challenge since March after getting serious about my weight loss journey in mid February. I had a come to Jesus moment with the scale and had been in serious denial leading up to that point. From February 2018 to this past February when I finally weighed myself I had switched from a full-time retail stock position, where I physically unpacked merchandise and prepared it for the sales floor, to a full-time desk job. Great for my career, horrible for my waist line! I also started a serious relationship and had a decent amount of relationship weight gain. I've lost up to 15 pounds at a time in the past focusing on extreme diet/lifestyle changes. This time I'm really trying to focus on balance and finding a way of living that is sustainable in the future, so far that has meant sticking closely to the plan Monday through Thursday, then relaxing a bit on the weekends. So far so good with a normal .5-1 lb a week of loss. I have noticed that Mondays I feel gross/bloated/blah if I go to off the rails all weekend, so I'm going to focus this month on only having one meal/ night out per weekend where I relax the reigns and staying on track the rest of the weekend.

    Daily Post (Sunday)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under, 1332/1380
    Day: Solid Sunday with a good mix of lazy relaxation and mild productivity to get ready for the week. BF came home from his parent's house with Indian food leftovers, so I couldn't resist having a little bit for lunch. I weighed it out and made an educated guess on which MFP entry to use. We then ordered hibachi and sushi take out. I thought I was starving but once I ate my one sushi roll I was stuffed! So I weighed out the hibachi to pack for lunch the next day.

    Managed to lose weight this weekend! WOOHOO! I usually gain a few water weight pounds after the weekend, so I am stoked that this weekend was a loss! Will help motivate me to stick with the new plan of limiting weekend cheats to one night only!
  • Qbaimee
    Qbaimee Posts: 157 Member
    Good morning everyone! Just checking in. So far, off to a great week. I am increasing my water intake (which was one of my goals for this challenge) and I will be tracking everything. Hoping to see some good loss this week.
    I am going to the gym tonight after work to walk for about an hour. In this New Orleans heat, I am not taking my butt outside for this walk. (I am usually an outside person and would rather exercise outside, but not today)
    I havent been in the gym for almost 2 months so this is big! haha

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day! Lets do this team!!!
  • klilev
    klilev Posts: 87 Member
    Username: klilev
    Week: June Week 1
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    SW: 196.6
    PW: 188.6
    CW: 189.8
    Did well: Exercised and stayed under my calories on travel last week
    Need to work on: Weekend and nighttime snacking when I'm home.
  • red1185
    red1185 Posts: 388 Member
    Good (almost) afternoon everybody! @johicks and @MaelynMayhem your replies are amazing, and help keep me motivated to keep going!
    I woke up this morning too late to go running because it’s already almost 90 degrees here, and I’m not trying to go running in that. I panicked for a minute about what to do, but then remembered I still have a wii with a dance game 😂😂😂, and if for some reason that doesn’t work I have an actual exercise dvd with Shaun T! Whew! I feel much better now! LOL
    Good luck, and happy losing everybody!!
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Username: jupdyke
    Week: June Week 1
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    SW: 160.2
    PW: 153.2
    CW: 153
    I'm happy that I had a loss, I thought for sure I'd gain, so I'll take the .2 lb loss.
    Did well: Exercise
    Need to work on: Weekend food intake
  • Watchme1989
    Watchme1989 Posts: 7 Member
    June 3, 2019 11:13AM

    Username: watchme1989
    Week: June Week 1
    Weigh In Day: Sunday
    SW: 297.8
    PW: (forgot what this means, sorry)
    CW: 296.2
    It's been a hard week, I actually got down to 293.6 but we had a lot of poor eating and goodbye dinners as a couple of family members moved out of state. This week will be better.

  • Toyota100
    Toyota100 Posts: 182 Member
    Sunday, June check in (Week 1) Late Entry
    Username: Toyota100
    PW: 221.8
    CW: 221.0

    Sorry late. I was a work with a note to remind myself sitting on my computers and still forgot.
    My goal was to be under 220 by end of May. Didn't make it, but getting there pretty soon.
  • Nige1313
    Nige1313 Posts: 9 Member
    Today's mini challenge:
    Exercise: 4.2 mile speed walk
    Healthier habits: drink more water! Tick!
    Goals: slow down and take it all in
    Onwards and upwards
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Today's mini challenge:
    Calories: yes, stayed under!
    Excersize: C25K W3R1, really buzzing!
    Healthier habits: must drink more water
    Day: stay in the zone!
    I hope I can keep it up!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    @jwall309~ I love how you talk about balance and how you feel after a weekend of not so great choices. Good meal planning/ prepping! I am trying to do more of that when hubby makes too many carbs for my liking. Awesome!!
    @Qbaimee ~ Good for you… 🚰🥤 How was the gym workout today?
    @klilev~ You did good while on travel. What can we do to help on weekends and at night? How about a nighttime routine? Or that Late night snacking thread I posted?
    @red1185~ Glad to hear that our posts are helping. That’s exciting to know. We want our @RunTrackMinds to be as successful as individuals and as a team! We all will be biggest losers!! Good back-up Plan A and B! What did you do to move?
    @jupdyke@~ Wow! And you thought you were gonna gain ;) Oh weekends. Right! You can do it.
    @Watchme1989~ Good start to the June challenge with a loss!! Family functions can be so hard!! Hopefully, we can help you figure out some strategies for future ones. Oh and PW = Previous weight. So next week your PW: 296.2 (this week’s current weight). :)
    @Toyota100 ~ You’re so close to that under 220 goal! Have you set any other goals that are non-scale? Good loss, way to start the month.
    @Nige1313~ Great day!!
    @Perla4686 ~ Good job with your calories and exercise!
  • johicks
    johicks Posts: 1,991 Member
    edited June 2019
    Daily Post (Monday 6/03)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: under 1300
    Exercise: Yes
    8+ water: 12
    Daily Goals/Habits:
    • Morning Affirmations:
    • Plan / pre-log food
    • Exercise goals> 2-3x/day, 30+m, 2-3/wk resistance: 53min
      =31m: morning workout
        [+]5m w/up [+]11m Cardio & Toning w/BodyFit by Amy (½ video) [+]10m bike & glider [+]5m cool down
      =22m: walk before & after work
    • One post-dinner snack: One.
    • Kitchen Closed! - YES! Ready to binge on Netflix!
  • jupdyke
    jupdyke Posts: 325 Member
    Daily post: Monday
    Calories: under
    Exercise: Strength training back and biceps
    Day: Made it through today with only 4 hrs of sleep. Glad this day is done. Heading to bed early tonight to catch up. Gonna get i. a nice run in the morning.
This discussion has been closed.