TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (June)



  • ZuWainah
    ZuWainah Posts: 13 Member
    About to hit the pavement, I’ve been procrastinating since it’s so hot outside. Had any suffered anterior shin splints? I’ve rested for an day and went out yesterday after feeling better.. did cause slight discomfort.
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    erikNJ wrote: »
    Welcome new and old friends. Sorry in advance for the “wall of text”
    37 yrs old and married with no kids and the best cat. Live in NJ and work in the beer industry, which you can imagine really helps with weight loss....
    12 years ago I lost around 60+ lbs and gradually I gained it all back. December 2017 I was back at my highest weight and had enough. I lost about 30 lbs over the next 8 months then I hit a wall. Wasn’t losing or gaining, then the holidays came and I put about 10 lbs back on. Lost all motivation for awhile until March when I decided to start intermittent fasting and gained my motivation back. I’ve lost an average of 1 lb a week since I started IF.

    Now the tough part. I am in for a rough summer with my job. I have stayed on top of my diet so far but have lost the push to get to the gym. The Vice President of my company put me in charge of his son for a summer job - which means the Vice President checks in on me EVERY DAY. I’m working much longer days and am stressed beyond what I can actually explain. I actually have a countdown for how many days are left until he goes back to school...
    I thought about quitting this group for the summer but I know that won’t help with my weight loss goals. I will try my hardest and hope I dont let the group down

    @erikNJ, first off, we are so glad that you didn't decide to leave....that definitely wouldn't help you reach your goals!! I am sorry that your job is leaving you feeling so stressed and overworked!! Is the son, at least, a good kid? Is he respectful and does he work hard? The absolute worst would be if he feels he is beyond reproach because of who is father is! A tiny positive in this is that the VP had faith in you as an employee and a person to be responsible for his son. Maybe if you do a good job, a promotion or a raise will be in your future? Just do the best you can this summer. But remember, at the end of the day, if you have decided to eat your feelings away, you will just be adding to your stress!! You will feel terrible, both physically and mentally, and that will stress you out even more!!

    Yes he is a good kid and wants to work. I have thought that they must trust me to put him with me as well. It’s just the 2 1/2 month micromanaging thatvis causing stress.
    And don’t worry, I am not a stress eater. I will stay on top of my eating. My downfall is that I don’t want to work out when I get in bad moods. After a stressful day the last thing I want to do is go to the gym
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    tracked: yes
    under: yes
    exercise: yes

    Sun: no
    Mon: yes
  • ForLangston
    ForLangston Posts: 951 Member
    tracked, under, and walking
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    enyagoboom wrote: »
    Ran-walked my 5k today! 51 min 15 sec at a rate of 15:51 min miles. Tracking hasn’t worked food wise - we’ve been on the run and my phone did something awful yesterday so everything I had marked down disappeared. Worse the scale is definitely showing my lack of discipline 😳. All good though, back on track!

    @enyagoboom, congratulations on completing your 5k!! Yeah, the rest of the weekend may not have gone to plan, but like you said, back on track!! The next 5k...a sub 50 perhaps??
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    swauters wrote: »
    Thanks @enyagoboom for making me think about this months goals.

    - I want to do my run training as intended every week this month.
    - add weight training 3x/week
    - track ALL calories, even when I know I have eaten enough for a week in one day
    - I have 3 weight goals this month. I am currently at 200.2 lbs. So goal 1- get to 199.8 to dip under 200. Goal 2- get to 199 to be at 35 lb weight loss. Goal 3- get to 197 to be in the overweight category and out of obese.

    @swauters, those are all great goals!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    LMK02020 wrote: »
    Username: LMK02020
    Date : Sunday 6/2
    PW:124.4 lbs
    CW:123.3 lbs
    Exercise: Yes, Saturday walked 5 miles, Sunday, biked 6 miles and yard work
    Logged: yes, within my allotment

    @LMK02020, well there's a great start to June!! Well done on losing a pound the first week!! Great exercise, too!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    enyagoboom wrote: »
    I did my re-start measurements on Saturday and just plugged them into my spreadsheet this morning. I am pleasantly surprised to discover despite falling off the wagon for a year, I'm still almost 11 inches down from my initial measurements when I started this journey two years ago.

    So, even though I've already missed out on one of my goals for the month, I'm still getting small NSVs and those help immensily. Have a good Monday all!

    @enyagoboom, I just told one of my other MFP friends to have a list of goals and other things that she wants to accomplish so that she can have some sort of measurable success even if the scales don't cooperate. Congratulations on your 11 inch NSV!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    pkg1998 wrote: »

    On a side note, @HASWLRS can I please change my weigh-in day to Friday? Maybe changing things up a bit will help get me on track.

    @pkg1998, you are now a Friday weigh-in person!! And a person who is back on track!! (I think they call that subliminal messaging!)
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    So, June started great from a social perspective, but not a health perspective :) I got to spend the weekend with some friends I haven't seen for a while and loved every minute! I'm proud to say I did get up for a run both Saturday and Sunday morning, and made fairly good choices about food, but didn't log a single thing. Still and all, I'm here for my first daily post. I guess I missed the first day (Sunday), so I'll have to be spot on for the rest of the week!

    SW: 191.9
    CW: 190 (weighed in this morning)
    Tracking: So far, yes, but it's only 8:09am :smile:
    Exercise: 26 minutes running - I'm a running streak of at least a mile a day since Jan 1, 2019!

    I'm looking forward to the accountability here. Thanks for including me!

    @jrh_this_better_work, almost two pounds gone, and after a weekend of socializing!! Very well done!! And in those types of social settings, I do not log either. I just do what you did...try to get in some exercise and make the best food choices possible!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    CaroDav73 wrote: »
    Its 6:20pm Monday eve been busy today helping my elderly parents redo their carpets so Im hoping moving furniture and ripping up old carpets counts as excercise, all food has been logged,im under my calories and my water intake has been bottle after bottle (could pee for the olympics), had a couple of biscuits (naughty) with a cup of tea with mum but at least it wasnt her cake(so could of had a slice) Hope your all having a good day :smile:

    @CaroDav73, ripping up carpets and moving furniture definitely counts as activity!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    edited June 2019
    Hi all, I'm new to this group. I'm a 35 year old mom of 3 boys - my oldest is turning 8 this week. We were celebrating his birthday with family this weekend, so I was off MFP. I started last month with the UAC, and found it was very helpful. Wanted to add another challenge - so here I am.

    June 1 - pass day
    June 2 - yes x3

    @DreamAchiever33, welcome!! Since you are already doing the Ultimate Accountability Challenge, you can just cut and paste your results here for the Mini Challenge!!
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,972 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »

    Also, @haswlrs, can I change my weigh in day to Fridays?

    @susanpiper57, your weigh-in day for the June Challenge is now Friday!

    Can I have my weigh-in day switched to Fridays?
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    brandi_84 wrote: »
    I have lunch with my parents at least once a week. I tend to use it as an excuse to eat whatever. Today I went for the 4oz grilled trout instead of the 8oz chicken fried chicken. It was really all the food I needed and it was delicious. I also had soda water instead of a sugary drink. So I still have calories left over to actually eat a good dinner too. Now, I just need to keep making those kinds of good decisions for the rest of the month and beyond. I don't know why that seems so hard sometimes.

    @brandi_84, this is fantastic, Brandi!!! Instead of going in focused on "what you want now" you went in focused on "what you want long term". The bonus was you actually enjoyed your meal and it was enough food and you had calorie room for dinner!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    ZuWainah wrote: »
    About to hit the pavement, I’ve been procrastinating since it’s so hot outside. Had any suffered anterior shin splints? I’ve rested for an day and went out yesterday after feeling better.. did cause slight discomfort.

    @swauters, you said you wear compression sleeves to protect against shin splints, right?
  • Krysless2
    Krysless2 Posts: 1,972 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Missing Sunday weigh-ins:

    @Krysless2, @LMK02020 and @missyms740

    Hi I know you're busy but when you see this I wanted to change my weigh in date to Friday.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    On deck for a Tuesday weigh-in:

    @ajaejae, @cmhubbard92, @drea2011, @eatingfoodles and @violasmith85
  • sandkp
    sandkp Posts: 669 Member
    Mini challenge
    Tracked .. yes
    Under... yes
    Exercise... yes 30 min stationary bike and 46 min weights.. leg day.

    Sunday yes
    Monday yes

    2nd day of the journey and back at the gym.
  • Nicoletime4me
    Nicoletime4me Posts: 531 Member
    June 3
    Tracking- yes
    Calories- no ( over by 236)
    Exercise- no ( leisurely walked for 15 mins on break not 20 mins as required at least I did attempt)

    @ HASWLRS I’m back in the game all the way despite what the scales says.

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